The Transfer
Chapter 76 - The Blame Game

Liam's POV

One day.

Then two.

Two days turned into five. Five days turned into a whole week.

It had been an entire damn week since I'd seen Alison. My mate. The love of my damn life. A whole week without her.

I could contact her one the first day, but after I yelled at her and shut her out, I disappeared for hours. I had to run my anger off. When I finally came back to my senses, I realised that I was unfair with her.

The last thing she needed was me yelling at her and making her feel even worse. We needed to stick together. I couldn't just let Henry keep her in those dungeons.

But when I tried to contact her again, I couldn't reach her at all. She wasn't shutting me out, my calls to her were seeming to fade of before they could reach her. She was somewhere far and she was either unconscious or really, really hurt.

But that didn't stop me from trying to contact her. I tried all of the second day, and all of the third. But nothing went through. Alison was off the grid.

It had been a week. A whole week of me cooping myself up in my room. Everyone had been keeping a careful eye on me. They thought I would lash out and go to find Henry so I could possibly beat his ass. But I knew I couldn't do that. I'd be in deep trouble if I did.

Hell, but I wanted to so badly.

I had to listen to what Alison said and I had to stay away from Henry. I needed to get her back soon as possible, not give Henry more reasons to keep her locked up.

But, I had to visit her. I had to see she was okay. I at least deserved that.

I got up from my bed and rushed to the shower. I turned the water hot and jumped in as soon as I stripped away my clothes. I showered quickly.

I lathered myself in the soap, and washed my hair throughly. If I was going to see Alison, I had to look and smell nice. It would make her feel better if she thought I was taking care of myself.

After my shower, I dried myself and raced down to my room. I changed into jeans and a plain t- shirt. I slipped on a pair of sneakers and then made my way down the hallway again.

"Where you going?" I heard Leon ask me just before I could slip past him and Cass who were in the kitchen together. Lucas was sat at the table, and Lila was only just taking a seat, Brayleigh already seated too.

They had all been keeping a careful eye on me, to make sure I didn't get into trouble. But they couldn't keep me from going to see Alison. They had no right to keep me from her.

"Take a wild guess," I retorted as I turned around to look at them again. They all stared at me. I was sure they were expecting me to lash out.

"You can't see her Liam. Henry wouldn't allow it. You know he has men guarding the doors,” Lucas said, making my beast angry.

Did he not think I knew that? Of course I freaking knew! It was my pack too. I was the Beta. I knew damn well that the dungeons were being guarded.

Did I care? Nope.

"I'm their superior. I can make them move," I said boldly. Lucas scoffed and shook his head as he turned away.

He had been in a bitter mood the past week. He was just as close with Alison as Lila was. The three of them were incredibly good friends. It made my life a lot easier, but it also effected the entire group when Alison was having issues.

Lucas was my step in man. Whenever I wasn't there to look after Alison, I knew he would by right there. I was glad that he was stepping in for me. But it was time for him to step down and let me take back my female. She needed me. I needed her.

“Liam, going to see her won't be good for anyone. You have to stay here, or at least go do paperwork if you want to get out the house,” Lila told me. I glanced over at Leon, who shot me a look.

I knew they were all right. But I didn't care. They couldn't stop me from seeing my female.

"Seeing her will be good for her and myself. I don't care about what anyone else thinks," I said bluntly. Lila sighed and shook her head slightly.

"Liam, come on. She'll be back in no time. Bothering her and making Henry pissed off won't get her out any faster,” Leon warned me. I clenched my fists, angry.

I didn't want to listen to them. I wanted to see Alison. I wanted to hold her close and clean that gash on her cheek. I wasn't sure how she got it, but I didn't like the way it looked. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Liam, I know you're struggling to cope with it, but seeing her will overwhelm the both of you. You need to wait," Brayleigh told me. I looked to her, ready to fight anyone who tried to keep me away from my mate.

She understood exactly how I felt. So did Leon. But that didn't change my judgement nor my decisions. I wanted to see Alison.

"I'll be quick,” I said, even though it was a lie. If I was going to see Alison, I would take as much time as I needed.

I turned around before any of them could say anything else. I left the house, pulling the front door shut behind me. I glanced back over my shoulder as I walked away and I clicked my tongue. They'd forgive me. I knew they would.

I made my way towards the pack house. I walked quickly, eager to see her. My beast was just as excited as I was. I was glad that I was going to see her, finally. I needed her.

