The Willing Cuckold
: Chapter 13

Rewards for hard work and selfless devotion were rare but all the more precious to pipsqueak because of that. Sometimes it was just a casual comment from his Mistress, ‘Good gurl pipsqueak,’ that would reduce him to tears of gratitude and relief. Other times, like today, it could be something bigger and infinitely more exciting. Sam was upstairs with pipsqueak’s wife who had informed him that morning that her lover had agreed to allow him to watch them enjoying a session of BDSM together. Concentrating on anything after that had been impossible and Linda had laughed at him as he rushed around with renewed enthusiasm doing his housework and serving his wife’s needs, obviously especially eager to please her and terrified of doing anything to change either his wife’s mind or her lover’s.

‘Come on up here pipsqueak!’ Sam called from the bedroom.

Pipsqueak tripped running up the stairs and almost fell flat on her face. She tried to calm her breathing as she quietly knocked on the door, entered when bid and curtsied respectfully. Looking up from the floor she took in the sight of her Mistress, naked except for black hold-up stockings and patent black leather stilettoes, lying on her back crossways across the king-size bed. Her ankles were secured together with a zip tie as where her wrists. A leather belt encircled her upper body, securing her elbows against her body. Her zip tied wrists were fixed to the belt in front of her. He could not see her face as her head was hanging off the side of the bed.

Linda’s huge black lover was naked too, his overlarge cock and balls swinging between his muscled thighs as he walked over to a chair that had been placed in the corner of the room.

‘Over here sissy,’ Sam ordered and pipsqueak jumped to obey, sitting down on the seat and staring over at his wife’s now visible upside-down face. She was smiling at him as her lover quickly and with practiced ease secured pipsqueaks ankles to the chair legs then his wrists behind him to the back of the chair.

‘Shall I gag her?’ Sam asked Linda and pipsqueak cringed. It never failed to humiliate him deeply when his wife’s lover referred to him as ‘her’.

‘Yes, please babe,’ Linda answered. ‘She knows she has to sit quietly but I’m not sure if she’ll be able to control herself. Use my panties, they’re on the floor over there. Wrap a pair of my tights around her head to stop her spitting them out.’

‘There you go pipsqueak,’ Sam said as he finished. ‘Be a good gurl now while I show you how a real man handles a little bondage slut like your wife.’

Pipsqueak watched wide-eyed as Sam strolled over to the bed, bending to pick up his discarded trousers and slip the leather belt from them on the way then flipped Linda onto her front. Standing over her he parted his legs and stepped forward to lock her head between his thighs. After a look over his shoulder to give pipsqueak a superior smile and a wink, he brought the belt down across Linda’s firm white buttocks. Linda cried out at the shock of pain and pipsqueak moaned involuntarily through his panty gag. Despite the natural desire to protect her, seeing his beautiful dominant wife at the mercy of another man was incredibly erotic. Knowing that she wanted this, to be treated this way by her lover and for her husband to witness it made it even more so.

After six swats of the leather belt Linda’s ass cheeks were hot and red. Her cries became louder with each one but she never asked her lover to stop. The heat from her bottom was spreading to her pussy, as it always did when her lover spanked or belted her. It was that delicate dance of pain and pleasure, each one cancelling out the other, driving her crazy with longing and lust and the need to be taken, used, fucked, that she wanted to show her husband. Pipsqueak could feel the spikes digging painfully into his imprisoned manhood. The appalling cruelty and unfairness of his wife’s rule that the spikes must now always be fully extended whenever her lover visited was never more strongly highlighted than now as he watched the woman he loved clearly lusting for the man who was hurting her.

