Three for Thorn
Chapter 20 Slay

🚨 Smut 🚨

The Fata Inn is a very cumbersome and adequately designed but small bed and breakfast type of establishment.

Not too shabby a place considering their allowing us to have free room and board for the duration of our stay here. Hopefully though that won't be for too long. We still do have a pack to lead and major defining responsibilities to get back to.

The sooner the better.

Entering the little establishment we were met by a very striking woman whose eyes was the brightest blue that I have ever laid my eyes upon.

"Hello, I'm..."

"I know who you are. Welcome to the Fata Inn Alpha Vallor. I have two rooms reserved just for you. Your diner is already prepared and waiting in you rooms for you. Please have a delightful stay." What I am assuming is Freyas sister, Hope, tells us in a very formal manner. She hands me over two sets of silver plated keys that has our room numbers engraved upon them.

"Uhm, thank you." I reply to her but by the time I look back up she has already mysteriously just disappeared.

Scrunching up my face in confusion I lean over the desk searching for her. With a rattled huff I shrug my shoulder dismissively when I can't find her then turn back to the others peering at them with startled confusion blanketing my face.

"Well then I'll guess we will just head on off to our rooms." I suggest to them thinking about Freyas sister Hope, she's totally different that I pictured, a very peculiar woman. She doesn't seem nothing at all like Freya.

Walking up the stairs to search out our rooms, 222 and 223, I notice she has generously put us in two rooms directly beside each other.

Opening the door with the silver key we all enter into the room 222. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by the rooms defining beauty.

It has a cabin vibe to it, a little on the sparse side but beautiful nonetheless.

Then my eyes cast theirselves directly on the bed placed in the middle of room. Wait! One damn bed!

Unfortunately then I guess we will all have to share them.

Thorn strolls into the room walking along side of me. Her striking blue cove eyes take in the room with a longing gaze in them. She's entranced by its beauty as I am entranced by hers.

I hear Sin let out a deliberate scoff as soon as he decidedly enters into the room.

"Okay then who is sleeping with who?" Sin ask. That's apparently the question of the night isn't it?

"Thorn can sleep with me." Sunny suggest. Sin and I look back over at Sunny giving him a deadpanned look.

"Why don't we let Thorn decide that, shall we?" I exclaim while grunting.

Thorn turns her full attention back to us three. Eyeing is all with clear uncertainty.

"Why don't we just draw straws?" Thorn mildly suggest.

I harumph.

I hate these type of dilemmas. Besides, I'm always the unluckiest fucker out of us three. I'm the damn eldest shouldn't it be I who decides on these damn things anyway?

Yea, you can qualify me as a sore loser. I fucking hate it.

"Good idea." Sunny amends. Of course he would think it's a damn good idea. He has always been the luckiest out of us all. Jerk!

Thorn walks over to the side table searching all around it for something. She then turns to us with three tiny plastic wrapped straws in her hand.

Just. Fucking. Great!

She unwraps the straws from their wrappers throwing the plastic in a small side trash dispenser located in the corner of the room.

"Got any scissors?" She inquires.

I reach into my jean pocket and pull out a small silver folding knife that I have on my keychain and hand it over to her.

She diligently takes the knife, turning away from us and then proceeds to cut along the straws.

Done, she turns back to us holding three pieces of the cut straws in her fisted hand.

"Choose." She demands.

Sun is the first to go, of course, he draws out the cut straw from Thorns hand but decidedly doesn't reveal it us. Holding it into his fist away from us.

Damn Jerk!

Sin then does the same as Sunny.

I take the last piece of cut straw from Thorns hand not even bothering to look at it.

"Okay on three." Sunny exclaims excitedly.

This is like some childish fucking kids game to him. He just seems way too excited for his damn own good. Grow up man!

We all reveal each of our straws at the count of three.

And to my utter surprise I'm the one who drew the shortest straw out of them all.

Yes! Take that you fuckers!

A giant egotistical smile suddenly appears on my face.

"Figures." Sunny mumbles.

