Chapter 229 On Your Knees

Amelia couldn't take it anymore as Oscar had spent more than half an hour in the washroom. Worried, she jumped out of bed and knocked on the door of the bathroom. “Oscar, is everything fine?"

She knocked over and over again, but the man inside the bathroom showed no signs of answering the door at all.

When she leaned over and heard the sound of a running tap, she asked with a frown, “Oscar? Hello?"

The moment she thought something bad had happened to Oscar and was about to barge into the bathroom, someone opened the door from inside. As a result, Amelia knocked into something.

She caressed her nose and had her eyes glued to her husband's nicely toned torso. Unable to pull herself together, she started running her fingers through it.

Oscar thought she would soon start drooling over his body. Out of the blue, he asked, “Are you having a great time playing around with it?"

It was then she snapped out of bewilderment and returned to her senses. The flushing woman looked at the smirking man and asked in return, “W-What's taking you so long?”

Oscar inched over and wrapped his arms around her waist. She could literally feel his breath since he was just next to her.

He leaned over and murmured in a barely audible voice, “Aren’t you aware of the things I have done to get my urge suppressed? If you don't stop looking at me with that sad puppy eyes of yours, I'm going to devour you for real.”

Amelia’s cheeks reddened when she heard him. She stopped retaliating and allowed him to run his hands all over her body.

The moment he lifted her up, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she always had. She also caught a glimpse of the man grinning in excitement.

Oscar glanced at her and asserted, “It's getting late. Why don't you keep your lust to yourself since it's time to call it a day?”

Amelia continued running her fingers across his chest and asked in a flirtatious tone, "Oscar, are you sure you're going to turn me down?”

Oscar's eyes gleamed the moment he heard her. He marched in the direction of their bed with his wife in between his arms and cast her on the spacious bed without a second thought.

He repeated himself, “You're not in a condition for such a session. Therefore, you need to stop arousing me and call it a day.”

Immediately after he made himself clear, he switched off the lights. The only source of illumination available was the lamp on the nightstand.

When Oscar joined Amelia and Tony in bed, they kissed their son on his cheeks. Amelia announced in a gentle tone, “Good night, Sweetheart.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Unable to resist the pent-up fatigue after the long day, they finally fell into a deep slumber. Oscar spent his time at Pillere attending all sorts of conferences to smoke out the mole of the organization all while taking Amelia and Tony's safety into consideration. Since he was finally back to the side of his loved ones, he fell asleep within a few minutes. He slept like a log throughout the entire night. Thankfully, their son behaved himself instead of throwing a tantrum in the middle of the night.

Tony merely woke up twice throughout the entire night, but he went back to sleep as soon as he got his feedings of milk. As Amelia was in the middle of recovery, she took note of the doctor's advice and got her son formula milk instead of latching.

It had been a long time since Oscar had such a great night. Therefore, he felt afresh when he roused from his sleep the next day. After he got himself washed up to start the day, he noticed Amelia was already awake with Tony in between her arms.

Amelia instructed the moment she saw him, “Oscar, can you get me a bottle of milk for Tony? I think he’s hungry again.”

Oscar was dumbfounded as he rarely had the chance to hold their son in between his arms, let alone make him his milk.

After he retrieved the bottle, he looked at Amelia and asked, “What am I supposed to do next?” Amelia couldn't stand it anymore. She handed him their son and asserted, “Just hand it over to me.” To their surprise, the moment Oscar held Tony in his arms, their son started wailing at the top of his lungs as though he was startled by his father's presence.

As much as Oscar tried to pacify the helpless infant, his effort was to no avail. The almighty Oscar was overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness for the first time in forever.

Amelia started preparing the milk and suggested, “Can you go get Kurt over and tend to Tony? I'm afraid Tony isn't going to stop wailing unless Kurt is around. He might have gotten used to Kurt's presence.”

Oscar's eyes flickered when he heard Amelia. He couldn't believe he had to rely on another man to stop his son from crying. To make things worse, he was the one who had dispatched Kurt to keep an eye on them.

As reluctant as Oscar might be, he had no choice but to get Kurt over to pacify their son.

The moment Stephanie walked down the stairs and caught a glimpse of Kurt holding Tony in his arms, she asked with a frown, “Kurt, why are you holding the heir of the Clintons in your arms? Are you sure that's a role of a bodyguard?”

Stephanie had one exceptional skill—she could easily get on others’ nerves

Kurt glanced at her and made up his mind to dismiss the arrogant woman's sarcastic remark. Overwhelmed by angst, Stephanie yelled at Amelia and asked, “Why has Tony grown so fond of Kurt, Amelia? Are you guys having some sort of affair or something?”

