The Sovereign Heir (Book 1)
Chapter 57 Light Show

I try not to laugh, but I failed miserably, “That’s what they do, I’m sorry I didn’t warn you, babe. Let me help you finish and we can go to lunch.”, I start unbuckling my belt only for my mate to drag me into the pool fully clothed. “You can help me finish something else.”

“Oh really? Like what?” I knew exactly what he wanted to finish; Yana gave us no privacy up until we went through the portal.

“Let me show you.” His eyes narrow and his hands skillfully remove my saturated clothing, tossing them out the tub in a thud. Nolan ran his tongue across my neck.

“You aren’t worried the sprites might be watching?”

“It will be an experience they will never forget, maybe after this they’ll stop trying to wash my dick.” Nolan runs his hand down the middle of my back diving his hand between my ass.

My words come out airy, “We don’t have much time; we have to be downstairs for lunch in thirty minutes.”

He nibbles my ear, “I can be quick and I’ll make you come hard.”

“Bet, let’s see what you got old man.”, I tell him.

“That sounds like a challenge!”

Nolan hoists me up on his shoulders, burying his face in my pussy, gripping my butt cheeks. Whatever he is doing with his tongue was turning me into a boneless mess, swirling and devouring my clit. I am falling apart, a complete moaning and convulsing mess barely hanging onto to his head. My breath hitched in my throat; I explode in pure bliss throwing my head back. I barely road it out, when he flips me, pressing my body against the base of the waterfall. He caresses my lips and clit to the point of overstimulation, spreading my legs apart thrusting inside of my throbbing wet core, causing me to gasp.

Nolan wraps his hand around my throat and his other stimulating my bundle of hypersensitive nerves, ”How much do you love it? Tell me.”

“I love it. Don’t stop!”

“I would fuck you all day and night if you let me.”, he groaned.

It is beyond tempting to just do that, but this trip isn’t about us. It is about my family and my warriors were a part of my family. My second orgasm is at the precipice, Nolan bit the back of my neck, causing me to fall off taking him with me. The oasis in our bathroom becomes eerily quiet as a result. It took me a few seconds to remember how to breathe with Nolan struggling to catch his breath as his head rests on my shoulder. “I’ll never get tired of you lighting up like a super nova when you come. Knees up it is then. We will be revisiting the idea of a marathon when we head back.” We dry off quickly and I pull my curls into a sloppy ponytail. The sprites return to pick out our lunch attire.

Nolan and I arrive on the large veranda about to sit when Lex decides to chime in. ”Umm, what was with that light show that illuminated the entire lodge and why did you both change clothes? Are you working on a new battle move?” Michelle elbowed Lex so he could shut it. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

Nolan scratches the back of his neck and I look like a deer caught in headlights. Then realization hits him, his lips forming an ‘oh’ and giving us a wink. I clear my throat, “Let’s eat, I’m starving.” Lex adds his two cents, “I bet you both are.” I growl at Lex with him shrinking away from me.


After lunch we all did separate activities. Some went to see relatives that had moved to the realm, others shopping at the market, and of course training. I decide to take Nolan to explore the realm. The roost of phoenixes excite Nolan, especially the family of some who came closer to greet us. They are very gentle birds, but vicious if you screwed around with them, having a keen sense of intentions of others. After the one and only recruit was expelled, the elders followed the phoenixes discretion. I decide to take Nolan to the library, seeing them made me definitely want to dig for the name of the last Lycan to be admitted to the realm. If that family line still existed, it was worth looking into.

I dig and dig, kept coming up short. Nolan has a set he is looking into, learning the realm history. “Love, didn’t you say you were looking for the name of that recruit?”

“Yeah, I’ve come up with nothing in the annual list of warriors.”, I answer.

“How much do you love me?” he asks teasingly.

“Why? I love you loads even though I don’t like you sometimes, like last week.” I reply with my smart mouth.

He pouts, “That’s just mean and here I was going to give you a present.”

I roll my eyes from his overacting, “Oh come on, there are tons of times you didn’t like me and you know it. I was being an ass to you in the beginning.”

He agrees, “You were right mental then too.”

“Spill it, what do you have for me, babe?”

Wiggling his eyebrows, “What will you wager to get it?”

I click my tongue with my hands on my hips, “What do you want?” I read his mind before he could say it. “ Really? A blow job??”

Nolan had a perverted smirk on his face, “Not just any blow job, I want you to suck on it and lick it like a Lolli.” I’ve never got the chance to really thoroughly do it, he’s always turning me around like a rotisserie chicken. I think I would love to see him squirm. ”Deal.”, I agree.

Nolan went on to explain, “The reason you can’t find the name of the recruit in the annual roster, is because he is only named in the judiciary records. It states his age at time of expulsion, the Lycan pack and his parents as they were present during his formal hearing. It says here the mother was quite disturbed during the hearing, screaming he wasn’t her son. After his sentencing, the council started implementing the warrior rosters.”

This all now clicked, “I had an astral projection with a Lycan Luna telling her mate the same thing, but before that I saw a Lycan chained in a cave, giving birth. She didn’t survive. I’m under the impression that the baby was swapped out. We receive notification of entry into the realm training usually just before your birth. If the timing was right, the rumors would be true. Allister sired one child, swapped it for one guaranteed access to the realm.“ I took a picture of the scroll and particular attention to the names. I sent them to my brother. I decide to make a trip to the Tree of Life. This conversation with Elijah would happen sooner rather than later.

Unexpected Conversation

We stand in the grove of the sanctuary; the Tree of Life was mesmerizing . I advance towards it and stop at something I didn’t think I would ever see. There are dozens of fire lotus’ surrounding the tree in the small lagoon. “Aren’t these extinct, Laina?”

“They were extinct, until Elaina brought them back.” Elijah stands slightly past the tree, translucent at first before becoming more solid as he approaches us with his left hand holding some type of prayer beads and the other behind his back. “Hello, little one. Hello, Nolan.” I glare at him with so much distain. “I take it you are still pissed off with me.”

“Gee, what could have given you that impression,” I say as sarcastically as possible. Nolan nudges me to stop showing my ass to Elijah. I roll my eyes at him being so intimidated by Elijah or should I say great to the 100th power grandfather. I link Nolan to step out of the way as we were about to have an aura challenge.

Elijah and I stand facing each other, he hit me with his aura, making me drop to my knees. I send mine back making him stumble back. Well, that is a major upgrade from our last challenge. Still didn’t get him to drop like I wanted, but I proved my point. As I get up, I turn to see Nolan’s face drenched in sweat. “Fuck! Babe, are you okay?”

“I think I’m going to puke!” I rub circles on his back telling him to slow breathe. “You two do that for fun? And you didn’t even break a sweat!”

“Kinda, but you survived what most wouldn’t.”

“You couldn’t have kept it directly at me, Jaddi?”

“I’m sorry, little one. Nolan, please accept my apologies.”

“Jaddi? As in…”

“Yes, she is what you would consider my great granddaughter but further generations back.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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