The Transfer
Chapter 56 - Square One

After reuniting with my uncles and cousins, they were moved off to settle in to where they'd be staying the night. Majority of the packs were staying the night, as the meeting wouldn't finish until lord knows how long, and most didn't want to be running through the woods late at night.

Liam claimed that he had convinced Henry to let us stay the night. Which I was glad about. I would've been quite irritated if I wasn't allowed to stay for the night. I needed to reunite with my family.

"Where's this mate of yours? I still haven't been introduced,” Monique asked me. I looked over at her and rolled my eyes.

She was my favourite cousin. The one I was definitely closest with out of all my family members. She was my age, only two months older. I got along with her the best.

"He's busy with pack stuff. You'll meet him later. Are you coming to the party after?" I looked at her as Piper dabbed something sparkly on my cheeks. She was doing my makeup for the meeting. She'd persisted.

I had been hesitant at first, but then all the girls; my cousins and Lila, Cass, Piper and Kendall started to make jokes about making me look so good that Liam couldn't stay away. Then, I didn't even want to leave the cabin as such.

I had to attend the meeting. I was technically the Beta female, and I had to sit with Liam. It was mandatory. Unfortunately.

I'd rather sit in my room and stare at the wall for countless hours.

"I think so. I don't really want to, but Amanda would beat my ass if I didn't,” Monique said, giggling at Amanda who sat across the room, straightening her hair. She turned around in her seat and shot her sister a look.

"Don't pretend that you don't want to go, Moni. We all know that you only came on this trip for the hot boys,” Amanda replied before continuing with her hair. Everyone in the room giggled. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

There weren't many girls in my family. My father had two brothers. Gregory and Kasey had two daughters; Monique and Amanda. Lucian and Vivian had four sons. My mother had a lot more family than my father did, but I hadn't seen them in a long time. They fled when my mother was murdered and I hadn't seen a single one of them since.

"Parties are fun. We all have to go. I'm not going to walk around like a chicken without a head. I need to have people to talk to," Lila said in a sing-song voice as she applied her mascara to her eyelashes. I sat back in my seat a little more and Piper sat back and smiled at me.

"Let me do your hair now that your makeup is done," Kendall said, jumping up from the bed. She walked over to me and began to fiddle with my hair.

"Where's your dress, Ali?" Lila asked me. I sighed out. My dress was all the way out in the woods where my father's house was. My brothers and I, including my father all stayed in it. I hadn't been back to the house yet, and I was nervous to. There had been a lot of memories in that house.

I wasn't excited to see it and experience it all over again. There was still a deep red blood stain on the carpet. We'd tried to cover it up with a rug, and as stupid as it looked on the carpet, we never touched it once we put the rug down.

"In my house. I have to go back there to get it before the meeting,” I replied, glancing towards her. Piper looked down at her wrist watch and rolled her eyes.

"Be quick with her hair, Kenny. We've all got to change and she's still got to go grab her dress," Piper said. Amanda hummed from behind us.

"Yeah, we've got thirty minutes until the meeting starts. We're supposed to be arriving to take our seats at ten to," Amanda said. I sighed and shook my head. I didn't want to be late.

"Are you coming back to the house to grab your dress?" Samaya questioned me out the blue.

"Yup. I'm about to leave the cabin to come and grab it. Then I'll walk there with you," I replied. I hadn't realised how much I had missed my brothers and all my family. It was insane how weird it was not to wake up and see them every morning.

Then again, it would be strange to not wake up to Liam or Ezra and Jenny anymore.

"I'll save you a beer," Samaya called to me before we shut off the link. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I felt Kendall run her fingers through my hair.

"You're all done. Go get your dress, girl,” Cass told me. I smiled and got up from my chair. I turned around to look at all of them. The girls all looked so pretty with their hair and makeup done perfectly.

"Gorgeous. Now hurry up,” Monique said, motioning for me to head to the door. I nodded and left the cabin. I headed out into the woods, walking quickly through the trees and shrubs. I could smell where my brothers and cousins had been earlier and followed the trail.

When I came up to the house, I sucked in a deep breath. I entered the house and froze for a moment. Nothing felt different.

It was the same as I had left it.

I shut the door and walked through the house. I heard the voices of my brothers and cousins and smelt the beer that they were all drinking. I headed down the hallway, walking slowly.

I peeked into all my brothers’ rooms as I passed them, and saw that they were still all the same. Messy and disgustingly gross.

Of course, Beckett's room was clean. I knew it was only because of Lauri though. She hated mess. I remember that her and Beckett used to get into arguments all the time over Beckett's messy room. I came up my parents’ bedroom and held my breath as I pushed the door open. It was empty, the room illuminated by the setting sun shining through the window. Nothing had changed at all. The side my mother used to sleep on was still made neatly and all her things were on the nightstand. Her favourite perfume bottle had the cap off, and her little jewellery box was open with bits of necklaces and bracelets spilling out. I smiled at this and walked into the room slowly.

My gut twisted as I approached her things. They were all so beautiful and so wasteful. It was a shame that no one ever used them anymore.

