Three for Thorn
Chapter 17 Sunny

🚨 slight smut 🚨

We all decided to get a good nights sleep before leaving for the Invivus Realm the following morning.

After Sins heartfelt confession I hesitantly went up to Thorns bedroom to quietly check on her. Rapping my knuckles on her door softly, I stand and wait patiently for her to come to her door.

When I receive no answer I place my ear nearer to the door.

Hearing soft snores escape out from the doorway, I start to walk away but suddenly become indecisive, debating with myself if I should or shouldn't. What the hell, instead of going to my room I decide to peek in on Thorn instead. I need to make sure that shes is okay after Sins tirade, I try to convince myself.

The door silently opens as I enter.

Standing at the side of her bed I peer down at her. Thorn is laid out upon the bed with the glow of the moonlight cascading through her window. With the light of the moon shining down upon her it makes her look just like a beautiful angel. How the hell did I get so lucky?

Reaching down, I push a strand of her beautiful hair that's clung to the side of her face behind her ear gently.

She suddenly stirs in her sleep, rolling over unto her back, her head nuzzles down into her pillow a little deeper. I silently sigh inward, to see her so calm and relaxed is a rare occurrence, she's been under so much damn pressure lately, seemingly so down and depressed. To see her like this actually makes me heart swell.

I wish I could take all of her damn problems away from her.

Sighing, I cock my head to the side then my eyes suddenly go wide when I see that Thorn is actually completely naked under the white cotton sheet.

How did I not notice?

The top of her voluptuous breast are peeking out of the sheet. My dick instantly goes hard as fuck as I peer down at her luscious perk nipples that's clearly visible through the white sheet.


Absentmindedly I start to rub my hand across my jeans right at my hardened groin. My throbbing dick is painfully hard now. Damn!

I need to get the hell out of here.

Without even thinking I clear my throat nervously, Thorn then starts to stir awake suddenly. Startled, I quickly drop my hand away from my groin as Thorn starts to open her beautiful eyes slowly.

I'm to stunned to even fucking move!

When she finally notices me staring down at her like a damn pervert. She blesses me with a striking smile instantly. Calming my racing heart somewhat when I see her flash that alluring smile up at me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep." I suggest while whispering it to her lowly, slightly grinning down at her.

Before she can reply I hastily turn around headed for the bedroom door.

"Wait." Thorn groggily says halting me in my retrieving tracks immediately.

Turning back around I glance over at her, she raises up from her bed unconsciously dropping the sheet down to her stomach, revealing those succulent breast to me. My mouth suddenly goes fucking dry.

Diverting my eyes away from her bare form I try to focus them on something other than her. Spotting a blue tooth speaker sitting on the dresser I make my way over to it. Faking interest in it, I start playing with the buttons on it trying to get my mind off of what I just seen.

Damn she's so fucking desirable. Those big mounds keep flashing in my mind every time I finger a button on the damn speaker.

I jump back from the speaker when music suddenly starts streaming out of it. Laughing at myself, I angle my head looking back over at Thorn who is now partially covered up again with her cellphone laying her hands.

"Will you sleep with me?" Thorn ask me almost hesitantly.

With the music flowing out of the Bluetooth speaker softly throughout the bedroom, the whimsical melody of Adele's Easy on Me, echo in the room almost mythologically.

I walk over to the other side of the bed anxiously standing at the side of it wondering if I should take off all of my clothing? I'm a damn nervous wreck.

As I watch Thorn watching me with valid curiosity, I decide to just risk it. She is my mate after all so I decidedly strip all the way down to only my blue boxers.

After I finish disrobing, I slide into her bed under the sheet beside her. Leaning back on the pillows I place my hands behind my head actually extremely nervous being this close to Thorn while she is completely naked.

Thorn turns away from me placing her cellphone on the bedside table, the music that was playing earlier suddenly clicks off leaving the room in virtual silence, once she's done she then turns back to me.

Smiling again, she slides comfortably over to me, laying her head under the crook of my arm and on my chest.

Her incredulous scent floats up to me. Cinnamon and vanilla drift all over me, I shudder slightly when I smell her intoxicating aroma.

This is going to be much harder than I actually thought it would be especially when I can feel Thorns breast pushed up against the side of my chest just calling to me.

My damn cock still hasn't gone down yet making this situation even more complicated.

"What are you thinking about?" Thorn asks me softly bringing me out of my naughty musings.

I really don't think she wants to know exactly what's going through my mind at this particular moment though.

