Chapter 1

“You little b*stard! I don’t care what Wolf King you are in some Western Frontline! You have to go to Sumeria and marry the daughter of the Crestfalls, Luna!

“Her grandpa saved me ten years ago and I’ve promised him that you will marry her! The half piece of jade is a token for the marriage. I have also written the Crestfalls’ address on the letter and included Luna’s picture and contact number. You’d better go there to marry the girl!

“If you don’t bring back a healthy grandson to me next year, I will kick your ass in front of your men!”

Looking at the crumpled letter in his hand, Andrius did not know whether to laugh or cry. He was on a plane when he read the letter his master sent him.

His master, Old Hagstorm, was the only man in the entire Florence to have the nerve to kick the Wolf King in front of his men, the Lycantroops.

Andrius was an orphan. He was abandoned by his biological parents while he was still in his cradle. As he floated downstream on a rapid river, Old Hagstorm saw him and fished him up.

The boy was brought back to Tiger Hill and trained as Old Hangstorm’s only disciple. Old Hagstorm treated him as his own son and taught the boy everything he knew.

After eighteen years of unwavering determination and training, Andrius became a multitalented man.

When war broke out at the Western Frontline, Andrius was drafted and sent to the frontline to serve his country. His iron fists destroyed the enemy’s arrogance as he charged into a million enemy troops alone and single-handedly beheaded the enemy’s leader.

After the battle that made him famous, he continued to serve his country for the next ten years.

With his unwavering hard work, he founded the most elite troops in the entire country—the Lycantroops.

A million Lycantroops were stationed at the border to defend the country.

Andrius was then granted the title of Wolf King.

Little did he know that when he returned from the frontline, his master would set him up with a woman.

He rubbed his temples, his stern-looking face smeared with helplessness.

His stubborn master was a strange person with a temper. Once the old man decided on something, nothing could change his mind. Since the old man had arranged for this marriage, he had to obey orders and marry Luna Crestfall in Sumeria.

Three hours later, the plane landed at the Central Airport of Sumeria.

Andrius greedily inhaled as soon as he set foot on the ground. “The air here is a lot better than the blood-filled air back at the border.”

When he walked out of the arrival gate, he saw a large crowd outside the airport, looking inside eagerly.

The people learned that someone important was coming to Sumeria, hence they gathered outside the airport, hoping for a glance of the person. Unfortunately, they could not even get close to the airport because it was sealed off by the military.

Many soldiers equipped with live rounds were stationed at the entrance to maintain order.

Even the richest man in the city was declined entry.

Andrius scanned around and finally spotted a familiar figure—the mayor of Sumeria, Marcus Freely.

Marcus spotted Andrius as soon as the man stepped out of the arrival gate. He bowed solemnly and said with the utmost respect, “Wolf King!”

Andrius smiled. “Marcus, it’s been three years since we saw each other. How’s your recovery going?”

“Thank you for your concern, Wolf King. I am fine now.”

Marcus respected the young Wolf King wholeheartedly because he owed the young man his life. Back then, Marcus had just been a captain serving the Western Frontline. The battalion that he led was ambushed by enemy forces while carrying out an assignment.

When the young Wolf King received news about the ambush, he personally led a company of soldiers to retrieve the dying Marcus from the battlefield, saving his life.

After that, Marcus was discharged due to his injuries. He then moved back to Sumeria and was elected as mayor.

Knowing that the Wolf King would visit Sumeria, Marcus sealed off the airport just to welcome him.

“Wolf King, let’s get into the car.”

Marcus opened the door of a Rolls Royce and gestured, inviting Andrius in. His action stunned the crowd outside the airport.

“Am I seeing this right?”

“Mayor Freely sealed off the airport just to welcome a young man?”

“Our Mayor Freely always thought highly of himself yet he welcomed the young man with such respect. That guy’s definitely some big shot!”

“Is he some young master from a famous family from the Capital?”

Under countless pairs of curious eyes, Andrius entered the Rolls Royce.

Marcus bowed and said respectfully, “Wolf King, I have prepared a feast to welcome your arrival. I will bring you…”

“It’s okay.” Andrius shook his hand, stopping Marcus.

“Marcus, can you drive me to Long Island Cafe?”

“Sir, why are you going there?”

“An arranged marriage…” Andrius facepalmed himself, covering his helplessness.

Marcus’s eyes flickered as he was baffled.


The Wolf King that led a million Lycantroops into war, the man who enjoyed the highest level of power and authority, and had an endless amount of wealth was forced into an arranged marriage?!

Marcus could not accept what he heard.

However, he followed orders and drove Andrius to Long Island Cafe.

Long Island Cafe was located in the city center, where every inch of land was worth a piece of gold bar.

Life expenses in the city center were unsurprisingly high. Those who could afford to spend here were no commoners.

A woman in a tailored white dress and a voluptuous figure waited at a table in the cafe. Her charming eyes emanated a frosty presence as she stared outside the window.

The sunlight shone through the window, highlighting her long hair that draped on her shoulders. She was like a deity from the heavens with a charming presence. The woman had looks, a good temperament, and wealth, a perfect woman in every aspect. She was no other than Luna of the Crestfalls.

Andrius compared her with the picture in his hand before he went over.

Noticing a man approaching, Luna lifted her chin and sized Andrius up with an arrogant gaze before asking, “Are you Andrius Moonshade?”

“I am,” Andrius nodded.

“Where’s the token?” Luna sounded frosty. It felt like she was trying to push Andrius away.

Andrius revealed the half piece of jade and placed it on the table.

Luna picked it up for a closer inspection before she put it back down. She said emotionlessly, “Let’s cut to the chase. I’ve gone through your particulars. You’ve lived in the mountains forever and you are poor.

“I am the daughter of the Crestfalls, the CEO of New Moon Corporation! I am out of your league!”

Luna looked frosty and disdainful. She was the goddess CEO of New Moon Corporation in Sumeria. She was not in the same world as the poor man before her eyes, yet her grandfather forced her to marry him.


Andrius was stunned.

The Wolf King that was highly sought-after by many royalties and nobles as a husband for their daughters somehow became a poor man in the woman’s words.

Luna took Andrius’ silence as a realization of the difference in their identities and statuses. The disdain in her eyes grew stronger.

“I don’t know why my grandfather wants me to marry you, but we are not from the same world! I’m not going to marry you!”

Chapter 2

Andrius simply laughed it off.

He was under his master’s order to repay the debt by marrying the woman. He had no objection to Luna’s refusal to marry since she was the other party involved.

He, too, was forced to be here.

Luna added a slight compassion into her tone when she noticed Andrius’s silence. “I know calling off the marriage is huge blow to you, but you have to know the difference between us. We shouldn’t even cross paths at first.

“If you can suggest canceling the marriage in front of my grandfather, I will pay you handsomely under the table so that you won’t have to worry about the rest of your life. You can marry whomever you want in the mountains and live like a king there. Just leave me alone.

“But…” Luna paused. Her delicate face showed a brazen hint of frostiness. Her tone turned cold as she continued, “If you decided to use my grandfather against me and force me to obey your will, I will ruin your life!”

Threats! Brazen threats in the face of the Wolf King!

Andrius was somewhat unhappy with her words. He, the Wolf King, had reigned for more than ten years now in the Western Frontline. Even the enemy’s generals were horrified when his name was mentioned.

Yet he was being threatened by a woman!

Fine! The woman’s grandfather was his master’s savior after all.

