The Transfer
Chapter 70 - Explanation After Explanation

I sighed softly as I sat down on the couch in front of the laptop. I clicked the button on the screen and then dialled Beckett's phone number. The two devices rang at the same time.

My laptop was making a Skype call to Nicolas, Chris and Mason, whilst my phone called my brothers. It was time for them to speak with me.

Ezra patted my knee gently and gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded at him and sucked in a deep breath.

"Hello?" Beckett answered the phone. I smiled and set the phone on speaker phone and put it down on the table.

"Hi," I said. The Skype call connected and I watched as my three uncles come into the screen. "Hello, darling dearest,” Nicolas greeted me. I cleared my throat and smiled at him. I glanced nervously at Ezra, who nodded at me and motioned for me to talk.

I cleared my throat again and opened my mouth to speak. But for some reason, the words didn't come out. I sat there, gaping like a fish out of water.

Ezra patted my knee gently and on my other side Lucas sighed softly. I didn't know where to start. I knew that my brothers and my uncles would be pissed at the news that they were going to hear. "Thanks for clearing your busy schedules to be here. Beckett, we know you're very busy, and Nicolas and Chris, we understand you're swamped with work too," Ezra started. The room was quiet but I knew everyone's minds were racing with thoughts.

I felt sick in my stomach. My intestines were twisting and churning my belly rumbling and groaning painfully. I felt like I cold throw up.

But I knew it was because of three things.

I was nervous, I was still recovering from the silver in my system and I could feel my skin burning in places I didn't want it to.

My inner thighs were burning so badly that I felt like I was on fire. My lips were so hot that I was afraid they'd be bright red. I was in more pain than normal.

"Maybe you should go take a cold shower, sister. You're burning up. Let Ezra and I do the talking,” Lucas said, nudging my side gently. I nodded at him and stood quickly. I left the room, and Lila followed me down to the bathroom.

I didn't care that I was fully clothed. I turned on the cold water and I stepped into the shower and stood underneath the cold water. My beast whined as her anger was slowly being pushed away by the coldness of the water. I shuddered and leaned my head against the wall.

Lila took my hand and rubbed the top of it softly. Her and I were both silent as we listened to Ezra speak with my family.

"There's been a lot happening lately. We've all been under a lot of stress,” Ezra started. I heard a low growl from one of the phones.

It sounded like my brother, but I wasn't sure.

"Lay it on us. I'll march down there and tear out some throats," I heard Beckett growl out. I sucked in a deep breath as my chest burned.

"Henry has split up Liam and Ali," Ezra started quickly. Then, in response, I heard several growls. There were more people than I thought that were angry about what was happening.

It wasn't enough to change anything.

"Split them up? Please enlighten me,” Nicolas growled out. I imagined Ezra glancing nervously at Lucas and then Lucas nodding at Ezra in assurance.

"Well, as you know, Henry's daughter, Veronica, was a potential bond mate. She's always had an obsession for my brother, but she never technically got far. Liam was always pretty quick to shut her down," Lucas spoke. He sounded a little nervous, but for the majority, he seemed confident in what he was telling my brothers and my uncles.

"Well, Henry has made a claim that for the safety of the pack, that it would be better for Liam to be with Veronica, as apparently, there's a strong hatred towards both the Hastings and Grey families," Lucas added with a sigh.

I winced. The cold water was barely working. I knew that Liam and Veronica were together. I knew they were probably doing things that I didn't want to know about. I guessed that Liam was in just as much pain as I was.

My poor mate.

"Well, I can't argue with that. But what does their bond have anything to do with this? They're bonded by the moon. It is what it is. If Henry is such a great Alpha, he should be keeping the pack safe, no matter how much everyone hates our two families,” Nicolas questioned.

Lila grunted from next to me. I looked at her and smiled weakly. "This is bullshit." Her words made me chuckle.

"Liam and Ali have come to an agreement that until it's safe, Liam will be with Veronica. We don't know how long they'll have to be apart, but it's already driving them both insane,” Ezra explained. His voice was angry and irritated.

No one liked what was happening but no one had a choice but to go along with it.

"Well no shit! Screw what that piece of shit says! Get those two together!" I heard Samaya hiss out. I touched my face, feeling how hot it was. I was angry, I was upset.

No one would understand the truth of the situation. Anyone else would refuse to let their mate prance around with someone else. But I had no choice. Where else would I go if I left Takiani? I could go back to Terialta, but Liam wouldn't be there.

I could go anywhere on the planet, but I would never be happy if Liam wasn't there.

Even if I wasn't technically with Liam while I was in Takiani, he was still around. I still spoke with him I still had his scent marked on almost everything I owned. I didn't want to give that up.

