The Sin's Virtue
Chaotic memory

Fear, is fine. Terror? Not.

That overwhelming feeling of anxiety? The worst.

However its just impossible for one to not feel the immense panic as long as Chao continues to share the same air with the unfortunate soul that stumbles in his path.

As for me? I am that unfortunate soul right now.

Sweat broke out on my forehead as I took in that familiar destructive trace in, which was like a frost, consuming my whole nervous system, icing it, leaving a painful shudder on its tail.

It was his presence alone that had affected me like this already and I have not even faced him as he stood behind me, waiting for me to turn around and dare to look at my nightmare standing in the dusk of this room, to look at him.

My brain started to project all the horrible encounters I have had with him all those years back and his face stood out among all, an image of him so acutely imprinted in my subconscious that I just could not help but fear for my life.

Turn around Humility. You don't want to come of as a weak person. Don't give him the satisfaction of getting in your head.

I took a deep breath and squared my stance, fighting down my chills, I forced myself to turn around and face the insufferable person that was vandalizing my life just so he can have a good laugh.

There. Just as I remembered him.

Sporting his usual messy hair look as if he just got out of the bed. His hair had a touch of curl in them, as black as his soul. His face, if that is possible, looked more smooth and flawless than before. His razor-sharp jaw line gave him that look of dominance that matched no one and the casual leather look matched his personality as he stood tall staring at me. The classic bad boy look was still his all time favourite after all.

My eyes finally levelled his, meeting those rusted copper irises, always swirling into a frantic commotion. His eyes were always so striking that even though I know how deadly they are, I can not help but be fascinated deep inside my thoughts. It was the only give away of his personality. His eyes, projected his foundation, his chaotic foundation. They always seemed to sketch what he was made for.

I waited for his familiar teasing remarks but none came my way as he just stood silently, gazing at me, drinking my presence in. I could feel my trance snapping away which took over my senses when I looked into his eyes, as the seriousness was situation started to crawl back under my skin. I could feel myself starting to shiver slightly as everything that has happened came back to me like a splash of ice cold water.

"Leave." I frowned but when I followed his gaze directed behind me, I knew who it was for. I am sure his rude tone was enough for Death to vanish from the room. I did not dare to look away and behind me to cross check but the absence of that frustrating trace was enough to tell me that she was gone which was even more alarming because that left me alone in a deadlock situation with Chao and who knows how long he will torture me.

I did not realise he was still standing on the threshold of the room when he lazily walked in shutting the door behind him. My cells jumped inside my body as the door clicked in its frame leaving me stuck inside with all my hopes thrown out of the window.

He lazily strolled in, his hands shoved in his pant's pocket and sat down on the couch where me and Death were having the conversation before this unwanted trouble interrupted us.

I do not know who this place belongs to but seeing how well he is familiar with the things around, I am sure he knows his way here.

"Sit." A command thrown my way like he owns me? There it was, a familiar surge of anger that always consumed me whenever he was around but I was afraid to unleash it knowing the power he had to snap me in two without even a second thought. It was different before, I presented my resentment openly to let him know how difficult he made my life but now? I think not.

I am aware of my mate now. One who I am starting to feel for and who knows when all of this is over I may seek something out of our bond, if I escape alive from this dead-end situation, that is.

You are willing to give kian a chance?

Lets not have that conversation right now.

I kept my grounds though, not giving into his commands. He can not boss me around unless I am very much wrong about something and he happens to be behind all of this. Until then, I am not listening to him.

He smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief that was too corrupt for his own good.

"Still mad on me?" He asked in a low deep voice.

I bit the inside of my cheeks to refrain from commenting anything. I do not want to throw myself in any of his verbal traps. I have had enough.

"Talk to me, Humility." He said pressing my rank. "Because if you don't, you might as well lose more than just your sisters."

My head snapped in his direction.

Oh he knows. He so knows about Pride, does he not?

"What do you want?" Unlike what I felt, the dread that was spiralled around me did not affect my voice. It sounded void, detached, far from all the emotions.

Well being one, gives you the perks of controlling them.

More like picking up the habits from one specific Sin. I have seen Pride doing this. Him mastering his octaves so effortlessly is a magic of its own.

"Nothing you can't give and just so you know, I am open to negotiations." He said making me wary even more than before but if I want this to over soon, I will have to comply with this excuse for an immortal.

