The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)
Chapter 52 Unknown Lycan Male

I did everything to not be sensed, but she still picked up on my presence. I slowed down my heart beat, masked my scent and kept my thoughts neutral. The talisman the warlocks gave me to block Elaina out was useless. They did warn me, anything they knew about her was superficial at best.

The strength and power in the princess would produce strong heirs for myself and my father once he returned. That mate of hers needs to be dealt with, he isn’t deserving of someone so exquisite. Keeping a steady dose of Persea in her system will keep her docile like a kitten, otherwise she would rip my dick off given the chance.

Once I have Elaina, I will kill Evelyn and Nolan. That stupid bitch really thinks I would waste my warlocks to tie her to the Lycan prince regent, never would I squander my resources on such trivial things. Those resources are best suited for Elaina, my dick gets hard thinking of all the things I will do to her. I will ravage every hole in her body, until she learns to beg me for it. It’s time to set my trap in motion.

The Lycan Queen

I parked Reggie’s Maserati behind the palace. Placing his keys on the hook in the garage. While I am here, I should work on my last spring piece. As I stroll to the stairs, someone clears their throat as I pass the palace study.

“Good evening, Elaina. Or should I say good morning.”

The queen has me trapped as no one lives in the palace, except the palace servants on a regular basis. I bow my head, “Good morning, Queen Angelica.”

“Come sit with me for a bit, if you’re not in a rush.”

I wasn’t in a rush but I definitely wanted to not have this pending conversation with her about her son either. “Sure, umm why not.”

I’d rather be anywhere than here. Might as well get this over with. I sit across from her in front of the fire place. She has a glass of port in her hand. “I’m aware you have took a stance and left my son. Before you get defensive, I do not blame you. I wished I had the courage to do what you did. If I had maybe I wouldn’t be living a completely separate life from my mate.”

“Angelica, I promised myself a long time ago, if I couldn’t have what my parents have, I wouldn’t settle for less. I’m not naïve, I’m aware of what Nolan’s father did. I just feel like this isn’t working right now. I rather not waste my time if this is going to be our relationship for the rest of my life.” However long that may be.

“I understand exactly how you feel, keep in mind Nolan is young as far as Lycan’s go. You aren’t someone he has experienced and he can be foolish sometimes, a lot of times actually. I am not telling you to take Nolan back but do give him a chance to prove he can be better and do better. That’s all.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’ll consider it, if you don’t mind I have some alterations to make for one of my designs.” I got to my feet to leave.

“Of course, enjoy the rest of your morning, Elaina.”

I left the study and orbed to my palace bedroom. I pulled out the dress I wanted to finish. I’m not sure what got into me, by the time I was finished it looked more like a fae wedding gown. The sun was slowly changing the sky colors. That was my cue to take my butt to bed. I orbed to the bedroom in the training building. I love my family; however, they would suck me dry of my sleep and late breakfast if I let them. I linked Bryant, letting him know I’d be sleeping in today and to lead the training with the packs without me.

I couldn’t lie to myself; I missed my mate. It felt empty without him, but I’m not going to be what I fought so long and hard against. I wasn’t going to give in to the bond, erasing my self-worth or what I deserved to the wayside. It was more than that, running out of time didn’t help anything either. Either this would be what we both needed and wanted or it would be nothing at all. This can’t have an in between.

Stranger Than Fiction

Actually falling asleep wasn’t an issue, it’s what I saw in my dreams that fucked my head up. I was aware I was dreaming or in an astral plane. Everything happened so fast, my family was dead. I was chained around my neck, arms and legs. A sinister set of voices come from the darkness. “You know fighting us is useless, you’ll never be free from me or my father. Just give in like a good girl.”

“Fuck you, every seed you plant in my womb, I will kill. I dare you to bring your dicks near my mouth. I will gladly bite them off. Let’s see you regenerate that; you piece of shit! You just need to kill me; I’ll never submit to you. When I get the chance I will kill you both, slowly.”

He clicked his tongue, “Then Persea it is little one.”

