I was not ready to cross the line that kept me from accepting the bond that me and Ki-Pride share. It felt as wrong as committing a crime, just like this.

Here, I stand at the borders of Santo, ready as ever to provide me a safe heaven from rest of the world, yet, I couldn't bring myself to cross the threshold of my ome. I can not step over the borders and enter in the comfort of being back because this is not how I should have been back.

I am alone.

I did not bring the Virtues back with me.

I failed.

So now if I cut through the border, I am as good as a criminal.

But where else can I go? If I go back to the Santo, I will have to answer the people who know, who are waiting for some news, my team, my staff. All of them depend on my assurance that I left with them. Assurance of bringing the stability back by returning with the Virtues.

What the heaven am I going to do now?!

I looked up towards the sky, my teary eyes were not enough to describe what I was actually feeling from inside. Some where in the back of my mind, I was wondering where Pride was when I was being accused of the things I did not do?

Was he deliberately away?

Did he know what the Sins actually thought about me?

Did he question my motive too?

Was it all just a pretence, to make a fool out of me?

I should have known. Did I not know how famous the Sins are for their deceit? Yet I chose to act otherwise. It turned out horribly disastrous for me, with a total wastage of time.

Had I not acted in that complete rush, I would have saved myself from the torture of a few days that I had to endure there. I would have never discovered the stupid mate bond and all of this would have hurt a lot less than it is now.

I do not know where Pride is. I have no idea what Diablers are upto and I am completely at loss about the whereabouts of my sisters.

I wish I would have stayed back that day. I could have saved my sisters from whoever took them.


Suddenly a question popped in my head.

If, who so ever took the Virtues away is a Diabler, and I suspect that it can be Chao for my own reasons, then why wasn't I able to identify it?

If it were him, I would have known the second I came in contact with the essence of magic left behind in the castle. What the heaven is going on?

There has to be something.

Lust had said that magic can be covered for a specific period of time. That means some one entered in the Santo, broke in to the castle, someone who knew how to tackle down the old charms surrounding it, they took the Virtues and left where I can not reach, for now at least. When they arrived the castle, the magic did not reveal their presence, but by the time I reached the castle, it was too late. The magic had revealed itself in its most subtle way, making me unable to trace it.


"Not much. Just you." He said grinning.


"Ah the elusive death. I am afraid I can't do that for you my dear Humility. Though, shall I change my mind, that could be arranged too. You see Death is an old friend of mine."

I recalled his words. There was no need to strain my memory, the night was imprinted in my mind like it was just a matter of yesterday.

Chao's presence was thunderous. Like he was the war that crumbled down so many countries in the last century. The World War, as the mortals say. Though I am sure it was his doing. Must be bored out of his mind to entertain himself in such a way. His trace is no where near to what I experienced in the castle.

The scent was so hard to explain. Just like Chao said then.

Ah the elusive death.

He changed his mind and targeted my sisters. Didn't he?

It was not Chao.

Mortem. It was her.

My eyes widen when the realisation dawned on me. Mortem is the death Chao had dangled in my face that night. He said she was elusive. Hard to comprehend and very hard to identify. She is infamous for her subtle art. Thats why the magic had felt so soft yet so troubling.

Why hadn't I realised this before?!

He sent her to kill my sisters, didn't he?!

Or worst, torture to the death. Thats what Chao is all about in the end. Oh my Creador! What am I going to do?!

She has not killed them, yet, because I would have felt the awful feeling if she had. She must have noticed that there is no power left in them but the question remains the same.

Why did she take them and not me. If she is working for Chao then she should have stolen me instead of them.

I don't get this. What the heaven is going on?

I am missing something here. A piece of puzzle is yet to be discovered but how?

The Sun had fully risen over the land of Santo and I could hear the cities coming to life from distance. I contemplated the thought of whether I should return to castle or not. I will admit that I had no ounce of desire to witness the disappointed faces when I return so I decided otherwise.

I am not returning until I don't find Virtues and bring them back safe and sound.

Finally an idea hit my senses.

She can help me with this.

Without wasting any more time, I channeled myself into that known feeling of extreme suppression pushing me out and on the other side, to my destination. Once I felt the ground beneath me and my nerves felt stable again, I opened my eyes.


The elegant island was same as ever. I walked down the street looking around the familiar vintage warmth that the city was oozing out with. This place never misses its touch of gleam. Everything looked extra welcoming with the classic infrastructure. Streets were buzzing with the people getting through their days, working around merrily. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

This is why I love the place so much. It is not very different from Santo. The difference only comes down to the choice of vibrancy that people around here like more than anything. Fuego is a kaleidoscope.