"Uhm, nothing!" I boldly lie. She tilts her head up to peer at me with an inquisitive look suddenly appearing on her face.

"That's not what your dick is saying!" Thorn exclaims bravely. I nearly choke on my fucking tongue. What?

"I didn't know my dick could actually talk?" I question moronically.

"Yep. It's saying Feed Me Seymour!" She tries to say it in a mock tone. I can't help but to laugh.

"Who the hell is Seymour?" I ask pretending to be dumbfounded.

"You know, Little Shop of Horrors? The movie? The musical?" She tries to explain easing her head up as she is peering up at me, I just give her a confused look.

I'm just shitting with her. I actually know what she's talking about but it's so damn funny to watch her get so flabbergasted that I just can't help myself.

"Come on. You have to tell me that you know what I'm talking about? Everyone has seen that movie!" She excitedly replies.

Grinning lopsidedly at her she catches on rather quickly.

"Really?" She huffs out, laying her head back down on my chest. I take my arm and circle it around it, pulling her flush up against me.

"I've seen it before but was actually pretty good but I'm not really into musicals." I reply with a touch of humor.

"I love them. I would actually love to see one live someday." Maybe I could make that happen for her.

"Really? Which one would you like to see?" I feel her shrug her shoulder.

"Any really, but if I had to chose one I would probably have to go with Dear Evan Hanson." I've actually never heard of it but if it's possible I would try my damnest to take her to see it.

"Maybe one day you just may be able to see it." I suggest now thinking of ways that I might be able to make this certain dream of hers come true.

"Maybe." She mumbles while her finger traces across my tattoo on the lower part of my abdomen.

It's a signature Red Wolf howling in front of a blood red moon. All three of us have it in different locations ok our body.

The tingles flow along her finger as she traces the pattern causing my throbbing dick to twitch. I hear a faint giggle and light gasp coming from Thorn as she peers her head back up at me with a tiny smirk shadowing on her beautiful face.

I watch her watch me for a second before she surprisingly scoots down lower on the bed, as she climbs under the sheet, she starts leaving a little trail of kisses from my chest all the way down to my groin until she finally positions herself right in between my thighs.


I feel her tiny fingers slide inside of my boxers, pulling them down till they reached just right above my kneecaps.

I let out a gasp when I feel those tiny fingers of hers suddenly wrap around my painfully hard ass dick. Fuck, Yesss!

"T-horn." I huskily stutter arching my back up off of the mattress as I feel her silken lips encase themselves around the tip of my cock and then go lower down my shaft agonizingly slower. Oh so fucking slow. It's beautiful torture.

Her soft supple lips reach the base of my stiff shaft with her warm mouth sliding along my swollen member I close my eyes enjoying this sweet torture. My hands grip the pillow hard right above my head.

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Fuck, she's so damn good at this.

She wraps that divine tongue around my tip and up and down my shaft like a damn pro, the sparks run along my cock with each desirable swipe of her moist tongue.

Taking me again fully in her magical mouth.

Thorns mouth continues to bob up and down my dick when I suddenly feel her hand start to massage my balls gently I simply can't fucking hold out any longer.

"I'm about to..." I damn well can't finish my own train of thought from the intensity of my balls clenching up so damn tightly along with the tingling in my lower back I end up exploding all of my juices into her mouth unexpectedly. "Fuck!" I roar when my cum spurts out of my cock, oh so, sporadically.


I hear her release my cock from her delectable mouth with a hearty plop. As I'm panting like crazy Thorn climbs out from under the sheet, when her head finally appears there's a twinkle in those dark cove blue eyes staring deeply at me and a tiny drop my spent seed dripping off of her chin. I wipe the excess cum off of her chin grinning at her like a damn maniac.

She hesitates for a second more before giving me a little smirk as she crawls back up over my body to lay down right beside me again, resting her head back down on my chest just like nothing just fucking happened.

Uhm, wait what?

Confused but still turned on I want to return the favor. I actually long to return the favor to her.

Deciding to take a risk I push her body back unto the mattress, she gasp then let's put a tiny giggle as I rest my own body on top of hers. I kick off my boxers under the sheet quickly then nestle down back on top of her, with the lower part of my body laying right between those taught firm toned legs.

I slip my tongue into her mouth devouring her from the inside out.

I want to mark her so damn badly, the yearning to do so stays in my mind as I continue to ravage her mouth.

Breaking away from her supple lips I start leaving little kisses along her soft neck, right where I want to place my permanent mark on her.