Andrius inhaled deeply and answered calmly, “Deal.”

Luna’s frosty expression eased when she heard Andrius’s decisive answer. She praised the man in her heart for being self-aware.

She put on her sunglasses, picked up her expensive purse, and got up from her seat. “Let’s go see my grandfather now. Remember, you are going to be the one who rejects this arrangement.”

The two of them strode out of the cafe.

Luna’s presence turned heads as soon as she walked out. A goddess walking among mortals was a rare scene indeed.

As for Andrius, who wore a jersey and pants, he was ignored completely.

Outside the cafe, a fiery red Ferrari was parked.

Luna opened the door, further sealing her image as a goddess in front of the people.

“Get in,” Luna said before she got into the driver’s seat.

After Andrius got into the passenger’s seat, Luna reminded him once again, “Remember, you are going to tell my grandfather that you want to call off the arranged marriage. Don’t mess it up…”


The sudden ringtone interrupted Luna.

She answered it immediately, but the conversation put an anxious look on her beautiful face.

“Okay. I’m coming back right away!”

Luna hung up the phone and stepped on the accelerator.

The sudden thrust pinned Andrius on the seat. He frowned and asked, “Ms. Crestfall, what happened?”

Luna remained silent.

The silent journey brought Andrius to the Crestfall Manor’s entrance.

Luna then said to him, “My grandfather’s condition relapsed. When you go in later, don’t utter a word.”

The two of them entered the manor. Through a crooked and long corridor, they arrived at a spacious room.

In the center of the room were three middle-aged men. They were the three sons of Belarus: Harry, George, and Dick.

The three of them surrounded a sandalwood bed, and on the bed was an elderly, twitching ceaselessly.

It was Belarus, the master of the house.

Beside Belarus was another white-haired elderly, looking professional and profound with the medical equipment by his side.

Luna went up to Harry nervously. “Dad, how’s Grandfather doing?”

Harry sighed. “Fortunately Dr. Artemis is here. He’s doing his best to keep your grandfather’s condition under control…”

Before he could finish, the man spotted Andrius behind Luna. He frowned and asked, “Luna, who is he?”

Luna glanced at Andrius and said scornfully, “Dad, he’s the man whom Grandfather mentioned.”

“It’s him?!” The disdain in Harry’s eyes was visible.

When he learned that his father wanted to betroth his daughter to a man named Andrius, he had sent his men to run background checks on Andrius.

A poor young man living in the mountains wanted to marry his precious princess? Impossible!

Andrius was not bothered by the unwelcoming look on Harry’s face. Instead, he was looking at Dr. Artemis.

Dr. Artemis was a famous doctor known for his experience and methods. He used to travel around the world and practiced all kinds of medicinal methods that worked wonders on his patients, hence his prestigious title.

He was using acupuncture, a method that he practiced for more than a decade while traveling abroad, on Master Crestfall.

The method indeed worked wonders, but he was using it wrongly and was making Master Crestfall’s condition worse.

Dr. Artemis pulled out a long silver needle that was as thin as a strand of hair and aimed it at Master Crestfall’s crown.

Andrius suddenly said, “If you do that, Master Crestfall won’t live long.”

His words startled and stunned everyone present.

Dr. Artemis’s hand froze. He turned to Andrius in anger and bellowed, “Fool! Who gave you the courage to question my medical skills?”

“I’m telling the truth. What courage do I need?”

Andrius further explained, “Master Crestfall’s blood circulation is weakening because of the bloating of his veins. If you poke the needle into his head, it will gather the flow of blood at a certain point, causing the veins to burst.”

“Nonsense!” Dr. Artemis bellowed, “What nonsense are you spewing? How dare you act like a fool in front of me? Are you saying that my medical skills are not as good as yours?”

“Dr. Artemis, please calm down!” Harry quickly calmed the man down.

He then growled at Andrius, “Kid, Dr. Artemis is the best doctor here in Sumeria. His patients can line up to the next city just to get his consultation! What right and qualifications do you have to comment on his methods?!”

Andrius shrugged and said calmly, “I’m just giving a friendly reminder. It’s up to you whether to believe me or not. Don’t regret not taking my advice later.”

“Shut up! Someone, please get this impudent fool out of the manor!” Harry shouted.

“Hold on,” Dr. Artemis said as he waved at Harry. “Since he thinks that he’s better than me, why not let him stay and watch how I cure Master Crestfall?”

“Hmph!” Harry grunted.

Since it was Dr. Artemis’s request, he simply allowed it. Otherwise, he would have kicked the impudent fool out himself.

Andrius was not interested in arguing with Harry. He leaned against the door frame and watched Dr. Artemis continue the acupuncture treatment.

Dr. Artemis picked up the needle once more, heated it with fire, and poked it into Master Crestfall’s crown.


As the needle entered the head, Master Crestfall grunted softly and his body stopped twitching. The pale look on his face was soon replaced by a healthy one.

“Oh, my God!”

“Dr. Artemis is amazing!”

“Of course! We all know how Dr. Artemis is! Unlike someone who’s trying to make a fool of himself in front of the others.”

Dr. Artemis stroked his white beard indifferently as he was being showered by praises. He barely showed any reaction because he had grown numb of praises after saving countless lives throughout his career.

He then looked back at Andrius. “Kid, what else do you have to say for yourself?”

Andrius glanced at Dr. Artemis before he put his hand out with all five of his fingers fanned out. “This is how long Master Crestfall has left.”

“Five days?!”

Dr. Artemis was surprised. He roared, “You fool! You are simply trying to play to the gallery! I have cured Master Crestfall with my acupuncture method. Master Crestfall will recover completely with some extra medicine and rest. What gave you the courage to spew nonsense?”

Andrius ignored Dr. Artemis and started closing his fingers one by one.






Chapter 3

A countdown?!

What did it mean?

The Crestfalls and Dr. Artemis looked at Andrius in confusion.

At the next second, someone said, “Look! Look at Master Crestfall!”

Everyone turned around.

Master Crestfall’s body twitched violently again and black blood spewed from his mouth. After spewing a few mouthfuls of blood, his face turned ghastly pale immediately. He fell onto the teak wood bed and lost consciousness.

The Crestfalls were frightened. They cried, “Dr. Artemis, hurry up and check on Master Crestfall!”

“Let me have a look.”

Dr. Artemis immediately checked on Master Crestfall’s condition and performed all the necessary procedures to save the man.

However, no matter how many more needles he poked into Master Crestfall, it did not reverse the condition. Instead, the needles started to mess up Master Crestfall’s blood circulation, causing black blood to seep from his nose.

Dr. Artemis grew so anxious that he sweated profusely and paled.

He realized he had made a terrible mistake! Consequently, his name and reputation would be ruined, and his mistake would claim Master Crestfall’s life!

He collapsed to the ground in disbelief and horror as his hands and legs grew weak.

Then, he suddenly thought of what Andrius said earlier. He turned to the young man immediately.

Andrius barely reacted to the sudden turn of events as if everything was within expectation.

Dr. Artemis got up and went over. He held Andrius’s hand and begged, “Young man, please save Master Crestfall!”

The scene shocked every one of the Crestfalls.

Under everyone’s astonished gazes, Andrius said calmly, “You are the one who claimed you had the experience and were more qualified to save Master Crestfall. Now that Master Crestfall’s life is hanging by a thread, you want me to clean up your mess for you?”

“I…” Dr. Artemis was deeply embarrassed. “I was blind before. Please forgive me and save Master Crestfall!”


