The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)
Chapter 14 A Lycan Mate

“Laina! Elaina, come back in here!” I jump at my brother’s loud intrusion in my head. “What is it, you scared me half to death. The ceremony hasn’t started yet.” Bryant was quiet for a few seconds before responding, “We need you in here now, there is a …situation.” I click my tongue and shake my head at his reply. “What do you mean we have a situation? I haven’t done shit to have a situation.” Now my mother starts barging in my head, “Elaina, sweetheart, I’m sending a gamma to escort you from the atrium.” How did she know I was in here? This can’t be good if she linked me too.

I went with the gamma through the crowd of attendees as he held my train. Bryant starts chiming in attempting to give me a heads up. Several people bow as we pass by. “Wow, what is that smell, do you smell that, baby brother? It is a blend of teak wood with a hint of Issy Miyake. Man, that smells glorious.”

Bryant stops me before I could finish. “Laina, I have to tell you something before you get any closer and listen carefully. Nikki’s dress tonight, the one you lent her to wear.” Umm it’s a dress, not stripper gear. “Yeah, so what’s wrong, it’s a prototype. Did it fall apart? Is Aunt Renee mad at the change?” Bryant starts to talk again, “No, Laina, that is not it...” The smell gets stronger with each step I took to the front right; it was giving me a contact high. “Laina, did you hear me?” Focus, Laina, “You said something? I didn’t hear anything.”

“Laina, your dress has your scent all over it, you wore it for two weeks while working on the design with mom.” Why is that such a big deal?, “Yeah, how else was I going to get it true to fit. Talk plain english, Bryant.” I could see Nikki side hugging Bryant behind Ken and Renee. Next to my parents stood Prince Nolan, fuck me, the scent is coming directly from him. I look at Bryant then back at Prince Nolan before my eyes lock with my parents.

I must have been in a daze because Nolan was in front of me without me noticing him move; I think I’m going to pass out. I feel the attention of some wolves watching this interaction, preferably it felt like an attack. I didn’t know what to do, would orbing out cause an irreparable incident. Nolan inhales deeply, before I could blink, he leans down saying the word I never wanted to hear, “Mate”. His hand was on the small of my back, with him leaning in closer to my face. My response was very clear, “SHIT!”. I might have said it louder than I intended. I’m certain the entire hall heard me at this point.

There was some commotion off in the back and I can hear Ashton talking loudly, thank god for that. Let the spotlight be on him for a change, hell it’s his ceremony. I felt shivers go up my arm when he touches my hand; I withdrew my body away from him. “Laina, he really is your mate, looks like the Moon Goddess had a plan that included you.” Uncle Ken and Renee were already in the back with Ashton. His beta makes an announcement that the ceremony would be delayed, and everyone could go to the dining hall for food and drinks. The crowd is rumbling loudly at all the drama tonight.

My mother tells us to follow her and my father. Nolan was still trying to hold my hand; I’m seething at this point. I will be no one’s possession, to touch immediately just because we are mates. I walk past him and start linking my parents. “Munchkin, let’s take this to the palace for privacy.” My mother instructs us to stand back, of course we can orb at will, but the Lycans didn’t know that. My mother says an incantation bringing us to the palace study through a door in the great hall. I couldn’t take it anymore with his constant touching, “Do not touch me anymore! I’m your mate and not a fucking pet.” My mother was seething with my abrupt response, ”Elaina Renaud, enough! My apologies, Prince Nolan, for my daughters colorful and rude language.”

I am on the verge of snapping, I focus and breathe just like Dr. Spencer taught me trying to calm my fried nerves. I stand there with my eyes closed listening to them discuss this disaster like I wasn’t even there. My dad had a few objections with Nolan and Bryant starts linking me. ”Sis, this has got to be the wildest ceremony ever. Your mate shows up and all hell breaks loose with Ashton. He has known who his mate was for five years. He hadn’t flat out rejected her, because he has been sleeping with her along with several other supes. Apparently, he was holding out for a chosen mate. And guess whose name popped up?” I palmed my face, “Mine of course. What a stalker, he needs to give that shit up! Either he fixes this with her, or they will pick one of his cousins to become Alpha.”

“Elaina, do you agree to the prince’s terms?” I didn’t even listen to them debate my future. “No, I didn’t, please recap for me what you decided about MY life!” I was pushing my mother’s buttons, so my dad interjected. “Munchkin, you will still attend school and all your activities, you will take this slow and if you have any dire need to reject him you may do so, but only after giving this a chance. The mating process will be delayed, you do not need to worry about physical intimacy that infringes on your level of comfort. However, he requested to have you live with him in order to get to know each other better. We think that would be a reasonable request.”

