Whistling and applause greeted Furore and me as we arrived at the compound. Then it died when Ty cruised in.

Furore killed the engine and helped me off the bike. “Church in two hours.”

Molar tapped Furore’s shoulder and winked at me, pointing at his temple. “Smart lady. Welcome back.”

“Thanks.” A faint smile curved my lips. “You’re my family now.”

“Sure thing.”

Furore nodded at Molar, and they both exchanged a glance toward Ty. Molar nodded back as Furore twined his fingers into mine and walked us inside the house. As we climbed upstairs, I peered over my shoulder at the yard. Molar and the crew were gathering around Ty.

“What’s going on?” I asked, alarmed.

“Nothing, baby. It’s club business.” He locked the bedroom door. “Do you need to shower?”

I blinked. The underlying mockery in his question threw me off guard. Was it an ordinary question or a subtle hint that he knew Tirone was lying, that I was lying today, too, and the day at the mall?

“I showered at the motel.” I did after I’d sent Ty away. I couldn’t sleep next to him after what he’d said. He hadn’t known then that was how I felt. I’d only argued that if Furore had decided to visit—and he did—finding us in bed like that would have been the worst way to tell him the truth. Ty had agreed and went to Fort to kill any suspicions.

Furore’s dark gaze that seemed to pierce right through me, reading all my secrets, had returned. I wouldn’t buckle under it. I wouldn’t speak. As hard as I disagreed with Ty’s approach, as much as I wanted to tell Furore the truth, a father and son killing each other—Ty would, and Furore’s lack of answer when I asked if he would wasn’t promising either—wasn’t something I could live with. Screw honesty if it ended in blood.

“How do you feel about what Tirone said?” I asked. “Are you okay with it?” 

“It explains a lot.” His eyes glistened with a dangerous, predatory gleam as he strode toward me. My heart leapt. I didn’t know what to think or expect.

Suddenly, his palm held my chin firmly and his mouth crushed mine, lips, tongue, teeth, in a violent kiss. “You’re mine. No one, no one will take you from me.”

My head spun from that kiss, but my heart thrashed with the dark notes in his vow. Laius wasn’t stupid. He knew something or, at least, had a strong suspicion he wouldn’t let go until it was confirmed. “Okay.”

He bent to the nightstand and opened the drawer. Then he brought out my kindle. “Open it.”

Confusion hooked my brows as I turned the device on. “And?”

“What’s the hottest scene you’ve read?”


“This thing is packed with smut. Open the hottest, dirtiest scene you’ve ever read.”

Furore and Tirone were more alike than they both would like to admit. “Why?”

“We’ll do it.”

Heat flashed down my core. “That’s…hot, but aren’t you tired? Last night was intense, and you have Church.”

“Open it, Jo. Yesterday you were supposed to teach me what you liked, remember? Before Tirone had a fit…like he did every time I touched you.”

My breath caught. He knew. He fucking knew. “Laius—”

“I told you before I’d fuck your ex out of you until nothing was left but me. So open the Goddamn thing and show me how you like to be owned.”

Hiding my shame and guilt was futile and so was hiding the truth. He didn’t need my words. He could see right through me. It was danger and relief all in one. Swallowing, I browsed through the highlights and opened the one scene I’d read at least a hundred times before.

Heartbeat echoing in my temples, eyes down, I handed him the kindle.

His eyes ate the lines and his finger swiped fast, the eagerness evident. The anticipation alone sent successive throbs in my pussy.

“I thought you wanted to be my bad girl,” he finally said.

“I want to be punished. I want to be praised. Either way, I like to earn it. Is that a problem?”

“I don’t care if you’re a good girl or a bad girl. You’re my girl. To protect.” He bit my earlobe. “To corrupt,” he whispered darkly, undressing me. “I’ll own you, ruin you for anyone else, so you can never feel this way about another man.”

Giddy, I swallowed. He lifted me by the thighs and rested me against the wall. He hooked my ankles around his hips as he ravished my pale skin with his mouth, nibbling and kissing every inch. When he reached the apex of my thighs with his finger, I writhed against him, moaning while he pinched my nipple.

“Say you need me,” he growled.

“I need you.”

“To touch you? To lick you? To fuck you?”

“Everything. I need you, Laius, in every way possible.”

He carried me—God, he was so strong—and sat us on the bed. Then he lay down and grabbed me by the ass, pulling me toward him. “Be a good girl and sit on my face.”

My eyes bulged. I’d never done this before. With my weight, I didn’t think that would ever be a good idea. He didn’t give me a chance to protest. Hoisting me up by the hips, he settled me over his face and pulled me down until my pussy was in his mouth.

