The Unexpected Princess
Finding Maliya

When I started to gain my conciseness again, I noticed I was in a room, not only that, I was chained to a wall. I groaned and looked around the room. It wasn’t a room, it was a cell. I heard the door move and was pushed open, Dominick walked into the room.

“Well, I see our princess has awakened.” He laughed. “Dominick, what the hell are you doing?!” I asked. “Well why don’t you ask my lovely partner in crime, Miss.Natalie.” He moved and Natalie stepped up beside him. “Natalie? You were apart of this?” She laughed. “Of course, you think i’m stupid enough to get caught by vines?” She asked. I growled. She walked up to me and cupped me cheek, “Oh don’t worry sweet heart, I’ll take good care of Ethan.” She slapped my hard across the face. I tried to shift, but it wasn’t working. “Oh and those chains? They’re magic proof, so uh, good luck shifting.” Dominick laughed. They both walked out of the cell and slammed the large metal door behind them. I sighed and hung my head. What am I going to do? I can’t get out of here. I can’t shift. So am I stuck here?

“Snow.” A voice whispered. I looked up, but I didn’t see anything. “Snow.” The voice whispered again. That voice, it sounds like Astra. “Astra? Is that you?” I asked aloud. “Snow, you have to tell me what happened.” She said. “I don’t know, me and Natalie fell when the ground fell, and when I woke up I was locked in a cell. Astra, Natalie and Dominick are behind it. They’re the one’s who locked me in here.” I said. “I will tell the royal family at once. ” I nodded. Wait, how can I even talk to her? My arms were locked up above me head, I was still in my torn up dress, my shoes were taken off and me feet were chained to the wall as well.

My mind drifted to Ethan, my wolf is going crazy being this far from him. I wonder, if he’s going as crazy as I am. I don’t know what to do, I need to get out of here. But how?

After what felt like hours had passed by, Dominick and Natalie walked back into the room.

“Aw look at the poor princess, chained to a wall, you know I should pity you, but I have a test to pass. See you later.” She laughed. “The test?” I asked. “Yeah well you’ve been asleep for about a week, I guess you did hit your head hard. I would feel bad, if you know you didn’t take my prince from me.” She laughed and walked out of the room. “Dominick, why? Why are you helping her?” I asked. He chuckled and walked up to me. “Well babe, you see she wants her prince, and I want my princess, and well, that would be you.” He placed his hand on my cheek. “Don’t touch me!” I spat. He chuckled. “Hmm I like em feisty, be sure to save some of that for tomorrow.” He said.

“Tomorrow? What’s tomorrow?” I asked. He laughed. “Why, tomorrows the day we execute you in front of the royal family.” His laughed echoed as he left the room. Execute me? He can’t be serious. I struggled against the chains. I need to get out of here. No matter how hard I struggled the chains wouldn’t budge. After finally giving up, I hung my head low, thinking about the pain, tomorrow would bring.

The day went by faster then I’d hoped, and now was the day that I would die. The door squealed as it opened. I didn’t move, I kept my head down, hoping this was all one bad dream.

“Aw is the little princess finally giving up?” Natalie laughed. “Get her down.” I felt hands on my legs as the chains were removed. When the chains on my arms were gone, I collapsed on the floor. Still not moving, my body was numb, I couldn’t feel anything.

“Get her up, it’s time to get her ready.” I was picked up off of the floor and thrown over someone’s shoulder. I was taken to a large black and red room.

“I’ll leave her to you, get her dressed and ready.” Then Natalie left the room. I was sat down in a chair. “Alright, so first we have to pick a dress the suits her.” A female said. “I don’t know, are we doing the right thing?” Another voice asked. “We’re doing what Lady Natalie asked us, that’s all we can do, now get her out of that torn up dress.” I was stood up and I felt my dress unzip and fall to the floor. Its a good thing I wear spanks underneath my dresses.

“Here put this on her.” I felt a dress slip over my head and fall to the floor. I looked at the mirror in front of me, they put me in a wedding dress, it had a sweetheart neckline, there was silver beads wrapped around the waist. It ruffled down the the floor, cutting off mid-thigh in the front and leaving a small train in the back.

“I’ll do her hair, you pick out her jewelry.” I was sat down in the chair again and I felt someone brushing my hair. “Is there anything special you’d like done?” The woman asked. I kept silent. I herd her sigh. She began to curl my hair. When she finished that, she pinned my bangs on top of my head.

