I was running out of the time. Quickly and without anything done. The time was swiftly passing away and all I did was keep myself locked in the room.

Even though the death was staring me in my face, standing just a few days away, I felt nothing. Surprisingly I was feeling no amount of emotions whatsoever. There was a void, just void that had me at its mercy.

I did not feel fear, for whatever was coming for me was inevitable. I now know that I can do nothing about it, I failed my sisters, I failed my people, I failed Santo and I failed my mate.

I failed myself.

And as I sit here doing absolutely nothing, I felt empty and I was to be blamed for it entirely. I deserve it.

When Kian left that day, I tried contacting him but no amount of begging from my side was enough to get his reply. He has shut me out, in fact I would not be surprised if he does not want to do anything with me now. I brought this upon myself. I let my curiosity prevail over the respect of Kian’s privacy and it did me no good. I am alone and waiting, waiting for the fate to see this through, to be done with me.

I know I would never find peace, how can anyway when I know my sisters are suffering because of me? Or my mate is hurt because Of my actions? All I wanted was to know who Kian is but I know this too that my way of knowing that was wrong. He trusted me and I let him down. I should have never read his diary. I can not even begin to imagine how betrayed he must be feeling.

All I want to do is tell him how guilty I am for what I did to him, all I want is to make sure that he knows how much it hurts me to see him like this and how truly sorry I am for hurting him. I can’t though. He does not want to see my face or talk to me either.

This was not how it was supposed to end. My sisters should have been safe and sound and back in Santo by now and I let them down too.

I did not deserve to be alive.

I sighed as those thoughts played in a circle in my head. It was an endless cycle of self blame that I was stuck in and knew well enough to know that it was all because of me.

There was a soft knock at the door and I looked at the clock and frowned. It was past midnight and there was no one else in the house except for me and Vita. Maybe it was her.

I opened the door and it took me more than just a second to register who was standing in the threshold. I flung my arms around Ignis who returned the hug just as affectionately. I pulled back and looked at her for reassurance.

I could not believe that she was here.

“Damn girl you look terrible. What happened to you?” She said and I laughed through my tears that were flowing down my cheeks. It was when I hugged Ignis that I realised how lonely I have been these days, first my sisters and then Kian, all of them were gone.

“What are you doing here?” I asked instead, how did she know I was here anyway?

“Got Vita’s message. Everyone is here, c’mon.” She said while making her way back into the hallway. I followed her quickly outside.

“Wait everyone, who?” I asked urgently, hoping for Kian to be there too, but Ignis did not answer anymore and went downstairs with me hot on her heels.

I stopped in my way when I saw the drawing room packed with people from the hierarchy, their traces all mixed up all at once made it very difficult to identify anyone. All of them looked up at once where Ignis and me were standing in the door way.

I took in a deep breath as I let my gaze roam around the room. There were elements, Creadas and the Sins, all of them cramming in one place. The room screamed with the power that could blow up the whole surrounding in one move but that did not worry me, it was the one person’s presence I was solely bothered about as he stood away quietly near the window with arms folded across his chest and staring out the window with unreadable expression.

I gulped a sob as I saw Kian. Even though he did not look at me, I was contend enough that he was here and decided that I will approach him after the meeting that was in order.

“Hey little Virtue.” Lust winked at me as I passed him and I smiled gratefully. Vita stood up and came in front of all.

“Thank you everyone for coming here on such a short notice. I hope you understand the gravity of the situation.” She said looking at each and every person in the room. I stood silently in the corner as I looked at everyone who was there. All the elements looked serious and were listening patiently as Vita spoke about the problem that we all were facing. The Sins where as looked amused. “As you know that the Virtues are all being held captive by Diablo...”

“Wait, what?” It was Greed, he looked at me and I shrugged in the manner that said ‘I told you so.’ I was never lying. Its their fault that they chose to believe otherwise. “You did not tell anything about this including Diablo as well, Kian?”

He was glaring at Kian who returned the favour with a chilling look that made Greed shut his mouth and listen quietly. All my hope of approaching Kian seemed to be going away. He clearly looked cold and unbothered by my presence. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“If I may,” Vito gave him a look as well and continued. “It happens to be that Diablo wants something in exchange of Virtues and it is not possible to meet that end of the exchange.”

“Why? What does he want?” My eyes found the element of Snow, Nix. He was quite standing out from all the others with distinct sharp features and his infamous white hair standing out in all directions. He was very intimidating as he looked through his narrowed eyes at Vita who did not look affected by him.


A dark silence fell over everyone who looked aghast and pale as if they heard the news about the end of the world. Well in a way it was the very case. All of them had their jaws hitting the floor and eyes opened wide. The shock was unsettling but it was very much there.

I wanted to laugh in the faces of all Sins who looked like they were hit by a train but my nature did not permit so. If only they had just listened to me sooner then maybe the situation would be in our hand.