The erotic nature of the situation was clearly affecting Sam too as he threw down the belt, turned Linda onto her back once more so her head hung down over the edge and with a groan of lust took his huge cock in hand to begin wiping it over his captive’s face. Linda had been crying, whether from pain or lust pipsqueak could not say and probably neither could she. All Sam knew was that her tears were serving as a lubricant as he shoved the head of his thick-veined, throbbing manhood against her eyes, her nostrils and across her heavily lip-sticked lips. When she opened her mouth, her lover wasted no time in sliding his leaking cock inside, over her tongue and down her throat. Pipsqueak saw her face go red as her neck bulged, struggling to accommodate the invader. Then, as her lover withdrew, she coughed and saliva mixed with precum dribbled from her nose. After a pause to rub his heavy balls over Linda’s face, her lover once more drove his manhood down her delicate throat, this time going further until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. There he held it, his sweating balls covering her nose and eyes until Linda began to squirm, struggling in her bonds, desperate for air, choked and suffocated by cock.

Pipsqueak pulled futilely at his bonds and cried out through his gag for the huge black bull suffocating his wife to let her breathe. Sam looked over his shoulder at him and just said, ‘Watch you prim and proper, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, little wife, sissy.’ As he slowly withdrew his cock more saliva and precum flowed from her nose and from the corners of her mouth, running down her upside-down face and into her hair; the hair she had, with pipsqueak’s help, so carefully prepared for her lover’s arrival. Sam held her head in his hands looking down at her until she finished coughing. ‘Tell your sissy husband how much you like this.’

‘I do,’ Linda responded. ‘I love it!’

‘Tell him what you need!’

‘I need cock, a real man’s cock, in my mouth, my pussy, my ass, anywhere, I just need cock!’

‘Ask me to choke you with it bitch.’

‘Please give me it! I need it! Choke me with your cock baby! I want to drown in your cum! Do it! Do it in front of my husband, I want him to see!’

Needing no further encouragement Sam ended Linda’s begging by plugging her mouth then her throat once more with his huge black cock. Pipsqueak clearly saw her eyes bulge as her throat expanded then contracted in time with her lover’s thrusting buttocks.

‘I’m watching my wife get throat fucked by a huge black cock!’ was all poor pipsqueak could think as he winced from the pain of the damned spikes impaling his attempted erection. As he cried into his wife’s panties, trying to tell her how much he loved her, Linda wished desperately, between short gasps for air as her lover’s cock withdrew from her throat only to quickly plunge back in, that she had a hand free to rub at her soaking wet pussy. Meanwhile Sam amused himself by stroking his erection through the skin of Linda’s throat, laughing and revelling in his selfish enjoyment. Now this was a proper face fucking!

Then, suddenly the cock was fully withdrawn. Sam took himself in hand for just three strokes before he was erupting, launching huge thick ropey gobs of cum into Linda’s face. Her lips, her eyes, her cheeks were covered in it. It began to run down into her hair and drip onto the carpet as Sam slid the head of his slightly softer cock back into the warmth of his bitch’s mouth for her to eagerly lick it clean. Then pulling it free he playfully used it to scoop strings of his ejaculate from her blinking eyes, smearing her mascara as he did, then feeding it to her hungry mouth.

‘Man, I’ve known some hot women but your wife takes the fucking biscuit! She is one cock hungry whore!’ Sam informed pipsqueak as he rose to stand on shaking legs.

‘Yes, I am,’ Linda laughed. ‘And I need one now, but not in my mouth!’

‘See what I mean,’ laughed Sam as he picked her bound form up from the bed as if she weighed nothing.

Pipsqueak watched in awe as his wife’s huge black lover plonked her down on her feet in front of him. She was unsteady on her still bound ankles and Sam had to hold her with one hand gripping the belt around her upper body while he bent her forward toward her chair-bound husband. Seeing his wife’s beautiful spunk drenched face up close was shockingly erotic and deeply emotional for him. Staring into her gorgeous eyes as her lover penetrated her married pussy with his already hard again cock was too much and he began to cry.

‘What you crying for faggot?’ Sam sneered as he started thrusting into the hot wetness of his submissive woman, grabbing a handful of her long beautiful hair and using it to pull her head up and back. ‘I thought you wanted to watch.’

‘Don’t cry baby,’ Linda moaned. ‘I want this, I need it. You need it too. Say you need it sweetheart! Say you like watching me being used and abused by a real man.’

