There were three days left until the Festival of Colors.

The palace was an uproar of activity whenever I spent the day there. I was spending more and more time setting up the stages with my fellow Dancers. Presently I was in the Dawn plaza helping to move benches, Belladonna wandering about the circle of pavement that made up the Eastern Gathering in Lailoria. Lailoria had three major town squares, or circles in this case. There was the Eastern Gathering, or the Dawn Plaza I was currently working in, the Western Gathering where the Flock was currently working, called the Dusk Plaza. The third and final Gathering Ground was the one found in the center of the city, the Celestial Plaza. When the Festival reached its peak, each of the Gathering Grounds would be filled with people of all Nations. I would be a dawn dancer, as I would be performing in the Dawn Plaza, while a major orchestra would be playing in the Celestial Plaza. The Western Plaza would be staging a play organized by the Dancers, Artists, and a few Flock members.

“Allie!” Atalanta called, causing me to look around for her in the crowd. I let my eyes roam around the surrounding shops and homes. Letting the Ivaline air fill my lungs as I let Spade sink in for one of many times. I loved living in Lailoria, in Eagle Bastion. I was at peace with who I was there in the cold mountain air, tinged with the scent of saltwater of the ocean below. The water was still in the canals that glowed softly in the fading light of dusk. Atalanta was walking toward me from the steps leading from the level above the plaza. She did not look happy, although she rarely did, stoic as she was.

“Has something happened?” I set down my end of the bench and met her halfway.

“Yes,” Atalanta informed. “But it’s not something we can discuss here, we’re to meet after nightfall.

I walked down the steps to find Kennedia and Robin already there. I took my seat to the North just as Atalanta and Daedalus walked in. Once everyone was seated, Kennedia brought out the latest Viper missive.

Dear Constrictor,

Lance Pendragon must not remain in Spade. He is to be brought to headquarters and detained. Use any interrogative methods necessary to find out the extent of his knowledge.


“That does not bode well.” Robin commented as Kennedia played with the map on the table.

“I tried to narrow down where their headquarters might be, but the letter doesn’t give enough information, but from the phrasing I think it’s safe to assume that it’s not in Spade.” She reoriented the map so the Forest of Trials took up the Northern part of the tabletop. I moved a plate of muffins to clear the way, picking one up as I did so. After taking a bite. I voiced my thoughts.

“We were pursued by a large number of hostiles almost immediately after Lance’s Trial began. In order to mobilize that amount of troops with only a few minutes notice. Lance coming to Spade wasn’t planned, so there was no way anyone would know about it in advance. So I think that wherever these people are coming from, their hideout is somewhere in the Valley of Avalon, along the Spade section of the valley.”

“Do we know why Lance is a target?” Atalanta questioned, staring pensively at the map and then looked to me. I shrugged.

“I don’t really know, the Queen told me that I wasn’t in a position to be told, and Lance is just as bewildered by the pursuit.”

“Whoa now, hold up. Did you say you talked to the Queen?” Daedalus choked, and everyone turned to give me inquiring looks.

“Yeah, she’s the one I reported to about Lance’s Trial. I don’t quite know why though.”

“As in, in her office?” Robin prompted, and I nodded.

“Within the Inner Palace?” Atalanta followed up on Robin’s question, and I nodded again. I heard an audible gasp around the room.

“That has to mean something.” Kennedia claimed, resting her hand on her chin in thought.

“Yes but what?” Robin mused.

“Perhaps it is- no, it’s far too early for her to pick one.”

“All the weird stuff happens to you, Allie,” Daedalus commented. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were some sort of protagonist or something.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Daedalus.” Atalanta chastised.

“Yeah that’s just absurd.” Kennedia followed.

“How do you even think this stuff up?” Robin inquired before I changed the subject.

“Come on guys back on topic, what are we going to do about Lance?” I opened up for discussion.

“Does he have a companion that we can get to report back to us?” Robin mused, feeding Belladonna a piece of an apple he had been eating.

“His companion is a dragon, and Tide can’t exactly travel the Bastion unnoticed.” I pointed out.

“His companion is a what?” Daedalus exclaimed incredulously, acknowledged by no one.

“How about having one of our companions keep track of him?” Kennedia suggested, but this time Atalanta interjected.

“That would be a bit too suspicious. Remember we don’t want to tip off the Viper spy, and someone being followed by another person’s companion is just too unusual.”

“Why not have him become one of us?” Daedalus proposed, taking out a sheet of metal and tinkering with the back of it.

“That might not be a bad idea. I’ve sparred with him, so I know he’s pretty capable with a blade.”Atalanta remarked, and Daedalus nodded before he spoke again.

“I’ve seen him down in the forges to, and for someone who’s only been at it a week he’s pretty good at it. He helped me make this.” He held up the metal rectangle in his hands, it was silver with a tiger wrapped around it decoratively.

“What is it?” I questioned, taking the mirror from his hands and running my hand along the spine of the tiger engraved onto its surface.

“It’s a type of communicator.” Daedalus explained. “I’m going to make one for each of us so we will all have access to each other anytime anywhere. This one’s for you.” He finished, delicately taking the mirror from my hand and placing it in Atalanta’s with his face slightly flushed, who regarded with one of her rare smiles.

She looked to me. “I think he has potential, that is, if you think we can trust him.”

I thought about it for a moment about what I knew about Lance. We didn’t get off on the right foot, but now when I thought of Lance I didn’t think of someone to avoid. I would think of the time he fought to protect me when we were enemies, who looked at his father’s grave and turned to me for comfort. I looked around at everyone seated at the table, with them gazing back at me with trust that I would make the right decision. I faced Belladonna who stood, anticipating a request.

