the right girl?” I grin at Logan as he flops into the chair opposite my desk, scrolling through his phone.

“Nah. Just window shopping.” He turns the screen to me and raises his brows in question. I nod at the picture of the smiley brunette on the dating app, and he looks back at the screen, tilting his head before swiping to save her profile.

“You know those things go purely on looks, don’t you? They’re superficial. You need to meet a person face-to-face to know whether there’s a connection or not.”

He smirks and slides the phone into his suit pants. “What’s wrong with going on looks first? I need to find her attractive enough to want to rail her, otherwise what’s the point?”

I roll my eyes. I can see why Jasmin looks exasperated whenever Logan and his dating life come up in conversation now. It’s like trying to train a dog to meow.

“You can’t tell a person’s attractiveness from one photo. What if they’re really unphotogenic? And what about the energy and vibe they give off in person? You can’t tell any of that from a dating app. Basing everything on looks isn’t going to find you a soulmate.”

“Go on, then.”

“Go on what?” I look up from the paperwork I’m doing. I love the open-door policy the offices have on the estate. But it leaves it far too easy for Logan to slink into my office and distract me from work multiple times a day. He’s so laid back; I’m amazed how he gets any work done some days. But he does. And he doesn’t just get it done. He nails it. The estate events are going from strength to strength, bringing in a huge amount of revenue. I’ve seen the accounts and the figures speak for themselves.

Maybe he’s just one of those cocky guys everything turns to gold for. Because judging by the money he’s bringing into the business, he’s certainly living up to his name, Logan Rich.

“Go on,” he continues. “Tell me what you thought of me that first time you saw me. Looks only.” He leans back in his chair, a broad grin on his face.

I toss down my pen and mirror his posture. I’m not going to get any work done if I don’t indulge him in his game.

“Fine. Well, I thought you were Dax to begin with.”

“Except I’m better-looking.”

He winks as I snort.

“You’re funny.”

“Is that what you thought of me? Or are you trying to tell me you actually find Dax hotter than me?” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He smirks as I roll my eyes.

“Okay…” I chew my lip as I think. “First impressions? I thought you were good-looking. Tall… I liked your sandy hair. The waves… they suit you. And you smelled amazing. But then I had been traveling for the best part of twenty-four hours, so a skunk dipped in pond water might have held the same appeal.”

His chest rumbles with a laugh. “So, you wondered what I looked like naked, then?”

“Idiot, I did not.” I catch his eye and laugh. He reminds me of Brett. He’s always had a cocky charm about him. Even the accident never changed him. He’s the same larger than life guy he’s always been. “You’re not my type, Logan. Not in a million years.”

He pretends to look offended, before he laughs. “I know. Your type is moody and currently pacing up and down his office down the hall.” He jerks his thumb over his shoulder.

“How’s he seem to you?” I glance toward the doorway as if I’ll be able to see the answers in the air, floating up from his office. Floating up from the man who is embedded in my soul.

He keeps telling me he has things to sort out, but that once he does, everything will be good. That we can make plans for the future. He even suggested we take a trip together. Go somewhere hot where we can relax and just be together.

It sounds amazing.

“He’ll be fine. This is what he does.” Logan falls serious. “He sorts shit out. He thinks about it. Plans it out. Then executes it. It’s the way Dax has always been. He’s had a lot to contend with since becoming Jasmin’s legal guardian.”

“I know, I just… Do you think he seems okay, though? I feel like he’s got a lot on his plate. What if it’s too much for him to do alone?”

“Then he has us to help him. But, Rose, I’ve known Dax years. This is just the way he is. He gets all intense and enters super-boss mode. And then he gets on with it. He likes to do a lot by himself. He’s always been that way. But he also asks for help when he needs it.”

I lay a hand over my chest, rubbing at the tightness there. Logan’s right. Dax does ask for help when he needs it. Jasmin told me how he asked Logan to look after her and the estate while he was inside.

