The Sin's Virtue

Life changes. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day and every month. Just like mine did. It brings joy, sadness, tears, challenges, dilemmas and as a matter of fact chaos too. Though us immortals have a life none less than the madness yet there is a method in it and today, it served me calm.

After months of wait and pretended patience, I was finally ready to accept this calm for the rest of my life and it was going to be my forever privilege.

It was in these months, the wait that showed how my soul was a piece, delicately cut out from my mate’s, waiting to be sewed back together with the thread of ceremony which will make me his, for an eternity.

I thought about how I have been never happier, it was in very true sense, liberating. I was going to going to be tied in a bond and ironically it was setting me free, it was magical.

“Shye, its time.” I looked up as Karen stood in the doorway, wearing a high neck burgundy knee-length summer dress, with her slim shoulders showing off, her hair was neatly tied up in a hairdo with a flower tiara complementing it. She looked beautiful. I smiled.

She gasped as I got up and straightened my gown. I was wearing a mermaid cut, off-shoulder gown that had a sweetheart neckline. It hugged all my curves in the right places and flowed down from my knees like a trail of clouds. I felt flattered as I looked in the mirror for one last time, my hair all straightened with iron down my back. Minimal make-up, just as I liked it.

Karen made her way over to me and slipped a garland bracelet on my wrist. It was my favourite orchids. I blushed at thought of realising who it was from.

Slipping into my stilettos, I looked back one last time and before stepping ahead to start a new chapter of my life. Karen helped me in getting downstairs without tripping over my own foot. I smiled as I saw everyone waiting in the ballroom, chattering and laughing. It all ceased and turned into collective gasps and astonishment as I stepped into the room.

My sisters were all beautifully dressed up according to the decided theme and it made me emotional as I watched them. I was almost teary eyes.

“You look so beautiful, Sister.” Noa said and all of them nodded silently making me grin goofily because I felt beautiful and there was no denying in that.

“May I have this pleasure?” My attention turned towards the extended hand, and I smiled at Ignis before taking it. I asked her to be my best man well, woman and she happily agreed to walk me down the aisle. Karen was my maid of honour. She had been incharge for all of this, and had been working on it for months to make it all as dreamy as it is today.

We left the castle and they helped me to get in car, Ignis and karen with me. Rest of them took another car behind us. The whole castle as well as Santo was decorated in the colours of our day, celebrating the first ceremony of Virtues. It was all very overwhelming.

Soon, we were outside the gates of my favourite meadows which extended into a beach at the end. The whole field looked so enchanting as I got out and stood at gates, ready to do this.

Laila and Caris came beside me, covering my face with the veil and handed me a bouquet of orchids. Again. I smiled as it all started to become a promising hope of all the good that was coming my way, our way.

That was the ultimate thing that kept me assured and peaceful, even though my whole body was tingling with the flutters of anticipation. On the cue, the music started, a raw and happy melody flowing not just in the meadows but throughout the city. There were people crowding on the streets across the state, it was almost impossible for administrative committee to hold them back considering there were not just people from Santo but Impío as well.

My sisters walked ahead of me, ceremonially as the bridesmaid do and finally, it was time. Ignis escorted me through the meadows, where the rows and rows of benches were arranged on the either side of the path seating all the guest from hierarchy and other important officials from both the states, the path that was leading me to the prince of darkness, a gentleman whose eyes met mine as he smiled, a smile of knowledge, knowledge of my love for him.

There he was, intactly wearing his glory, standing with squared shoulder and pride, waiting for me. I saw Aurdon standing beside him, his best man. I could not help but blush when I looked at Kian, my breath hitching in my throat as he came down the altar and extended his hand towards me. He was so insanely perfect, it made me want to pinch myself to check whether he was actually mine.

I looked at Ignis who smirked and gave my hand away in Kian’s to hold, permanently.

“You finally deserve her, brother.” I felt warmth at Ignis’s words. He was a part of family now. The sparks between us were the finality of the moment. He brought me up at the altar which was grandly decorated and we stood facing each other. I was lost in him and there was nothing that could pull me out of it.

The service offeror started the ceremony with the prayers and it all started to centre around my mate who was holding my hands in his, giving me one of his reserved smiles.

My heart skipped the beat.

“You may now exchange your vows.” I smiled at Kian as he decided to go first.

“Can I first tell you how beautiful you look?” He asked with an innocent face as everyone started chuckling. “Because you do, Shye.”

A lone tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at him from behind my veil.

“And I love you as I love no other. All that I am and all that I have, I share with you. I take you, Shye, the Virtue of Humility, to be my marked mate through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever.”

