The Transfer
Chapter 43 - Christmas Time

"Wake up losers!" I heard a loud shout that pulled me from my sleep. I felt weight press down on me and I yelped as I opened my eyes. I groaned at Lila who was laying on top of me. She grinned at me.

Liam groaned from next to me and mumbled something under his breath. I smiled up at Lila and she grinned even more.

"It's Christmas! Get up, get up! We have breakfast at uncle Mason's and then presents! Move your butt!” Lila squealed loudly as she jumped off the bed. I rolled my eyes as she ran out the room.

I rolled over to get out of bed, but Liam groaned and wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me back, draping his leg over mine. He kept me close.

"Liam, we have to get up. It's Christmas,” I said to him with a giggle. Liam kept his eyes shut but smirked at me. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and hummed softly.

"I want you to stay here with me,” he mumbled. I smiled warmly and ran my fingers along his arm. He was so hard to resist.

"Aren't you hungry? I'm starving for a good meal. And then, you get to open presents!" I told him excitedly. Liam scoffed.

"Unless I get to open a gift that is you, I don't care,” Liam said. I giggled and rolled my eyes. He was stubborn but I adored it.

“Liam... come on! I want to see Trixie again,” I groaned. He groaned back at me. I figured that I was going to struggle to get out of bed. He was more stubborn than normal.

"You saw her yesterday! Spend more time with your mate,” Liam mumbled. I felt him falling back asleep again and I nudged his chest.

"Don’t make me call Lila or Lucas in here,” I threatened playfully. He grunted and then released me, but not before planting a kiss on my neck.

"Merry Christmas, sugar,” Liam said. I smiled and jumped off the bed before Liam could change his mind and decide to keep me in bed with him.

"When I come back in here, your ass better be up and dressed. Got it, boy?" I said as I grabbed some clothes. He groaned at me and rolled over, burying his face in the pillow. I rolled my eyes. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I left the room and headed to be bathroom. I changed into my clothes in the bathroom and fixed myself up. Then, I left the bathroom and headed back to my room.

When I walked in, Liam was thankfully dressed. He was tying up his shoes and looked grumpy. He was not a morning person most times.

"You think you could hurry up?” I teased him. He growled at me and I giggled as I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on without bothering to untie and then redo the laces again. I left the room and walked down the hallway.

"Merry Christmas, sis,” Lucas greeted as he sipped on some coffee. He was in the kitchen, which was a mess from his attempt last night to make homemade pancakes. They tasted gross and looked even worse.

"Merry Christmas all,” I said to the group of people. They all looked up at me and grinned. Leon and Cass were tangled up in each other on a chair whilst Lila was raiding the refrigerator.

"Where's grumpy pants? Did he get out of bed?" Lila asked me. I laughed and nodded at her.

"It took some convincing. But he's up,” I replied. She giggled and came up to me and hugged me, rubbing my cheek with hers. I smiled warmly and looked behind me as she pulled away. Liam trudged into the room and ran a hand through his hair.

"Merry Christmas, big bro," Lila said as she hugged him. He smiled and hugged her back before she pulled away.

We left the house not long after. I walked hand in hand with Liam towards what was Mason's house. It was the same as Darcy and Al's, except for the colour of paint. I didn't think it would be much different.

Lucas pushed open the door and we walked into the house. I smelt the food instantly and my mouth watered. I was hungry.

"Mason and Hallie are real good cooks. You'll love their food,” Liam mumbled to me as we walked down the hallway. I grinned and nodded at him. I didn't doubt that they were good cooks. The food smelt amazing.

After greeting the entire family with the same repetitive greeting, Liam and I finally sat down at the large table. It was positioned outside on the porch, and there were heaters positioned around the entire table.

"Ali!" I heard a loud squeal that made my ears pop. I turned my head and grinned as I saw Trixie. She waved at me as she ran over.

I had grown a particular attachment to the little girl. She was full of energy and she was definitely a younger version of myself. I thought she was adorable and everyone else did too.

Last night, Blu and Nicolas wanted to have a date night together and Piper and Donovan, Trixie's siblings, didn't want to babysit. I offered and I took care of Trixie for the entire night until Blu and Nicolas got back.

We watched Christmas movies on the t.v and we made cookies and ate way too many bowls of popcorn. I had a good time with her and I really liked the little girl.

Trixie threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I smiled weakly and hugged her back gently. She giggled and pulled away before looking up at me.

"Hi Liam," Trixie waved at Liam. She moved around me to hug Liam, and she crawled up onto his lap and hugged him tightly around the neck. He chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Hey there, Trix. You being good?" Liam greeted her. She giggled and pulled away, nodding at him. "I'm always good. Donovan is the bad one,” she told him. Liam laughed at this.

"I don't doubt that, kiddo," Liam laughed at her. She giggled some more and hugged him again before she slid off his lap and ran away to play with Jason and Wesley.

"Food is up, animals! Come and get!" I heard Mason shout. I grinned as my belly rumbled. I got up and walked inside with Liam to grab food.

We piled food up on our plates and then headed back to the table. I sat next to Liam with Nathan on my opposite side. He forced himself in front of Lila and sat down beside me before she could. She scowled at this and turned away.

Nathan hadn't been an issue for most of the trip. But Liam didn't liked the way he apparently looked at me. Plus, after the first day where Liam beat the shit out of him, Liam had been dying for an excuse to do it again. This was another step closer to that.

"Merry Christmas, Alison,” Nathan said politely. I looked over at him and smiled. I nodded my head at him nicely and then started eating.

"I'd so love to wipe that kid off the face of the earth,” Lila growled to me. I looked up at her and smirked. She rolled her eyes and started to eat.

As I reached back and forth to grab the sauces and the salt and pepper, Nathan made sure to grab the same thing I did at the same time I reached for it. He brushed his leg against mine continuously and made my skin burn.

