The Transfer
Chapter 68 - Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

I grunted in pain as Lucas tightened his grip on my waist whilst he set me down on the couch. My knees buckled and I winced. Lucas held his breath and I heard his heart speed up. He was still pissed and upset about the whole situation.

He wanted to fix things just as much as I did. Everyone was tense and it didn't make anything better that I wasn't with Liam. At least when I was with him, everyone knew he was stable. If Liam was stable, then things were running smoothly.

Everyone knew he was anything but stable.

"There you go. Is that better?" Lucas asked me softly as he helped me to lift my feet into the couch. I nodded at him slowly and sat back. Lucas grabbed my bear skin from the other couch across the room and he placed it on me.

I held it close and sighed softly. Lila walked into the room holding a plate and a glass of water. She smiled at me weakly as Brayleigh followed behind her. I hadn't seen much of the female lately. She'd been so busy with her doctor courses. I was so proud that she was blooming into the strong wolf she was made to be.

"Eat this. Ezra said you had to eat it all, or he'd kick your ass,” Lila told me as she handed me the plate. She set down the glass of water on the floor by her feet and then walked around it to sit on the end of the couch with me.

I adjusted my feet to make more room for her as I nodded and ate.

It'd been three days since the incident. The silver in my system was still taking a toll on me. I was weak and unable to do almost anything. I wouldn't walk without an intense pain all over my body. It was torture.

There wasn't any kind of process that I could do to speed up my healing. I was healing at what seemed like the pace of a human. It was agonising and boring.

"I'm so over this," I sighed out as I ate. I was tired of feeling crap. I needed to get outside and go for a run. I needed to do something other than sit inside all day and dwell upon everything that had happened.

"You can say that again,” Brayleigh huffed out. She crossed her arms and looked up as Kade walked into the room. Leon, Cass and Quo walked in moments later.

Barely any of them had left my side since I was allowed to sleep in the cabin again. Lucas was always around. He'd sleep on the couch at night. Lila barely left either. She was always with me in my bedroom, and when she wasn't, she was on a run.

Leon didn't like leaving either. Most nights, he'd sit on the couch and fall asleep. Cass would stay often also. I had Ezra set up mattresses in my bedroom, and that was where Lila and Cass slept when they stayed over.

It was depressing. No one was happy and no one knew what to do.

I knew it was their way of keeping me safe.

"You all look so depressed. Can you get out my damn house and go lighten up?” I hissed out at them. I bit into my sandwich again as I looked at them all. They all had such sad faces and it pissed me off to know that it was mostly my fault.

I had turned them against their Alpha and it was probably messing with their heads.

I had decided in the infirmary after Henry spoke to me that I wasn't going to talk about him being a traitor anymore. I knew that it was taking a toll on them. I had to be sure of my feelings before I acted. They needed to forget about it and let me do the dirty work.

They all wouldn't understand. Most of them were younger than me, too young to process the information they were receiving. Quo was older, but even he didn't seem to handle things as well. I worried about them all. They were all getting into something dangerous.

Plus, they'd been in the pack for years. Henry was the only Alpha they'd known. I was different; a transfer. My father was my true Alpha. My wolf could never look up to Henry.

"Yeah, guys, it would be good for us all to lighten up a little. Don't you think?" Cass piped up. I shot her a thankful smile. I needed everyone to leave and take a break.

It would give me time to think about things. I needed them to be happy so I could work things out. I wasn't sure if I had time before something bad happened again.

Henry said he wouldn't be so forgiving the next time something happened. I didn't know what his plans were, but I was sure they wouldn't be nice. I had to tread carefully.

"But—" Lucas started but I quickly cut him off.

"No buts! Go home! Take a shower, you stink," I looked to him and offered a bright smile. I watched the corners of his mouth tug upwards.

"Stop annoying me. A girl needs her alone time every now and then, you know," I joked with them. I was slightly serious. I needed to be alone for a little.

I couldn't think when all the others had so much to say.

"Come on, let's go. I need a long and hot shower," Cass said as she tugged at Leon's arm. She pulled him out the room and I was thankful for it.

When Leon left, everyone else did too. They all piled out the cabin and finally left me alone. I sighed and relaxed.

I sniffed at the bear skin on my body. It still smelt of Liam, but the scent was fading. Usually I had Liam with me almost every night. The scent was always so strong.

I guessed things changed pretty quickly.

