Stella paced back and forth in her room, muttering. Surely, he received her letter. Why, then, was he still being so cold towards her? Why had Royce never written back? He had intentionally stayed away from the castle longer than scheduled, and had to be practically ordered by Malik to return. Not able to stand it anymore, she stomped from her room. Stella was going to get an answer. Tonight. Storming down the hall, she turned the corner-headed for Royce’s room. Banging on his door, she fumed. Why make this so much harder, she said she was sorry. The door opened, and Royce stood there, with no shirt on. Staring right at his chest, every word Stella had prepared to say went right out the window. It was like he was cut from stone, every muscle rock hard. She could see beads of water on his bronzed skin. She realized his hair was dripping all over him and he had a drying cloth in his hand, working through his tresses as they stuck to his chest and back. He had just finished bathing, dear gods. Her mouth went bone dry. She could see the veins of scars from his fight with the griffin delicately running up his right side, over his chest and stopping at his collar bone. Stella’s gaze finally made it up, looking into his eyes, and she could see that he was trying not to laugh at her.

“Did you come by for the view, Estella, or is there something I can do for you?” Royce was watching her face, and he stepped back to gesture her in. She hesitated; the wind had now gone from her sails. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

What was the point? She thought gloomily.

She stalked into his room and flopped down on the couch. She was a chunky, thick haired, freckled female. All the Princesses were beautiful except her. She knew she was not ugly, but next to him, she looked like the peasant, not he. Stella looked up at him, and his eyes turned curious at her suddenly devastated expression. There were too many beautiful nobilities at court now. Surely, he would just move on. After her insult and her less than stellar looks, she was ready to crawl into a hole and never come out. Tears stung her eyes. Concern crossed Royce’s face, and he was by her side instantly.

“Stells, sweetheart, why are you crying? What is wrong?” That was all it took, her nickname was back, and he was speaking so tenderly to her. The dam broke, and tears began to flow. Royce scooped her up and sat down with Stella curled against his chest. He stroked her hair and hugged her close, whispering against her hair, kissing her eyes and forehead. She sobbed, and he held her tighter, his face was pinched, panic starting to cross his face.

“Stells baby please, why are you crying - tell me. I’ll do whatever I have to, I’ll fix it for you.” Stella hiccupped and looked up. He was wiping her face now with a handkerchief, he had dug one out of her pocket.

" Please don’t cry, I’ll do anything, you’re breaking my heart, sweet girl.” She looked down again to hide her tears, ashamed now.

" You were … so angry at me and when y-you never wrote back, I knew you never f-forgave me. And now all these beautiful women are h-here, and you’re pretty and … they are p-pretty, and soon you will be pretty together... with them, and I’m not pretty at all- and I’m … fat and clumsy, and I don’t even know why I came-my hair is all bushy and s-sticks out” she stuttered her words through her sobs, nose running. She broke down again and cried out -” I … just wanted you to know how s-sorry I am, I s-should’ve never said that to you, and I was just confused, and I-” Stella was cut off when Royce’s mouth covered hers. She was shocked. Stella gasped, and he deepened the kiss, cupping her face in his hands. Stella felt tears of his own and pulled back to look at him, wiping his face with bewilderment.

“W-why are you crying?” She was blown, she had NEVER seen Royce cry.

" Is this truly how you see yourself? You are the most incredible woman I have ever met; I knew I loved you the moment I saw you. You are the most stunning creature I have ever seen. Your body must have been sculpted by the gods of old, your hair is like spun gold. There is NO OTHER woman for me, Stella. None. Never. They do nothing for me.” He shifted her bottom, and suddenly, she could feel his length pressing hard against her. She turned red and felt heat pool in her belly. Her privates grew slick with want. He was looking at her with the most intense expression.

" No one else does this to me. It is only for you. I need you, Estella Eden. I cannot breathe when you are not around, every time I must leave you it feels like someone is twisting a knife in my heart. So please, PLEASE do not ever speak of yourself that way again. I can’t bear it.” She wiped his tears away then kissed his cheeks, his chin, his eyelids.

" Will you escort me to the dumb ball thing tomorrow?” Royce whispered into her ear, and she laughed weakly.