His tongue slid deep as he fucked me with everything possible in that position, his mouth, his nose, even his gaze. I cried out with the new pleasure while he stared up at me. He was watching me with carnal need as he consumed me, as he owned and ruined me like he promised.

He stopped for a second that was cruel torment. “You’re a very bad girl. I said sit, not hover.”

“I’m scared. I’ll smother you.”

“You’d better if you wanna be my good girl.”


“I want to breathe nothing but the smell of your pussy until you drench my beard with your sweetness, baby girl.”


He tsked. “Furore. I’m your God, Jo, so pray for forgiveness and earn your redemption.”

Fuck. Giving up on the hovering, I settled my weight down on his expert mouth and ground harder. He sucked and licked at my clit while I screamed, begging, my knuckles white as I squeezed the hard muscles of his arms.

My spine curved as my pussy pulsed against his tongue and my thighs clenched around his head. He nodded his approval, as if he was saying, “Yes, that’s it. That’s my good girl,” as he lapped up every drop.

He didn’t wait for my shudders to relax. He slid up, my orgasm staining his beard, and lifted me to put me on all fours on the bed. The buckle of his belt jiggled as he ground his erection against my ass. I glanced over my shoulder to see what he had in mind for me, but he tilted his chin up. “Eyes front.”

I bit my lip, already spent from that shattering orgasm he gave me, staring at the headboard. His body enfolded my back, and his breath tickled my neck. “Touch yourself.”

“I just came, Laius.”

“You will come again.” He grabbed my fingers and guided them to my opening. “Do it.”

I felt his eyes on my pussy as I played with myself. “Good girl.”

The throbbing every time I heard those two words never ceased to surprise me, especially when I’d just come hard on his heavenly mouth.

“Now…take a deep breath,” he whispered his command, but it resonated deep with screaming danger.

I should ask why, but I wanted to be good for him, to earn those two words I was desperate to deserve. My lips parted with a deep inhale. Abruptly, something wrapped around my throat, keeping the breath in, not letting anything else in or out.

Gasping in panic, I reached for my neck. It wasn’t his hand around my throat. It was his belt. “Laius, no,” I rattled.

He smacked my ass. “Bad girl.”


The first jewel on his cock entered me as he fixed my fingers inside my pussy again. “Don’t stop rubbing your clit.” He thrust forward, and the second piece of metal was immersed deep inside me. “If you wanna be a good girl, you’re gonna come on my cock harder than you came on my mouth.” With another push, he was giving me all of his length—all my little pussy could take.

He pulled the belt back and my head with it as he pounded me. I moaned and panted and purred and hissed and made sounds I couldn’t describe. I felt like an animal, a fucktoy, a filthy whore used and abused for a ruthless man’s carnal pleasure, and I fucking loved every bit of it.

He called me filthy things that only drove my eagerness to obey him. I wanted to please him. I wanted to earn his praise so badly.

My fingers fluttered around my clit while he filled my pussy with his thickness, fucking me hard and long and so fucking good. My head swam with the lack of breath and the delight his cock was serving me.

“That’s it, Jocasta. Good girl.” His words had me clenching harder around him. Hearing my full name on his lips while he owned and claimed me, while he approved of me, while he wanted me, tipped me into a blissful space of submission and pleasure and sent bolts of lightning through my body. My own fingers rubbed my clit in fast circles, and fuck me if anything felt better than the combination of him and me inside my cunt.

“Your pussy feels so good. It’s mine. Only mine. You’re mine.” His thrusts quickened, and so did my gasps. I’d never been fucked like this before, and I wouldn’t want to be fucked any other way. “You’re such a good girl, Jocasta. Such a fucking good girl.”

That one little phrase put me in a trance. I melted, those beautiful words washing over me like warm waves of ecstasy and relief. He could literally do anything to me in this state, and I’d just take it.

“You will take my cum inside you like a good girl, yes?”

“Yes. Give it to me. Please.”

“Not before you come first. I wanna feel your pussy clench around my cock while I give it to you. Come for me, baby.”

“Am I your good girl?”

“Fuck yes.” He pounded me harder. “Always my good girl.”

“Furore!” I screamed, my orgasm exploding.

The warm, thick gushes of his own orgasm filled my pussy as we both shuddered in the violence of our twisted love.

He released my throat and took me in his arms. His lips kissed the redness on my neck that I was sure would leave a mark. His mark.

“How am I going to go to school like that? It starts next week and staff orientation is tomorrow,” I said.

