The Transfer
Chapter 53 - Tripping Home

"Sleepy head, it's time to wake up," a voice pulled me from my sleep. "Come on.”

I groaned softly and rolled over, burying my face in my pillow. I felt hands shake my shoulder gently. Shocks and tingles made their way up my arm and torso. I smiled to myself.

"You have to get up if you want to see your brothers today," Liam told me. I sighed and shook my head.

"I can see them another time," I mumbled to him. Liam chuckled and pulled the blanket off my body. I kept my eyes shut.

"Sugar, I'll make you get up. You've got to shower," Liam said.

After another ten minutes of him trying to get me out of bed, I finally gave up and got out of bed. Liam forced me in the direction of the shower and I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. "You sure you don't need any help in there?” Liam asked me. I rolled my eyes as I turned on the water. My beast rumbled. She would love to be helped.

"Not from you," I replied cheekily. I undressed and then got into the shower.

After showering and eating a quick breakfast, it was time to leave. I didn't need to take anything with me, as my bedroom still had all my things in it back in Terialta.

"We're driving most of the way. I hope you have a long crossword puzzle,” I nudged Ezra as we walked out the cabin. Jenny laughed at me and Ezra rolled his eyes. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Shut up, Ali girl. I'll kick your butt," Ezra told me. I giggled as I walked along.

"Not my fault that you're literally a grandpa,” I chanted to him. I saw him go to grab me from out the corner of my eye. I jumped forwards and avoided him.

I giggled to myself as we began to walk where all the cars would be parked. It was a little walk out the woods as the cars couldn't get past the thick trees.

"I hope you know that when we get to Terialta, you're going to be responsible for holding back your mate and his brothers from Brennon,” Ezra told me as we walked. I felt a little more nervous at the mention of Brennon, but I didn't really care. I wasn't over what happened, but Brennon didn't scare me anymore,

I was sure that I could lay a good beating into him if he came too close.

"I know, I know," I nodded at him. Ezra offered me a small smile and chuckled.

"Or you could always just let them tear his ass apart,” Ezra added. I shoved his shoulder and rolled my eyes at his comment. Jenny laughed a little as we came to the cars.

Everyone was already there. We were the last ones to arrive. Late as usual.

"You three could have at least made an effort to get here on time," Henry growled out as we approached him. I crossed my arms and said nothing as Ezra shrugged. Henry scoffed and rolled his eyes before looking away.

"Alright. Let's get going. It's a long drive,” Henry said, turning and getting into the car which had Anthony and Melissa already sitting in it.

I turned to see where Liam was. I wanted to drive with him. I saw him leaning against his car, Veronica standing in front of him.

I rolled my eyes. I could already imagine that she was trying to convince Liam to let her drive with him. I hoped he wasn't going to let that happen. I hated the idea of that female driving in a car with Liam for several hours.

I walked towards them slowly, and then I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw Henry staring right at me.

"Where are you going, Grey? You're in that car over there. Liam, Veronica, hurry up and get into the car," Henry ordered. I gaped at him.

"But I'm with Liam," I protested immediately. I saw the evil smirk on Veronica's face and thought about walking over to her to wipe it off. Liam huffed and his chest rumbled.

"Henry," Liam growled out lowly. Henry shook his head and waved his hand. He turned and got into his car.

"Isn't this exciting Liam? I get to drive with you!" Veronica grinned at him. I saw him clench his jaw and then turn to look at me. I sighed and shrugged at him.

I trusted Liam.

I turned and walked to Ezra's car where I got into the back seat and clipped on my seatbelt. I sighed as Ezra started up the car.

"Tell Ezra to wait for two seconds!” Lila called to me. I frowned and leant forwards in my seat and tapped Ezra on the shoulder.

"I think Lila is coming to sit in our car. Wait a minute,” I said. He nodded and I looked out the window as Lila was surely enough climbing out her car and coming towards mine.

She got in and strapped on her seatbelt as Ezra drove off.

"I would rather die than sit in a car with that girl for hours," Lila told us as we drove. I couldn't help but laugh as Ezra drove the car out onto the road and then sped up.

"Why do you think I didn't get into the backseat with you?" I laughed at Lila. She giggled at me and shook her head slowly.

"I'm sorry, sugar. I told her that you were driving with me but she was putting up a good fight," Liam called to me. I rested my head against the window tiredly.

"It's fine, Liam. You tried," I sighed back to him. I wanted to ride with Liam only so that him and I could hold hands without getting made fun of by Ezra or Jenny. I just wanted to be with him.

"I'll make it up to you later," Liam told me. I rolled my eyes at his comment and shut my eyes as I decided that taking a long nap would make the trip go faster.


"Do you ever shut up?” I asked Lucas as we walked. He gasped at me and held a hand to his chest, looking shocked and offended. He loved to overreact.

"Well, yes, I do actually. But I don't like to because I know how much it annoys you," Lucas replied matter of factly. I huffed and rolled my eyes at him and his stupid smirk.

"You know what shuts him up? When he walks in on you and Liam," Lila giggled as she nudged my side. I widened my eyes at her as she laughed at my embarrassed state.

"Lila!" I hissed out as I glanced towards Liam. He was smirking. He was enjoying it. “I hate you."

Lila giggled at me more as we came to the clearing of trees and reached Terialta. I looked up from my feet and grinned as I saw the big gathering of people in the middle of the pack. Liam's family had already arrived and I could see my brothers making their way out the pack house.