Letting him be with Veronica was the safest thing for the both of us. Henry would cause too much trouble if Liam and I were together at the point in time.

Who knows what Henry would do?

"That's just part of the trouble that's going on down here right now..." Ezra trailed off. I heard footsteps leading down the hallway and watched as Brayleigh stepped into the bathroom.

The group of us thought it would be a good idea to contact my brothers and uncles. Leon was on his way too, and Cass was training.

Brayleigh came over to where Lila was standing and she pulled a soft and dry towel off the hanger and turned off the water to the shower.

"You're upset. Not pissed. Angry means cold water, upset means hugs and hot chocolate,” Brayleigh mumbled to me as she pulled me out the shower. She wrapped the towel around my shoulders and smiled weakly at me.

"I can tell it's not good news, but continue,” Beckett sighed out.

Lila, Brayleigh and I stood still. We waited and we listened.

"Ali was on a run the other day. It was early. Maybe mid day. She and another girl were attacked by rogues. One of them shot Ali with a silver bullet," Leon's voice announced. I hadn't realised that he'd arrived but I was glad he was there.

He was a good wolf. When Liam finally got some sense knocked into him, I knew Leon would make a great Beta.

"A silver bullet? Rogues? Why in the hell did Henry not say anything? He knows he's supposed to let other packs know when things go wrong!" Chris shouted angrily. I shuddered.

"Are you alright, sugar?" Liam's voice in my head seemed to send relief flooding through my veins. I loved how much better I felt when he was around or even just talking to me.

"He's been so strange about it. He didn't question anyone on what happened. He didn't even have trackers go to look at where the attack had happened. He spoke with Ali, didn't ask questions, and then went back to his cabin for dinner,” Lucas explained. I heard more growls and craved Liam's soothing touch.

"I've had better days," I told Liam. The burning on my skin had stopped at this point, but the pain lingered. It was exhausting. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I don't mean for this shit to happen. I'm just trying to keep you safe," Liam told me. I leant back against the wall and Brayleigh touched my forehead with her hand. She sighed.

"I'll go make hot drinks," she mumbled. Lila nodded and they both left the bathroom together. I headed to my room to change clothes.

"He's clearly up to something!" Nicolas stated

"Or maybe he just really doesn't like our sister,” I heard Jax scoff.

I snickered softly at his comment as I undressed and dried myself off. I was still hot with the emotions and pain.

"Liam, you just need to relax. I'm fine, okay?" I assured my mate, even though I was lying straight through my teeth.

I wasn't fine. I was a ball of emotions.

"I think we need to do something. We can't just let this keep happening. We've been having rogue sightings again. Not many, and only around the borders, but still around to the point where it's beginning to worrying the people,” Beckett claimed.

I beamed with pride. My brother was an Alpha. He was the Alpha of Terialta. My sister was the Luna I swelled.

I sat on the end of my bed as I pulled my bearskin rug onto my lap. It still smelt like Liam, but the scent was fading. It always used to smell like him, as he was in my room almost every day.

I missed him so much. I thought about him at every moment of every day.

I was ready to start training again tomorrow and I knew that I had to pull my head out my ass and toughen up. I had to prepare myself for what was eventually going to happen. There was going to be a fight. Between who, I didn't know. But I was sure there was going to be one.

"Can I come over tonight?" Liam asked me. His voice sounded so soft and fragile inside my mind. I couldn't say no.

"Please," I said back.

"There isn't anything we can do. We need proof. People who know something we don't. We need something to give away Henry and his plans,” Nicolas sighed out.

"What if he isn't even up to anything? What if he is really just a dick?" Rae's voice questioned. I ran my fingers through the fur of the rug and sighed softly.

"I'll be there late. I have to make sure everyone is asleep first," Liam told me. I shook my head to myself and stood. I shouldn't be encouraging Liam to sneak in to see me, but I couldn't help it.

"I'll be waiting, babe.”

I walked out my room and down the hallway. Lila and Brayleigh were holding several mugs, and transferring them to and from the living room. They must've made hot drinks for everyone.

"Here," Brayleigh gave me my mug and I thanked her. I was so grateful for Lila and Brayleigh. They were so special to me

We walked into the living room. I smiled warmly at Leon and he returned the gesture. I sat on one of the couches again and sighed softly. I sipped from my drink.

"We're playing it safe right now. We just want to make Henry think we're going to follow his orders. He has to think that we won't cause anymore trouble, or he'll be too cautious of us," Ezra announced. I nodded in agreement.

Henry was too cautious of me. He knew I didn’t like him. He might've even known that I was suspicious of him. I had to be careful.

Sneaking Liam over in the night probably wasn't a great starting point either.

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