Andrius went up to the bed and took a glance at the dying Master Crestfall.

Master Crestfall had saved his master before, so he could not just let the man die. Otherwise, his master would strangle him to death!

Andrius turned to Dr. Artemis and said, “Needles.”

Dr. Artemis opened his bag and searched for the right needle.

Harry went up to Dr. Artemis and asked under his breath, “Dr. Artemis, are you really going to let him do acupuncture for my father?”

“We have no other choice!” Dr. Artemis pulled out a roll of brand-new needles and handed them to Andrius.

Andrius shook his head. “It’s not enough.”

Dr. Artemis was stunned. “In acupuncture, we usually use 36 needles…”

Before Dr. Artemis could finish, Andrius said, “Master Crestfall is already having his foot in the grave. I have to use the legendary Hades’ Pin to save him.”

Dr. Artemis was once again flabbergasted and stiffened.

The term “Hades’ Pin” was like a clap of thunder echoing in his ears.

As the famous doctor in Sumeria, Dr. Artemis knew what exactly the Hades’ Pin method was. It was one of the lost techniques in acupuncture, practiced by ancient doctors. It was said that the method could save anyone who was dying.

Unfortunately, ancient scriptures only recorded pieces and bits of the method. No one knew what or how to use the Hades’ Pin method on a dying patient.

That was why he was shocked to hear that the young man wanted to save Master Crestfall’s life with the Hades’ Pin method.

Dr. Artemis pulled out another roll of silver needles and handed them to Andrius swiftly.

Andrius’s hands moved at lightning speed. He held more than a dozen needles in his hands and poked them into Master Crestfall’s body accurately.

The scene left Dr. Artemis’ jaw open. Acupuncture demanded high precision and an exact amount of strength from the performer. Each position was different, and each needle must be poked with a different amount of strength. The demand for concentration and the control of strength from a doctor was extremely rigid.

Some experienced doctors could perform it as well, but at most with three needles at a time.

The young man, however, used more than ten needles at once.

It was a miracle!

Then, something even more shocking followed.

Andrius’ hands were soft but precise. The needles poked Master Crestfall’s body and wavered elegantly.

From an amateur’s perspective, Andrius simply moved his fingers around the needles quickly. However, from a professional’s perspective, Andrius’s hand movements contained a lot of high-precision and technical movements.

Master Crestfall’s twitching slowly calmed down.

The Crestfalls were not doctors, hence their plain surprise. From their perspective, Andrius was simply poking needles into Master Crestfall’s body at will, yet it worked miracles.

Master Crestfall’s breathing slowly recovered and his pale face once again flushed healthily.

A while later, Master Crestfall woke up.

His sons and his granddaughter went up to him and asked him with concern.

“Father, how are you?”

“Are you alright?” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Grandfather, how are you feeling? Do you want something to eat?”

Looking at his family, Master Crestfall knew he was still alive. He then saw Dr. Artemis by the side and realized what just happened. He forced a smile on his face and thanked the man.

“Thank you, Dr. Artemis…”

“Master Crestfall, I am not that capable of saving your life. It is he who saved you.” Dr. Artemis pointed at Andrius with the utmost respect.

“Andrius? Hahaha! I received your master’s letter half a month ago, and I have been waiting for your arrival since then!” Master Crestfall sat up and said happily, “Thank God you are here, or else I would have had a date with the Grim Reaper!”

“Master Crestfall, you are too kind. I will give you a prescription for some medicine. Take it regularly and you will recover soon,” Andrius said with a smile.

“Great! Great!”

Master Crestfall called the butler to bring over a pen and paper.

Andrius wrote down a prescription and gave it to Dr. Artemis. “Dr. Artemis, I will leave Master Crestfall’s recovery in your hands. I believe you will put your medical skills to good use.”

Dr. Artemis knew Andrius was trying to save his face. He nodded and agreed. “Okay, I will.

“Thank you, young man. Please excuse me.” Dr. Artemis took the prescription respectfully and deeply to Andrius before he left.

The scene left the Crestfalls stunned.

Harry looked at Andrius curiously. “You’ve been to medical school?”

Andrius shook his head. “I’ve only learned some healing skills in the mountains.”


Harry clicked his tongue scornfully at Andrius’s answer. He thought Andrius was at least a medical student.

To his surprise, Andrius claimed that he learned his medical skills in the mountains!

Meaning it was pure luck that he healed Master Crestfall!

Pure luck!

A man with luck and nothing else was useless. He could not be this lucky for the rest of his life.

How could such a man marry his princess?

Impossible! Impossible!

While Harry was thinking of a way to send Andrius away, Master Crestfall looked up at Luna.

“Luna, now that you’ve met Andrius, you two should get registered as soon as possible.”

Chapter 4

Harry’s expression changed drastically as he said, “Father, I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

Master Crestfall frowned while looking at Harry in dissatisfaction. “Andrius is the most suitable candidate. Any objections?”


Harry’s expression turned bitter. He said in a small voice, “Father, I thought both Luna and Andrius just met, and they haven’t got the chance to know each other. Isn’t this arrangement a little too reckless?”

“Register first, they have all the time in the world going forward to get to know each other.”

As the master of the house, Belarus’ words had absolute power. He added in an authoritative tone, “It is decided!”

Luna remained silent throughout the ‘negotiation’. She had a glance at Andrius, signaling him to make a move.

Andrius immediately caught on to her gaze. “Master Crest…”

Master Crestfall interrupted Andrius and said strongly, “Andrius, we are family now. You can just call me grandfather.”


Andrius did not know whether to laugh or cry at the man’s suggestion. He continued, “I think the registration of marriage is a little inappropriate. Marriage should be based on mutual affection…”

“Andrius, don’t worry. Luna is a good girl. She always listens to me. As long as you don’t reject her, she will marry you,” Master Crestfall interrupted Andrius once more.

“Father, Andrius already said it’s inappropriate. Why do you still force…”

“Shut your mouth!” Master Crestfall glared at Harry. He then turned back to Andrius with a kind look and continued, “Andrius, what are you worried about? You can just tell me.”

“I…” Andrius stammered. He quickly came up with an excuse and said, “Grandfather, registration of marriage takes time and requires a lot of procedures. I’m not prepared. It’s really inappropriate to do it now.”

“You don’t need that at all!” Master Crestfall waved his hand and said, “I can have my people get the documents for you. All you need to do is be there and sign your name.

“If you are worried that you don’t have a proper career, I can give you 5% of New Moon Corporation’s shares, but you have to marry Luna right now.”

Master Crestfall’s words shocked everyone like a bolt of lightning.

Everyone was stunned and speechless.

5% of the company’s shares!

The old man had lost his mind!

When the other family members regained their composure, they tried to talk Master Crestfall out of it.

“Father, the company shares are not something you can simply give away. It’s even more inappropriate than getting married on the spot!”

Master Crestfall has made up his mind. He said firmly, “As long as I’m still alive, I call the shots here in this family!”

Andrius was shocked by the old man’s firm attitude. What made him so eager to marry his granddaughter off?

Why did he even consider offering 5% of his company shares?

Andrius simply could not wrap his head around the situation.

Had Andrius not agreed with Luna to call off the marriage, he might have been moved by the old man’s determination and sincerity.

Just when Andrius was about to think of another way to reject the old man’s offer, Luna suddenly said, “Grandfather, whatever you say, I’ll listen.”

Andrius was surprised by Luna’s sudden change of heart.