Amelia paid no heed to her sister-in-law’s defaming remarks and continued savoring her breakfast. Meanwhile, Olivia reprimanded her daughter with her brows furrowed, “Stephanie, what sort of nonsense are you talking about?”

Stephanie responded with her lips pursed in an aggrieved manner as she dared not try anything reckless around Oscar.

Oscar beckoned Kurt to head upstairs and instructed, “Kurt, please bring Tony upstairs ahead of us.” Kurt nodded in return. Stephanie got in their way when he was about to make his way up the stairs with Tony.

Staring at the infant in Kurt's arms, Stephanie stretched her arms in an attempt to hold him. However, Kurt stepped aside and stayed away from her without a second thought.

Stephanie's face scrunched up in irritation. Gritting her teeth to suppress her wrath, she asked, “Kurt, what do you think you're doing?”

“Allow me to express my utmost apologies, Ms. Stephanie. I have received instructions from Boss to keep him away from you.”

Kurt responded with a courteous nod and brought Tony upstairs without wasting his time with the irritated woman.

Stephanie stomped her way in Oscar's direction and yelled to express her frustration, “Oscar, what do you think you're doing? I'm Tony's aunt! Why am I not even allowed to hold him?”

Instead of answering his sister's query, Oscar gulped down his meal and announced, “Mom, I have quite a lot of things to tend to these days. It's quite a hassle to travel back and forth between Clinton Corporations and the residence. Instead of wasting a few hours traveling, I'll bring Amelia and Tony to the apartment for the time being.”

When Amelia caught the startled Olivia looking in her direction, she avoided her mother-in-law’s gaze as she felt a sense of guilt.

After much consideration, Olivia asked, “Oscar, I don't think you have time to look after them. I'm afraid Amelia, who's still in the middle of recovery, won't be able to look after Tony without others’ aid. Since we have so many maids looking after them, don't you think it's better to have them stay with us?"

Her son shook his head and rebuked, “That won't be necessary, Mom. Molly is around to help Amelia out. In fact, Tony has grown increasingly reliant on Kurt. I don’t think they need anyone else apart from the two of them.”

Olivia secretly heaved a long sigh of despair as she knew nothing she had in mind could change her son’s mind.

Stephanie got increasingly worked up when she heard her brother's plan. Afraid she wouldn't get to execute the plan she had in mind, she yelled, “No! You're not allowed to move out with Amelia!” If Amelia is no longer around, how the heck am I supposed to get my hands on her phone?

The ones in the dining hall turned around and looked at Stephanie when they heard her.

Stephanie took her seat and made something up to conceal her intention. She said, “Dad, Mom, Oscar, Amelia, I know I'm the one at fault! After spending a few weeks away from home, I have learned my lessons! I shouldn't have hired someone to take Amelia out just because I was jealous! It was never my intention to kill them! When I heard they were on the verge of death, I dared not show up at the hospital to visit them! I was on pins and needles as I was afraid all of you would hold me accountable as soon as someone let the cat out of the bag!” She paused and sniffled halfway through her orated speech. A few seconds later, she added, “I accidentally raised my volume and made all sorts of harsh remarks against Amelia when I saw them! It was never my intention to pick on her! I was really horrified when the bunch of thugs had me surrounded! As startled as I might be, I was grateful Oscar and Amelia had rushed to my rescue in spite of the grudges they held against me! I was really grateful you guys have shown up to my rescue! Nonetheless, I couldn't stop myself from putting on an arrogant front as I was afraid Amelia would pick on me again! I felt guilty for the things I had done!”

After she had another mouthful of her meal, she announced with her head drooping over her shoulders, “I really wish to atone for my sins! Can you guys please stay? Action speaks louder than words—I'll prove myself worthy! If you guys move out, how am I supposed to prove myself? If that's the case, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life!”

Olivia was startled by her daughter's orated speech. It was evident she had never thought her arrogant daughter would grovel herself at others’ mercy and admit her mistakes.

Meanwhile, Oscar had his fair share of doubts. Similarly, Amelia couldn't figure out if Stephanie had been telling the truth or was it merely another one of her acts.

Oscar instructed the maid, “Go get their clothes packed and send it to the car as soon as you're done.”

Upon a simple glimpse at Olivia and Owen, the maid responded with a nod and made her way upstairs.

The aggrieved Stephanie looked at Oscar open-mouthed. She couldn't believe her brother she respected the most refused to show her any mercy at all.

Stephanie pursed her lips with all her might as though she had something else in mind. All of a sudden, she took everyone in the dining hall by surprise when she brought herself up and got down on her knees in front of Amelia.

"Amelia, can you please forgive me for the mistakes I have committed in the past?” None of them could see her expression as Stephanie had her head drooping over her shoulders. However, they thought she meant it.

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