The Sin's Virtue

I stormed out of my room, leaving Pride behind. An unusual feeling was occupying my rational thoughts and I did not want him to witness it. I did not want him to see how the hurt of him leaving was affecting me and I know how that would have been really tough to conceal if I were still there in his presence.

The truth is, I am like a open book, not really a fan of mysteries. In my opinion, things like these, lead you in a web of lies. The more you try to hide, the more it cramps your life, concentrates it and everything becomes sufficating. Then we blame our feelings for being so complicated when in actual its us who are always trying to hide things.

When you drop the act of not being vulnerable, it liberates you. I am not saying that it makes you come across someone as a weak character but rather a strong one who knows when to accept the reality than keeping oneself in the mirage of utter fantasy.

And I? I am exactly like that. To me, displaying emotions has never been a matter of great deal. I do not feel ashamed to accept that it pains, that things are hurting in the moment but then there is Pride.

No amount of focus and intelligence on my part can make me able enough to even guess one percent of what he may actually be thinking or feeling in the moment he is with me. He is like a solid wall of cement on his exteriors that I can not look past, to discover what hides within.

He is opaque. To me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

And its here, that he gets a leverage on me, doesn't he?

He knows what I feel, what I think. He knows the effect he as on me which makes him even more smug in my face. It fuels his already comprehensive knowledge, and to know that someone may respond to your touch in the ways you would feel satisfied, eases him, right? To have me as his mate, exactly opposite to him. I am like a game to him, a new piece to entertain himself in a section of his immortality.

So this time I decided against the usual. Now I understand why people hide what they hide. Exploitation, they fear that and that is the second nature of Sins.

If I had stood any longer in his presence, he would have tricked me into believing that I left him when in fact it was him who had left me in his den with those Sins who don't know anything.

I made my way downstairs and slipped out through the back door and into the large expanse of meadows at the back of the estate. I was thankful for the darkness around me which consumed me, hiding me away from a hologram in particular.

How did he even find me here?


Of course but is it possible through a hologram? I was surely not able to feel anything about him. There was no sign of his presence. It was like talking to my imagination. Well, almost.

Sighing, I sat under a tree, far away from the main property. Resting my back against the tree, I looked ahead over the dark night which was overshadowing everything around me. The sky was clear and looked velvety as I kept looking up and tried to find the constellations in the stars that adorned the dark sky.

A beam of light came into my side vision and I balled my fists knowing what it was or rather who it was. There was no sound of footsteps padding in grass considering he wasn't actually here made me feel like I was around a ghost.

Virtues and their traditions.

At least we are not lurking in people's bedroom with our technologies of holography in their face.

The ray of light became strong and sharp in the darkness as he neared me and came to sit right beside me and I looked away from him. If he is not actually here then I might as well pretend like he is not here at all.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not walk away when I am talking to you?" He had the audacity to sound annoyed and is it even worth the discussion? I walked away because you left me. Simple.

Say that to his face.

"Zero." I said in a clipped tone. "Because I am not even listening to you."

"Yeah? Then why did you reply?" He asked in a sing sang voice but I did not react in a least bit. I heard his soft sigh and a small ghost of a smile fluttered across my lips and I quickly smothered it. "You really do enjoy in challenging me."

I mentally rolled my eyes, still not looking at him. A groan escaped his lips and I smirked rejoicing in the moment very much.

"Look Shye, I am not very good at this but I know a discussion would be good right now." He said softly. "Why did you leave?"

I gritted my teeth.

"Lets say," I pretended to think and turned to him and looked straight in his eyes. "Someone was too busy for me."

He raised a brow at me in confusion and I shook my head.

This is so pointless.

"You mean, me?" He asked frowning. I did not reply. "What do you mean, Shye?"

"Don't tell me they did not tell you anything." I scoffed. "This is what you all do, huh? One leaves and others keep him in darkness?"

I knew my tone was harsh even to my ears but well it is what it is. Right now nothing matters to me more than my sisters and so all the Sins can take their highness and rot in that Sin villa for all I care.

"I am asking this one last time," Oh, the change of tone. I see. "Tell me what happened?"

"You don't get to use that tone on me, Pride." I said bringing my knees to my chest, I rested my head on it. "If you are so willing to know what happened then ask your brothers. Why don't you know anything anyways? Oh I forgot, you weren't there. Sorry, my bad."