‘You know I do,’ pipsqueak mumbled.

‘Tell him baby,’ Linda moaned. ‘Tell Sam to fuck me, beg him to fuck your wife, beg him baby!’

‘Fuck her!’ pipsqueak addressed the black stallion thrusting at his wife, slapping his muscled thighs roughly against her tender buttocks. ‘Fuck my wife, please. Fuck her Mr Sam Sir, fuck my wife, she needs it. I need it. Please Sir, please fuck her, cum inside her, fill her with your cum. Fuck your bitch Sir, fuck your whore!’

Pipsqueak knew he would never forget the sight of his wife’s gorgeous brown eyes rolling back in her head as she groaned her lust for the cock filling her unfaithful cunt.

‘Ohhhhhhh yesssssss! Fuuuuuckkkkk yesssssssss!’ Linda moaned as her legs gave way and she orgasmed on her lover’s giant cock. Only his grip on her hair and the leather belt around her body kept her upright as, with a huge bellow and head thrown back, he unloaded, emptying his huge swinging balls into the now largely unconscious Linda.

Stepping back, he left go and his bound fuck doll slumped to the bedroom floor at her husband’s feet.

‘I need a fucking beer,’ Sam groaned. ‘I guess since the maid’s tied up right now, I’ll have to get it myself. Don’t go away you two, I’m not fucking finished with you yet!’

When Linda’s lover came back with a cold bottle of beer and released Linda, she stretched to get the blood flowing again then visited the bathroom to shower and prepare for round three. Sam was lying on the bed, propped up by pillows and savouring his beer when she walked back into the room, ran over to the bed and climbed on top of her lover. They kissed slowly and passionately, caressing each other’s bodies as poor pipsqueak remained tied to the chair in the corner, gagged and ignored.

Eventually Sam stood his empty beer bottle on the bedside table, folded his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, a big smile spreading across his face as Linda slid down his muscled torso to transfer her attentions to his soft but still impressive manhood. She giggled as her teasing kisses and licks began to have their effect and her lover’s cock slowly hardened, growing to its full impressive dimensions, shaming Linda’s securely bound husband. She giggled again when she looked over at him, seeing how jealous and humbled he was by her young bull’s stamina.

Satisfied with his readiness, Linda sat up, positioned herself directly over her lover’s once more raging erection and turned to look at her panty gagged sissy husband. He looked so submissive and effeminate in his sissy maid uniform, so helpless in his bondage. She smiled at him and then, with a deep sigh, impaled herself on her lover’s cock. Sam just lay still, arms still behind his head but eyes now open and staring into those of his married bitch as she rode him with slutty enthusiasm her tits bouncing freely. The loud squelching noises of copulation inflamed pipsqueak’s feelings of jealousy and inadequacy as he remembered how the short sessions of lovemaking he’d had with his wife in the past had often needed to be preceded with him giving her lots of oral sex or applying a lubricant. It was painfully obvious that no such measures were required when Linda was with her lover, even though his cock was probably three times the size of pipsqueak’s.

Before meeting Sam, Linda had never managed to cum from the penetration of her husband’s cock. Normally Chris would lick her to orgasm, use a vibrator on her clitoris or a combination of both to ensure his wife obtained her satisfaction. Only then would he enter her and thrust for a few minutes until he exploded inside her. Linda reassured her husband that the issue lay with her rather than him.

‘I guess I’m just one of those women who can’t cum from penetration,’ she’d told him.

She was still a virgin when she met Chris and so had nothing with which to compare his efforts. Sex with her lover, the way her body responded to his greater size and skills, had been and continued to be a revelation to both her and her husband.

The next time Linda turned to look at her husband he was shocked and dismayed to see that she was crying. Pulling at his bonds and trying to yell through his gag, his show of concern was answered as Linda smiled through her tears. ‘Its OK sweety, I’m crying because I’m happy. I know it’s stupid but I can’t help it. I love my life so much. I have the best lover in the world and I have the best husband in the world. My obedient submissive little pipsqueak.’