I resist the urge as I travel downwards slowly to the junction in between her ample breast places tiny kisses all along the way.

Not able to resist, I start kneading those beautiful mounds as I lick around her areola then suck her little perky nipple right into my awaiting mouth.

Thorns hands grasp handfuls of my hair in between her hands, tugging my hair as she purrs out little moans of desire. Sucking in her harden button into my mouth even deeper I start kneading her other breast giving them both all of my attention.

"Sunny." She moans my name out so softly, hearing her say my name so pleasurably suddenly sends shivers all the way through me.

Popping her ripened nipple out of my mouth I hesitantly glance up at her, the pure bliss flowing off of her face is so damn alluring, I fucking desperately crave this woman lying beneath me.

So much so that I would do absolutely anything for her even lay down my very own life for her.

The sudden dawning of how much I truly love her cements itself fully inside of me almost scaring the very hell out of me.

Her eyes meet mine as they do I see her sudden confusion laced into those damn blue cove eyes, she furrows her eyebrows at me as she studies me.

"What's wrong?" She breathlessly ask as she releases my hair from her hands. Propping herself on her elbows she raises herself up on the mattress eyeing me with uncertainty.

"I..." what can I say?

Do I divulge to her exactly what I'm feeling toward her? How can I when there's so many problems we're all having to deal with right now and Sin isn't exactly making this any easier for any of us.

"Sunny?" She questions as I just lay there on top of her staring into her eyes with my conflicting thoughts racing around in my head.

I guess I took to long to respond because before I know it Thorn is pushing me off of her with her hands firmly pressed up against my chest.

She wriggles her body out from underneath me all the while rolling me onto my back on the mattress beneath me forcefully.

Fuck! It wasn't my intention to upset her.

"Thorn wait." I tell her raising my hand in the air but apparently I'm too damn late.

She storms into the bathroom slamming the door behind her so hard that the doorframe even rattles.

Boy did I just fuck up!

Scrambling off of the bed I hurriedly walk over to the bathroom door, lightly knocking on it I press my forehead against the bathroom door, feeling ashamed.

"Thorn please." I plead with her through the door.

"Just go away Sunny!" She yells out from the bathroom, I can hear her light little sobs echo out through the bathroom causing my damn heart to break.

"No Thorn we need to talk about this." I raise my voice a pitch higher assertively adding a demanding tone to it.

"What's going on?" I jerk my forehead away from the bathroom door, startled to hear some one else in her bedroom.

Sin stands in the doorway with his hand still on the doorknob peering at me with a riddled look of confusion on his face.

"Nothing. Just go back to bed." I grunt. It's none of his damn business anyway.

"Well I would but I can't seem to sleep with all of the damn yelling going on around here. What's going on Sun?" He ask as he walks further into the room.

I'm sure as hell not going to tell him if I can't even express my own tormenting thoughts and feelings to my own mate.

"Nothing Sin. This is in between Thorn and I so would you just kindly leave us the hell alone?" I can't deal with Sin right now I'm far too worried over Thorn at the moment.

"Why is Thorn crying?" Slay ask as he's edging his way into the room with a furious look aimed right at me. He must of heard Thorns sobbing all the way into his room. Sometimes I actually hate how advanced our damn hearing is.

Fuck! Why can't they both just let me handle this situation all on my own? I don't need fucking babysitters.

"I got this. It was just a huge fucking misunderstanding between Thorn and I. Nothing for you two to worry about." I dismiss their valid feelings over my own and especially Thorns.

I need to talk to her privately to sort out all of our miscommunication. I don't need a damn audience.

"I have a right to worry about her Sunny. She is my fucking mate also." Sin surprisingly grumbles narrowing his eyes right at me.

"Since when?" I ask with fury lacing my voice. Placing my hand on my hip I then realize that I'm standing there in front of them both completely naked.


Rushing over to the bed I grab up my boxers from under the sheet and swiftly put them back on, huffing.

"Since I opened my damn eyes and realized what was actually important Sun. I know I fucked up with her and with both of you but please give me a chance to make amends." Sin instills his words with firmness and slight regret.

I glare at him dumbfounded by his sudden but questioning revelation.

Deep within me I so hope what he says is true but I hold on to some of my own doubts about it knowing how swiftly Sins mood seem to fluctuate here lately.

"That's not up to me. That's all up to Thorn. It's her that you have to beg for forgiveness from not me." I state walking back over to the bathroom door.

I can longer hear Throne soft whimpers coming from the bathroom thankfully. Leaning my forehead back on the bathroom door I blow out a huge strangled breath.