"This way. Don't go wandering off,” Henry said as he led us towards the group of wolves. I could see Brennon with them and caught a glimpse of my father also.

I had missed him.

I wandered towards my brothers despite Henry saying not to. I didn't care that he had given me orders, I didn't like him enough to respect him.

Beckett saw me and grinned. He was walking hand in hand with Lauri, who was also grinning at me. I smiled at them both as I reached Rae first. He engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Hey there, little bug," he greeted me. I smiled as I hugged him back. I hadn't realised how much I missed my brothers.

When I pulled away, Samaya hugged me. He sniffed me and then shuddered. "You smell like him."

I knew Samaya was talking about Liam and I rolled my eyes. Him and the others still weren't sure about Liam, but it was only because they didn't know him. They would love him if they got to know him.

"Now you do too," I said as I hugged him tighter. He growled at me and then pulled away and tossed me a warning look. I giggled and looked to Jax.

"The meeting isn't until tonight. Plenty of time for you and I to get in the ring,” Jax chanted. I rolled my eyes at him but grinned anyway as I hugged him. I hugged Beckett and Lauri before I took a step away from them.

"How's your boy toy?" Samaya asked me as he turned his head to search for Liam. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms.

"He's performing well," I replied. Samaya scoffed at me and folded him arms with an unimpressed expression on his face.

"He's a real cutie, that one. Quite adorable, actually,” Lauri told me, patting my shoulder. Beckett rolled his eyes at her and smiled anyway. He knew that she was only trying to stir up my brothers. "You must be real damn blind, Lauri. He looks like a dumb shit," Rae hissed out. I growled in warning at him.

"Shut your mouth,” I scolded him. Rae rolled his eyes at me and we all turned our attention to the group of wolves.

"Aunt Caroline and the others should be here soon. They're excited to see you again,” Beckett told me. I nodded at him. I noticed that there were about five different packs that had already arrived. Of course, Terialta and Takiani. North was also present, as was a neighbouring pack called Selin. There was another pack from up west that I had seen before but didn't know much about.

There were still a few more packs to arrive.

"Sounds fun. The meeting is tonight, isn't it?" I tilted my head at my brothers. They nodded at me as Jax checked the time on his wrist watch.

"Lucky that you guys got here as early as you did. There's still plenty of time for us to beat the shit out of your boyfriend," Jax said, showing Rae and Samaya his watch just to piss me off. I rolled my eyes and huffed at them.

"Come on. I'm sure Dad wants to see you," Beckett said, motioning for me to follow him. The group of us headed toward where my father was standing, greeting the Alphas that surrounded him. Brennon was with him. Seeing him made me angry and even a little sick. I wanted to walk up to him and tear his throat out. He didn't deserve life after what he did.

"Hello, sweetheart. Long time, no see,” my father greeted me when he saw me. I smiled at him as he took a step away from all the people and gave me a tight hug.

My beast felt warm and happy in his embrace. We had been mad at our father, but now we didn't care. We had both missed him dearly. It was hard staying away from my family for so long.

"You've grown. You're so strong now," my father said as he pulled away from me. He squeezed my arms and smiled at me. He looked down at me, his body towering over mine like a giant. My brothers had all inherited my father's height, whilst I was stuck with the shortness from my mother. "I've been working hard. Jax still thinks he could take me in a fight,” I told him. My father smiled and laughed lightly me. He glanced behind me and at Jax.

"I bet she'd put up a real good fight, boy," Dad said. I heard Jax huff and I smiled. I was going to fight my brother and that was for sure. He needed a good ass kicking.

My father was called away again. He nodded his head at me before he turned around and walked away, leading a group with him.

"I expect you to introduce me to this mate of yours later on, sweetheart,” my father told me as he walked away. I smiled and looked back to Liam, but I found myself looking at Brennon instead.

I glared at him and crossed my arms. He smirked and looked me up and down.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped at him. He shrugged his eyebrows at me and looked me up and down yet again. I hated it. I wanted to gouge his eyes out.

"You and only you, my love," he replied. I scowled and shook my head. He was going to get what he deserved soon enough.

I found Liam by my side in a matter of seconds, and watched him grow! at Brennon. It was the first time that Liam had seen Brennon since he found out what he'd done to me. He was handling it better than I thought.

"What the hell do you think you're growling at, pup?" Brennon hissed at Liam. I held back a sigh. Liam was surely going to snap back at that.

"Some scum bag who thinks he can get away with shit,” Liam retorted. Brennon looked a little surprised at Liam's response but then looked down to me.

"Control your mate, girl. Don't make me give you the collar again," Brennon growled out at me. I opened my mouth to say something but words didn't come out.

It was a long time ago when Brennon had last put the silver collar around my neck. I had spoken back to him so he locked me up for two days. My father and brothers had been away on a business a trip so no one argued with his decision.

It was cruel.

"Threaten her again and maybe I'll be the one putting you in the collar,” Liam growled deeply at him. Brennon chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"He's not the only one who's looking forward to putting your ass on a lead,” I heard another growl. I turned my head to see Lucas standing with his fists clenched. Lila was holding the back of his shirt to keep him from going forwards. He looked pissed.

Brennon chuckled and shook his head.

"Just because you have an army behind you, doesn't mean I can't get to you and hurt you. Watch your back, Grey," Brennon told me before he turned and walked away.

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