My beast nudged me towards her perfume bottle. I picked up it and held it to my nose. I sniffed and sighed at the wonderful scent. It was beautiful and sweet.

I decided that I would wear it.

I turned around and took the perfume bottle with me. I headed to my room and shut the door behind me. My room smelled like dust and sadness.

It overwhelmed me for a moment. I stood still and took it all in, letting the emotions in the room swirl around my new aura. It was so different.

The sadness had remained from when I was last there. It was strong too. I didn't like it.

I shook my head and pushed forwards. I opened my wardrobe and stared at all the old clothes that I hadn't worn in a while. Most of them wouldn't fit me. I had grown since I was last in Terialta.

I flicked to the back of my wardrobe where all my dresses were. There weren't many of them. I wasn't the type of girl who liked wearing dresses. I was always playing in the dirt as a kid and dresses were too easy to get dirty.

My mother hated washing mud stains out my clothes.

I smiled at the memory and grabbed the dress that I planned one wearing. It was a nude pink colour, only subtle. It was a full length gown, which would cover my feet. The dress was a high neck, as females who didn't have a mark to show covered their necks.

Cass, Monique and Amanda would be all wearing dresses with low plunging necklines. They all had mates and marks on their necks, so they would show it off to avoid males going for them.

Males would come for me instead.

I shuddered at the thought and slipped into the dress. It was tight fitted but hugged me beautifully. The last time I had worn it was at the huge ceremony celebrating my father's birthday. It was a giant party in the hall with all different packs that my father was friends with.

It was a wonderful night.

I put on some high heeled shoes despite my beast growling at me for it. We both hated wearing them, but we knew we had to since it was a formal event. I sighed as they had already began hurting my feet. It was going to be a long night.

I sprayed my mother's perfume on myself and then looked at myself in the mirror. I had to admit that I loved the way I looked. The dress suited me perfectly and my beautiful hair and makeup completed the look.

I shook my head to myself as I left the room. I shut my bedroom door behind me and walked down the hallway. I neared the voices of my brothers and cousins and felt uneasy in my stomach.

I walked into the living room where they were all standing and felt faint.

Her body heaved with panicked breaths. She knew she was going to die, but she didn't care. She only wanted her daughter to survive. She prayed that help arrived before anything could happen to her child

She wriggled and squirmed against the grips of the nasty men that had forced their way into their house and took her and her daughter hostage. It had all happened so fast.

The usually bright woman was in tears as her body shook. She stared down at her daughter, dreading the look of fair and panic in her young eyes. The woman looked around as the men came back into the room.

They were all sick. So sick that they twitched and growled randomly as their beasts pushed to be let out. They were uncontrollable and dangerous.

"Mum!" The daughter cried out as a man approached her with his claws out. He snarled his teeth at the woman and she knew she was going to die in a moment.

She prayed that her daughter would be safe. She prayed that things would be alright.

"Ali, it's okay, baby. It's going to be okay," the woman assured her daughter, who was squirming and kicking her legs to be freed. The men holding her tightened their grips and held her tighter. "No!" The daughter screamed as loud as she could while she watched the claws swipe and then tear out her mother's throat.

Blood splattered everywhere, seeping into the carpet and sticking to the walls. The woman's body fell limp and dropped to the ground, gargling and choking slightly for just a few moments.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned my head. I sucked in a shaky breath as I looked at Rae who smiled down at me.

I shook my head and sighed deeply.

For as long as I could remember, entering the living room where my mother was killed, I encountered a vision. It replayed the moments of my mother's death.

No one knew why it happened but it did. It was a dreadful curse and I hated it. I usually avoided the living room

"You look wonderful, little cousin,” Xander said to me. I smiled at him and shook the memories from my mind. I didn't need them to ruin the night.

"Mhm, could look better,” Earnest teased. He was my youngest cousin, only sixteen. But he was awesome. I adored him.

"Shut up, nerd,” I retorted. He snorted at me and shook his head as he smiled. All the males in the room were wearing neat tuxedos and had their hair done up nicely. They all looked great.

"You know, there's no one around to stop us. I should just kick your ass right now and skip this dreadful meeting," Jax piped up. I rolled my eyes at him as Beckett punched his shoulder.

"Don't be a moron. We've got to go to the meeting," Beckett scolded him. Jax winked at me and I knew that there was no avoiding a fight with Jax. He had a lot of things coming to him.

"Come on. Let's go. We don't want to be late. Dad will kill us all,” Samaya said as he motioned to the door. We all turned and left the house. I screwed my nose up at the dirty ground and looked to Marcus.

He was only nineteen but he was a giant. He was almost as tall as Zander, and Zander was the oldest brother. He was strong and a total softie.

Marcus rolled his eyes at me and sighed as he scooped me up in his arms. We began to walk, and my dress was far off the floor where it wouldn't be ruined by the dirt.

"Lazy piece of shit," Rae muttered at me. I aimed my leg at him and tried to kick him, but he dodged my foot and rolled his eyes.

We all laughed as we continued back to the pack.

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