I sigh as I walk into our home gym in the morning, exhausted and annoyed. Something about that conversation with Hannah didn’t sit well with me, and it’s ruined my mood ever since.


I look up in surprise as Ares places the weight he was holding on the floor. He smiles at me and walks up to me, his expression searching. “Morning,” he says as he lifts his hand, his touch tender as he brushes the back of his hand over my face. “You came to bed so late last night. Did you sleep okay?”

I pull away from him a little, suddenly feeling guilty. My conversation with Hannah is so deeply embedded in my thoughts that I can’t outrun it.

With me to rely on, Ares won’t expect too much from you, and you won’t lose so much of your own life. After all, eventually, you’ll have to go back to it, won’t you?

I nod at him and force a smile. “Yeah, just had a lot of work to finish,” I murmur, lying to him.

I take a step away and walk over to my yoga mat, mindlessly working my way through my stretching routine. I’ve been so restless all night that I woke up with all kinds of aches.

I inhale deeply as I try my hardest to fight the resignation I feel. Ares won’t stay mad at Hannah forever. He never does. Throughout the years, he’s always forgiven her no matter what she did. He’ll eventually forgive her for leaving him at the altar too, and I don’t want to bear witness to it. I don’t want to be collateral damage in their story.

I lie back and lift my leg, trying to stretch my hamstrings. I’d been on such a high because of the progress in my relationship with Ares, yet one single conversation with Hannah made me feel guilty for every second I’ve enjoyed with him. She’ll never forgive me. If she finds out what happened between Ares and me, she’ll never speak to me again. My relationship with my sister might be rocky, but I don’t want to lose her. When she said that I was caught between Ares and her, she was right… just not in the way she thinks.

“Let me help you with that.”

Ares kneels in between my legs and moves his hand to my calf, pushing my leg back for me. I watch him for a moment, my heart squeezing painfully. The main reason I never made a move was because I knew that it’d cost me everything, and despite being married, that hasn’t changed.

Ares puts my leg over his shoulder and leans into me, his eyes on mine. “You’re quiet, Cupcake. Give me a moment of honesty, baby. What are you thinking?”

I place my other leg over his shoulder too, and he leans further forward, pushing my legs toward me. He’s so close… I could grab the collar of his t-shirt and kiss him with such ease.

“Hannah came to see me,” I tell him, my tone defeated. I look away and inhale shakily. “She wants to talk to you. She says you’ve been declining her calls.”

He clenches his jaw, a frown on his face. “Really now?” I nod, and Ares leans in a little further. “And what would you like me to do? Tell me the truth. What would you have me do, wife?”

I look into his eyes and breathe in deeply. “I don’t want your eyes on anyone but me. I want you to be mine.”

He smiles then, and I can’t help but smile in return, relief washing over me. For years, I’ve been scared to voice my needs, but he makes it so easy. “Give me another moment of honesty, baby. These stretches? Do you ever do them with any other men?”

My eyes widen, and he grits his teeth when I don’t immediately answer. “Only with my trainer.”

Ares tightens his grip on my calfs for a moment, before his hands move down to my thighs. “You won’t ever do them with anyone else, ever again, you hear me?”


His eyes flash, and he lifts my hips up, until he’s got my thighs wrapped around his shoulders, his lips a mere inch away from my pussy. “Because you look way too fucking sexy like this, and I won’t have anyone else seeing my wife this way.”

He leans in and drags his nose across my inner thigh, making me shiver. “No man will be able to sit here, holding you in this position, without wanting a taste of your pussy. You will not do this again, not with anyone but me.”

I smile at him as I try to suppress the desire he’s making me feel. “Or what?”

Ares narrows his eyes at me and leans in, dragging his nose over my pussy before placing his lips against it. “Do you have any idea how easy it is to take advantage of you in this position? You’re a supermodel, baby. Your sessions are one-on-one, aren’t they? Just you and your trainer, all alone…”

I nod, and Ares laughs humorlessly. “You can’t tell me he’s never wanted to do this to you.” He presses a kiss against my pussy and then drags his tongue over my yoga pants. “No man can see you lying there, your legs up in the air, without thinking of the way you’d look naked, without wanting a taste of your pussy.”

His teeth graze over my yoga pants, and he smirks at me as he moves his hands up. “Promise me you won’t do these stretches with anyone else, Rave.”

“And if I refuse to make that promise?”

He laughs humorlessly and places both hands on my inner thighs. “You wanna play games with me, baby?”

Before I realize what he’s doing, he’s ripping my yoga pants right at the crotch. The fabric tears with ease, and Ares growls when he realizes I’m wearing nothing underneath. “Fucking hell,” he whispers as he leans in, his eyes on mine as he drags his tongue over my pussy.

