The Transfer
Chapter 46 - Home

"Feeling better now, Ali?" Cass asked me as she brushed her fingers over my arm. I smiled and nodded at her as I sipped on my coffee. The female shot me a small smile and then begun to make her own coffee.

After the incident yesterday, I stayed in the doctor's hut for a few hours before they let me return back to my cabin. I spent all day lying in bed with Liam who cradled me and stroked my hair. He licked my wounds and they had mostly healed overnight because of it.

After dinner, Nicolas and Christian came over to talk to me about the incident. The tracker wolves couldn't find a single scent of the rogues. They had disappeared completely. Not to mention, the damn bodies had disappeared too. The first two rogues I killed were towards the pack more. Their blood was there, but there weren't bodies and their scent didn't trail off anywhere else. Someone had come through and taken the bodies without leaving a trace.

It didn't make sense.

Apparently, the rogue that they'd spared wasn't talking. They had locked him up with some silver chains to make sure he'd be weak, and they questioned him for hours.

The rogue had clearly been apart of some sort of agreement. He wouldn't say a word to anyone. Nicolas was pissed and Christian was distraught. Neither of them knew what to do.

They didn't want to worry the packs by claiming that rogues were becoming a huge problem again But they also didn't want to let what happened slide.

Nicolas was furious. Every time I saw him, his blood was so loud and his anger and hated was so intense that I almost choked on it. He was pissed that rogues has gotten into the territory unnoticed and took a child. If I hadn't trusted my gut, Wesley would have gone missing.

"Yeah. Almost completely healed,” I told Cass. She grinned at me and watched me sip on my drink. I leaned against the counter and sighed, shutting my eyes.

"We're leaving in half an hour, everyone. Sugar, we've got to go and speak with my uncles. Let's go," Liam walked into the room. I looked up at him and nodded.

I waved goodbye to Cass and then left the cabin with Liam. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close protectively. He was still on edge about the whole rogue attack.

The entire thing made his head spin. He had no idea what was going on and he didn't understand why there was nothing to trace. I didn't understand it just as much as he did, but what Nicolas and Christian has told me days ago was true.

Liam was too loyal to Henry to go behind his back. Henry didn't see any issues with the rogues, he didn't even seemed stressed that the sightings had gone up significantly. It was suspicious, and I had told Nicolas and Christian that. They agreed with me, but we all knew that Liam was too far up Henry's butt to see it.

"Liam," I warned him as he tightened his grip on my waist as we passed by other people. They were normal, just like him and I. They weren't rogues, but he was damn cautious about it.

"What? I'm not doing anything,” Liam said as he shot a nasty look at a male who looked in our direction. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I get that you're worried, but I'm fine. I can handle myself just fine. No one here is going to hurt me," I told him softly. Liam loosened his grip on my waist but still kept me close. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I'm just making sure everyone knows that you're mine, sugar," Liam said, lying to me. I knew he was trying to hide the fact that he was in fact worried about rogues attacking again. He was scared and I felt it. I had seen that look in people's eyes enough times to know that he was scared.

"You are such a liar,” I told him with a chuckle. He smirked at me and shook his head as we came up to Nicolas’ office. He knocked on the door and we waited.

"Come in," Nicolas called. We pushed the door open and walked inside. Nicolas, Christian, Mason and Al were sat inside. Mason was leaning against the window sill, and when I walked in, he nodded respectfully at me.

Him and Hallie had not stopped thanking me for saving Wesley. They were forever grateful that I had saved their son's life.

"Morning, kids. All ready to go?" Christian greeted us. We both nodded at him.

"All packed and ready to leave,” I nodded at him. He smiled back at me as he also nodded. He turned his head to Nicolas, and I realised that it was time for him to talk.

"In relation to the event that happened the other day, I'm sending out word to the neighbouring packs to tighten security on the borders. Of course, whether or not they do it is their decision completely, but it's a damn good suggestion and I'm not passing it up. Also, I'm calling a meeting," Nicolas explained. Liam stiffened and then sighed. Mason chuckled.

"I have those damn meetings. They're torture,” Liam grumbled out. I raised my eyebrows at this. "When things start going weird, we can call a meeting between the heads of the packs. All we do is discuss an agenda of the issues and then figure out a solution,” Nicolas explained to me. I nodded at him.

"I've already spoken with your father about it. He said he'd let us have the meeting in Terialta. Since there's the big hall there,” Nicolas told me. I nodded at him and smiled. I looked forward to getting to go back there again

"The date is still undecided, but it'll be discussed with Liam and Henry soon. A time and date will be organised and then we'll go from there. Sound good?" Christian said. He looked over at Liam who nodded. I nodded also.

I wondered what was going to happen. Would Liam defend Henry if things got out of hand? Would Henry tell the truth about the sightings and the attack?

"Alright. That's all good then. We just thought we'd let you both know in advance. Now, come say goodbye," Nicolas stood from his chair and walked around the desk.