He was a definite threat to the bond. He was a smart ass and arrogant. I wanted to put him on his ass.

"Someone pass me a napkin please,” I said, gesturing to the middle of the table where I couldn't reach. Nathan was quick to reach forwards and grab one. I rolled my eyes but let him do it.

He held the napkin out to me and made sure to brush his hand against mine as I took the napkin. I growled at him.

"Do that again and I'll snap that hand in half," I told him after I growled. His eyes widened as most conversation at the table stopped.

"Yeah man, it's getting old now. We all love pissing Liam off, but he looks like he might just murder you," Donovan said through laughter. Everyone else at the table laughed as I looked back to Liam. He was shooting daggers at Nathan. It was amusing.

"I'm close to it,” Liam growled out. This made everyone at the table laugh even harder.

We all ate quickly and then moved into the living room to open presents. Everyone gathered their things and sat with presents in front of them. The adults were standing around the circle of people whilst everyone was on the floor and couch.

I noticed that three boxes were placed in front of me. The name tags read that they were from Lila, Darcy and Al, and Nicolas and Christian

They brought me gifts? No way! I hadn't gotten them anything.

"I thought we agreed no gifts,” I said, looking worriedly to Lila. She winked at me. I felt bad because I hadn't gotten her anything.

Everyone began opening their gifts. Liam watched me closely as I opened the gifts I had been given. I opened up Lila's first. It was a long rectangle box and it was heavy.

I lifted the lid and gaped. It was a full bottle of whiskey.

"You didn't!" I hissed at Lila as I nudged her arm. She giggled and shrugged at me.

I had loved whiskey since I turned twenty one. All my brothers drank it and so did my father. They forced me to drink it until liked it.

"I don't know how you drink that shit but I figured you could steer away from the beer and wine for a little," Lila told me as I lifted the bottle out the box. I stared at it and felt like drooling.

"You and I might just have to hang out a little more if you carry that with you,” Mason commented with a grin as he looked down at me. I nodded as I laughed and put the whiskey back into the box. I leant over and hugged Lila. I thanked her and she rubbed her cheek against mine. I felt very thankful that I had such a wonderful sister.

I opened the next box and Liam took the box of whiskey and rested it on his lap. He had been given gifts but they were sat on the kitchen counter. He apparently wanted to open them later when I gave him my gift in which I told him “wasn't ready yet"

I was nervous about showing him the lingerie set that I had bought when I went shopping with the girls, but I was sure that I was going to do it.

I opened the next gift. It was from Darcy and Al. The box wasn't heavy. In fact, the box was the heavy part.

I lifted the lid and found there was a beautiful dream catcher sitting inside. I smiled weakly as it picked it up and held it up in front of me. It was a white dream catcher, laced and handmade. There were decorative feathers attached as well as beads and different pieces of coloured string.

It was wonderful. I grinned and looked to the two grandparents in the room. They were busy looking at Wesley and Jason open their gifts, but I made note to thank them after.

"Hey, that's cool,” Liam mumbled to me. His hand squeezed my thigh and I smiled. I would definitely hang it up.

Who knew? It could possibly stop my bad dreams.

I placed the dream catcher back in the box and placed the lid on again. Liam took the box from me and placed it on his lap as I looked to the final box from Nicolas and Christian.

I particularly liked Liam's uncles. They were funny and they were welcoming. They had been nothing be nice to me since the moment I arrived and they loved joking around with me. After I told Piper about how I met Liam, she told them all, and they were constantly making jokes about the fact that I had run away from Liam when we first met.

Liam's aunts were awesome too. They were incredibly sweet and loving. I felt safe and wanted around them and it was a good feeling.

I opened the box and inside found a teddy bear. But it wasn't a regular teddy bear. It was a memorial teddy bear.

Written on the bears belly was “My Beloved Mother written in fancy cursive. The bear had a pendant attached to its hand and it read “Forever In My Heart".

I felt tears in my eyes and I smiled. I took the bear out the box and ran my thumb over the writing on the pendant. Nicolas and Christian has gotten it for me in memory of my mother who I had told them about the other day.

I felt special that they had remembered and then done this. My beast sat with her head held high and I couldn't help but tear up.

I blinked back the tears in my eyes. Liam leaned over and kissed the side of my head gently. I grinned and placed the bear back in the box. I put the lid back on as I got up and walked around the children.

I got to Darcy and Al first. I hugged them both and thanked them for their heartfelt gift. It was wonderful.

"I hope you don't mind. Liam mentioned that you had a lot of nightmares to me and I thought it might be nice to have one above your bed," Darcy said as she motioned back to where I had been sitting before. I shook my head at her as I smiled and hugged her again.

"It's beautiful. Thank you so much,” I said. She hugged me back tight and then pulled away. I smiled at her as I made my way over to Nicolas and Christian who were standing beside each other watching over the children.

Nicolas noticed me first. He nudged his brother slightly and they both turned to face me. I grinned at them as I walked up to me.

"Thank you so much for the gift. It's wonderful,” I told them. The males both smiled and shrugged. Nicolas hugged me first and held me tight.

Then, Christian did the same. I blinked back tears again and stepped away from them. They shot me smiles

"We're glad you liked it. We weren't sure if you'd cry out of joy or sadness,” Christian said with a goofy grin. I laughed softly and shook my head at them.

"No, it's perfect. Thank you, again,” I said. They both shrugged it off as I felt an arm snake around my waist.

"Do you want to take these back to the cabin so that they don't get lost or broken?" Liam asked me. I looked back at him and noticed the boxes he was balancing in one hand.

I nodded at him and took one of the boxes from him. He looked over at his uncles and nodded his head at them before we grabbed his presents and left the house.

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