The Unusual Occurrence Of Mote
Chapter 21: Scions of a Forgotten Age

As Eary and Mote, snuck back into the small, suite. He was abruptly startled by a voice from the kitchen. "Where you been?" Luke's voice rang out from the kitchen.

Eary stood in silence as he stared at his brother. Luke pressed in once more. "I knocked on your door an hour ago, no answer. So I went inside. No, Eary. So I called Sakile, Calvin, and the girls over. And you know what? ONLY Sakile and Calvin show up!" Luke, angrily taking out his phone and shooting a few texts, continues. "So where were you three?"

Eary's voice began to creak, as no words would escape his mouth. A moment later, Sakile, Calvin, and Denby arrived on the scene. Sakile scolded Eary "What's your problem? You gotta go sneaking out? You had the three of us worried sick! You know how fucked up your brother was, when he found you not in your bed? Denby and I have been reviewing security cameras, looking for you!"

Eary once again attempted to defend himself, but to no avail, as Alice and Mei burst into the apartment.

Alice, obviously reading the minds of those in the room, had no trouble defending Earhart. "Hey, cool it!" Alice announced as she interrupted Eary interrogation.

Luke, still very upset, hissed back. "YOU!? Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Alice, not intimidated, replied "Look man, it was an accident. The magical kind. I accidentally teleported us away."

The room fell silent, after a moment, Luke spoke. "Where did you go?" Before Alice could speak a blue shimmer of light appeared above Eary

"Ta-da! Did ya miss me?" Mote exclaimed as he flew around in a flurry of lights. Luke exclaimed in surprise "Mote!"

The little moteling hovered before Luke. His beady eyes and mischievous grin, a missed feature in the Colorado hideaway. As he spoke, he commanded the attention of the room. "That's King Mote to ya's! Now, why don't you all sit down. We got a LOT to go over.

As the group took their seats, Mote took center stage on the coffee table. He recounted the events of the evening and filled in Luke, Sakile and Calvin, and Denby about his very ancient past.

As the four sat shocked, Calvin was the first to speak. "So, how old are you, Mote? I mean, that's not rude, is it?" Mote grined."As old as time, of course, maybe a little older, I don't know. Before time was a bit of a blur, for all of us really." Calvin replied,"All of us?" Mote shook his small furry head."Yep! The creators of the universe. Think of your reality as one big start-up we all got into together." Mote joked as he continued."But we all work for the Boss, Claris." Mote retorted.

Eary inquired, "Is Claris like, God?" Mote looked back and replied VERY loudy "Yes they are! Good at it, too! And might I say looks fetching in whatever they choose to wear that day!" Mote glanced around at the air above him, Eager for some acknowledgment. Eary inquired again. "Are you, like, an angel then?" His eyes full of hope and wonder. Mote scoffed. "Nah, I'm middle management, I handle accounts receivable for all karmic debts. I WISH I was an angel. Sheesh! You know what those big birds get paid? And the benefit package? Get outta here!"

Mei, leaning forward from her seat, eyes ripe with curiosity asked, "Who are these evil Scion guys you mentioned earlier?"

Mote's disposition took a somber feel, as the little moteling seemed to drift off at the thought of the question.

His royal blue coat and 8-inch frame standing on hind legs, As he returned, his eyes a light with intrigue, replied "The three Scions of Eldris. Nasty bunch of fuckers they was. Once held the world captive with the power bestowed upon them by Eldris." Mote replied matter of fact as he paced back and forth on the coffee table.

He continued his lecture "So he could destroy the Nocopo, your world's only defense against things like 'em." Mote gestured toward the group of disbeliefed youths. "All right, I'll take it from the top."

Flying past a corner, Mote pulled a large whiteboard from seemingly nowhere. Alice exclaimed. "Where did that come from?" Mote dismissed the young woman."Never mind where i got it." Mote then zipped up to the whiteboard, drawing up a detailed map of the Nocopo empire.

"So, some 26,000 years ago, give or take. Claris sent me here with a shard of themself. My landing was not as expected, so when i dropped it." Eary exclaimed "You were drunk." Mote retorted "Hungover, actually."

Anyways, ateenager, no older than you, helped me collect 'em and such." He continued "After that, we sealed off Eldris connection to this place." Mote boasted, rubbing his paw on his chest. "13,000 years after that, I was livin' the life. I had it all, I did." Mote's ears sunk "but unfortunately they kicked over my sand castle. The whole Nocopo civilization was destroyed. Only Ilia and I survived, with a bunch of humans of course. All because of the Claris power.

"What happened?" Denby inquired, noticeably gripped by the tale. Mote placed his hand over his eyes "The darkness sealed in the heart of our land. A Scion popped up right in the Aedish kingdom. His name was Elxam. He was a powerful Claris of life. That was until he had a kid." Eary asked."Why would that change it?" Mote replied."Ya see. All of the Claris shards do certain things. The one from the Aedish kingdom is the shard of life. Moreover, it's the same one yous got, Eary." Eary looked shocked."How do you know?" He lamented calmly. Mote made himself comfy as he explained, "Each of the four shards did somethin'. Yous got the shard of life. I can smell it." Mote whirled around Eary.