Sin just shakes his head, smirking.

I couldn't resist I just wiggle my eyebrows up and down at them condescendingly. I fucking rule!

"Well that's settled. So now shall we eat?" Thorn ask waving her hand over to the side room that has a tiny rectangle folding table with four folding chairs to go along with it.

When we all sit down we discover a virtual feast laid out upon the table for us. Lamb Chops with tons of vegetables and even a mushroom soup to accompany it.

It doesn't take us long before we ended up devouring the well prepared feast before us. Light conversation transversed throughout the entirety of the delicious meal.

The one subject we all seem to keep coming back to all throughout the meal was one that I genuinely despised.

Thorn going to work for this Striker fellow at the magazine in the morning.

We all seemed to have a difference of opinions on the matter at hand.

Sin seems to think that is a good cover for her.

Sunny is floating somewhere in the middle. He likes the idea of her having cover but hates that it has to be her to do it.

Me: I fucking hate it!

I don't want her away from any of us for such a long period of time. With Samuel and his evil cohorts out in the city of Fata, who knows what could happen to her, if they just happened to discover her and who she truly is.

Thorn on the other hand absolutely thinks it's a brilliant ideal. Although she is worried that she doesn't have any experience concerning the magazine industry.

Which is one of the reasons that I don't want her to do this.

"I think it's a bad idea. What happens if your cover somehow gets blown? I think that it would be better if one of us would do it instead of you. Samuel wouldn't suspect us but he may just suspect you. Freya did say that you looked just like your mother. That alone would be a dead giveaway. Maybe I can talk to this Striker fellow and see if one of us can switch places with you?" I wholeheartedly suggest with a full stern conviction.

"No. It has to be me Slay. I can somehow disguise myself or even change my name. Maybe cut my hair or even dye it? But I can not and will not allow any of you to this for me!" Thorn exclaims while shaking her head vehemently.

I don't want her to change a damn thing about herself. She is absolutely perfect just the way that she is now. Not even a wig or a damn dye job could hide such remarkable beauty as hers.

"A disguise wouldn't work. If you do look anything like your mother did then nothing would prevent anyone from recognizing you. Besides, your perfect just the way you are." I throw on the last bit trying to reassure her although what I said is absolutely true.

"Thank you but sweet talking me isn't going to get me to change my mind about this. I'm going Slay and I just hope that you can understand why I have to do it." I do understand but it doesn't change the fact that I'm beyond terrified for her.

If the bastard Samuel or anyone else even tried to get their grubby hands on her I would burn down the world just to fucking kill them all.

That's when it suddenly hits me.


I fucking love her!

I am without a doubt absolutely over the top, deeply over my head, in love with this woman.


How did I not realize this bit of information sooner?

"Because your a dumb ass that's why!" Demon speaks up inside of my head grumbling his dismay.

"Like you have room to talk. If I'm in love with Thorn then you my friend must be in love with Maya also." I can't believe I just realize this!

"Well, yea! I have been from the start. It just takes you dumb asses longer to realize it than us wolves." Seriously!?

"Im glad you love her Demon!" Who knew a strong ass wolf like Demon could ever find love?

"Same to you! Now go mark her already!" I fucking plan on it and the sooner the better.

"Will do!" I agree.

"About damn time!" He lets out a halfhearted scoff then laughs at me lightly.

"I think it's time for bed." I suggest a little huskily. Clearing my throat I stand up from the table dismissing any further conversation about Thorn and the disconcerting job.

She's lying on the bed reading a book while barely wearing anything at all, just a short little cut off white T-shirt thats cut off just right above her navel and a pair of white laced thongs. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Just as I exited the ensuite bathroom with only a white towel wrapped around my waist I faltered.

Staring over at her with pure lustful desire coursing right though me.

She drops her book away from her, laying it on top of her legs as she glances over at me.

When our eyes clash with each other's I note her own desire flaring up in those dark blue cove eyes of hers.

All of the sudden the room seems intensely hotter than my previous shower was.

