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They led Shenar and Shesain to the computer stations. Jack and Derak looked at each other and shook their heads. Soon, it became apparent that they traveled back six hundred years, to the year 1814. Derak Jamar III and Shesain Andehar are literally from different worlds. So why can’t he get her off his mind? He finds himself irresistibly drawn into a relationship that will be the most incredible experience of his life. Derak grew up in poverty in twenty-fifth century New York City. Only his intense drive to succeed saved him from becoming lost to the city’s gangs. He chose the discipline of martial arts and the rigor of education instead. Now, he’s a senior naval officer and the Alliance’s representative to the planet Thumar. Shesain Andehar is the ambassador of Thumar. She was raised in the elite upper echelon of Thumarian society. Her exotic beauty and sharp intellect have proven useful in her profession. More than one diplomatic rival have made the mistake of underestimating her. As Derak begins to fall in love with this marvelous planet, and Shesain, a gamma ray burst is on course to destroy them all. He has seven days.

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