‘On your back,’ Sam interrupted as he managed to move Linda onto her back without withdrawing his cock from her warm wet pussy.

It was pipsqueaks turn for tears as he watched the woman he loved hold her arms and her sexy stockinged legs open for her lover to fall into her embrace. When her hands reached around and her delicate fingers caressed her lover’s buttocks, digging her perfectly manicured nails into them as they clenched with each thrust of his penis into her married pussy, when her lover began to bite the side of her neck and she sighed with sexual longing, pipsqueak knew without doubt that he was watching a couple make love. Earlier they had fucked. This was different. This was making love. This was a couple in love and the realisation brought tears to his eyes. They were tears of longing, of regret, of jealousy, of frustration, but mostly of love for the incredible woman he had been married to all these years.

When Linda managed to focus her thoughts and turn to give her husband a teasing look, the sight of his tears made her cum so hard! Wrapping her stocking covered legs tightly around her bull, she kept looking at her husband but whispered in her lover’s ear, deliberately loud enough for pipsqueak to hear, ‘I’m cumming for you baby, I love you! I’m cumming! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!’

Pipsqueak wondered if she was talking to her lover or to him. After all, she had told him several times in no uncertain terms that her orgasms with her lover were greatly enhanced by her cruel dominance toward him, her sissy maid husband. It was a strange thought, complicated on so many levels but pipsqueak was more than happy to take solace from it. He was still a part of his wife’s love life. A sad pathetic part, a frustrated humiliated part, a helpless and impotent part, but still a part. He’d take that! He’d definitely take that! One of the weird things about this whole thing was that, as his own sex life continued to contract at the whim of his Mistress, the importance of her sex life was replacing the importance of his own, not just to her but to him too, perhaps to him most of all!

Pipsqueak was roused from his thoughts by the sight of his wife’s lover hooking his elbows under Linda’s stunning sexy stockinged legs, forcing her knees back against her breasts then taking her delicate ankles in his huge hands to press one leg onto the mattress either side of her head. The effect was to lift her ass off the bed offering her sopping pussy to the rampant thickly veined and pulsing cock that he proceeded to drill into her.

‘Oh yes, baby, yes!’ Linda encouraged her lover as she reached up to take his face between her palms. ‘Screw me baby, cum inside me, fill up my naughty married pussy! Show my husband how a real man fucks his woman. Show him why he’ll never be allowed to put his tiny dick inside your bitch ever again. Show him why I belong to you. Show him baby!’

That was all the encouragement Sam needed to fire an enormously heavy load of cum along the length of his cock to hose the walls of his girlfriend’s womb. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh! Aaaaarrrrrrrrgggghhhh!’ he screamed, three, four, five times until he thought he might turn himself inside out inside this bitch! Even then, still not finished, not until another five or six slightly less violent spurts, then finally three or four weaker blasts of cum emptied his huge balls more comprehensively than ever before in his life.

‘You see sweety,’ pipsqueak’s wife was saying to him as she lay squashed into the mattress under her lover’s collapsed sweating body as he gasped for air. ‘You see how we are together. That’s why I need him, why I’m so happy, why I love you so much for persuading me to try this lifestyle. Thank you, sweetheart. I hope you enjoyed watching us. You must know now you could never compete and I could never go back to just lying there staring up at the ceiling waiting for you to finish to keep you happy. This is so much better!’ she smiled as she stroked her lover’s hair.

‘Mmmffff!’ pipsqueak tried to answer through his wife’s sopping panties. She was right, he could never ask her to give this up. He loved her, more now than ever before. That’s why he would work even harder to please her, to free her from the need to ever lift a finger around their home. Free her to explore her incredible sexuality. Free her to enjoy her lover, to amuse and arouse herself by mistreating and abusing her husband. Any price was worth paying for her happiness. His manhood, his self-respect, his sex life such as it was, he’d gladly sacrifice it all and more besides just for the chance to make her happy, to remain a part of her life, whatever she wanted that life to be. It was up to her now.

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