"Thorn please open the door and talk to me." I plead once again with her desperately.

"Thorn are you okay?" Slay asks her as he walks over to the door to stand beside me.

"I'm fine. Please just leave me alone. All of you." She softly demands.

Sighing, I raise my head from the door peering over at Slay.

Man I'm such a fuck up! Why couldn't I just express my reluctant feelings to her earlier?

I know exactly why I couldn't. Because I'm a fucking spineless coward!

"Yes you are!" Stinger gladly informs me.

"Please don't start I feel bad enough already." I feel like shit.

"Why didn't you just mark her!" Now I wished I actually did.

"I was afraid okay!" I admit gruffly.

"Of what?" Seriously?

"I was afraid that she might not reciprocate the feelings I have for her." Terrified actually.

"Idiot! She loves you anyone can see that!" Yea right! How would he know that anyway.

"And how exactly would you even know that?" I ask a bit snarky.

"Because I'm not blind you dimwit!" Why is he always calling me names? Like he would actually know anyway.

"Whatever!" I snort.

"Don't whatever me! All you had to do was say those three little words and none of this would be happening now. Sometimes I think you're a bigger idiot than Sin is." What the actual fuck?

"Hey I'm nothing like him." I grouse.

"Could of fooled me with the way you've been acting with her." I think he's full of shit. I haven't been acting any differently.

"Just shut up!" I snarl.

"Fine I was only try to help nimrod!" Still with the damn names.

"Whatever!" I snort again. Stinger gets upset and blocks me from him instantly.

Damn wolf!

"Thorn I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." I beg through the door. I'm such a fuck up!

"What exactly did you do to her?" Sin ask me from right behind me. I didn't even realized he even moved closer.

"Don't worry about it!" I'm not sharing how big of an actual fuck up I am with him or even with Slay.

One, it's just too damn embarrassing and two, it's really none of their damn business anyway!

The bathroom suddenly clicks open, the door opens slowly finally revealing a very flustered Thorn, who now has a short silky blue robe wrapped around her sexy body.

She slides right by all of us, ignoring each of us as she strolls over to the bed. She sits upon it with her legs crossed crossed and her head bowed down low.

"Are you okay?" Sin ask disrupting the awkward silence.

"I'm fine but I just really want to be left alone right now." She lowly whispers without even raising her head to loom at us.

The guilt quickly swims all through me when I hear her trembling voice quake. Fuck! I'm an idiot.

"Thorn I'm..." I trail off when I feel Slays hand rest upon my shoulder halting what I was about to say.

"Why don't we just leave her alone liked she asked." Slay suggests.

Glancing down at Thorn I see how much I have upset her. Maybe Slay is right she just may need some time alone to work out her feelings before I can talk to her about my major fuck up!

"Fine." I sadly agree still staring down at Thorn.

Slay and Sin soon exit the room with me slowly trailing behind them.

Stopping at the door I take one last glance over my shoulder at Thorn alone on the bed.

"Thorn I'm sorry. I'll give you some time alone right now but please let me explain everything fully to you whenever you're ready. What happened between us tonight has nothing to do with you. It's all on me." I softly retort before I turn away from her and walk out of the door quietly closing it behind me.

"What happened?" Slay ask as soon as I closed the door.

I'm not up for a damn interrogation right now but knowing that neither of them will just let this shit go, I let out a slight cough before I turn to them.

"Let's go into my office and I'll explain everything." I inform them turning on my heels I head off to my office located just off of the stairway.

With both of them trailing behind me anxiously I start become nervous once again knowing that I'm going to have to finally admit my feelings for Thorn to both of them before I can even admit them to her.

This is so damn messed up!

Thorn should be the one to hear this first but maybe my brothers might be able to help me if I do confess my love for Thorn to them. They may have the answers I'm seeking.

Either way I'm going to have to find a way to fight these inner demons that keep haunting my very own thoughts here of late.

Entering my office, I walk behind my desk propping my hands on top of it with my head hanging low in unquestionable despair.

I resign myself to the inevitable.

Slay and Sin finally enter into my office with curiosity etching on their bemused features.

They both take a seat in black patten chairs located in front of my desk.

"So what happened?" Slay ask impatiently.

Raising my head, I eye them both with fear rivaling through me.

Swallowing down a huge gulp, I brace my inner conflicts and just come out with it.

"I'm in love with Thorn and I think I just fucked up royally!" I state rather dramatically.

And that's a fucking understatement!

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