Grabbing ahold of the towel around my waist I quickly remove it throwing it across the room as I stand in front of her in all my naked glory.

Her beautiful eyes roam all over my body. Halting only when she sees my full engorged erected dick standing at attention just for her.

When her eyes suddenly widen I give her a lopsided swaggering grin as I stroll over to the bed with my own eyes stalking her like she was my damn fucking prey.

I grab ahold the book from her hands and toss on the floor below me. Climbing up on the bed I push her down on the mattress and straddle her luscious body.

"I think it's time to play." I exclaim huskily as I lean down lower to her planting my lips on her plump supple mouth, I grab ahold of the bottom of her little white cut off shirt ready to pull it over her head.

But with the kiss being so damn alluring I rip her shirt in half straight down the middle instead.

With the sides of her ripped shirt now hanging open I get the perfect feel of her exquisite breast pressed up against my broad chest.

Diving my tongue into her warm welcoming mouth I start to knead those tempting breast pinching her little pebble in between my fingers she lets out a soft purring irresistible moan that vibrates into my mouth.

Pulling myself away from her enticing lips I start peppering little kisses all along the soft spot on her neck all the while I'm still getting to know her breast very intimately.

"Slay." She breathes out my name on a gusty note of raw desire while her tiny cold hand finds its way to the back of my head.

The sparks flash against my lips whenever I touch them softly against her little lithe neck eliciting a carnal eruption of fervor inside of me.

Scooting down slightly on the mattress I crawl right in between her thighs, her arousal floats right up to me the mixture of cinnamon and vanilla cascade around me alighting my senses into overdrive.

I grab ahold of her little white thong and rip them off of her animalistic like just as I did with her damn shirt.

Thorn let's out a tiny exciting gasp, "Slay!" She admonishes, just as I rip them away from her sexy body, her ripped shirt falls off of her shoulders as she rises up from the mattress to glare down at me. I curl up my lip as I toss her demolished thong somewhere on the bedroom floor below, not even giving a damn about where they may have fallen.

"Mine!" I growl out possessively as I descend my head right in between the junction of her juicy thighs.

Thorn falls back onto the mattress letting out a sexily purring groan as my tongue slides along her folds.

I place my hand a on her thighs spreading them out wider as I continue to devour her pussy by licking ferociously along her sensitive clit.

Her nectar hits my tastebuds with every stroke of my swirling tongue.

Sliding my hand down from the side of her thigh I reach her sweet tantalizing core, sliding two fingers into it I bend them hitting her G-spot at just the right angle she starts writhing out on the mattress below her uncontrollably. "Fuck yes Slay just like that." She moans delightfully.

Thrusting my digits faster into her wet channel I suck and lick on her little bud full of gluttony. Devouring it like it was my last damn meal not being able to assuage my heady appetite for her.

Thorn becomes a panting mess underneath my onslaught of her, she's taking sharp intakes of air trying desperately to catch her breath.

Just as I start to feel her walls begin to spasm I slide my fingers out of her saturated pussy leaving her desperately wanting for a damn release.

She huffs out dramatically as I slowly climb on top of that delectable body of hers grinding my harden cock along her folds agonizingly teasing her with it.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard that you won't even remember your own damn name." I hungrily exclaim as I give her a little fiendish smile.

"Bring it on big boy!" She impiously replies adding a fiendish grin of her own.

The little minx!

I growl out predatorily as I wrap my hand around my shaft sliding my cock along her divide, I spear my dick into her with a driving force.

Her head falls back unceremoniously on the pillow with her eyes closed firmly shut she lets out a very satisfying mewl. "Yesss, Slay." Hearing my name fall out from her lips just eggs me on to go faster.

With an impatient longing I begin to propel my cock with an accelerated brisk speed.

She wraps her toned legs around my hips pushing my body against hers demanding more of me.

Then her tiny hands press down hard on my shoulders as she keenly sighs out in provoking passion.

Groaning, I quicken my pace placing my hands palms down on the mattress I propel into her while gyrating my hips in a very licentious mating dance of full desire.