What made her agree?

She insisted on calling off the marriage earlier!

Master Crestfall chuckled. “Look, Andrius, even Luna agrees to marry you now. You don’t have to worry about anything else.”

“I…” Andrius was stuck for words.

With that said, Andrius and Luna were officially married an hour later.

Andrius still could not believe what just happened. “I’m married?”

If the news reached the Western Frontline and got into his Lycantroops’ ears, they would be utterly astonished by how casual and frivolous their Wolf King handled his marriage.

Looking at Andrius and Luna standing side by side, Master Crestfall smiled. “Luna, now that you are officially Andrius’ wife, you can bring him back to your place. My biggest wish now is to see your children while I’m still alive. You two better work hard and make it happen. Don’t make me wait too long.”

Luna blushed.

The newlyweds left Crestfall Manor and got into Luna’s Ferrari.

Looking at Luna, Andrius asked, “Ms. Crestfall, why the sudden change of mind?”

“Well, it’s all a ruse,” Luna said coldly.

Andrius was surprised. “Did you agree because of your grandfather’s 5% of company shares?”

“You’re right.”

Luna was being honest with Andrius. “My father is the eldest son of the family. He should be next in line to inherit everything, but my second uncle has been holding him back. With the extra 5%, we will have more power on the board. That is why I need you to fake the marriage and pretend to be my husband.”

Luna looked at Andrius with her crystal-clear eyes. “My grandfather isn’t healthy anymore, so I hope you can play along and keep this a secret from him.

“In three to four months, I will find an excuse and get a divorce. I will compensate you handsomely so that you won’t have to worry for the rest of your life!”

Andrius simply smiled and shrugged at Luna’s supposedly flawless plan.

He was not overly bothered. He came here under his master’s orders anyway, so he did not mind playing along with Luna’s plan. After all, it would be over in three to four months.

Andrius nodded. “Roger.”

His compliance made Luna look at him differently. Even her frosty attitude warmed up. She stepped on the accelerator and sprinted away from Crestfall Manor.

Luna’s mansion was located at Dream’s Waterfront.

The place had some of the most expensive real estate in the entire city. Those who could afford to buy a property at Dream’s Waterfront were either powerful or rich.

There was a two-story mansion at the prime location of Dream’s Waterfront.

The fiery red Ferrari drove into the front porch steadily.

Luna slid her slender legs out of the car.

“This is my house.”

Luna went into the living room and sat down on the couch leisurely. She looked at Andrius and said, “Since you are going to stay here for a while, let’s lay down some house rules.”

Chapter 5

“Rule number one: I have OCD. You have to keep the house clean at all times, and you are prohibited from smoking in my house.

“Rule number two: there are a lot of expensive things in my house. Do not touch them.

“Rule number three: your room is on the first floor, mine’s on the second. Without my permission, you are not allowed to go up there, not even stepping on the first step of the stairs!

Luna looked at Andrius with her beautiful eyes and said indubitably, “Understand, Mr. Andrius Moonshade?”

Andrius’s eyes flickered helplessly as his lips twitched a little. He grumbled in his heart, ‘Are all the rich ladies in the city this difficult to deal with?’

However he still nodded and agreed to Luna’s terms.

Luna breathed a sigh of relief. She got up and headed to the stairs.

Before she went upstairs, she turned around and reminded Andrius, “And we are only pretending to be husband and wife. You still have the right to date and search for your true love, but you cannot let anyone in the family know, including me!”

As she went up the stairs, her slender and beautiful legs, wrapped in a pair of black stockings, appeared in Andrius’s line of sight.

Her legs were a gift from God.

Perfect! Slender! Straight!

Even a gentleman like Andrius could not help but sneak a few more glances at her legs.

After she disappeared from his sight, Andrius started to unpack in his room.

He then lay on the spacious and comfortable bed and pulled out his customized smartphone to deal with military affairs.

Before he left the headquarters at Western Frontline, he had arranged for his right-hand man to take over the daily affairs, but he still had to make decisions for important matters since he was the Wolf King.

When the last assignment was completed, Andrius looked out of the window.

The moon hung in the dark sky like a mirror, shedding its brilliance over the skyscrapers of the city.

It was late. Andrius put his phone down and wanted to get some sleep.

Suddenly, his sharp senses picked up the presence of an uninvited figure outside the house. The dark figure shuttled across the shadows swiftly and dashed up to the second floor.

Andrius went out of his room and headed straight for the second floor.

When he arrived at the second-floor parlor, the dark silhouette ambushed him.

Andrius narrowed his eyes and locked onto the target. He dished out a palm strike at the dark shadow, pushing him to the wall.

The silhouette hit the wall but managed to regain his balance. With a kick against the wall, the dark shadow darted himself at Andrius once more with his hands aiming for the weak points.

The whole set of movements was precise and deft as if he was a tiger launching himself at its prey.

Andrius said without haste, “Too slow.”

With that, he darted forward like a panther and attacked the dark shadow head-on.


A brief clash later, the dark silhouette was sent flying onto the balcony.

Right before the silhouette could regain his balance and prepare for another round of attack, Andrius said leisurely, “Are you done fooling around, Noir? Or are you itching for a beating?”

Andrius went over to the dark shadow and peered down at him from a condescending angle.

Under the soft moonlight, the dark silhouette was revealed to be a brown-skinned man with a slender physique. The man scratched his head awkwardly and chuckled. “Wolf King!”

The man’s codename was Black Wolf, also nicknamed Noir. He was the captain of the Shadow Wolves, the personal guards to the Wolf King.

Andrius glanced at Noir. “What are you doing here?”

Noir said, “Wolf King, the headquarters intercepted classified information from the enemies. The principals beyond the Western Frontline are still eyeing us and they have sent the Cyclops to infiltrate our land. An emergency meeting was called, and I got a mission to protect you.”

“To protect me?” Andrius found it hilarious. He then answered in a domineering and arrogant manner, “No one in the world can hurt me!”

He sounded proud and confident!

Noir knew how strong Andrius was.

Nevertheless, he was already sent here by the higher-ups, so he said, “Wolf King, you’ve been killing enemies in the Western Frontline for years. The way you do things might not fit well with the city lifestyle. I can stay by your side and help you deal with your daily affairs.”

Andrius pondered. “This is the mainland, not the Western Frontline. Don’t call me ‘Wolf King’.”

“Yes, sir.”

Knowing that Andrius agreed for him to stay, Noir was over the moon.

“Just leave for now. This is Luna Crestfall’s house, so don’t simply come up to the second floor.”

“Huh?” Noir was baffled. “Andy, you are the Wolf King that commands a million Lycantroops. Are you really going to marry that Luna Crestfall to repay the favor?”

“It’s the old man’s idea. What can I do?” Andrius sighed helplessly. “It will be over in three to four months anyway. Luna said she would get a divorce after that.”

“Alright. I’ll be going now. See ya, Andy!” Noir leapt off the rail and disappeared.

Andrius turned around. Just when he was about to go back downstairs, he spotted the clothing rack and the sexy bra on the floor. They were undoubtedly Luna’s.

Noir must have knocked over the clothing rack when he fell earlier, hence the bra on the floor.

Andrius bent over, picked the bra up, and wanted to hang it back on the rock.

Suddenly, he sensed a dangerous gaze at him from his back.

He turned around and saw Luna with a taser, glaring at him coldly.

What the hell? How awkward could this be?!

Andrius stammered, “Well, I-I can explain…”


Luna turned on the baton taser.

