The Sun God Diaries
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Aftershocks (Part One)

“I knew it,” Dawson repeated,” taking a moment to inhale and exhale deeply. “I knew that this plan of my brother and I was bound to bomb in our faces the moment that the demigod dropped to one knee and proposed to Our Majesty.”

Ryker and Alyssa were nonplussed, the latter rolling her eyes before returning her glare at me. “Don’t be a fucking retard, Dawson,” she said waspishly. “Malachi’s having a poor choice in judgment at the moment. He knows damn well that the Olodom- the sexiest and most-strapping demigod that I’ve ever seen in life- was CLEARLY proposing to me and the bratty runt is losing his mind.”

“No, I meant for the proposal to be directed at Malachi,” Olodom replied, his black tuxedo replaced by his Roman centurion gear. “And he said yes.”

“Just liked we hoped,” Damien replied.

“And Malachi is ours, meaning that your claim on him is no longer valid, Howell,” Galen added. To the now-angry Alyssa, “And your claim on us is also null and void, our dear.”

“And just for the record,” Ian added, “we are GAY men. Meaning that we prefer cocks and tight asses, not washed-up fish platters. My friends and I- alongside the Sons of Enya and Olodom- all play for the same team and we prefer hot dogs over tacos. Sorry, Cunt-ingham, but there is NO WAY IN HELL that we would date you even if you paid us to! We’re not interested!”

“Can’t you get that through your perfectly made-up skull?!” Vincent went on, letting his fangs be exposed. “You are too much trouble for us or any other sane Alpha to be around with your venomous seduction and power-hungry ambitions!”

“We love Malachi because we have felt the bond between him ever since we laid eyes on him,” Ivan added. “Unlike you, we knew that there was something special that emanated from Malachi’s aura beyond his royal title. He’s everything that his family taught him to be- gracious, sensible, loyal, demure, gifted, and even humble.”

“But he’s also loyal to his friends, vivacious, protective of his family and the legacy that was founded by his Great-Grandmother,” Yavier continued. “He may have some quirks, but we love him for who he is.”

“We wouldn’t trade him for anything else in the world,” Nathaniel pointed out. “Alyssa Cunningham, you’re a three. Malachi’s a five-star brother that many young Alphas would kill to have and are envious of us to claim. You, however, are too much trouble for your own good and anyone else’s.”

Finally, it was Isaiah’s turn to close the deal. “So, consider this the end of your grand road to redemption and claim to being the diva,” he said smoothly, his eyes glowing gold as Sethanial was ready to come to the surface. “You will NEVER- EVER- come close to being like Malachi because you are not what we need and he is way out of the Howell’s as well.”

Ryker growled lowly. “Come on,” he said snidely, earning some growls of anger from my brothers. “What do you see in Malachi that you don’t see in Alyssa?”

“EVERYTHING!” everyone else chorused in unison.

“Thank you,” Dawson piped up.

Alyssa spluttered, anger written in her eyes as she whirled to me. “This is your fucking fault,” she seethed in anger, her chest heaving up and down as her breasts were threatening to pop out of her bra. “You’re not just some ratty runt with a royal title, you freak! You’re the son of the devil! You seduced my boyfriends and the others with your witchcraft! You probably made a deal with the devil himself to take what’s not yours while ignoring what greatness lies with poor Ryker and Dawson! You fucking wretch! I wish that the Moon Goddess would kill you and your DADDY on sight since Carson DuBauer should’ve been eaten by rogues!”

The crowd gasped in horror, Dawson wisely stepping away from her and his brother.

“Good night everybody,” I heard an Alpha say as he took his mate out of the room.

Ryker sneered. “Yeah,” he agreed. “The Moon Goddess is one messed up bitch from hell to claim that Carson and his runty Omega brat as Her Moon Wolf Princes. And while I know that Malachi is the Sun God Wolf King, he doesn’t really deserve the title.”