He doesn’t shut everyone out. Not when it really matters. I need to stop worrying about whatever it is he’s said he needs to sort out. Maybe it’s some big contract or something? I’ve let it morph into my head into something bigger, something scary. But this is just Dax and the way he does things.

I have nothing to worry about.

“He’s a lot like his grandad in that sense.”

“You knew him?”

“Not really. I mean, as a kid, I saw him. My parents knew him and their grandmother, being that they both ran businesses locally. I remember Dad saying what a great businessman he was. Always got the job done.”

I take in this new information. Dax rarely talks about his grandparents, except to say that he and Jasmin didn’t meet them until after his mom and dad passed away, and even then, they were only starting to build a relationship when they died too, passing the estate onto Dax and Jasmin.

“I’ve seen his name on some old accounts I’ve been sorting out. Things weren’t left in the most ordered manner in here.”

I cast my eyes around my office. It’s neat now, not a sign of the piles of paperwork and boxes of files that were here when I first arrived. It’s taken me since I arrived to get it like this. I’m almost on top of it all. There’s just one last box to sort through, and the date on it is over thirty years old. Dax’s grandad sure liked to keep records for a long time.

“Yeah? It’s a shame it’s just accounts and shit.” Logan looks at the final box I’m staring at. “I don’t think Jasmin or Dax got to know much about them before they died. Not what they were like, who they were, you know?” He shrugs his shoulders. “Then again, the shit that goes on in some families, maybe that’s a good thing.”

“Talking from experience?”

He winks at me as he stands. “I’m not going to tell you all my secrets, Rose. Got to maintain my air of mystery.”

“Right.” I giggle as he heads out the door.

“Do you think I’d be even better-looking if I swept my hair to the other side?” His face pops back around the doorframe.

I snort with laughter. “You’re so vain. Go, please. I have work to do.”

He tips his head to the side. “Nah. I think it’s good. My left side is my best side.”

I’m still laughing as he walks down the hallway, whistling to himself. God help the woman he sets his sights on. She’s going to have her work cut out for her. But I know his heart’s in the right place. He’s loyal to Dax and Jasmin, and to the estate. And he always goes above and beyond for what’s needed from him.

I spin in my chair so I’m facing the final unsorted box head-on. That’s what I need to do. Dax offered me the job to come here to sort out the historical accounts, and to get everything up to speed. But the offices downstairs are on top of the day-to-day running of things now. And once I sort this final box, then everything will be complete. Neat and tidy, and I’ll have a bit of spare time.

I can do something nice for Dax. Like Logan said, he doesn’t know much about his grandparents. Maybe there are some boxes in the attic with more personal items in. They must have still held on to things because they had Dax’s mother’s mirror. It makes sense they would have more memories packed away somewhere. Ones Dax hasn’t had the time to sort through.

That’s what I’ll do. I’ll tackle this final box, and then I’ll see what I can find out about them. It’ll be a nice surprise for Dax and give him something else to think about. Because the way he’s seemed distant and distracted this past day or two has made my heart go out to him. He’s so used to doing things himself. This will be something I can do for him.

I walk over to the box and carry it back, placing it on top of my desk, then lift the lid to get to work.

“I’m sorry I’m such a shit cook.” I drop the burned pan into the sink in the cottage’s kitchen and turn to face Dax. His dark eyes gleam at me as he holds back a smirk.

“I like you for more than your cooking abilities.”

“Or lack of them.” I giggle as he walks over to me and grasps my hips, pulling my body against his.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my body relaxes, letting out a contented hum as his lips skate over my jaw and onto my neck, where he kisses me beneath my ear. I wanted to come back to the cottage tonight to get some things. I’ve been spending every night in Dax’s apartment in the main house, but it’s nice to be back in the cottage. It’s cute and homely. And it’s the place we first spent a night together. Even though it was only a few months ago, it seems like a lifetime.

So much has changed.

I’ve changed.