“Here, she should wear these.” I felt cold metal on my neck. I stared in the mirror as the placed the rest of jewelry on me. A dream catcher necklace, sun and crescent moon earrings. A silver ring, diamonds around it another ring with a heart on it placed on top of that one. They replaced my piercings with silver rings and bars. They slipped silver heels on my feet. And finally, a tiara was placed on my head.

Just as they finished Dominick walked into the room. He walked in front of me, he was dressed in his royal beta outfit. “Come now princess, it’s time.” He took my hand and pulled me to my feet.

“Put the shackles on her wrists, and get me the cloak!” He yelled. Shackles we long chains were placed on my wrists. “Now screw them in.” He said. “But sir, that will cause her much pain.” The woman protested. “Just do it! Pain is what we want, I want to hear her scream.” He grabbed my wrists and screws were placed in the shackles. I did it, I did what he wanted. I screamed in pain. It hurt so much, it hurt as the screws pierced my skin and went through my wrist. Blood dripped onto the dress, staining it. Then a long black cloak was placed on me and the hood went over my head.

“Come, we mustn’t waste anymore time.” Dominick grabbed the chains and yanked me out the door. “Where are you taking me?” I asked weakly. “Why, to the grand hall, where all of Engor will watch you die.” He stopped walking and pulled out a dagger, “But of course, I could kill you now and leave you in Ethan’s room, oh how that would destroy the prince.” He laughed maniacally. He started to walk and pulled me along. When we reached the entrance of the grand hall, the guards stopped him.

“You! You are no longer welcome here!” One of them spat. Dominick jammed the dagger into the guard and he fell to the ground. Dominick dropped my chains and began to fight with the second guard. Finally the guard fell to the ground, dead. Dominick turned to me covered in blood.

“Come now sweetheart, the time has come.” Dominick kicked opened the door and pulled me into the grand hall. The royal family gasped, the king stood up, “Dominick, you have been banished from this kingdom! Why are you here?!” The king yelled. “Well you see I have something you want.” He pulled me and I fell to the ground. I felt Dominick grab the back of the cloak and dress and pulled me to my knees. He pulled the hood and I heard Ethan growl loudly. The queen stood up,

“Snow.” She whispered. Dominick laughed loudly, “You see, I have your precious princess, and Ethan you’re mate!” The boys stood up, “Let her go!” Zach growled. Dominick held up the chains and my arms were pulled above my head. The blood began to run down my arms, trickling onto the dress. I saw Ethan tense as he watch the blood fall onto the pure white dress.

“Isn’t it beautiful? I just love when the dress of the innocent bride gets stained.” Dominick. “Dominick, you let her go at once!” The king shouted. I looked over and saw Chloe, Jade and Max, they were looking at me horrified, they looked as if they were frozen to their seats.

“Or what? What will you do? What will you do to save your future daughter-in-law?” Dominick asked. He took they blade in his hand and began to trail it down my arm. I was weak, I couldn’t do anything, I was his toy, he could do what he wanted, but I couldn’t stop him. My eyes met Ethan’s, he looked at me with eagerness, he didn’t want me to die. Zach took a step forward but when he did Dominick put the blade to my throat. “I’d stay there if I were you.” He drug the blade across my throat, cutting me slightly.

“Dominick, just kill her already.” Natalie stepped forward. “Natalie?! I should have known you were apart of this to!” Ethan spat. Natalie laughed and walked up to him. “Of course, I mean, you belong with me. The girl who is so perfect for you.” She stood in front of Ethan. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. He growled and shoved her away.

“Stay the hell away from me, she is the only one I want to be with.” He pointed at me. Natalie sighed and looked at Dominick. “Kill her.” Dominick laughed. “With pleasure.” With a sudden burst of energy, I twisted my wrists and grabbed the chains. I began to freeze them. When they were fully frozen I ripped away from Dominick shattering the chains. I slid away from him. I stood on my feet,

“No way in hell i’m dying today.” I growled. “Huh I thought you had excepted your death.” Dominick ran at me. “No! I’ll be the one to kill her.” Natalie said. I turned to face her. I bent down and took off my heels, throwing them to the side. I’m going to fight. I can’t lose to her, because losing means death. I looked at Ethan, our eyes locked, I didn’t want to look away. But I had a fight that needs to be finished.

I looked at Natalie. “Get ready to die princess.” She ran at me. I ducked and slid between her legs. I stood and turned to her, “Natalie, why? Why do you want to kill me?” I asked. “Because, I’m the real princess, you have no right to be called that!” She spat. She quickly shifted into a panther.