An angry and embarrassed voice sounded, startling even the resting birds in the trees outside.

“You pervert! Get the hell out!”

Chapter 6

Luna’s baton taser sent Andrius back to the first floor.

Looking at her bra on the floor and imagining Andrius’s perverted look, Luna instantly felt disgusted. She picked up her bra and threw it into the trash can before she returned to her room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

Tossing and turning, Luna could not sleep for the entire night.

Andrius, on the other hand, had a sound sleep.

When he walked out of his room, he saw a man sitting in the living room.

It was Luna’s father, Harry!

Luna was beside him, looking utterly indifferent. Her coldness she emanated could keep anyone away.

As soon as Andrius stepped out of the room, Harry bellowed, “Come over here!”

Andrius went over and sat down opposite the man.


Harry slammed the tea table in front of him and snarled, “You little prick, how dare you!”

“Uncle Harry, listen to me. There was a misunderstanding about last night…”

Before Andrius could finish, Luna interrupted, “I saw it with my own eyes! What else do you have to say for yourself?!”


Harry slammed the tea table again. “My daughter is not someone a poor guy who grew up in the mountains can lay a hand on! She’s a princess out of your league! Remember that! Last night was the first and the last time! If you cross the line once more, I will destroy you!”

Another bold threat in Andrius’s face!

Harry opened his briefcase and pulled out a set of documents on the tea table. “You and Luna are just playing pretend! The 5% of company shares do not belong to you! Sign your name here!”

Andrius could not care less. He was not interested even if he was given the entire New Moon Corporation, let alone a mere 5% of the company shares. He was here to repay a favor after all.

With the thought in his mind, he signed his name on the documents.

Harry retrieved the signed documents and wanted to leave. “Luna, I’ll go back to the office to settle the shares. Be careful when you are with this prick. I will arrange a female bodyguard for you in a few days.”

He intentionally raised his voice when he left reminders for his daughter, seemingly wanting Andrius to hear him.

“I got it, Dad.”

Seeing Harry’s car disappear from her sight, Luna returned to the living room. Her delicate face was filled with disgust when she saw Andrius sitting on the couch. She strode up to the second floor and went back to her room.

She video-called her friend, Halle Fullberry, and told her what happened last night.

On the other end of the video call was a beautiful woman with an oval face shape. She wore sexy pajamas which brought out her long and fair legs.

Learning that Andrius tried to steal Luna’s bra last night, Halle was irritated. “Hmph! How dare he! What a shameless pervert!

“Luna, we’ve got the race later tonight, right? Why don’t you bring him over and show him how we rich people play? We can try to ruin his confidence and make him understand the difference between you two.”

Luna found Halle’s suggestion reasonable.

After the video call, she went to the stairs and peeked at the living room. Andrius was watching the news about the latest military action on TV.

What a bumpkin! Who would watch military news on TV?

Luna rolled her eyes in disgust before she said, “Andrius, you are going out with me tonight.”

Curious, Andrius looked up at Luna and asked, “Where to?”

“My friends invited me to an event. I think it’s a great chance for you to see the city,” Luna said before she returned to her room.

See the city?

Andrius scoffed. He had a feeling it was not just a simple sightseeing occasion.

At dusk, Luna swapped her Ferrari for a cool-looking Mercedes and brought Andrius out.

A while later, they arrived at the foot of Wolf Fang Hill. Wolf Fang Hill was located on the West of Sumeria, which also housed the most famous mountain circuit for racers.

The place had held multiple races over the years.

There was a grand hotel at the foothill. The place was crowded with luxury cars, handsome men, and beautiful women.

The two stopped at the hotel parking lot.

When Luna and Andrius got out of the car, a beautiful, leggy woman came over—it was Luna’s friend, Halle.

Halle wore a white deep-neckline shirt coupled with a pair of hot pants. Her voluptuous figure was perfectly complemented by her matching outfit. Her fair skin and sexy long legs caught many men’s eyes.

However, when the men saw Halle’s frosty look and the Lamborghini she drove, they were all discouraged and deterred.

Halle walked over to Luna with a sweet smile. “Luna, you look beautiful.”

“Halle, stop being glib.”

“I’m not. You look really beautiful, girl!” Halle wrapped her arm around Luna’s slender waist before she sized Andrius up.

With a scornful expression, she asked, “So, you are Andrius?”

Andrius stretched his hand out for a handshake. “Hi.”

“Hmph.” Halle ignored the handshake and looked at him arrogantly. “Andrius, this is where the upper social circle hangs out. You will never be one of us even if you try for the rest of your life! I hope you know where you stand and stop your delusional thoughts about Luna, or you will pay a heavy price!”

With that, Halle then went into the hotel with Luna.

Andrius finally knew what was going on.

Luna did not invite him to go sightseeing. Instead, she brought him out so that she could show him the difference between the two of them.

After last night, Luna’s father, Harry, tried to threaten him, and now her friend, Halle, invited him to a gathering just to embarrass him. Women in the city were tougher to deal with than enemies beyond the borders!

However, Andrius welcomed the challenge. There was nothing to be embarrassed about.

With that thought in mind, Andrius went after Luna.

Soon, the three of them arrived on the third floor. They entered a VIP room and saw a group of handsome young men and young women. All of them wore expensive jewelry and clothes that showed off their wealth and social status.

“Luna, Halle, you’re here finally”

A young man stood up and welcomed the ladies into the room. He was one of Luna’s admirers, Axel Cloverfield.

Luna furrowed her brows when she saw Axel. She whispered to Halle, “Why did you invite him?”

“Luna, Axel won second runner-up during the last Grand Prix. I’m sure he’s capable of beating Andrius in a race!” Halle said with delight.

Luna was rendered speechless. She was not overly fond of a playboy like Axel.

Axel’s eyes turned frosty when he spotted Andrius behind Luna.

“This is…”

Halle glanced at Andrius and reluctantly introduced him, “He’s Andrius, the guy I told you about.”

Axel’s frosty expression eased up a little. To him, Andrius was an ant that he could crush with ease, so there was nothing to worry about.

“A new friend, nevertheless. Come, let’s make a spot for him.”

After they sat down, Axel enthusiastically said, “Luna, did you know that this hotel was bought by some Frenchmen and was turned into a French restaurant? I heard the chef serves the best French cuisine! You must try it!”

Axel snapped his fingers. “Waiter!”

A tall and sexy French lady entered the room. Blonde hair, blue eyes and professionally dressed.

The other guys in the room were captivated by her seductive looks and their eyes were glued onto her. The playboys slept with countless women before, but they had not slept with a French lady before.

The French waitress handed Axel the menu with both hands.

Axel leaned on the chair and ordered the chef’s recommendation. He tried to order in broken French to impress his friends and the sexy waitress. He might sound fluent in front of his friends, but to the French waitress, it sounded amusing.

Nevertheless, Axel was a guest, so the waitress simply smiled and tried her best to understand his broken French.

Axel then tossed the menu to Andrius and frivolously said, “We have a rule that we order for ourselves. You have to order by yourself, or you are not getting anything to eat.”

Chapter 7


Andrius took the menu and started browsing.

Axel noticed Andrius reading the menu with a serious, somewhat baffled look and was secretly delighted.

The hotel was one of the best French restaurants in the world. The chefs, the servers, and even the receptionist were all French, thus orders had to be made in French.

A poor guy from the countryside was lucky enough to come in, let alone successfully order a meal here.