I smile as Dax brushes my hair away from my shoulder and kisses my skin, his lips only a couple of inches away from my tattoo. It’s all healed now, and it’s beautiful. I couldn’t love it more.

It’s a symbol of the future.

I tried to send Harley a photo of it, but I couldn’t get the angle right in the mirror. I need to ask Dax to take one for me. She sounded excited when I told her about it. Her, Brett, and Mom. We’ve all been speaking more since Dax and I visited. They haven’t mentioned Casey again, and I haven’t asked. But I’m sure Mom has been talking to her, hoping for a reconciliation. Mom never could hold a grudge for long. Just like Dad. They always said life is too short, you never know what time you have.

Maybe they’re right.

Sandbox to casket.

I should talk to her.

Just not yet.

“You all right, Sunbeam?”

Dax kisses my forehead.


I used to think he was being condescending calling me that.

Now I love it. I wish he said it more.

“Yeah, I’m good. Can we sleep here tonight?” I gaze up at him. We were going to go back to the main house after my disastrous attempt at risotto was eaten. But now, being here with him like this, has memories of that first night flooding back to me. I press my thighs together as he looks at me.

“Whatever makes you happy.”

“You don’t have to go out?”

A flash of something passes over his face and his brows flatten over his eyes. “Not tonight.”

“Good.” I stroke the back of his neck and bite my bottom lip.

“What’s that look for?”


“I know when you’re lying.” His hands flex on my hip bones and his lips curl into a playful smile as I giggle.

“What is it?”

“I just…” I glance down at the open neck of his black shirt, the delicate artwork disappearing out of view beneath the fabric. “I like being here with you. It makes me think of that first night.”

“You feeling nostalgic?” His eyes sparkle as I nod shyly. “You want to go upstairs and watch in the mirror as I make you come again?”

“Dax!” I gasp, but secretly, my pussy’s started throbbing like a brass band just started a world concert between my legs.

He chuckles and tightens his grip on me, and it only makes my already tingling skin scream out for him even more.

“Come on. Let’s go.” He bends and scoops me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

I laugh as he strides to the stairs and takes them two at a time.

“Don’t say you didn’t ask for it.” His voice is a deep, sexy, sinful growl as he slides one hand up my thigh. He spreads his fingers around my ass cheek and squeezes as he takes us into the bedroom. “I’m going to enjoy watching your face as I fuck you from behind.”

Oh God.

I suck in a deep breath. When Dax fucks me from behind, he really goes for it. Like he does the rest of the time. But behind me? That’s going to be so hot watching him like that.

He drops me onto the bed and wastes no time in stripping us both out of our clothes. His eyes drink in my body and then he dips his head and spits on my pussy.

He rubs the wetness around me and pushes it inside me with one finger, groaning as it slides in easily. “Are you dripping because of me? Because you want to watch yourself get fucked?”

“Uh-huh.” I squirm beneath him as he crawls over the top of me, his eyes intent on mine as he adds another finger and fucks me with them slowly until I’m panting with need.

“Words, Rose. Or do I need to teach you a lesson to help you remember?”

I gulp as he flips me over in one fast move and pulls me up onto all fours. The mirror is right in front of me, and I meet his eyes in the reflection as he kneels behind me.

“Do I need to make you wait a little longer for this cock?”

I whimper as he casts his eyes down and uses his hands to pull my ass cheeks apart. A smile crosses his face and then he bends and places his tongue on me.

“What—?” I jump forward instinctively.

He growls and lifts his head, his stormy eyes meeting mine in the glass as he grabs my hips and pulls me back to him. “Get your ass back here.”

I suck in a breath and try to relax as he lowers his head again, his tongue finding its way back to my asshole.

“Jesus, Rose. I want every part of you,” Dax groans as he laps at me, tracing around the tight hole with the tip of his tongue.

It feels weird. A nice weird.

“Dax,” I moan as he presses the tip of his tongue inside me. Then he slides his fingers inside my pussy, and my body sends a rush of arousal to them.