" Oh, I think I can manage that at least. So… apology accepted?” She looked up at him timidly, and he kissed her softly and slowly. She melted into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Stella lost herself in the sensation. His hands roamed her body as he whispered endearments in his native tongue. This was intoxicating, she thought, feeling giddy. Suddenly, Royce scooped her up and was walking towards his bedroom. She panicked.

“Wait, I- I’ve never done this - I don’t -” She was floundering. She did not want him to feel hurt again, but she really was not ready for where she thought this was going.

“Relax my udanvdo (heart in his native language), I know you aren’t ready. But I refuse to let you leave thinking you are anything less than worthy of worship.” He laid her gently on his bed and sat down next to her, pulling her close. He began slowly kissing her as he moved his hand under her shirt, caressing her stomach and back. She slid her hands up his arms, tangling her fingers in his hair. He smelled warm, like leather and cinnamon. He pulled her shirt over her head and her breast band - a flowery pink - was exposed. She tried to cover herself, but he took her hands in one of his and held them over her head.

“No, Stells, I need to show you how beautiful you are.” He kissed down her collar bone to her chest and pulled the breast band down. Her large chest popped out, and she was mortified, looking at his expression. She paused; Royce looked awed. Like he was seeing the sun for the first time. He gently cupped one breast and lifted her small pink nipple to his mouth, she felt the peak tighten, and she gasped, his breath hot and moist. The sensation of his tongue over her nipple sent ripples through her body. Low in her belly, where the heat spread, her panties became soaked. She could not even care, she did not understand what was happening to her body. She writhed, pushing her thighs together tightly, feeling a dull ache begin to form. Royce seemed oblivious to this, as he continued to murmur, moving his mouth over every inch of her. Letting her hands go, he began to move lower, kissing her stomach and dipping his tongue into her navel, licking, and nipping her soft curves.

“Gods Stella, how can you not see how beautiful you are? Just look. Look how soft and beautiful your skin is, I want to kiss every single freckle. It’s as if the gods flicked you with gold.” Royce moved lower and began to pull her breeches down. She looked down, frightened again. He came back up and kissed her softly.

" I promise, I will do nothing you do not want to. I just want to show you what I see, I want you to see yourself as I do. ” Hesitating, she slowly nodded,

" I trust you.” She whispered and Royce moaned as he kissed her. Her breeches came down and Stella squeezed her thighs together, suddenly embarrassed. Royce was so gentle and patient, he kissed her everywhere, licking every curve and dip on her body. She relaxed, and he slowly reached between her legs to touch her. She heard him suck in a hard breath and looked up suddenly, confused. He was touching her THERE. Did he feel how wet she was, was he disgusted? She turned red as a tomato and tried to push his hand away.

He gently stopped her hand. His breathing was already ragged, but now it was like he was gasping. His body was covered in sweat.

" This is normal Stells. When a woman feels good, you get wet. I just didn’t realize how wet you could be, and I’m having a hard time … controlling myself.” Shit so was she; he had begun to rub his fingers through her folds, and it was her turn not to breathe. She moaned and could not control herself anymore. She began to rock her hips, desperate to ease the ache forming low in her belly. His breathing getting faster, he continued to kiss down her body and when the realization hit her of what he was going to do, her head snapped up. He was between her legs now - looking right at her, spreading her folds, and looking at her in wonder. Right at her. There.

" You are more beautiful than I ever could have imagined, my love. I want to taste you.” Looking at her, he stuck a finger into his mouth. She gaped at him.

" People really do not … kiss people … There do they?” His grin was almost evil.

I am going to. Perhaps one day you will do the same for me.” Before she could protest, he lowered his head, and Stella felt like she had been touched by fire. He licked and probed, and she felt him moaning into her. She began to writhe, gasping. She felt it. Like an explosion was building. She was scared, the feeling was too intense. She wanted it to stop, but to never end at the same time. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she sobbed his name as the explosion hit its peak. Her back arched, heels digging into his back as he cupped her bottom and held her to him. Royce drank from her, like a man who had been in the desert for days. Gently he lowered her and moved to her side. She was utterly spent. Royce kissed her shoulder and pulled her close, covering her body with the blanket. Kissing her hair, he whispered softly to her as her eyes closed.

" I hope now you know how beautiful you are to me. I want to worship at your altar every day for the rest of my life. You are mine Stells. Always.” Stella was already asleep, arms wrapped around his waist.

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