I like to think that I am physically fit and by that I am not talking about my immortality. I just really like working out. I know that sounds such a mortal thing but then thats true. It gives me an escape, from pretty much everything. Its the only time I feel like I focus on myself.

But as I ran away from the chilling truth which stood back there in the form of a Sin, I could do nothing but wince in pain at my protesting muscles. I rushed out of the mansion and into the long driveway. I spotted my SUV which Río must have brought with us when we apparated from Impío. I hurried in its direction.

When I was almost there, it struck to me that I didn’t have keys on me. I kicked myself mentally but in no way I was going back in there. So I kicked at the handle of the door. I pulled at the lock hoping that it would somehow open miraculously but it didn’t budge. Not even a bit. I kept trying though. All in vain.

I felt my stomach churning in a very sick way. It felt really dizzy, so I rested my head on the glass of window.

My head hurt from all the million and a one thought that kept bustling all around my brain. I couldn’t help with it.

I couldn’t help but think about the fact that I just discovered.

I wanted to curse my situation but I can not. How can I? I don’t have that in me.

And what should I curse about? The fact that my sisters who happen to be Virtues as well or the fact that I just found my mate.

My mate?

I have always wanted a mate and to be honest, there was a time when I was determined to find one but over the last few centuries, the thought just slipped through my brain. I mean I knew there was someone out there but the probability of him being a Sin was zilch. At least in my opinion. Not being biased here but it never occurred to me that he could be a Sin as well.

I mean how is that even possible?

I clutched my head when the pain became unbearable. I pushed myself away from the car and tried calming my nerves but it all became really fuzzy. My eyes lost focus from its surroundings.

I was mildly aware about someone calling me from far but I didn’t turn around. Not when I felt like I was about to give up on holding my food down.

Before I could find an appropriate place where my decency wouldn’t be challenged, all the contents from the early breakfast I had made its way up my food pipe and out of my mouth.

Bending over I threw up. I felt somebody coming behind me and when the same intoxicating sinister smell filled my nostrils, I instantly knew who it. He pushed my hair out of my face and held them behind my back while I puked my guts out.

It was embarrassing beyond a possible limit. I wanted to push away but my body was too busy in throwing away the waste out in the open.

I willed myself to stop because I wanted to get away from the touch that was shooting sparks throughout my body, because even though it felt good while he rubbed my back, I know this was wrong.

Once I was done, Pride helped me in standing straight he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped my mouth clean without any hesitation. He didn’t think of the barrier that was right between us. It was just in the moment I guess, that he took efforts to clean something off of me.

Maybe out of pity?

Whatever it was, I pushed away from him. He became still, his eyes wide again. Did he just realise what he did?

I kept putting distance between us until my back hit the car behind me. My body gave up and I slid down the cool mental surface.

I was writhing in the pain that was so foreign to bear. My vision was focusing in and out. It was irritating to see anything so I just closed my eyes.

I heard his foot steps nearing me and I wanted nothing more than to vanish in thin air but it was not possible. I opened my eyes and saw him crouching down right in front of me.

Something was changed this time. Something was there that I didn’t see before. Something that looked exotic in his eyes. Like it just made its appearance in those purple beads.

My breathing was very shallow. It was clear that I wanted to get away. It was my urgency that was unnerving me more than anything.

I saw his lips tightening into a thin line, shaking his head.

“Don’t do that.” He said placing his hand on mine. I flinched at the contact but he didn’t back away. “Don’t.....”

What was it?

I looked up at him through unfocused gaze. The Sin who just threatened me not so long ago was gone. Gone was that look which was sending chills up my back. There was no trace of harm in his expression or was it just my mind tricking my eyes into seeing something that does not exist?

His hand that remained on mine did not help either. I was panting, gasping for air that felt hard to inhale.

“Humility!” He exclaimed and I stopped.

“What?” My voice was barely above a whisper. I wasn’t looking at him. I just couldn’t. He grabbed my chin and forced me look into his eyes. I inhaled sharply at the lost look he gave me.

This is not good. Where is that arrogance? That confidence? Where is that Pride?

He caressed my cheek.

Why is he doing this?

Why is he making this so hard for me?

“Breathe.” He reminded me, and I did. The air finally filling my lungs.

“Please, leave me alone....” I said. Words barely coming out of my mouth.

“I can’t. I won’t.” He said shaking his head. “Don’t fear me.” He said. “Please.”

In this state, where I am collapsed and out of my senses, the humour of the situation didn’t miss me.

Please. How, a simple word such as that known to the Sin of Pride?

I wanted to laugh but the exhaustion was dawning on me faster than I could imagine. A small smile broke out on my lips.

“I don’t....fear....” I was straining myself to be conscious “.....you..”

“Río! What the hell is happening to her?!” He asked looking behind him, thats when I noticed Río’s presence.

When dis he come?