He slipped a ring on my finger, to seal his vow.

I smiled taking his hand in mine, and cleared my throat.

“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. You will never be alone, for I will walk by your side, as your marked mate, your companion and your lover who, takes you, Kian, the Sin of Pride, as her soulmate for the life that waits ahead and with this ring, I ask you to be mine.”

And with that I sealed my vows by the placing the ring on his finger, just where it belonged.

“Very well. Now I shall ask all the guest to please stand up, witness and bless the marking of two souls that found their better halves as they promise to be each other’s for rest of their life.” The offeror said and everyone stood up for the prayer. “You may now kiss the mate.”

I bit my lip to contain my grin as Kian smirked and unveiled me. He grabbed my cheeks, caressing it, nuzzling his nose with mine.

“You are mine.” He whispered and kissed me.

The kiss that sealed our fates together, forever. We both smiled as our lips met.

“You Virtue.”

He chuckled and turned towards the crowd that was hooting and cheering in happiness. We walked down the altar together, hand in hand, everyone congratulating us for everything we had accomplished together.

We talked with each other for a while, attending guests and enjoying together before my sisters pulled me away for getting ready. There was a dinner arranged at the beach, a small party for everyone. I excused myself and went to the make shift guest house along with all the girls. We changed into party outfits and got ready.

I was wearing a silver sequin, backless dress that reached just below my knees with matching heels to go. Karen forced me highlight my makeup to match the “hotness” of Kian. She is crazy.

We made our way to the docks at the beach were the party was going on. It looked beautiful with the sun setting down behind the horizon, twinkling fairy lights everywhere highlighting the evening glow of the sky.

“Hello gorgeous.” I turned around as Kian stood there with his jacket off, and shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looked yummy.

“Hey yourself, mate.” I said chuckling and went to hug him. He sighed as we stood in each other’s hands for quite some time.

“Oyi! Love birds! Come over here!” It was Dinone who hollered from across the beach docks and Kian laughed while I just blushed as everyone grinned at us.

We made our way to the table that was set for the dinner and sat beside each other as everyone took their respective seats. They opened champagne and started the dinner while having a good laugh. I looked around not believing at how well it all turned out be. How fond everyone had grown of each other over the past few months, ready to keep their differences aside and move on. There were murmurs of talks and occasional digs made at each other from across the table but it was all in good nature.

It couldn’t get any better.

My eyes found Aurdon as he stood up, clinking his glass.

“Alright everyone! Our new cringe worthy couple,” everyone laughed as Kian threw a napkin at him. “Well you all have been a part of this, we all made out through some difficult times together and I am happy to see how these times made us realise the importance of being there for each other, being strong for our loved ones and most importantly fighting for the love that holds a great deal of life within us.” He looked at everyone smiling. “The love that changes us for better or worse but you, Shye, you changed my brother for greatness and I think thats the most beautiful thing about you being his mate. I hope you guys laugh and live together without being the typical infamous sins and virtues.”

Everyone guffawed at his speech but he was not wrong though.

“To Kian and Shye!”

Everyone cheered with their raised glasses and got up to dance and have fun.

“May we?” Kian held out a hand for me and we both went to the dance floor as they played a the song for our first dance.

He brought me close to him as I rested my head on his chest. This was all I ever wished for. We swayed to the slow but happy beat that was soothing my ears. I closed my eyes, enjoying the calm heartbeat of Kian beneath my ears.



“I love you.”

I looked up at him with wide eyes. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Thats the first time you have ever said that.”

“Not the answer I was looking for.”

I chuckled as he pecked me on my lips.

“I love you too.”

“Do you now?”

I narrowed my eyes at his teasing tone.

“No I don’t.”

His expression changed and matched mine.

“Say that again and I’ll spank you right here, right now.”

“You wouldn’t.” I said throwing my hands around his neck like a garland.

“Try me.”

“Mm I plan to do that.”

His eyes widened at my words and I chuckled.

“I am a bad influence on you.” He said smirking.

“That you are but I adore you.”

He twirled me around and pulled me in for another one his passionate kiss that I have grown to crave more and more by each passing day.

“Of course you do, you are my Virtue after all.”

And I could not deny but be just that for him.




Hey guys!

I can’t believe this is over now, its been 11 freaking months since I first started writing it and I am happy at how it all turned out to be.

I am grateful for all of you guys who have supported it so much and kept up even through my irregular updates. I love you all so much.

So if you want me to do a chapter telling you about some facts about the book, lemme know in the comment box.

Stay safe and comment, review and follow!!


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