The Sun God Diaries
Chapter Twenty-Five: Beachside Dinner with Galen

Malachi’s POV

“Very good, Your Grace,” commented my Spanish tutor as I finished conjugating the verbs for my written exam. “I know you’re already mastering foreign languages, but I think you’re starting to sound and write more like a native nowadays.”

“Thank you, Miss,” I replied, sitting my notebooks to the side. “After what had happened at the deli a couple of days ago, I thought that it was time to make sure that I stay on my toes with my academic and royal lessons as well as combat training.”

The large older woman nodded. “Understandably so, given what had happened and all,” she agreed. “The other tutors and I had heard about the incident and my heart stopped when I saw that shameless young woman stab you. Thank goodness that you’re all right.”

“Thank goodness indeed,” I heard Gavin repeat as he and Ferdinand (both shirtless and wearing jeans while being sweaty as they looked like they had come from their runs and patrols) entered my bedroom. To me, “Malachi, your godfathers are coming over to test your hand-to-hand combat fighting skills and work on your shifting speeds.”

I stifled a groan. “Again? I feel like sleeping for the whole day after shifting into my forms over and over again,” I replied while keeping the whining out of my voice. “And you guys know that me sleeping in allows y’all to sneak into my stash.”

Ferdinand smirked. “We know,” he commented, showing off his fangs, “but you still need to practice if you want to do it effortlessly like your brothers.”

“And as for y’all sneaking into my stash?”

Gavin looked down. “We can’t help it,” he replied, sounding like a dejected preschooler. “We love to gorge a couple of times. But you pranking us isn’t fair either, note the way that Abaddon can’t stop the other guys at school to stop teasing about his hair now pink.”

“And don’t forget the time that you filled Phillippe and Claude’s bedroom with soap bubbles and made them slip all over the floor with that and an endless supply of marbles,” Ferdinand reminded me.

“Well, y’all need to ask me first. Dad and everyone else does so, so why can’t you guys?”

They looked at each other briefly. “You’re too clingy,” they rebutted in unison.

I just rolled my eyes as I saw one of the maids step into the room, maneuvering in between my fathers and coming in with my lunch tray alongside a gift box. “From the Sons of Enya, with love,” she replied as she sat the tray down before handing me the box and an accompanying note.

I nodded, tearing open the envelope and beginning to read.

To the illuminating beauty that is my mate,

I am sending you a token of my love as well as an invite for our first date.

Dress in pastels and wear sandals. I’ll arrive at five p.m tonight.

This begins my brothers and I courting you properly.


P.S. Bring the hula doll.

I sat down the letter before opening the box to find a nice outfit consisting of a short-sleeve light-blue shirt and dark-blue shorts. Perry Ellis. With that came a pair of strap-on sandals and...a hula doll.

“Looks good,” commented my tutor as she walked to the sofa and collected her belongings. “Have a good time.”

“I plan to,” I replied as I watched her leave before revealing my plate of grilled chicken and salad. “That is, if Uncle Clay and Uncle Colin don’t wear me out ragged and leave my fathers and brothers sneak in and- HEY!”

I turned around to see Gavin and Ferdinand sneaking over to my stash and vainly trying to hide the sodas that were noticeable in their pockets. “Drop them,” I ordered. “Now!”

The older Alphas grumbled, handing me the drinks. “You and your goodies,” Ferdinand muttered. “I swear to you that you’ll have us struck by lightning if you catch us again.”

“There’s an idea,” I commented. “Now, I’ll be ready for combat training with my godfathers. You two need to scoot. I hope that they don’t try to wear me out too often.”


Five hours of tutoring, online classes, royal lessons (which included a brief visit to a nearby phoenix community), and combat training (I swear that the shifting lessons make me more tired than before) later; I emerged out of my bedroom and now dressed in the outfit that Galen delivered, the hula doll from earlier in my hand. Tonight was going to be the start of being courted properly by the Sons of Enya as Galen has something up his sleeve that involves me dressing up like it’s summertime while it’s almost October.

And as I reached the main foyer, I saw Galen at the main entryway...and he looks unrecognizable. His snake hair was replaced by wavy brown hair that was cut short and his skin was more tanned than I expected. “Hi,” he breathed as I reached the last step. “You look amazing.”

“So do you,” I replied, “so much so that I thought you were someone else.”

“I can transform into many male human identities,” Galen explained as he transformed into his original male Gorgon form before changing into other male personas and returning to the brown-haired guy that I saw earlier. “Now, are you ready to roll?”

I nodded, handing him the hula doll. “You bet. So, where are we going that involves us dressing up for the summer when it’s autumn.

Galen smiled brightly. “Where else? I’m taking you to a beachside dinner,” he replied, “and I’ll teleport us to where it’s at.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He snapped his fingers and before I could even blink, were at the coasts of Waikiki Beach in Hawaii. “Wow,” I breathed as I let him guide me to a small and intimate cabana where a dinner service with two waiters was waiting for us.

“Hello,” said a red-headed waiter as we took our seats. “Your Grace, it’s my pleasure to be serving you and Lady Enya’s son tonight. We have for you guys a succulent feast that won’t leave you both too stuffed, but will be enjoyed with pleasure.”

“Thank you,” Galen replied as another waiter- a sandy-blonde older man- served us nonalcoholic sparkling cider. To me, “The first course will be served shortly- shrimp cocktail and mini-mushroom tarts.”

“You really went all out on this,” I replied eagerly as the waiters and two private chefs were in the back setting the meals up. “And how did you know that this was one of my ideas for a perfect date?”

Galen blushed as the invisible snakes that were in disguise as his brown hair hissed sheepishly. “Well, your Omega friends had told me of your ideas and Mom was the one to make a few visits and pull some strings.”

I nodded. “Looks like you wooing me is worth it,” I replied.

We were lost in the conversation before a bikini-clad teenager walked into our room with seduction on her mind. “You guys look like you want to have a good time tonight,” she purred sexily.

I gave her a pointed look. “Miss, we’re eating,” I reminded her. “And we’re gay, in case you don’t realize.”

She smirked as two more versions of her- all blonde and scantily-clad- came inside. “Maybe we can change that,” she wheedled, “and besides, Your Grace, you need to find yourself a real Alpha female to make you her-”

There was a giant boom of thunder that cut her off and scared the ladies...before they suddenly fell into the instant hole that had them screaming until the hole in the ground shut up.

“You’re welcome,” I heard the voice of Sorunos from the heavens.

Galen and I grinned, the first waiter coming over. “I am so sorry for what had happened,” he apologized profusely.

“Peace, Andrew,” Galen replied. “It’s not your fault. But do make sure that there are guards to keep away any uninvited guests.”

The waiter named Andrew nodded, turning to two nearby policemen and asking to guard the outside of the cabana.

The rest of the date went smoothly as Galen and I enjoyed each others’ company while savoring every bite of food, from the cocktails and mushroom tarts to the surf-and-turf platters with baked potatoes and the soup to the creamy and dreamy lemon souffle. Music was flowing from a nearby stereo and we soon danced to the setting sun as Marvin Gaye serenaded us.

“Tonight was perfect,” I murmured as Galen held me in his arms while we continued to dance. “I love you, Galen.”

Galen smiled as he briefly broke apart. “And I love you too,” he replied before landing a chaste kiss on my lips. “I promise to do right by you.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“I’ll hold myself to it.”

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