I could feel a dart in my neck and three more in my torso. My eyes lost focus and I felt hands caress my skin, making me nauseous. A tongue running up my neck causing my skin to crawl. “You will come to love our touch one way or another.”

I felt my clothing being ripped, hands grabbing me painfully, spreading my legs apart. Suddenly I felt pain in my pelvis, so painful like I was being torn from the inside out. “This is your fate if you do not die.” I jolted out of bed, hitting the floor. What a way to drive a selling point, die now or be raped repeatedly by Allister and his spawn for eternity. Not cool at all Elijah, not cool.

My night clothes were clinging to my body soaked in sweat, reaching for my phone the time showed 3pm. I slept in longer than I thought. I couldn’t get what I saw or felt out of my mind, making me completely void of an appetite. Bryant popped in around dinner time, I had to share what I saw with him.

“Laina, I can’t tell you what to do. I would never put that type of pressure on you. This is your choice and being selfish wanting to live isn’t a bad thing. If we die, so be it. Don’t make this decision for us, make it for yourself.” Bryant kissed the top of my head, while hugging me. I loved my brother beyond words, he was my best friend and in the beginning he was my only friend. I couldn’t imagine a world without him.

“Come eat, they all promised to not start anything or bring up Nolan. Plus the queen will be with us for dinner tonight.”

“So help me, if they so much as start any shit, I will freeze them all for an entire week.”

Nolan’s POV

I was still not myself without her here. Yana had been a big help, but I still wanted her back, needed her back. Her scent was slowly fading in our bedroom, which was driving me to the point of insanity. I spoke to Bryant earlier today and he gave me some ideas. I had a nagging question about my mate only he could answer.

“Elaina is the most powerful being on the planet, why does it seem like she refuses her full potential? Like she is afraid of it?”

“That’s because she is. Elaina doesn’t talk about it much, but when she was maybe 7 or 8 something happened that scared her.”

I couldn’t imagine anything scaring Laina. “Do you mean something she saw or something happened to her?”

Bryant went on to explain. “No, the total opposite. It was shortly after leaving the realm at the end of the summer. She was trying to get our mother’s attention. But mom was on autopilot talking on her phone. Elaina became angry, grabbed mom’s arm tugging it a little too hard and almost ripped it out completely. Blood was everywhere and our mom was bleeding out. Elaina flipped out screaming hysterically. Our dad came running in seeing her on the floor turning grey and Elaina crying. She kept repeating, ‘I didn’t mean to, I swear daddy!’ ”

I was seriously confused. “But she is alive, so what did you guys do, what happened?”

“Elaina climbed on top of her, pushing our dad out the way and cut both her wrists. One over our moms mouth and one over the gash barely holding the arm to her body. That was the first time we knew she could bring back anyone from death if she was there at the right time. Technically our mother’s heart did stop. Ever since then Elaina keeps a tight rein on her anger and the amount of force she uses. Our parent’s never brought it up again or treated her any differently. Mom on the other hand felt guilty for ignoring Elaina after just getting back from the realm.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, finding it hard to digest what Bryant told me. “I never would have thought anything like that ever happened.”

“It was a crazy summer in the realm. Elaina started manifested more powers. When we got back here Elaina wanted to talk to our mother about it, because she just felt like a freak amongst everyone else. Imagine being the only one that can shift into almost anything and the power of creation and destruction within the tip of your fingers. I don’t think I could have gotten through it as well as she did.”

I stayed quiet thinking over what he said. Elaina was scared of herself more than anything and my dumb ass was totally blowing her off. And for what? My pompous ass of a father! All she wanted me to do was listen to her and I straight fumbled it.

“This is why she doesn’t share much, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Laina wants to be heard and not treated like she is invincible, living a content easy going life. It is anything but. Our parents are good parents. They aren’t perfect, but even they sometimes get caught up in the random bullshit and forget she needs to be able to talk to them when she isn’t feeling herself. This is why they are always concerned about her; they don’t want to make the mistake of not being there when she needs them. Although they can be suffocating with her and me at times.”

“Thanks Bryant. I have a lot of work cut out for me. I need to get my shit together if I want her to take me back.”

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