“Oh God, Ares…”

He chuckles against my skin before circling my clit with his tongue, teasing me, withholding what I want most. Ares drags his tongue down and pushes into me, fucking my pussy with his mouth, until he’s got me panting.

“Ares,” I plead.

He pulls away a little and kisses my thigh. “What? What do you want, wife?”

I look into his eyes and bite down on my lip harshly. “You know what I want.”

He chuckles as he moves his hand underneath and between my legs, until he’s got his thumb brushing over my pussy the way he did when he massaged me. My eyes widen as I’m reminded of the way he slowly pushed me toward an orgasm last time.

“Tell me what you want, Raven. Tell me what you want me to do. Do you want me to fuck your pussy with my tongue? My fingers? Or shall I give you my cock? Do you want to come for me, my love?”

I tighten my legs around his shoulder and push my pussy back into his face, and he smirks as he leans in, giving me what I want. He keeps two fingers pumping into me as his tongue starts to stroke my clit, his movements rhythmic.

Yes,” I moan, my eyes never leaving his.

Just as I’m about to come, he pulls away with a smile on his face.

“Ares, no,” I plead, trying my hardest to push my hip back up to his face, but he’s holding me steady, his grip tight.

“You want more, baby? You want to come for me?”

I nod, restless. “Please, Ares. Please. Make me come, my love.”

He smiles then. “I’ll reward you for calling me my love, but you don’t get to come unless you swear to me that no other man will ever help you with your stretches.” He turns his face in and kisses my thigh, his touch tender. “You want it, don’t you? You want to come on my tongue, don’t you, baby?”

I look at him and shake my head. “If you make me promise you that, then I want more. I want to promise me something in return. I want you to fuck me.”

He groans and runs a hand through his hair. “Gladly. I’ll fuck you here and now, Raven. My cock is ready for you. It always is.”

I smirk at him, surprised by how comfortable I feel with him. “I swear, Ares. You’re the only man who will ever help me with my stretches.”

He smiles at me before he dives back in, his fingers just as rough as his tongue. Within minutes, he’s got me right back at the edge, his eyes on mine. He looks so sexy as he watches me, on his knees, my legs around his shoulders.

“I can’t…” I bite down on my lip harshly, trying my best not to come just yet, but Ares sucks down on my clit as he pushes his fingers deeper inside me, and just like that, I come on his tongue, my eyes falling closed as the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had washes over me, wave after wave, leaving me breathless.

“Look at you,” he groans. “Ripped yoga pants, a wet pussy, and that satisfied fucking smile on your face. You look like you’re my own personal little slut, baby.”

I bite down on my lip harshly, my cheeks heating. Ares gently puts my legs down on either side of him and places his hands on the waistband of his gray sweats. “I’m not done with you, Wifey.”

“You’d better not be. You promised me you’d fuck me.”

He chuckles as he pushes his sweatpants and boxer shorts down, exposing his thick cock. I bite down on my lip, nervous all of a sudden.

Ares leans over me, holding himself up on his forearm as he uses his free hand to position his cock. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve dreamed of this, Raven?”

He pushes the tip into me, and I groan, my arms wrapping around his neck. “Go slow,” I plead. “It just… it’s been so long.”

He smiles at me and pushes in just a little further. “You can take it,” he promises me. “You can, baby. Your pussy was made me for me, I just know it.”

I shake my head, and he bites down on his lip as he holds still to give me a chance to adjust. I doubt he realizes how surreal this moment is for me. I’ve wanted him for so long, and here we are.

“Ares! Boss, where are you?” My eyes widen when I hear a voice from the distance that I vaguely recognize.

“Fuck!” Ares shouts. He pushes off me and takes off his t-shirt at lightning speed. Before I even realize what’s going on, he’s pulling my arms through his t-shirt and covering me up as best as he can. He pats my thighs to ensure my ripped pants are fully covered before he even bothers to pull his sweats up. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Dom walks in a split second later. “Ares! There’s been a change to today’s schedule, and I couldn’t reach you.”

He walks further into the room and sees me hidden behind Ares’s broad back. “Mrs. Windsor,” he says, grinning, his eyes moving between the two of us.

“Dom.” I nod at him.

“Get out, Dom,” Ares snaps, his eyes flashing with anger.

Dom smirks as he follows Ares’s order, pure amusement written all over his face.

Ares runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “I… I need to go, Cupcake.”

I smile at him and nod. “Go.” My voice is soft, reluctant.

“Remember, Raven. I never break a promise.”

I blush as he rises to his feet. “I’ll hold you to it.”

He grins at me as he walks away, pausing by the door. “Don’t forget to meet me at the jeweler’s later. Our appointment is today. I’ll text you the address.”

I nod, butterflies erupting in my stomach. I forgot about our rings. I glance down at my empty ring finger and smile, my heart filled with cautious hope.

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