“Natalie, you have to stop!” I shouted. She jumped at me, I moved to the side and she slid on the floor. I turned to her, “Natalie are you willing to kill me over a stupid crown and a label?” I asked. She growled. “Natalie, is losing everything because you want to kill me, is it worth it?” I asked. I just can’t get through to her. I did the only thing I thought would work. I stomped my foot on the ground. Ice made its way toward her.

“Natalie, I don’t want to freeze you, but if I have to, I will.” The ice slowly made its way to her. She tried to get out of the way, but where she went, the ice followed. I pinned her up against the wall. She shifted back,

“You’re weak!” She spat. “Why? Because I refuse to fight to the death? It’s the stupidest thing ever!” I growled. I heard a twinkling voice in my head. “You must shift into Pegasus, hurry.” I nodded. I did what I was told, I shifted into Pegasus, I stomped my hooves and snorted. What do I do now? Natalie laughed,

“A horse? What the hell is a horse supposed to do?” She asked. I shook my head, I felt something, something that felt natural. I looked over at Jade, I neighed quietly and walked over to her. I pressed my nose against her forehead. She laughed and rubbed my neck. It’s her! I finally found Maliya! I neighed happily and stood on my hind legs. I turned to look at the queen, then back to Jade. The queen smiled.

“Jade, please come up here.” Jade hesitated before standing and walking toward the queen. “Snow, I think you can take it from here.” I walked up to Jade. “Did I miss something here?” She asked. I sorted and nodded. I finally found her. I placed my nose on the ground, I bowed to Jade. I heard a voice in my head.

“Thank you Snow, you helped me find my goddess.” Pegasus? “Yes, without you, I couldn’t have found her without you.” I felt myself being separated from Pegasus. And soon I was standing beside the great horse. I placed my hand on her side,

“Jade, you are Maliya, the goddess that has been lost for a hundred years.” I said. She laughed. “That’s funny Snow, you almost had me there.” I looked at her and she stopped laughing. “Why aren’t you laughing?” She asked. I walked up to her. I placed my hands on her arms. A light started to travel up her arms and covered her body. When the light faded people began to gasp. I smiled and took a step back.

Her short red hair was now long, black and braided over her shoulder. She had creamy ivory colored skin, her freckles were gone. She was in a long slim sliver dress, she had a bronze circlet on her forehead. Instead of shoes she had on silver anklets. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I’m not laughing, because it’s true.” I got down on one knee and bowed. Followed by Pegasus and the royal family. Jade- I mean Maliya looked in shock as the people began to bow around her. After a moment we all stood again. Maliya looked at me and smiled. Then she looked worried.

“Snow behind you!” Just as I turned Natalie came running toward me. Again in her panther form. I was about to shift and meet her head on when a white lion met her first. I thought it was one of the princes, but the lion was a female. I turned to the royal family. The queen was the only one who was missing. I gasped and turned back to the fight, no, it can’t be, Anna? Natalie was on top of Anna, trying to bite at her neck.

I growled and shifted into a white tiger. I jumped and pulled Natalie off of her. I landed on my side, I quickly got up to face her. We ran at each other and clashed in a ball of fur and claws. She repeatedly bite at my neck while I clawed at her. When I got the chance I shoved her away from me. Her back was bloody and covered in claw marks, My neck was stinging where she bit me, and I knew it was bleeding to. I don’t care what I needed to do, but she needed to be taught a lesson. With all the strength I could muster, I jumped at her and landed on her back, I dug my claws into her fur, and bit into her neck. She tried to shake me off but it wasn’t working. After a while of fighting, she collapsed in the floor, weak.

I retracted my claws and collapsed next to her. I shifted back and panted. Out of energy. I felt arms underneath me and I was picked up off of the floor. I looked up and Ethan was looking down at me. “I knew it was you.” He whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He sat me down on the steps and faced me. He laughed weakly and kissed my forehead. I didn’t realize it until now but he looked tired.

“Ethan!” I heard Anna yell. Ethan turned, Dominick was going to kill him, when someone jumped in front of him. Instead of killing Ethan, he stabbed the one in front. When he fell to the ground, I covered my mouth and choked back a sob. I stood and collapsed next to him. I pulled his head in my lap. Max! You can’t die on me! I sobbed loudly and rocked him back and forth. Max, please don’t leave me!

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