“But all can and will be forgiven,” Alyssa piped up, giving me a sweet and condescending smile, “if Malachi finally swallows his pride and cancels the engagement before he rejects the thirteen studmuffins and let me claim them as my mates and finally accepts Dawson and Ryker as his RIGHTFUL mates. Hell, I’ll even take back my insults and bow to him as the Moon Wolf Prince and Sun God King.”

She fluttered her eyelashes. “Come on, Malachi,” she teased. “Be a good boy and make things right. Hell, even I can make you into a real man if you break things off. Just reject them and-”

She never finished her sentence because I was seeing red and my patience had finally snapped.

Before anyone could catch their breath, I let out a roar that sounded like Amon-Re was ready to snap, crackle, and pop on Alyssa and Ryker.

The room grew quiet, save for the rushing footsteps of the DJ and the caterers that made a run for it! “Clear the room!” the DJ bellowed.

“Well, time to go,” a YouTube said as she raced out like hell was on her trail.

I was pissed.

I was offended.

Above all...I was ready to blow!

“Ryker? Alyssa?” Dawson said uneasily as he and everyone else watched me shift into my all-gold wolf. “Shut up and let’s go.”

Alyssa was now looking like she had seen a ghost, her eyes nearly out of her sockets while her jaw was on the floor while a fly flew right into her mouth. “Imposs...imposs...” She couldn’t even make a proper sentence.

Ryker was undeterred. “Come now, Malachi,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Stop with your tantrum and reject those-”

He was suddenly laying on the floor with me hovering over him as I growled. I felt myself shift into Amon-Re’s human form as I summoned a flaming sword made of sunlight and aimed right at his throat. “Listen well,” I said darkly. “You will leave this place- you and that Alyssa Cunningham whore. You will learn to leave me alone and stop claiming what is NOT YOURS! If I get even a whiff of your scent in Denver- I don’t care that you’re in town for lunch. If I catch wind that you’re in are a dead man walking.”

Ryker was stammering like a madman, his pride out the window while his body was shaking in fear as he bared his neck in submission.

I turned to the still-stunned rogue phoenix, who was kneeling in submission. “Leave,” was all I could say to her. “Leave now!”

She didn’t have to be told twice. She got up and bolted out of the room as if she was Marion Jones at the Sydney Olympics.

I stood up, letting Ryker shakily stand to his feet. “This isn’t over,” Ryker snickered. “You showing me your power makes it more the better to continue to pursue after you. My brother and I will never stop getting what we want.”

Dawson snorted. “Speak for yourself,” he said. “I’m out, brother. You’re on your own.”

“What?!” Ryker hissed.

“You heard me. And like I said, this plan was doomed to fail from the start,” Dawson commented. “You can continue to let yourself fall on your face. I’m not ready to die just yet.”

“Fine,” Ryker huffed. “I’ll get Alyssa on my team and we’ll claim what’s ours. You’re dead to me, Howell. Since you disown me, I disown you and will be going rogue. And I WILL claim what’s mine! You’ll see! You’ll all see!”

And with that, the now-rogue brunette stormed out of the room and was greeted by guards that promptly escorted him out of the palace.

I took a deep breath, still angry at the derogatory comments. I let out a ululant howl that shook the palace as everyone bowed down. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“This is why we love our mate,” Aivox said dreamily after I had finished and felt myself calm down. “And him now being our fiance just proves that we’re the luckiest men alive.”

“Damn right,” Renatha drawled as the party was now moving to the bigger ballroom. “Malachi, you’re a badass brother who owns his power!”

“I’ll drink to that,” Gavin commented.

I let myself relax into the arms of Damien and snuggled closer into his chest. “Mine,” I purred.

“Yours,” the dark-skinned werewolf agreed.

And for the rest of the night, the masquerade ball had a LOT to celebrate with Ryker and Alyssa now gone and Dawson seeking an alliance with my fathers and brothers. But the main news was of my engagement to my thirteen mates and the whole world was soon lit with excitement and wonder.

As I said, Alyssa Victoire Cunningham wished she could be me at this moment. And Ryker wished he could be my mates.

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