“Bring him out to the gardens. I’ll meet him there.”

Nights were beautiful in Lailoria. The sky was filled with glittering stars that filled the deep blue sky with streaks of silver and sparks of red. I was used to cloudy skies so this masterpiece of shining stars never failed to captivate me. I was waiting in the branches of a sycamore to stay out of sight of any guards that may be passing by, stargazing as I waited for Lance. Belladonna could hear anyone approaching and since she wasn’t human she could bypass the barrier keeping me out of the boys dorms. I didn’t have to wait long until I heard her paws padding on the grass, followed by Lance’s footsteps. I looked down to see him gazing up at me, one hand resting on the tree like he was asking permission.

“Are you coming?” I asked, and he seemed spurred into motion. I turned to look at the stars again as he climbed up and sit next to me on the bough, idly placing his hand on the branch above us and leaned against it.

“Before I listen to whatever you have to say to me, I have something I want to get off my chest,” he began as he handed me a bundle of cloth.

“You told me in the Forest of Trials that I could be the man my father was, but I think I want to start by being your friend. It may seem to be a bit too flashy, but it’s all I can make right now and you head seems to be the only free space there is.” He spoke to me quietly while I unwrapped the cloth from what turned out be a silver circlet. It was a simple band, with a few dainty curls straying from the main band at irregular intervals. Within the swirled metal were sapphires, carefully set into place. The biggest was twice as large as my thumbnail flanked by two stones half its size.

“It’s beautiful.” I whispered, and he took it gently from my hands.

“When I first met you, I didn’t see you as someone worth recognition, I thought you would always fade to the background. But after fighting by your side I realized you are someone people can believe in. You are someone more than worthy of respect.” He raised his hands slightly, and I caught his meaning. I bowed slightly, lowering my head and placing my hands humbly in my lap. He gently placed his gift on my head, adjusting it so it sat correctly. Now I knew what he meant by my head being the only place available. My dragon didn’t come off as far as I knew, nor did I want it to. My wrists were covered in armguards or when they acted as perches for birds of prey.

“I have not treated you as you deserve in the past, but I ask you now. Do you think we can be friends?”

I slowly lifted my head to gaze up at him, his eyes uncertain, almost afraid.

“We already are.” I said, and found myself in another hug. I wrapped my arms around him for a moment before I pulled away.

“Your gift is lovely, but there is more to do tonight than just sitting in a tree.” I dropped to the ground, and gestured for him to follow. He padded behind me, not quite used to stealth ops.

“What are we doing in the common room?” Lance inquired as I lead him to the hearth. I shushed him as I opened up the passage to the Observatory.

“Well you’re just full of surprises lately, aren’t you?” Lance whispered as we descended the stairs.

“Yeah, tons. You should’ve seen the surprise I gave everyone a few months ago when they found out I could fling all kinds of weapons at people.”

“They must have died of shock.”

“You could cut the silence with a knife.”

“You’re terrible.”

“You’re worse.” I fired back as we reached the archway. Someone had found another chair for Lance as well as extra snacks.

“Welcome to the Eagle Observatory.” I said, spinning around with a flourish.“Our humble base of operations.” I sat down immediately after, taking a sip of gingerbread chocolate that had been poured for me. Across the table, Daedalus leaned forward, all business.

“People are trying to kidnap you.” He tactlessly informed.

“So I’ve heard.” Lance smoothly answered, as if talking about the weather.

“We’re going to try to keep that from happening.”

“That would be greatly appreciated.”

Atalanta cleared her throat, bringing the attention to herself.

“Given the threatening circumstances and your apparent skills, we would be offering you a position on our team, the current administrators of the student army presently referred to as the Dragons,” Atalanta explained, making it sound way more responsible than when I said it. Lance looked at me, silently asking my permission, and I nodded encouragingly.

“It -It would be my honor,” Lance stammered, and was then showed his seat and ate and drank as we did, learning battle plans and making preparations.

“So tell me about your diadem.” Atalanta commanded when I was walking her down to her room. Kennedia had stayed behind, offering to clean up with Robin.

“It was an apology gift.” I replied, to which she raised an eyebrow.

“Peculiar gift to give someone.” She mused, this time I lifted a brow.

“How do you mean?”

“Have you looked at your dragon lately?” She pulled me into her room and placed me in front of her mirror, and I started a bit at the sight. Instead of the copper color and ruby eyes I was accustomed to, the scales of my dragon had darkened to match the color of my circlet, with eyes and claws shone blue.

“They look different, but I can sense they’re still made of the same material, so something about that diadem changed their color, but not their properties. Any idea why?” I shook my head, but Atalanta continued unfazed.

“And perhaps you should read more into the fact that your former enemy has placed an undisputed symbol of authority on your head?”

“He was just trying to bury the hatchet.” I said, and she shook her head from her place on the bed, hands stroking Luna’s back. I bade her goodnight and made my way room, where Kyrie was preening her feathers.

“Kyrie you’re a raven right?”

“Your powers of deduction are truly admirable.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“And ravens know stuff about a lot of subjects?”

“That seems to be the general consensus, yes.”

“Have you ever heard of an amulet changing its appearance?” I inquired, directing her attention to my neck. She hopped onto the arm I held out for her in front of my torso.

“Not really, but I can ask around for you, I know a few creatures who may know more about this.”

“Could you really? I’d really appreciate it.” She nodded and flew through the window as soon as I opened it and disappeared into the night.

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