I had said my goodbyes to the rest of the family last night. We had a big dinner in Nicolas’ house where we said our farewells. I was sad to be leaving, but also happy to be going home. I missed Ezra, Jenny and the others. My friends were important to me. I missed them.

I hugged Nicolas and Christian and then turned to Mason whilst Liam said his goodbyes to his uncles. Mason hugged me tightly and sucked in a deep breath

"I owe you my life. I can never thank you enough,” Mason mumbled out. I smiled weakly as I gave him an assuring squeeze. I pulled away and smiled more.

"It's nothing, Mason. Anything for family, right?" I tilted my head at him. He smiled and nodded at me before hugging me again.

"Call me if you ever need a favour, okay?" He told me. I nodded at him as Liam shook his hand. Liam grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards him.

"We've got to head off now. Henry wants us back before three,” Liam told me. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course he does,” I muttered. Liam frowned at me and questioningly glanced at Mason who was only smirking at my comment.

"Careful, Ali. He's still too fragile. He has to figure things out for himself," Nicolas warned me. I smiled at Liam.

"I'm kidding, Liam. Lighten up," I told him playfully as I nudged his arm. He looked at me, not fooled, but I didn't need to try and fool him. If I looked like I was joking, he wouldn't question it. "Alright. Well, take care of yourselves. Don't go out there getting into trouble,” Nicolas said as he nudged my shoulder. I chuckled a little and nodded at him as the males walked Liam and I out the office and the pack house.

They parted with us when we got back to the cabin. Liam helped me load my bags into the car and then we got in and started the journey back home.

"If I wake up and you two are making out with each other half naked again, I will not be happy at all," Lucas said from the backseat as he laid down. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes.

Liam growled deeply at his brother. "Maybe you wouldn't see that shit if you just left us alone when we're busy!"

I giggled at Liam and reached over to grab his hand. He intertwined our fingers and held my hand gently in his.

"How about you respect the rule of no sex while your brothers and sister are in the house!" Lucas retorted smartly. Liam's chest rumbled as he side glanced at me.

"If we were having sex, you wouldn't be anywhere near us, because I would have kicked your ass out the house so that you didn't interrupt, again,” Liam growled out. He was so easy to work up and Lucas lived for it.

I had to admit, it was entertaining to listen to them get irritated with each other.

"It's my house too! You can't just kick me out. I live there, and my bedroom is right next to yours!" Lucas shouted. I laughed at this and shook my head.

"Boo hoo. I'm older than you and I have a mate. You never care when Leon and Cass get it up with each other in his room," Liam snapped back. Lucas rolled his eyes and sighed at his brother like he was a dumbass.

"Because they're quiet! I don't hear any thumping or giggling, or moaning when they have sex. When you two go at it, I think about ripping my freaking ears off," Lucas said quickly. He always had an answer to everything. He was never quiet.

"Maybe you should. Take your tongue out while you're at it. You might be less annoying and I might like you more,” Liam muttered. I squeezed his hand.

"I'm going to sleep now. I'm serious. If I wake up to a full on sex scene in front of me, I'm going to be real pissed," Lucas said as he yawned and then shut his eyes. I rolled my eyes at the male and turned up the radio a little.


"Was it a good trip?" Ezra asked me as I sat at the table. I nodded at him and tried to think about anything else but the amount of making out that Liam and I did.

Ezra would tease me if he knew about it. He was bound to find out about it anyway.

"Yeah. It was awesome. I really loved the family,” I told him. Ezra grinned at me and Jenny came up behind me and started to braid my hair.

I had missed the vampires a lot. They were like my second set of parents. They cared so deeply for me.

"But, there was an incident with some rogues,” I added. I knew I had to talk to them both about it. They had the same opinions on Henry as I did. I could trust them.

"What?" Ezra hissed out. I held my hands up, signalling him to calm down. He sucked in a deep breath and motioned for me to continue.

"They dragged one of Liam's little cousins out into the woods. I'm sure they were going to kidnap him. So I attacked them. I got the best of them and killed them," I started. I explained the whole story to Ezra and Jenny. They listened tentatively and nodded when I told them about keeping it all a secret from Liam.

"Nicolas and Christian both agree with me that there's something suspicious about Henry. His whole family gives me the creeps. There's something up with all of them," I said, shaking my head. I was annoyed that I couldn't figure out what it was that was so odd about them all

It was like it was on the top of my tongue.

"I couldn't agree more... but how the hell did those bodies get moved without anyone knowing or seeing? How were there no scents to follow?" Ezra hissed out. He was angry too. I could tell.

"It doesn't make sense and Nicolas has called for a meeting because of it. My father offered to hold the meeting in Terialta, at our ball room hall," I told him. Jenny sighed from behind me.

"Don't you think Henry could just lie about it though? No one is allowed to disagree with him in those types of meetings," Jenny said as she finished my hair and sat next to me. I shrugged at her. "I sure hope he won't lie. That'll just make him look even more suspicious," I said. Ezra nodded and sighed. He reached out to me and grabbed my hand.

"Let's talk about something less stressful. Like how you and Liam got busted half naked by Lucas in the bedroom.”

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