I looked at Río who gave me an apologetic look. I just nodded in acknowledgement.

“But thats not what our concern is right now.” Vita said and I realised it was time to tell the truth. “The thing is Creador is gone.”

“What do you mean?” Ignis frowned.

“We don’t know where she is.” Vita shared a look with Pracia who is also one of the Creadas. “She has been gone for ages now and we have no idea about her whereabouts.”

“Wait a minute.” Ignis stood up clearly looking frustrated at the new found information. “You both are her assistances, if you don’t know about her then how are we suppose to do anything? Whats even the point of this meeting?”

I bit my lip as Ignis spoke what I have thinking about all along.

Whats the point? Its all going to end one way or another.

“The point is that we negotiate.” Vita said as a matter of fact. “Thats our only chance at getting Virtues back.”

“And with whom? Diablo? Don’t you think that would be a little too impossible?” Lust said with a blank expression, showing how stupid the idea sounded.

“We don’t have any other option left.” My eyes fell on the elegant girl sitting next to Aire. Silva, element of Forest. She looked at everyone in confirmation. Nobody said anything except for the small nods that were exchanged.

I, on the other hand, had nothing to say at all.

Soon everyone agreed with Vita’s idea and decided to execute the negotiation tomorrow morning. The meeting got over and few people sat in the kitchen going over the details while the others went to rest or just roamed about the house.

Kian was gone again. I did not even get a chance to catch a hold of him and just apologise. Dejected, I made my way out of the back door and sat on the deck that was built beautifully.

I sighed as I looked around me.

Nothing seemed right at this point. I wanted to just hold on to something, anything but there was no hope that could give me a sign that there was still a last chance at making everything right. I am so grateful for everyone being so supportive despite their differences, but no matter how much they do I know it will only lead them to their disappointments.

Negotiation? Whom am I kidding to? Our doom will come either way when its Lucien who is on the other side of the table.

Hugging my knees as I rested my chin on them, I went through my life in my head. Smiling as I thought about all the times me and my sisters were together, through bright and rough times, caring for each other. It feels like another life time without seeing them.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about what could have happened if I had just stayed back with them that day in the castle. I could have saved them. It is all my fault that they are gone just like its my fault that Kian is gone too.

“No its not.” I looked up to see Kian standing a few metres away from where I was sitting. I did not know whether to be happy about him being there or embarrassed about the fact that I just thought out loud.

“Yes it is! I was wrong to go through your diary. I should have respected your personal space and I am sorry that my curiosity took better of me but I swear Kian tha-“

“That what, Shye?” He looked apprehensive, almost cautious and it pained me to look at him like this.

“That I never wanted to hurt you.” I admitted, shamed at my mistake. “Even though thats what I did and I am truly sorry for that.”

He ran a hand through his hair just like he does when he is troubled.

“I am sorry Kian.” I repeated to myself but he caught it anyway and looked at me with unsure eyes and I felt so helpless as he searched me for assurance. I could do nothing that would show him how it was breaking me not to have him by my side.

Suddenly there was loud thunder that hit the dark sky. I jumped out of fear as the roaring sound of lightening all across the sky continued. All around us, the wind started blowing at the speed of light. I couldn’t hold myself in the place as I was pushed violently by the wind that threw me back at the cabin wall behind me with a loud bang. The force with which my head collided with the wall had stars dancing in my vision. Kian screamed but I couldn’t hear him properly over the loud noise of changing weather which did not look casual at all.

I heard distant nosies of everyone. I guess they all were coming out, I could tell with the rushed steps that were nearing. Someone ran and came towards me as I tried sitting up.

“Humility!” It was Lust. “Hey! Are you okay?!” He helped me up as I tried to focus on what was happening.

“What is happening here?!” I looked around at worsening atmosphere as everyone shouted over the roaring thunder that looked evil. All of them were holding each other from blowing away in the wind that was promising enough to shake us off from our life. “MAKE IT STOP AÍRE!!”

“I CAN’T! ITS OUT OF MY CONTROL!” I saw Aíre struggling to tame the scenario but failed. I took the support of Lust as he stood by me and looked worriedly for Kian and found him struggling to keep his balance near a tree.

And then it was as if it was all just a heads up for something that we had never thought of, as all of it stopped like it never happened. Nobody moved, all of us looked at each other in questions that were answered by the dark mist that circled around the house and cleared only to find that our doom had come a day before than we planned.

I never thought about my death very much but as he looked right into my eyes, I felt eerily calm and ready to be lost in my failures.

“Its good to see you again my dear, Humility.”


Hey guy.

So as ya’ll know that the story is about to end soon and just for fun, I thought about this and I want you guys whoever is actually reading this book and into it don’t be a silent reader because I’ll really like to get to know you guys. Drop questions about the book or about me whatever you wanna know about us and I’ll answer them in an extra part at the end. I hope you guys response.

Also stay safe in these times.

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