I sat as far away from him as possible and kept myself on high alert if in case I needed to make a dash for the door.

"Why fear me?" He asked giving me a blank look and I felt like knocking his head against the wall so bad that I almost got up to do so. He could definitely do with some common sense.

"You have damaged my life enough already." I said in a quiet voice, recalling how mentally traumatic it all was. "I don't think I have forgotten that quite yet "

He sucked in a sharp breath and I saw his expression shifting, his jaw clenched and nerves tightening on his temples.

"Why don't you believe me?" My eyes found his as he asked me the same question he did all those years back.


Some one nudged my foot again and again and my eyes opened to see a blurry figure sitting at the foot of my bed. I jolted up in panic but the person was quick enough to slap a hand on my mouth to keep me from screaming in the dead of the night. "Sshh. Easy. Don't have to wake up the whole Santo just yet."

The silhouette of the man lighted up as he came under the beams of moonlight that were coming in through the glass windows and all my moves in protest died down instantly as that deep, throaty voice revealed its owner.

A new kind of panic, that I had never felt before this once, settled inside me as I grasped in the otherworldly features of the man who was absolutely unknown to me.

Who is he? How did he come in? Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

More importantly, why?

He lowered his hand when he realised that I was not going to do anything but my mind was churning in a different direction. Suddenly, a trace fluttered around me and my senses twisted in a sickening motion as the overwhelming odour made me realise that the man in front of me was from the hierarchy and the one that was not known to me.

"Who are you?" My worry was evident in my voice. The lack of knowledge was frustrating right now. The man did not say anything for a while and I did not dare to break the silence either.

"If I told you who I am, will you accept me?" He said in a hopeful voice, one which confused me. Accept him? What does he mean by that? I gasped mentally when I noticed how his irises were continuously swirling in a frantic motion. It looked mesmerising under the soft light of the moonlight that was illuminating his features.

"Accept you?" It was like, I was under some spell, that kept me from responding to this man how I should. Sure there was a tension building but its like he was holding it down with some magic and refused to allow me to act on it.

"Yes because I have been waiting Shye, and its time you should know." He said and the fact that he took my name in such a pressing, advancing, amiable voice was alarming in so many ways.

"Wh-what do you m-mean? H-how did y-you get i-in? What do you want?" I wanted answers. Badly. This man had a motive and has me at such a vulnerable moment.

"Don't be afraid of me, please." He said shaking his head. "I am not going to hurt you."

"Then why are you here?" I asked braving myself enough to ask him without stammering.

"To tell you that," He bit his lip and then released it, taking in a breath. It looked like he wanted to say something that I would not like and he knew that. "I love you."

All of my senses shut down, completely.

"Don't. Don't do that." He said grabbing my face. "Look I know this is a lot and I just came in like that but please just listen to me before you do something."

I wanted to get away. I did. Those eyes were now hardening in a very terrorising way and I knew whoever he was, it was not good for me to be around him. His unsettling trace was enough of a warning.

"I love you Shye. I have been loving you for a very long time and it took a lot to convince myself that its okay to let you know, that you will accept it after you know who I am and you won't push me away so please don't." He said in a weak whisper like it was tearing him apart.

"I don't even know you.." I tried to say hoping he would just leave because this felt wrong. His hands that were still holding my face, his touch was not enlightening my mark. No sparks. He was not my mate.


My soul sunk down in the dumps.

Diabler, follower of the destruction.

I sucked in a sharp breath. This is bad.

"Please leave me." I begged once I realised how dangerous this was becoming. His eyes froze all together, his hand leaving the contact with my face.

"You don't believe me." He stated as a fact. His eyes back to their frantic state, which now I know was because of his rank. He shifted closer to me and held my hands in his, holding them tightly to the point it hurt.

"Why don't you believe me?!"

"How can I?" I asked not looking at him. Right now I was more afraid about my life. His rank in the hierarchy and his personal designation was chilling my existence.

He grabbed my face and turned me towards him. I looked in those majestic eyes that were keen on confusing me. I just could not point out what he was thinking.

"You can and you will."

And he crashed his lips on mine.

The only time I tasted hell personally.


Hey guy!!

First off really sorry for the lazy updates. Been really busy with some uni work. Just bear with me.

Secondly, please please review the book if you are reading it.

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