“ Wait! What? Are you serious right now! Do you want me, your daughter, to live with a stranger in a home outside of our territory until I cave into the mate bond? What about Yana or my other responsibilities? What about my businesses?” Prince Nolan is attempting to interject, but I raise my hand letting him know to shut it.

“You’ll pack some things tonight and leave with him after the ceremony and we will send you the rest and your car over to his home tomorrow. Elaina, I need an answer, are you at least going to try? I need you to be fair to yourself as well as Prince Nolan.“

I felt so betrayed, “I am sick and tired of my life not being my own. I don’t even want to be Empress anymore! Since the day I was born everything has been decided for me without my input! You know what, fuck it, fine! I’ll go and live with him and when this doesn’t work out, I want to be left alone. I do not want to participate in any more speed dating and deeply consider crowning Bryant instead of me. Those are my conditions for this sham, is that agreed?”

I could see the disappointment in my mother’s eyes, like I just stabbed her in the heart. “That is completely an acceptable exchange, we will discuss the renouncing of your crown when you’ve calmed down. Go pack what you’ll need for the next twelve hours or so. We will discuss your other concerns with your life later.”

Nolan seems rather pleased with himself. Little did he know I was going to make him reject me and I would be free from this bullshit. I don’t like this automatic ‘you’re mine’ attitude these beasts had. It wasn’t cute at all, more like barbaric cavemen. I gather my train in my hand and detach it from the dress. Nolan follows me as I maneuver up the stairs to my palace bedroom, feeling his eyes on me while we ascend to the top. It was really just an overflow closet more than a bedroom. I stop him before he could enter. “I can pack my things myself; I will be out momentarily.” He gives me a head bow and says, ”As you wish, princess.” His voice was definitely smooth, I’ll give him that. I grab two pairs of pjs, my makeup, body care products, hair products, four outfits, underwear, a few pairs of shoes.

I quickly orb to my real room grabbing my purse, spare keys and my bookbag. I link my parents that I would prefer Bryant bringing my things to Nolan’s house instead of them. I orb back, open the door with my bags in tow. Nolan took two of them from me. They felt like carrying a teddy bear in my hands, but since he wanted to act like a gentleman, he can carry my car for all I’d care.

Yana was at the base of the palace steps purring. She wraps around my legs, and I pick her up. “I’ll see you soon, he isn’t going to last long.” Placing her back down she looked at Nolan before heading upstairs. She knew not to orb in front of company. I know Nolan wanted to talk to me, I would rather wait till we are alone. His driver was standing at attention in front of the study. Nolan hands him all my bags and instructs him to take them to his car. My parents were strolling out of the study.

“Let’s get back and see if we are finishing this ceremony or not.” I link my dad as he tried to reassure me this will all work out for the best, refreshing my memory that he is also part Lycan. We were back at the pack great hall with excessive chatter going on. The tension was thick, and I could read everyone’s thoughts. I missed a lot apparently dealing with my own mess. Uncle Ken and Aunt Renee came up to us announcing, ”There will be no ceremony today, apparently our son has knowingly kept his mate on the back burner in hopes our god daughter would accept him as a chosen mate. Until he rectifies this situation with Donna it will be indefinitely postponed. Our apologies, Prince Nolan.” Donna? That asshole was mated to Donna! No wonder that psycho bitch was acting like that! Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Princess Elaina is my mate and I hope Ashton understands challenging me will only lead to his death. Ashton has no claim to her. We don’t disrespect the mate bond, and neither should Ashton. Please let us know when it is rescheduled. Princess, shall we leave?” I half assed kiss my parent’s goodbye and hug Nikki with Bryant. “See you tomorrow, Laina. It’s going to be fine.” This time I took Nolan’s hand as he escorts me out the great hall doors. A brand new 2021 Maybach was parked in the circular driveway. His driver opens the door for us; I step in with Nolan right behind me.

As we drove from the pack house heading to the highway, I decide to unleash my verbal attack now, raising the partition behind the driver. ”Just because I waltzed out of there does not in any way mean I’m obligated to you. I’ll be frank, I have not even accepted this situation, much less have I accepted you. If you dare treat me like your personal cattle, I will reject you instantly!

Best Part ( feat. Daniel Caesar)-H.E.R

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