Feeling closer to my climax I descend my head down to her pliable neck, extending my fangs I push my canines down softly into her neck, her body tenses underneath me instantly as my fangs invade her neck, marking her by me for fucking eternity.

She does the same to me. As soon as I feel her fangs sink into my neck my balls suddenly clench up so fucking tight with my eyes rolling into the back of my head I groan out breathlessly.

Releasing my fangs from her tender neck I lick her pierced wounds sealing them back together gain instantaneously. She then repeats my actions.

Our bond clicks automatically into place sealing our fates as one forever.

Still ferociously pounding my cock into her I growl out as my seed sporadically spurts all into her, "Fuck Yes Thorn!" I empty everything I have into her as soon as I do my knot quickly seizes up inside of her womb.

Her silken walls suddenly convulse around my dick clamping down on it tightly she scratches her nails down my back aggressively as she screams out my mother fucking name! "Slay!" That's right baby scream it fucking loudly. I want the entire world to know you are fucking MINE!

While catching our breaths from our pure unadulterated bliss of ethereal sex. I fall on top of her panting, leaning slightly off of her body without crushing her. We both lay there on the bed just waiting for my knot to eventually recede.

"I'm sorry I lost control I didn't mean to knot with you beautiful." I grumble still trying to catch my damn breath.

"Don't apologize for that because it was fucking amazing Slay!" She replies with unbelievable satisfaction lacing throughout her breathless tone.

"It was magical and soon as my knot recedes we can do it all over again." I suggest bravely. She huffs lightly while giggling.

"That may take hours." Fuck! I didn't even think about that!

"I'm willing to wait....for you!" My tone grows serious as I gaze at her with an officious smile.

"That sweet." She says with sincerity.

Sweet? Really? I prefer sexy!

"Anything for you." I want to say those three special words to her desperately but I hold them back unsure of myself.

Instead she literally shocks me!

"I love you Slay!" She confesses demurely leaving me basically thunderstruck and in complete awe.

"I love you Thorn. More than I would ever be able to tell you or show you." I say with upmost honesty as I lower my head to her lips and devour her mouth lavishly.

It's like my damn dreams are finally coming true. I can't believe it!

She fucking loves me!

The following morning while we're getting dressed for the day I observed Thorn while she was putting on her makeup that I honestly think she doesn't need at all.

Peering at her in the mirror above the bathroom sink I catch a glimpse of the marking that I left on her neck last night. Two little puncture wounds that are just now beginning to form into a very picturesque wolf howling at up at a full bright moon.

I feel immense pride overflowing throughout me whenever I graze my eyes upon it.

Viewing my own marking upon my neck that she blessed me with, the puncture wounds are beginning to form into a beautiful white wolf with wings mounted on its back.

It's fucking magnificent!

Enclosing her in my embrace with my arms gently entrapping her midsection I run my lips along my marking eliciting a gentle moan from her.

"Ready?" I ask her with my lips still pressed against her neck.

She nods her head silently leaning her body flat against mine tilting her head to the side slightly allowing more access for me to probe along her mark generously.

Groaning I hesitantly back away from her dropping my hands to my side trying to calm my raging inner beast. We better leave before I throw her ass back on the bed and have my fucking way with her again.

"Then we need to go." I growl out almost viscously popping my neck from side or side grunting out in marring discomfort.

I need to learn some damn patience when it comes to her but patience has never been one of my serious virtues unfortunately.

Sighing I walk out of the bathroom gritting my fucking teeth.

"I'll just meet you at the coffee shop when you're done then." I gruffly tell her as I turn on my heels and walk the hell away from her smoothly.

As soon as we made it to the Fata magazine incorporated building, Thorn refused my offer adamantly to go into the building with her to escort her to her damn meeting.

She wants to do this shit all on her own! I tried to make her understand that we are now officially a mated couple and should do these things together now but she continuously denied me profusely no matter how much I fucking tried to plead with her otherwise.