"Liam is outside. He wants to see you. He says that Henry and Veronica aren't around for the day,” Jenny walked into the room. She smiled at me weakly and I nodded at her. I wanted to see Liam so badly.

I knew it was bad. I knew I shouldn't, but I had to.

I slowly pushed myself up from the couch, struggling with each movement. Jenny watched me, but she didn't help. I was thankful for that. I had to start doing things on my own. It would build up my strength again.

I crept towards the door. Ezra was out. He had to go hunting. He'd been taking care of me for the past three days and he was starving. The poor guy looked so weak.

But he'd come back in a better mood and he'd feel better too. Jenny had gone hunting the morning before. She was much better.

"I'm going into town to grab some groceries. I won't be long, okay?" Jenny said as I followed her. She turned around and kissed my head as I walked into the kitchen. I nodded at and watched her grab her things.

"Drive safe," I mumbled as she trotted out the kitchen. I heard a mumble before I saw Liam walk into the kitchen. I grinned at him as I felt some of my troubles go away. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

His neck was still bare and I liked it that way. Veronica didn't have him yet. He was still mine.

He looked kind of tired. His eye bags were a little darker than normal and his hair was messier than it usually was. He wore a plain grey shirt and black sweatpants. He looked gorgeous.

I had missed him too much.

"Looking good, sexy," I joked at him. I cocked my head at him and he scoffed and rolled his eyes as he laughed. I smirked and shook my head to myself.

"You're an idiot," Liam told me as he walked towards me. He grabbed me gently and pulled me into a hug. I sighed softly as hugged him back, letting the warmth from his body spread to me. It was pure and felt like I'd taken a life time supply of morphine.

I had craved his touch for that long.

My skin tingled like never before. It was like eating after being starved. Perfect.

"I missed you so much,” I mumbled out as I pulled away. Liam looked down at me and kissed my forehead. His thumb rubbed my arm gently, providing me with a little more comfort.

"You need a shower,” Liam told me. I rolled my eyes at him as he screwed up his nose. He was only joking but I knew he was right.

I giggled slightly anyway as I took his hand and let him lead me down towards the bathroom. Halfway there, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me instead. I clutched his shirt tightly as I winced at the pain all over my body.

"You'd heal quicker if I was around, you know," Liam told me. It sounded more like a suggestion. He wanted to stay with me. I wanted him to.

"Liam, you can't," I mumbled out as we walked into the bathroom. He set me down on the ground carefully and turned on the water.

He grabbed my jacket and pulled it off my shoulders, putting it on the counter top. I shrugged at him slowly.

"I just want you to not be in so much pain,” Liam told me as he helped me to take off my shirt. It hurt to lift my arms over my head but I complied anyway. I shuddered in the coldness of the bathroom.

Liam sighed as he looked down at the wound on my hip, his eyes looking over the bruised and sore area. His screwed up his nose at it and shook his head.

"How much longer do I have to stay away from you?" He asked me, slowly brushing his fingers over my skin. The tingles followed and I hadn't craved something more in my entire life.

I sighed softly at Liam and shrugged slightly. I didn't know how long we had to stay apart for. But I knew it was hurting the both of us more and more every day. I didn't know what would happen if it continued for much longer.

I just wanted Liam. I didn't care if Veronica or Henry were unhappy. They couldn't keep Liam and I apart forever.

"I don't know, Liam. You and I both know that it's only going to result in bad things happening if we are together," I told him, dreading saying the words. I hated that Henry had such control over Liam and I.

Hell, I didn't follow Henry's orders anyway.

"Does it look like I care?” Liam said bitterly. I shook my head slightly and sighed. I leant against his chest and shut my eyes.

I knew it was time for things to change. But I had no idea how they had to change. What would happen? What needed to happen?

My mind raced a little and I sighed again. There were things I thought I could do. Things that would more than likely fix the problems.

I could leave Takiani.

I shuddered at the thought of it. I didn't want to leave, but what if it was the right thing to do?

But what about Liam? What would he do? Would he leave with me? Who else would follow? Would Ezra and Jenny? Or Lila?

"Bad things are going to happen, Liam. I can feel it. But you promised you'd do the right thing," I mumbled to him as I clutched his shirt with my hands. His chest rumbled, sending vibrations through my arms and torso.

"Can we stop talking about the bad things now and just enjoy each other's company?" Liam mumbled out as I pulled away. I smiled up at him and he continued to help me into the shower.

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