I think I’ve gone to heaven.

Being fucked by Dax’s thick, skilled fingers as his tongue explores me is like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

“We’ll work up to you taking my cock here,” he says as he licks me again and rises to his knees.


His face softens as he looks at me in the mirror. “You don’t need to worry. You know I’ll take care of you.”

I know he will. He’ll take care of me. I trust him.

“You ready to watch now?” He runs a hand all the way up my back and wraps it over my shoulder with his palm placed over my tattoo.

“I’m ready.”

I hold his eyes, my body practically vibrating with need as he pushes the tip of his cock inside me. His mouth goes slack, and I’m hypnotized by the look of pure unfiltered pleasure that paints itself over his handsome face as he pushes further and further, until I’m so full of him that I need to take a breath as I wait for my body to fully accommodate him.

“You’re so tight. If you didn’t get so wet, there’s no way my cock would fit inside you so easily. You’re fucking stretched wide open to take me.” He glances down and flexes inside me, as if to prove his point, and I moan as I throb around him. “That feel good?”

“Uh-huh.” My lips part, and I whimper as he flexes again and cants his hips so that his balls kiss my skin.

My eyes meet his in the mirror, and they’re dark and glinting as he begins to move.

“How many times?” He pulls back and sinks into me again with force.


“How many times do I have to tell you?”

Thrust. “Use.” Thrust. “Your” Thrust. “Words.” Thrust.

I’m panting. Panting on shaking arms as Dax pumps into me from behind, his eyes holding mine and burning like black fire in the mirror. He fucks me without apology. Rough, deep, hard.

And I can barely catch my breath enough to get the words out.

“It… feels… good,” I cry.

Strands of his blond hair fall forward toward his eyes as he groans and drives into me, his hips smacking my skin with each thrust. The muscles in his stomach are tense, causing the tattoos to pull tight over his skin.

His pecs are rigid too, the beautiful compass set like stone over his heart. And his neck… it’s solid and tense, the leaves, and feathers too far away to see in full detail from this angle. Or maybe it’s the fact that my vision is starting to blur with the intense pleasure that’s building in my core.

I look back into his eyes, my mouth hanging open as I cry out with each hit. He strokes his thumb over the skin on my shoulder.

Over my tattoo.

My cloud.

My silver lining.

“You’re squeezing me, Sunbeam. You about to come for me?”

I gasp as I stare back into his eyes. They pinch a little at the corners as he alters the angle, and his cock piercing hits the sweet spot inside me.

He knows my body better than I do.

I’m about to explode at any moment.

“Y-yes!” I gasp as he continues to fuck me, stroking my shoulder.

“Good girl.”

I cry out as the first pulse builds inside me, threatening to detonate at any second. I fight to keep my eyes on his, the urge to squeeze them shut and succumb so strong.

“Dax!” I moan as he keeps his delicious rhythm going.

“Come for me, Rose.”

I nod, our eyes locked together.

The first wave is right on me as I search his eyes.

And something in the way he’s looking back at me makes my heart swell.

This is it. No matter how long I were to search, I would never find someone else who I feel so connected to.

I know it.

Dax Silver is everything I ever need. Everything I could ever want or wish for or hope to find.

“Every sunrise,” I whisper as I hold his eyes.

He inhales a sharp breath, his eyes more intense than ever before as I come around him with a loud cry. I come in waves that shake my arms, and make my entire body feel like a forcefield just passed through it.

And the entire time our eyes are glued on each other.

I keep coming, the sound of my wetness echoing around the room until Dax’s growl drowns it out.

Only he isn’t just growling.

He looks deep into my eyes as he comes inside me, one word ripping through the air as he fills me with liquid fire.


He keeps thrusting deep inside me, as our orgasms stretch on together. And the words whispered on his lips heal those final parts of me that I thought no amount of time could ever repair.

“Infinity, Sunbeam. Infinity.”

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