Axel could already imagine the embarrassment that Andrius would face. With the clumsy hand gestures, the awkward pronunciation yet being unable to order a single thing off the menu, Andrius would be the funniest clown in the room!

Axel then started to rush Andrius. “If you can’t understand, stop pretending. Don’t waste our time. Just go get something outside the hotel. It’d actually be a better choice.”


His words amused the others in the room, and they all stared at Andrius with ridiculing gazes.

Andrius looked back at them like they were a bunch of retards. Then, under everyone’s curious gaze, he spoke fluently to the French waitress, “Bonjour! Je voudrais un foie gras au vin rouge et une soupe à l’oignon.”

A perfect master of the French language!

His words stunned everyone in the room, silencing them to the point that one could hear a needle if dropped.

No one expected a poor guy from the countryside to speak fluent French!

Axel was stunned at first, but when he looked at the French waitress, he noticed the surprise on her face as well. He realized it was not what he expected.

“Hey! It’s not surprising that someone like you can’t speak French, I understand. But please don’t try to show off with whatever language you speak, okay?!” Axel pointed at the French waitress and said to Andrius, “Look how surprised she is. She’s shocked by that broken French of yours!”

With that, the waitress responded with excitement. She spoke in English but with a heavy French accent, “Oh my gosh! Mister, you must have lived in France for a long time to pick up the accent of my hometown!”

The room was once again silenced. Everyone was stunned once more, especially Luna. Her beautiful eyes flickered as she looked at Andrius in disbelief.

Andrius smiled. It was not that he lived in France before, but he had learned the most authentic languages of multiple countries. As the Wolf King that led a million men, he had to be literate and capable in every aspect possible.

The waitress smiled and chatted with Andrius in French.

Each exchange was like a slap on Axel’s face.

Embarrassed! Awkward!

Axel lowered his head in embarrassment and no longer said a word.

Andrius did not even bother to spare a glance at Axel throughout the conversation with the French waitress.

In the end, the waitress hurled a flying kiss and a wink at Andrius before she went out with the orders, making the other guys jealous. The guys knew the waitresses here were all French beauties, and they spent quite a fortune to ask them out.

Unfortunately, the waitresses were too aloof, so their extravagant methods did not work. Now that a poor guy from the countryside beat them all and even got a flying kiss from one of the beautiful French waitresses, the guys felt terrible.

Luna frowned when she spotted the admiration the French waitress had for Andrius. She felt strange at the intimate exchange. Even though she was not fond of Andrius, he was her nominal husband.

When her ‘husband’ received a flying kiss from another woman in front of so many people, it certainly got to her.

“He’s just lucky.” Luna simply came up with an excuse because she refused to look inferior in front of Andrius.

After the meal, the group entered the Wolf Fang Hill circuit.

The rich playboys and girls loved racing because it was known to be an expensive sport whereby one could show off.

Axel took the lead to drive a Bugatti.

The first round started off with a bang.

Axel was an amazing driver. He would not have won second runner-up in the previous Grand Prix if not for his skills. With the advantage of his car and amazing skills, he surpassed the other racers by a full lap.

In the end, Axel unsurprisingly won. The guys and the girls cheered for him.

“Way to go, Axel! You are one whole lap faster than the second place!”


“Axel is amazing!”

“He’s my idol!”

Luna’s eyes gleamed as well.

Axel might be a playboy but he was a capable person.

Halle glanced at Andrius and wore a disgusted look. “What’s wrong, Andrius? Nothing to say?”

Her words attracted all the attention back to Andrius.

“I think he’s too shocked by Axel’s driving skills to even speak.”


“Racing is an expensive sport for the rich anyway. It’s not for everyone.”

Axel waved his hand and pretended to be the good guy to save Andrius. “Come on, guys. Andrius can speak fluent French, so why can’t he drive a car and race? Am I right, Andrius?”

Axel’s words immediately put Andrius in the spotlight.

Andrius said, “I am not interested in kids’ games.”

His words infuriated the guys and the girls present.

Kids’ game?

It was an insult to their taste and hobby!

How arrogant!

Luna was the first to snap, “Andrius, what the hell are you talking about?”

Andrius shrugged. “I’m just telling the truth.”

His reaction triggered more hatred from the group.

“You are just some poor guy from the countryside! Who gives you the right and the nerves to insult racing?!”

“Yeah! Don’t bullshit if you don’t have the skills!”

“You really think a few words in French make you one of us?”

“I think he can’t even race. That’s why he’s talking nonsense here!”

Andrius remained calm before the harsh criticism.

As the Wolf King that reigned the Western Frontline, he should be driving a tank or an armored car that could raze his enemies down, not some toy cars on some flat road.

Axel went up to Andrius and said loudly, “Andrius, since you’ve said so, why don’t you show us what you’ve got? Besides, Luna brought you here today. If you don’t show us what you can do, you’ll embarrass her.”

Andrius knew if he refused to get behind the wheel, the guy would probably eat him alive. He sighed and said, “Fine. Let’s play.”

Axel curled his lips. He told the racing staff behind him, “Guys, prepare the circuit and get this man a car!”

He emphasized ‘car’ and winked at the race staff.

Chapter 8

The race staff received the signal and prepared a Ford Mustang for Andrius.

Axel sat on the hood of his Bugatti with a scornful expression. “Andrius, since you are new to this, I’ll let you have one lap first.”

“No need.”

Looking at the ‘toy car’, Andrius shook his head helplessly. “Let’s just get this over with.”

Andrius’s frivolous attitude fueled Axel’s dissatisfaction. “Fine, if you’re ready, let’s get it going!”

A s*xy race girl in a bikini stood in front of the two cars with a racing flag.

“Are you ready?



As she waved the flag down, two cars sprinted off on the circuit.


The loud engine roars were sent off by the crowd’s passionate cheers.

As the cheers got louder, the cars got faster. The audience turned to the big screen showing the live drone footage of the race.

“Damn! Axel’s Bugatti acceleration is crazy fast!”

“Of course!”

“Axel is a professional racer, ranked second runner-up at the last Grand Prix. The best car that the poor guy from the countryside drives must be a tractor!”


The audience ridiculed Andrius while watching the screen.

Luna was not bothered by the comments about Andrius. Her eyes were simply fixated on the screen.

The two cars had entered a critical point in the race. Axel’s Bugatti swung left and right in front of Andrius’ Mustang, preventing him from overtaking.

Luna sighed subtly.

Axel was a professional racer after all. His skills handling a car were easily better than Andrius since the latter was just an amateur.

Andrius’ performance was already surprising enough for keeping up so closely.

Knowing that he spoke fluent French and was able to keep up with a professional racer in a car race, Luna started to look at him differently.

While the thoughts lingered in Luna’s head, one of the male audience cried out loud, “Look! The cars are reaching Wolf Fang Curve! Axel’s car is starting to decelerate, but that poor guy’s car is at full throttle!”

Luna regained her composure and looked at the screen.

The Wolf Fang Curve referred to the steepest curvature in Wolf Fang Hill’s circuit. The road there was as winding as it could be. Cars that entered Wolf Fang Curve must at least decelerate to half their previous speed to avoid an accident. Once over the speed limit, the car would certainly sprint out of the circuit, resulting in a fatal crash.

Axel’s Bugatti started to decelerate before entering Wolf Fang Curve. Andrius’ Mustang, however, continued forward with maximum speed.


“Is he trying to get himself killed?”

The audience was shocked by the Mustang’s speed.