I shelf my sarcastic self for moment like these, or people like this to be specific.

"They told me you left suddenly and I have been tracking you since then. I thought you went to Santo. Why are you here?" He asked looking utterly clueless.

I frowned. What?

"I left?" I asked, surprised. I stood up in frustration. Pacing around in front of him, I let my mind work over time and burn itself in the possibilities of what happened after I left.

Did they turn the whole thing against me? With what Pride is indicating, he is not updated on his brothers' acts and thinks that I left. However thats totally not the case. I turned around to look at him. He was sitting down on the grass looking really casual but it still gave me a fuzzy feeling in my belly which I ignored and tried to gauge his expressions.

He was staring at me saying nothing and I felt a so restricted to not be able to read what he was thinking so I just decided to ask instead.

"What did rest of the Sins tell you?"

"That you left saying you don't want to be there." He said frowning, penetrating my soul for the reason of my departure. "I thought, you left me."

I don't know why my jaw was not hitting the ground already when this was utterly scandalous.

"I did not leave! It was you who left me!" I exclaimed. "They claimed that I was plotting against Impío and the Sins and that Virtues are not kidnapped! And this was just a bluff to gain their trust! And you know what? They think I had some ulterior motive to be in Impío."

Pride had stood up from where he was standing to look me in the eye, to test my expression, if I was telling the truth or not.

"Why didn't you call me?" A chuckle escaped from my mouth and not long after it turned into a full blown laugh. The odds were looking so funny right now. I laughed so hard that no noise came from my mouth and tears started to roll down my cheeks uncontrollably. Through half closed eyes, I could see Pride's wide eyes staring at me like I was some lunatic.

Right now, lunatic just does not cover my case. It was like, I was losing all my sanity, slowly and subtly, in that moment. It felt like hours, before I finally sobered up.

"I asked for you Pride." I said and looked at him, all the humour gone from my voice. "But as they said, you were too busy for me."

"You know thats not true." He said, his lips set in a solemn line.

"I don't know what is true anymore." I scoffed. "Sometime, and you will question my motives too."

"I had enough of time to do that." He said as a matter of fact. "I didn't question it at Río's place, and I don't question it now. I know you are telling the truth."

"And thats why you left?" I asked turning away from him, afraid, if I looked at him, I would not be able to bear his expression on what I was anticipating next.

"For fuc-" He almost burst out but caught him just in moment and sighed. "I did not leave, Shye. I was in the city attending to some matter."

I frowned.

You are not the only one who has to look after her people, right Shye?


I turned around to see if he was actually saying the truth.

"You were in the city?" I asked dumbfounded. I stressed myself to the death just to know that he was in the city?

Good lord! How stupid can I get. I slapped my forehead, when I realised how foolish I had been all along. In all the haste of getting away from Impío, I completely forgot that he has got some duties too.

And here I thought he left me.

Actually, you were made to think like that.

"Yeah." He rolled his eyes. "Duty calls."

I clicked my tongue and shook my head for working myself up for no reason at all.

"You know I can never leave you." He said taking a step towards me and I matched his action, taking one back just in time.

"The deal is still on." I said looking at him in amusement. He smirked.

"Oh don't worry baby, this is just a hologram." He said swiping a hand right through my stomach and I shrieked. My reaction made him snicker and I glared at him for scaring the angels out of me.

"Creep." I muttered under my breath, taking my former place against the tree. All the frustration and mixed thoughts were wearing down from my nerves, leaving them tired immensely. Pride took his place beside me looking at me with lazy smirk plastering his face. "What?"

"So you call me Pride, when you are mad at me?" He mused cocking his head sideways and my face fell. I looked away. Greed's words came back to me. "Hey, what happened?"

"Nothing." I shook my head.


"Greed told me to call you Pride, okay?" I said it with a blank voice.

"It doesn't matter."

"It does. To me." I said remembering all the accusations. "All the misunderstandings created, well they are your brother so whatever."

"Look I don't know why they did what they did, but I am here for you." He said looking right into my eyes, pinning me with that striking gaze. "Don't let them get in our way."

"And if they get in our way?"

"They already are." He said. And for once I was able to point out an emotion in those eyes of his which alerted my senses. "They are restoring their side on the balance."

The trouble, in Pride's eyes was never a good sign.

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PS: check out Envy and Kindess on my wall.


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