You see, Eary, you've never been too bad. When a Claris uses their power for bad things. They become a Scion." Mei inquired "So the three scions are just a bad version of Eary?" Mote nodded.

Luke, in the gravest of tones, replied, "So where are these Scions, then?" Mote shrugged."That, I do not know. I do, however, expect our neighborhood nasty, Johnathan Tiddle, to be one."

Sakile inquired, "Why do you suspect that?" Mote raised his brow."That Tiddle creep disapated me. The only others to EVER manage that have been Scions." Sakile replied."Got it!"

Alice, joining in again on Mote's interrogation, asked, "So what about these super gems? What are they, and how can we find 'em?" She took out the magnificent purple gem, Mote flew in for a closer inspection. After a moment, he replied, "This is one of the seven gems of the companions."

Mote's statement confused the group, as Eary asked, "Who were the seven companions?" Mote nodded as if to reassure himself of the accuracy of his own claim. He turned and directly spoke to Earhart.

"The seven companions were the ones who bound together and defeated the Scions the first time. They even started the Nocopo race. That gem is what Nocopo bodies turn into when yous all die. Unless the powers have been drained from you, that is. Like those people who went into that abomination, we fought back at the lab."

Mote began to ponder to himself for a moment until he realized, "They're draining the powers from you all. That's the whole evil plan!" Mote's eureka was quickly met with a shrug."But how?"

As the group sat there, scratching their heads, a few ideas surfaced. Calvin suggested that someone had the power to drain others. An idea that was quickly shot down due to the sheer number of abductions.

Mei concluded that there must be some supernatural way this was possible. Just then, Eary's memory flashed before him. One of Sasha and Johnathan, and a secret third member.

He then recalled that this Sasha was a world-famous inventor. Eary realizing he may have figured it out inquired, "Say Mote. Is there a superpower that lets you build things? Like high-tech stuff."

Mote, exuberant over the question, replied, "Eary, my boy, I thinks you've done it! There IS a power out there like that. A power called 'Technopathy'." Luke inquired."Is that where those bracelets came from?"

Mote, shaking his head, replied, "More than likely. But now we gotta figure out who." Eary interrupted and stated "No we don't. I already know who he is."

Eary recounted the event of his dream with the three men. Sakile inquired, "So, it's that famous inventor, Sasha Mikhailov, right?" Eary nodded somberly.

Alice, piped in, reminding the group of the task at hand, "So where are the gems?" Mote shrugged."That, I can not say. But I bet dollars to doughnuts the Scions got a few."

Denby spoke up, " I know they've got a list of locations of possible hideouts in the offices upstairs." Mote nodded."That would be a good start. And if we go as a group, nothing could take us!"

Luke spang from his chair with a resounding "Nope!" Eary quickly asked."What is it?" Luke responded."I'm not letting my baby brother go charging into dangerous situations. You're nuts if you think that!"

Mote hovered over to the defensive Luke. With a commanding tone, Mote informed him, "If we don't prepare him, they will find him, and kill him."

Luke stared in disbelief at the moteling. His eyes locked, longing for another way. Mote continued, "He's gonna need your help, too, you know!"

Luke, contemplating his position, replied, "We'll grab the list in the morning. We will set up a time for us ALL to go together. But we need to keep this from the Nato officials." Alice added,"And Maxwell."

The group agreed with Luke's plan, recognizing the need for unity and secrecy. They knew that dealing with the Scions and recovering the super gems would be a perilous task, one that required careful planning.

As they discussed their strategy further, Eary spoke up, addressing Mote, "Do you have any insights into the Scions' strengths or weaknesses that could help us?"

Mote pondered for a moment before responding, "The Scions' power is likely tied to the shards they possess, only the Aedish shard was through blood. If we can find a way to weaken or separate them from their shards, we might have a chance."

Sakile added, "We should also gather information on each Scion, their abilities, and any vulnerabilities they might have."

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Calvin, ever the strategist, suggested, "Perhaps we should seek out allies, individuals with unique powers that could aid us in this mission. We can't face the Scions alone."

Mote nodded in agreement, "That's a good idea. There are others out there with extraordinary abilities who might be willing to join our cause."

Luke, still worried about his younger brother's safety, looked at Eary and said, "Eary, we'll train you to harness your Claris power. You need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

Eary, determined, and eager to learn nodded in response. "I'll do whatever it takes to help stop the Scions and protect our world."

Alice, always resourceful, chimed in, "And we should keep an eye on Sasha Mikhailov. If he's involved with the Scions, we need to find out more about his plans and how he's using the Technopathy power."

Mei, with her deep interest in the supernatural, suggested, "We should also consult with mystical beings or ancient texts that might hold clues about countering the Scions' magic."

With their plan taking shape, the group felt a renewed sense of purpose and unity. They knew that they were facing a formidable foe in the Scions, but they were determined to protect their world and prevent the devastation that had occurred in the past.

Mote, with his ancient knowledge and mischievous spirit, hovered in the center of the room and declared, "We have a challenging journey ahead of us, but together, we can overcome any obstacle. Let's be the new companions and write our own destiny."

As the group continued to discuss their strategy, they were unaware that their actions had already set into motion a series of events that would determine the fate of their world. The Scions had a head start, but with courage, unity, and a little bit of magic, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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