“I’d say leave it like that so everyone would know whom you belong to.”

I laughed. “Someone has been paying attention to their grammar.”

“My teacher is so good.”

My arms folded tightly around him. The warmth and firmness of his body made me feel safe and protected. “I’d love to wear your mark. I’d wear it with pride anywhere. But it wouldn’t create a safe environment for the kids.”

He sighed. “Fine. Wear a choker or makeup. The bitches can help you.”

“The…club girls…hate me.”

“The bitches don’t need to love you. You’re their queen.”

“I’m the queen of…bitches?”

He chuckled. “You know what I mean. They answer to you. They’d do anything you tell them. Until you get used to it, if they give you any trouble, talk to Hook or Fort. They’ll take care of it.”

“Fort is the Road Captain and Hook is…?”


My eyes widened. “The Enforcer?”


“I shot your enforcer?”

He cackled. The hardest I’d heard him laugh so far. “That’s why, despite all the trouble you’ve been giving them, they like you. You fight to protect yourself. You even protect me. You’re badass. Remember when you tried to defend me when the fucking guard hit me, wiped my blood and all?”

I smiled, nodding, blushing. “I wanted to kiss you so badly that day.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Me too, Miss Meneceo. In the hole, I fucked you every night twice.”

Arousal heated my flesh. “I… Well… I might have…you know…”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Might have what?”

“Stop teasing.” I rolled out of the bed and headed for the wardrobe to get some fresh clothes. “You just like to see me blush.” 

“You’re already blushing. I like to hear you talk dirty, tell me how you fingered your pussy thinking about the bad things I’d do to your body, Miss Meneceo.”

I hiccupped a nervous giggle, rummaging through the drawers, unused to where everything was. His Miss Meneceo got me every time.

“No, Jo, this ain’t—”

I froze as he jumped out of bed and stood behind me. “—the right drawer.”

Inside, nestled a tiny, velvet jewelry box. My heart skipped a beat.

“What is this?” I breathed.

When he didn’t answer right away, I forced myself to look at him despite the hammering in my chest. He ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. Then he grabbed the box and stared at me. “This…is how much I love you.”

“W…w…” I laughed under my breath, the beating of my heart uncontainable. “When…”

“I bought it the first thing when I came back home.”

Tears of shock and joy sprung to my eyes. I touched my chest, as if it was going to stop my heart from leaping out. “But…we’ve only known each other for a very short time.”

“That’s why I’ve been waiting for the right moment so I won’t freak you out. I know what I want, though.”

“You said it yourself. You don’t know me.”

“And we’re being tested daily, but how I feel about you doesn’t change.”

“My feelings for you didn’t change either.” Even when I thought he was in love with me because of my mom. Even when I slept with someone else. Especially, after I’d slept with someone else. When Ty had asked to give him one night, I’d been scared to fall out of love with Laius. Yet yesterday, after the fear of losing Laius that outweighed everything else, proved nothing but how deeply I was in love with Laius Lazzarini and that nothing would ever change that.

“I’m old enough to know what I want, Jo, and I want you. For life. The only question here is, do you want me to open that box?”

To be tied to this beautiful criminal, to be one of the notorious Night Skulls, to live the life, to forsake all others and be with that one protective yet dangerous and ruthless, gorgeous man?

The first conversation I’d had with Michele about Furore flashed in my head. I felt exactly the same now as I’d felt then. I loved Furore enough to forgive everything he’d done and to accept the risks that came with being his.

All but one.

“I’ll repeat the same question I asked you this morning. When you said you were murderously jealous over me that you’d have killed someone. That someone you’d have murdered, would it have been Ty?” I was being shamefully blunt, but there was no room for coyness here, not when blood was involved.

If I’d stabbed him in the back, he wouldn’t have looked at me like that. “What am I supposed to understand from that question?”

That when the roles were reversed, Ty’s answer terrified me and prohibited any chance I’d ever choose him over Laius. Considering how much alike the father and the son, I had to know what Laius would do. “All I want is that you promise me you’re not going to hurt him no matter what. That’s all I’m asking for, and then I’m all yours, heart, body and soul.”

“All mine, Jo? Because I can’t take any more lying, and I’m sure as fuck I can’t fucking share you.”

“I promise,” I vowed without hesitation. “Do you promise me?”

His eyes glittered with unshed tears. “I promise.”

A relieved grin stretched my lips, and I flung my arms around him. “I love you. I love you so much.”

He caressed my cheek and printed a tender kiss on my face. Then he held my hand and went down on one knee.

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