I pulled up my hood and rounded the corner taking the route to her mansion. I walked a few miles before taking a bus that dropped me on the last stop to the extreme west of the island.

The retro place was exactly how I remember only that its porch was a complete mess. I entered through the large gates that kept the breath taking place almost hidden. The guards stepped back when I pulled down my hood and they recognised me.

Once I was right in front of the entrance, I rolled my eyes at the ashes beneath my shoes. The whole entrance was blocked due the stunt I know she must have pulled in her frustration.

"You don't roll your eyes in my premises, uninvited Virtue." I looked up when the familiar voice made its way inside my ears. There she was, standing in the balcony, grinning down at me.

"Oh yeah?" I rolled my eyes again but grinned back. "Tell me that again, didn't quite catch you the first time."

"Aging, not doing good with you?" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Real mature you are, Ignis." I faked clap in mock salutation.

"I know right." She flipped me off and laughed. "Be right down."

I waited for her to come down. Her heels echoed in my ear as she came around from the back of the house. My face split into a big fat grin as she opened her arms walking towards me and engulfed me into her bone crushing hug. I sighed into the familiarity of spicy essence that always surrounds her. She pulled back and I looked at her flawless beauty.

She was dressed in a tight leather crop top with a mini skirt and heels that could become a murder weapon. Her hair were in a new style again. This time her vibrant orange hair were cut short.

"Pixie eh?" I chuckled. Last time I was with her, she had long locks that reached down her back and that was just a month ago.

"Can't handle the long girly hair." She air quoted the girly and made a face. I smiled at her. I just couldn't help myself. "You look creepy, Shye."

"I have missed you." I said and seeing her again was making me really happy. This is the best I have felt in last few days.

"Aww look at you. Emotional and all. Ah but then lets not forget you are an Emotion." She laughed and I rolled my eyes at her antics. Always up for trolling the hierarchy. But thats what I love about her. Her out going style appeals to whoever is lucky to meet her. Specially me.

"So why did you burn this down?" I asked waving at her master piece. She sighed.

"Uh must be an accident. Didn't notice it." She said cringing. I know for sure that it was not the case.

"You are a terrible liar." I commented but did not push any further. I am in no mood to be burned down as well.

Ignis is best when not pestered. She has always been an extrovert, not really the meek type. I love how she experiments with her lifestyle every now and then but still maintains her unique aura throughout.

Her confidence is really an inspiration for many out there. The way she carries herself and knows that she does is what impresses me.

"So how come you are here?" She asked smiling at me and the situation dawned on me. For the time being, it totally slipped out of my mind.

"Lets talk inside." I suggested and she led me through the backyard and inside the home. I flopped on the couch in the living room. The place was known to me like the back of my hand. This was practically my second home. Whenever I feel low, I come here and Ignis? She has been there for me since forever. We are almost like sisters.

"What happened to you?" She demanded sitting beside me. My head was dangling on the back of the couch while I stared at the ceiling, not thinking about anything.

What happened to me?

Without holding myself back, I started narrating the tragedy of my immortality. My voice was unnaturally calm and collected. I told her everything.

"Holy shit! Pride is your mate?!" She exclaimed.

"What did you say?" I asked chuckling. She frowned. "Holy what?"

"Oh I learned it while I was on mainland." She giggled and I shook my head continuing the story.

"....and here I am." I sighed once I was done. "I know I should have come to you first and now I have no idea what to do. I shouldn't have gone to Impío."

A pause of silence fell over us before I felt a stream of heat seeping right into my veins. I frowned and looked at Ignis. An involuntary gasp escaped my mouth.

Oh this is not good.

Her orange hair were almost burning and I had to shield my eyes from the glare that blinded my vision. Her hazel eyes were gleaming sharply, on the verge of burning the whole house down. Her expression was one of the pure anger and fury, one that even Wrath couldn't match.

And I knew just why.

"That fucker is going down this time."


Ignis and Río are on my wall. Make sure to check them out.

Also guys, I have been working on the ending of this story and I am stuck between two alternatives.

1. Give the same old ending with Kian uniting with Shye. Happily ever after.

2. Make a sequeal focusing on the mate bond between them and how Kian is taking it against himself.

What do you think? Help me out here please.

Like, follow, review and comment.


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