Luna jumped to her feet and clenched the armrest tightly, looking nervous. Andrius would get himself killed if he did not decelerate in time!

“Call the control room and tell him to slow down immediately!” Luna shouted.

However, the race had reached its climax. Even with the control room’s interception, it would not be enough to stop the race.

As the Mustang overtook the Bugatti, Axel giggled wickedly behind the wheels. “Poor b*stard, now you realize you can’t step on the brakes?! Hahaha! Too bad, it’s too late!”

Axel was looking forward to the Mustang entering Wolf Fang Curve at full speed and sprinting off the circuit, resulting in a fatal car crash.

Seconds later, Andrius’ Mustang entered Wolf Fang Curve at full speed.


The audience in front of the big screen screamed. The girls shut their eyes as they could not bear looking at the possible car crash. They could already picture the horrible car crash in their minds.

Luna’s face turned pale as she closed her eyes, not wanting to look at the horrible scene. Guilt suddenly ate her up inside. Had she not invited Andrius to the race, he would not die!

Then, one of the guys cried out in shock, “Holy shit! How is that possible?!”

His voice brought everyone’s attention back to the big screen.

Andrius’ Mustang entered Wolf Fang Curve at top speed.

Wolf Fang Curve was known for its eighteen continuous curves with four of them having wider roads than others.

The four wider curves were rather close to each other, and due to their strange curvature, any car that entered with excessive speed would definitely sprint out of the circuit.

However, Andrius’ Mustang drifted through the first wide curve beautifully. With the same speed, he made it through the second and the third. He was seconds away from reaching the fourth and final wide curve.

The fourth wide curve was the most dangerous road throughout the entire circuit as it had claimed the lives of many racers.

Everyone got nervous as they widened their eyes at the big screen.

Luna prayed for Andrius to make it through alive in her heart. She did not like Andrius, but she was not a heartless woman who would want him killed.

What would she tell her grandfather if Andrius died in a race?

At the next moment, Luna widened her eyes at the big screen.

The Mustang continued forward with the same speed, and before it entered the fourth and final curve, the car spun 360 degrees.

The first full spin pushed the car into the curve. The second full spin crossed the curve beautifully.

When the car spun for the third time, it had already exited the fourth and final curve.

The jaw-dropping scene shocked everyone in the audience, including Luna.

“A 360-degree spin? How is that even possible?!”

“He’s the first man who has ever made it through Wolf Fang Curve at full speed! He’s making history in the race tonight!”

Andrius’ perfect drifting sparked heated discussion among the audience.

After he exited the Wolf Fang Curve, Axel’s car finally reached the first curve.

The distance between them was obvious!

Several minutes later, the Mustang sprinted across the finishing line with thunderous cheers from the crowd. After another beautiful 360-degree drift, it stopped in front of the crowd.

Andrius came out from the car under the people’s enthusiastic cheers. He went over to the audience seat to grab a drink before he said, “This is boring. You guys have fun.”

His words stunned the audience.

Axel was the second runner-up in the last Grand Prix, so his skills should be better than Andrius’s. However, he lost to a poor guy from the countryside!

The audience was embarrassed as they had been excited about the race earlier.


An engine’s roar approached the finishing line.

Axel came back.

As soon as the car stopped, Axel darted out of his car. When he realized the audience was looking at him, his expression turned ugly. He said with gritted teeth, “I-it must be his car!”

Axel cursed inwardly before he entered the Mustang and stepped on the accelerator to test the brakes himself.

Chapter 9


The Mustang roared to life once again and sprinted towards the slopes.

As the car approached the slopes, Axel stepped on the brakes, but it had been tampered with and was not working.

Axel’s face turned pale as his car sprinted off the slopes.


The tumbling and crashing echoed across the entire circuit.

Those who heard and saw the car drive off the slopes were horrified.

They shouted, “Call 911!”

Later that night, Luna and Halle exited the hospital with frosty looks on their faces.

Luna got into her car with Halle while Andrius got into the rear seat.

After the car left the hospital, Luna stared into the rearview mirror and saw Andrius intently looking at his phone.

Irritated by his frivolous attitude, she bellowed, “Andrius, go apologize to Axel tomorrow.”

“Why?” Andrius was confused by her request.

Luna continued coldly, “Because you tampered with the Mustang’s brakes and caused Axel’s crash.”

“The brakes were already broken when I got the Mustang,” Andrius said with a shrug.

Halle immediately realized what must have happened during the race.

Given that Andrius had raced through the finishing line and stopped the Mustang using a 360-degree drift, plus the fact that Axel had crashed because of the brakes, it could only mean that Andrius was not lying!

The car’s brakes were already faulty when he got it!

That was why he drifted 360 degrees to decelerate the car to a stop by maximizing the friction.

A poor guy who grew up in the countryside that could speak fluent French and had amazing driving skills?

Something felt amiss. Was he really who he claimed he was?

Luna, on the other hand, was not as familiar with racing as Halle, hence she had no idea what really happened. She frowned when she heard Andrius’s explanation. “Andrius, you don’t even know how to lie. If you didn’t tamper with the brakes, how did you get out of the car unscathed?”

Andrius shrugged. “I was able to get out of the car with broken brakes because of my skills. It has nothing to do with that guy not being able to do the same.”


Andrius’s casual answer fueled Luna’s anger.


The car screeched to a sudden stop by the road.

“Get out of my car!” Luna shouted.

The door opened and Andrius was ditched beside the road.

Watching the car speed out of his sight, Andrius frowned and sighed. The honorable Wolf King was threatened, challenged, and mistreated again and again.

No matter how much patience he had, he ran out of it. He took several deep breaths to suppress his anger.

Since Master Crestfall was his master’s savior, he decided not to be calculative with the short-tempered Luna. With the thought in mind, he walked back to Dream’s Waterfront.

Right after he made a turn into a junction, he ran into a familiar figure.

Dr. Artemis!

The doctor was beside a minivan with many boxes by his side.

Dr. Artemis spotted Andrius as well. Surprised, he cried, “Young man, what are the odds of running into you here?”

“I’m just passing by.” Andrius walked closer to Dr. Artemis. He picked up a familiar scent from the boxes on the ground. “Dr. Artemis, are these iodine and antibiotics?”

“Oh! You are really good! You can tell the types of medicine by smelling them? I’m impressed!

“You’re right. These are iodine and antibiotics that I have to deliver to the Recovery Camp.”

“Recovery Camp?” Andrius was slightly surprised.

Dr. Artemis said, “The citizens of Sumeria are patriotic, so many volunteered to serve the army. However, the number of discharged soldiers due to injuries is also on the rise. The local government set up a place called the Recovery Camp to take care of the discharged injured soldiers.

“Since the number is on the rise, the demand for medicines has increased. These medicines are actually donations from my clinic to the Recovery Camp.

“I’ve actually asked several workers to help me transport them, but they claimed the boxes were too heavy and they quit,” Dr. Artemis grumbled.

“Let me help.”

“Young man, the boxes are really heavy. Let me…”

“It’s okay.”

Andrius went over and picked the boxes up with ease.

Dr. Andrius was shocked.

The boxes were indeed heavy. Even two grown men struggled to carry a single box around, but Andrius picked up a box with each hand.

In less than two minutes, all the boxes were moved into the minivan.

Andrius then hitched a ride to the Recovery Camp which was located in the Western suburbs. The institute was actually a simple building with barely any infrastructure. The crude state of the institute gave Andrius a bitter feeling.