“She needs rest.” He said tucking his arms behind his back. He looked indifferent. “Exhaustion from all the powers.”

“I am taking her with me.” Pride said turning back to me. Taking me? Where?

I shook my head frantically.

No you can’t take me.

“Quiet.” He snapped. That look returning on his face. Gah!

“You....can’t...no please...” I requested. I have to find my sisters. I tried getting up but Pride held me in my position and glared at me to not move again.

What am I? Five?

“Río, unlock the car.” Pride said and Río nodded fishing out a familiar set of keys. He unlocked the car and held the passenger’s side of door opened. Despite my firm protests, Pride caught hold of me and picked me up bridal style. I kept wriggling in his arms even though my sore muscles were shrieking at me in agony.

“Just a minute..” Pride muttered and rounded the car to where Río was standing. He carried me over to there and settled me on the seat.

In other cases, I would have thanked the person helping me like this but seeing that person was Pride, all I could feel was bewilderment.

This isn’t what I thought it would be. I have to find the missing Virtues and all I have managed to do is to get myself stuck with a Sin. My counterpart, precisely.

I saw Pride getting into the driver’s side through tired eyes. He started the car and pulled out of the mansion. Away from Río. I panicked. Where was he taking me? He turned to me and those eyes softened a bit.

“Just go to sleep.” He said. His voice was stern but that didn’t help me even a bit.

In the end of day, he was still a Sin.

“Wh-Where are you taking me..?” I asked sitting up.

“Its fine. I won’t bite. Sleep.” I eyed him warily. What is going on? But before I could question any further, I was thrown back into my seat. Pride slammed the brakes and stopped the car in the middle of the road. I rubbed my head where it hit the window.

Such a nice way to remind someone to put on their seat belt.

“What the heaven is wrong with you?!” I asked muttering. He turned in his seat towards me. His eyes were alight with a fiery emotion. I shrunk back in the door out of fear. I wanted to scream for help but I remained quiet.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on either! But just shut up and take rest. I don’t want you to die.” He snapped running his hand through his hair. I blinked at him.

I wanted to retort back but I just turned away from him and looked out of the window. He was right though. I needed rest. So I decided to comply with him.

Before the slumber could swallow me in, I vaguely noticed that, Impío was shining brightly infront of us. But till then, it was too late and I had already slipped into oblivion.

“Hey wake up.” I jerked awake at the voice. I looked up from the widow where my head was resting and behind me. Pride sat in the driver seat looking at me. I rubbed my eyes sitting up.

I looked around the car through windows, checking for any sign of familiarity but none came to me. I turned to Pride in confusion.

“Where are we?!” I asked. He frowned at my out burst. He can’t be serious. He brought me here against my will. He almost dragged me here!

“Impío.” He answered. I knew it!


“I thought you wanted me to help you?” He asked scowling.

“You will help me?” I asked surprised. He rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. “Why?”

“Come.” He ordered getting out of the car and I followed his actions hurriedly. Some answers would be helpful right now.

I realised we were outside a very unique building. There were manicured gardens all around me. It looked magnificent and highly modern. I couldn’t describe it in words for I had never seen something like this. I had nothing to compare it to. But my senses which after the much needed rest were back to being sharp, caught on quickly.

It was really chilly. The air around me was thick. Heavy with the allure of the Sins.

The Sin Villa.

I stopped beside SUV. When Pride realised I wasn’t following him, he turned around and looked at me impatiently.

“What?” I asked.

“Are you going to stand there or come in?” He grumbled. I frowned.

What is wrong with him? Did he forget that I am Virtue?

“I can’t. This is Sin Villa. I would not be able to step in.” I said in an obvious tone.

“Why not?” He asked coming in front me. There. Always ready to invade in personal space.


“Because you are a Virtue?” He asked chuckling. “Trust me darling, you can.”

I gave him a blank look. He sighed.

“This isn’t your castle protected with some good old charms to keep away the Sins.” He said smirking. How does he know that? “Now hurry up.” He turned around and walked away. I sighed and followed meekly behind him.

We entered through a glass door which slid open itself when we neared it and entered into a very sleek foyer where many staff members were busy in there work. Sinians.

All of them left there work as soon as Pride and I entered in. They all had their heads bowed down in respect to Pride.

I, however was busy in looking around at larger than life decor. It was difficult to stop myself from openly gawking.

“Sir.” One of the guy came forward towards Pride and took his coat giving me a strange look. Thats when I became conscious about everyone around me.

I looked around, all the eyes were looking at me curiously. Some even glared. I stepped back a little but Pride caught hold of my wrist. I bit my tongue from saying something I would regret.

“Well, well, well....”

I jumped and turned around only to be struck by what could be classify as pure lure.

“What have you got there, brother?”


Pure lure, huh?

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Quick note : the people of Impío are called ′Sinians’.

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