"Liam! Where are you going, baby?" I heard a voice squeal and then felt hands attach to my arm and pull me to a stop. My arm burned and I sighed and I turned around to face Veronica.

"Hi Veronica," I huffed out dreadfully. She rolled her eyes at me and tried to slip her hand into mine. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ronnie? You're so forgetful!” Veronica giggled out. Her voice made my head hurt. Alison's never did.

"Sorry," I apologised bluntly. I turned around to continue to the dungeons, but I almost slammed into Henry.

I took a step back and clenched my jaw. I had to control myself. I had to stay calm.

I wanted to rip his head off.

"Liam, Ronnie, good to see you both. I wanted to invite you over to dinner tonight Liam. Melissa is making a roast lamb," Henry said, smiling at me. I glanced from him to Veronica, who was still clutching my arm like a leech.

God damn.

"He'll be there. He loves roast lamb," Veronica said for me. Henry smiled, and I looked past him towards the cellar doors. I needed to get there.

Henry noticed my gaze trailing off, and he cleared his throat. He motioned for his daughter to head back to the cabin. She released my arm hesitantly.

"I need to talk Alpha business with Liam. Run along, Ronnie. I won't keep him long,” Henry told her. She smiled and nodded at him before she reached up on her tip toes and kissed my cheek.

My skin burned and I almost shrivelled up. I wondered how Alison was feeling. Had she felt that too?

I looked back to Henry as Veronica trotted away. She walked quickly, but I knew she was listening. Henry wanted until she was in the house to talk.

"She's not there, Liam," Henry told me. I looked to him, tearing my eyes away from the female that I dreaded having to pretend to love.

Henry's eyes pierced through me and I felt vulnerable under his stare. He knew Alison was my weak point. Well, one of them. He knew all my weak points. But he didn’t know all my strong ones. Alison was a strong point too.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, choking back a deep growl that was ready to come up through my lips.

Henry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I sent her somewhere else. I knew you'd go to see her and I knew you'd try to free her without my permission. So I put her somewhere else so you couldn't go against my orders,” Henry explained to me.

I didn't try to hold back. I growled and my chest rumbled. I stared at him intensely and clenched my fists into balls. I was ready to punch him into the next century.

What the hell was he thinking?

"Where is she?" I hissed out. Henry shook his head at me. I wanted to punch him in that face.

"I can't tell you, Liam. You'll just go and find her,” Henry replied with a mocking laugh.

I hadn't hated a person more in my entire life in that moment.

Why was he doing this to me? Why was he torturing me and my mate? Keeping us apart?

The two of us hadn't even marked each other yet. Our bond was fragile. It was growing stronger and stronger. Which made it harder to resist ripping her clothes off and tossing her onto my bed.

It would drive us insane to be apart. Henry knew that. Everyone knew that.

"She's my mate, Henry. I have every right to see her," I growled out. Henry laughed at me.

He motioned to the cabin Veronica has just disappeared into. "The girl in that cabin is your mate. Plus, I can’t have my Beta fraternising with a traitor.”

I growled lowly at him. Henry gave me a warning look my that told me to watch myself. I wanted to throat punch him.

"Liam, give it up and move on. You're so stuck on this for no reason," Henry said, reaching out to pat my shoulder. He walked past me and continued back to his cabin.

I watched him walk away and then growled lowly to myself. I needed to let off some steam.

I tore into my fur, not caring about my clothes, and sprinted into the woods. I ran fast and hard, following the trail embedded into the ground. I was so angry.

Why was Henry keeping me from my mate? Why was he hiding Alison? My father would have never done anything like Henry had. My father would have done the right thing.

I knew that Alison wasn't a traitor, so the only possible assumption was that Henry was lying about what Alison did. So what did she do that made Henry have to lie? Was she doing something she shouldn't have?

My beast roared loudly in frustration. The bark echoed through the thick scrub.

I needed to see Alison. I needed to ask her all the questions on my mind. I needed to be there for her, to heal her and comfort her.

Damn, that girl had been to Hell and back over the past few months, and being locked up without me was the last thing she needed.

I needed to slap my mark on her damn bare neck, and fast. I was tired of her not being all mine.

I growled out lowly as I finally came to the river. I slowed to a stop and huffed as I sat down on the bank and stared at myself in the water.


I was totally screwed.

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