Soldiers served the country with their lives, yet they were sent to such a place after they were wounded and discharged.

Andrius helped Dr. Artemis move the boxes of medicine into the Recovery Camp.

Amongst the doctors who were treating injured men was a cute young girl, who stood out from the rest. The girl was reapplying medicine on an amputee.

After she was done, Dr. Artemis called out to her, “Lyra.”

“Grandpa!” the girl answered cheerfully and ran over to Dr. Artemis. When she spotted Andrius behind Dr. Artemis, she asked, “Grandpa, who is this?”

“Lyra, this is the young doctor whom I told you about before.” Dr. Artemis introduced Andrius to Lyria, “Young man, this is my granddaughter, Lyra Artemis.”

“Oh, so you are the doctor who saved Master Crestfall!” Lyra looked surprised.

When she heard about Andrius from her grandfather, she assumed he would be around thirty to forty years old, but his actual appearance shocked her.

“You are too kind, Ms. Artemis.” Andrius nodded at Lyra before he asked Dr. Artemis, “Doctor, are you volunteering here?”

“I am. These soldiers served our country with their lives, so I just want to do whatever I can to help them.”

“I’m impressed by your spirit, Doctor. You have my respect.”

Andrius bowed at Dr. Artemis and joined him in treating the soldiers. He used his acupuncture skills to help ease the injured soldiers’ pain. He helped around until ten o’clock at night before ending the session.

On the way back to the city, Andrius asked, “Dr. Artemis, the soldiers served the country with their lives, but why did the local government put them here after they were discharged?”

“Fret not, Young man.” Dr. Artemis looked slightly exhausted. He sighed and continued, “The mayor has released a proposal to build a proper rehabilitation facility named the Valiant Institute, to take care of the discharged soldiers.

“The project is going through a tender now, so it will take at least a year and a half before completion. The two best candidates to win the bid for the project are the Crestfalls’ New Moon Corporation and the Stormbrews’ Castlerock Corporation. If you compare the two companies’ financial status and execution, Castlerock Corporation is likely to win the bid.

“But…” A little pause later, Dr. Artemis continued, “I personally want the New Moon Corporation to take the project.”

“Why?” Andrius asked.

“The Stormbrews’ Castlerock Corporation simply views this project as a profitable expansion, but the Crestfalls’ New Moon Corporation is different.

“Master Crestfall is also a veteran, and the reason why he wants to take on the project is to take care of his fellow comrades after being discharged.”

Andrius finally understood the situation. It seemed like he had to meet Marcus, the mayor, and persuade him to give the project to the Crestfalls.

Chapter 10

As the minivan drove into Dream’s Waterfront, Andrius got out.

Lyra waved at Andrius. “Bye. If you have the time, please visit my grandpa’s clinic. I’ll make you tea.”

“Of course.”

He arrived in front of Luna’s door. Right before he knocked on it, the door opened.

Luna pulled a long face and stared at Andrius, saying, “I have a curfew here. If you had been five minutes later, you would’ve been sleeping outside.”

“It’s my first time in Sumeria, so I thought I would have a walk around the city,” Andrius said.

“Come in.”

Luna sat on the couch, crossing her slender and fair legs. Andrius was slightly stunned by the alluring scene.

“Get up early tomorrow and follow me to my grandfather’s place. When we are there, I call the shots. You have no right and are in no position to say anything. Understand?” Luna warned Andrius sternly.

“Mm-hmm,” Andrius simply hummed a reply.

Luna got up and went upstairs. Right after she locked the door of her room, she received a call from her father.

“Luna, have you talked to Andrius about it?”

“Don’t worry, Dad. I’ve talked to him. He won’t say anything tomorrow.”

Right before Luna went to bed, she double-checked if she had locked the door. She even kept the baton taser and pepper spray next to her bed.

Early the next day, Luna brought Andrius to Crestfall Manor.

Master Crestfall was having breakfast when they arrived.

The man waved at Andrius with a friendly smile. “Andrius, how are you? How are you adjusting to Sumeria so far?”

“I’m getting used to the city,” Andrius answered with a smile.

“Great to hear.” The man then switched the topic all of a sudden. “Andrius, what about the matter that I told Luna to inform you about last night? Have you considered it?”

Andrius was stunned.

He was confused because Luna did not tell him anything last night.

Andrius looked back at Luna.

Luna went up to her grandfather and said with a smile, “Grandfather, Andrius and I talked about it last night. He said he doesn’t have any experience as a manager. So, he suggested being my office assistant for the time being. You know, to gain experience and stuff.”

Luna then sneaked a glance at Andrius, signaling him.

Andrius instantly understood what Luna’s gesture meant. He echoed, “Grandfather, I believe this position suits me the best for now. Let me gain some working experience first.”

As Master Crestfall stroked his long white beard, he said, “Very well. It’s good that you young people are strong-minded, but don’t you give my good grandson-in-law a hard time. Understand?”

“I understand.” Luna blushed all of a sudden. She then added, “Grandfather, we’ll be going to the office now.”

The two of them soon arrived at New Moon Corporation’s office building.

Inside the CEO’s office, Luna sat down at the desk and looked up at Andrius.

“You are now responsible for the cleanliness of my office. I’ll pay you ten grand a month. Any problem?”

“Not at all,” Andrius said.

“You can start right away.”

Luna then pulled out a file from her drawer and walked out of the office.

After that, Andrius started to scan the office. As a professional soldier, he had a gut feeling the office was bugged! He searched around and found five tapping devices. He destroyed all of them with ease.

He then stood before the floor-to-ceiling window and enjoyed the beautiful pond further away. He loved having a bird’s eye view of things. The higher he was, the farther he could see.

Luna came back before noon with a professionally dressed short-haired lady. The lady had a pair of cautious eyes and emanated a strong aura.

Andrius found her aura and demeanor familiar because only a veteran soldier could emanate such an aura.

Luna introduced the lady to Andrius. “Andrius, let me introduce you to Athena Starland, the ace bodyguard my father got me.

“Athena won the female mixed martial arts championship when she was eighteen and joined the female special forces that served the Southern Frontline when she was twenty. She carried out twenty highly classified missions during her five-year service, got first-class honor three times, second-class five times, and third-class nine times.

“After she left the army, she founded a female-only bodyguard team that offers services which male bodyguards cannot offer.”

Luna stated Athena’s achievements one by one, expressing brazen threats in between her words. She was making it clear to Andrius that she had protection now.

Andrius simply shrugged it off because the marriage was all a show.

Luna then ignored Andrius and glanced at her expensive watch.

It was almost noon.

“Athena, I’ll bring you to my place to settle down first.”

“Hold on, Ms. Crestfall. Since I’m already taking your money, I should start working now as your bodyguard. I want to check your office for wiretaps.”

“Of course. Go ahead.”

Luna was pleased with Athena’s professionalism.

Little did Athena know that the office had already been cleaned of wiretaps before she arrived.

After finding no wiretaps in the office, the three of them returned to Dream’s Waterfront.

On the way back, Athena filled Luna in on all the security details.

Andrius, on the other hand, was paying attention to the rearview mirror. He noticed two minivans tailing them since they left the office, and it was not by coincidence.

Right before they arrived at Dream’s Waterfront entrance, one of the minivans overtook the car and stopped in front of them.


Luna smashed the car horn, but the minivan did not budge.

She wanted to reverse and move past the minivan, but the second minivan came up from behind, blocking her way.

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