Stomping into the coffee shop, Fata Frappe and More, I sauntered up to the counter in a piss poor sour mood.

"Hey stud what can I get you?" The barista behind the counter ask flirtatiously giving me a cocky little wink. I study the girl with feigned indifference no doubt she is striking but a little to far on the gothic scale for me.

"I'll take a large mocha bean coffee." I order my regular laying the money on the counter as I do her hand reaches across the counter to take the money from me, she places her hand on top of my moving it down slowly across the top of my hand before she takes hold of the bills I laid down before her.

Jerking my hand away from here swiftly she shrugs her shoulder as she walks off of make my damn coffee.

I watch her tiny ass as she strolls away from me, admiring her soft swish and sway as she goes.

Shaking my head I turn away from the counter watching the traffic go by out of the big bay window for a few seconds before the barista makes her way back over to me to hand me my coffee as she does she slides a napkin along with the cup of coffee to me. I pick them both up from off of the counter as she turns and walks away busying herself with another customer.

Turning the napkin over I see her handwriting gracing across it where she left her number and name for me on it. Half laughing I stick the napkin in my front jean pocket and just walk over to a booth next to the giant bay window sitting down upon it as I watch the outside activities I sip on my coffee waiting patiently for Thorn to meet up with me.

Almost two hours have passed before Thorn finally arrives at the coffee shop. I've already had two damn coffees and a blueberry scone while waiting for her. Hearing the door chime I look up at the door watching her enter the shop giggling maddeningly at someone who is walking in behind her.

The unknown guy is smiling widely down at Thorn focused mainly on everything that Thorn is saying to him with valid peeked interest.

As they both draw closer I scowl watching this unfamiliar guy openly flirt with my mate.

"Hey Slay. I like you to meet Striker. Striker this is Slay." Thorn introduces us as they both take a seat in the booth with me, Thorn sits across from me with this guy Striker sitting directly down beside her.

"Nice to meet you." Striker says holding out his hand for me to shake.

I grunt nodding my head but don't reach out to shake his hand instead I put all of my attention on my mate before me instead.

"So how did it go?" I ask clearing my throat ignoring Striker hand. He retracts his hand away from me grimacing.

"It went well I'll tell you about all of the details when we get back at the inn." Duly cut off from any information, I lean back in my seat glaring at her new boss Striker across from me.

The barista makes an appearance suddenly, she stops right beside me rubbing her hip across my arm as she does.

Thorn eyes the barista with suspiciousness, I just smile. I guess two can play at this jealousy game.

"What can I get you two?" The barista ask them but her eyes never stray away from me as she does so.

"Hot chocolate." Thorn mumbles to her a bit too unhappily.

"I'll just have a black coffee." Striker tells her.

The barista writes down their order but pauses before she leaves us all. She leans down lower to me with her face nearly right up to my ear.

"Need a refill?" She whispers into my ear lowly but I notice the explicit sexual nature to her viral comment.

"No thanks." I mumble almost quietly cockily smiling at her, she then stands to her full height giving me another flirty wink before she eventually departs.

Thorn doesn't mutter a single word about the confrontation instead she turns her full attention back to Striker instead. Making me thoroughly jealous, I don't know if that is what she intended to do but regardless if it was or not it's fucking working!

Color my ass green but every time I see Striker intentionally touch her in someway I just want to jump across the damn table and clobber his stupid ass.

After a while of me putting up with this flirtatious torture from them we gingerly all say our goodbyes as we head for the coffee shop exit the barista just had to give one last parting shot to me before I exited.

"Catch you later stud!" I hear from behind me. Thorn halts in her tracks immediately turning back to me. She narrows her eyes up at me then without uttering a word she stomps away from me in a very heated manner.


Resisting the urge to turn around and look at the barista I walk out of the door behind my angry mate sighing.

How did this go so damn bad so damn quickly?

After we made it back to the inn I knew there was going to be hell to pay I just didn't realize how bad it was going to be.

It didn't take two seconds before Thorn was on my ass!

"Tell me about it stud!" She snarls.


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