“Mrs. Larson, you can't say that. I'm just standing up for myself since my reputation has been tarnished. If some nosy person were to tell my husband and in-laws about this, not only will my relationship with my husband be affected, but it'll also cause my in-laws to dislike me.” Amelia was calm and collected when she added, “If I don't counterattack, you might end up thinking I'm someone you can walk all over.”

Laura's lips curled as she eyed her seriously and said, “You sure have a way with words.”

“Thank you for the compliment. However, I'd like you to head outside and explain this matter to my colleagues. Otherwise, I'd be in hot water if groundless rumors get to my husband, don't you think so?" Amelia replied confidently.

Laura crossed her arms before her chest and sneered. How can I show myself in public again if others learn that I'm afraid of a young lady?

"What if I say no?” she retorted.

“In that case, you leave me with no choice. Since you're an elder, you can hurl accusations at me in public with no regard for the decencies. I, on the other hand, dare not do that. Otherwise, others might think I have no respect for my elders. Hence, I'll go through with the legal procedures, and I'm pretty sure my husband will support me.” Amelia shrugged and shifted her gaze toward Shane. “Mr. Franklin, do you think I'm doing the right thing?” she inquired.

Smiling, he answered, “Since my employee is being slandered in the company, as the boss, I can't just sit back and do nothing, right? Don't worry. If you want to call the police, I'll be on your side, and I will provide the recordings from the surveillance cameras in our office as evidence.”

Laura was infuriated when she heard that. “Y-You guys—"

Amelia smiled elegantly and interrupted, “Mrs. Larson, I'll let things slide if you're willing to apologize to me and clear things up with my colleagues. Otherwise, I'll let the police handle this matter.”

“I'd like to see if you have the guts to do so,” Laura retorted.

In response, Amelia smiled innocently and said, “You came to the office to slander me before even finding out the truth. I don't think I'm wrong to pursue legal action to defend myself. Hence, I'm going to coerce you into choosing from these two options. Either you apologize to me, or I'll get the police involved. Honestly, I don't think the Larsons can mess with the Clintons.”

While Laura's face was contorted with fury, she waved her phone in the air and asked nonchalantly, “Have you made up your mind, Mrs. Larson?”

Laura gritted her teeth and spat, “I dare you!"

Amelia's gaze changed, a cold glint flickering in her eyes briefly. Snorting, she said, “Mrs. Larson, I'm only talking to you nicely because you're an elder, but that doesn't give you the right to saunter into my office and insult me. Don't ever take my politeness as weakness.”

Upon hearing that, Laura was bereft of speech from anger.

Amelia then unlocked her phone with her password and contacted the police. When the call was connected, she said, “Officer, I'm—"

However, her phone was snatched out of her hand before she could finish her sentence. With an impenetrable expression on her face, Laura roared, “You're a madwoman!”

Then, she opened the door and stalked out, though her figure looked wretched from behind. Amelia shrugged and uttered, “Shane, you'll have to deal with this matter. Since she has my phone, does that count for blatant robbery?”

It was not her intention to blow things out of proportion. However, if she did not retaliate and intimidate Laura, everyone would take her as a weakling and a pushover.

Shane got the hint and immediately ordered the security guards to stop Laura from leaving.

Soon, Laura was seized and brought back to his office by the guards. When she saw Amelia again, she did something uncharacteristic of a person with her status, throwing the phone at the latter's face in a fit of rage.

Amid Shane's panicked yell, Amelia was hit on the forehead by her phone. She then flashed him a forced smile before falling to the ground.

Shane rushed toward her and crouched down. “Amelia, are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

In a daze, Amelia opened her eyes and looked upward. “Mr. Franklin, could you help me to a seat? I'm feeling dizzy,” she said with much struggle.

Shane helped her up before bringing her to a chair. The moment she sat on it, he anxiously instructed his secretary to fetch a glass of warm water.

Very quickly, the secretary came with the glass of water and passed it to Shane, who then cautiously gave it to Amelia and said, “Here. Drink some water, Amelia.”

After a short period of rest, Amelia felt less dizzy and took a sip of the water from the glass in his hand.

"Amelia, how are you feeling now?" he asked.

“I'm fine.”

The secretary came back to them with a tube of ointment. As she passed it to her superior, she said, “This is the ointment for the wound, Mr. Franklin.”

Shane took a cotton swab and dipped it in the ointment before saying, “Amelia, there's an abrasion on your forehead. It's going to sting when I apply the ointment to it. Bear with it.”

Amelia nodded slightly.

He proceeded to apply the ointment to the wound, and she could not help but yelp the moment it came into contact with the scrape on her skin

“Is it painful?” he asked with a frown.

“I'm okay.”

After receiving a reply from her, he continued to apply the ointment. From then onward, Amelia suppressed the urge to make a sound from the pain.

When he was done, he said, “Amelia, go home and rest. Do you want me to bring you to the hospital? There's a big bump on your forehead.”

Amelia stood up and shook her head in response. “I'm all right. Don't worry.”

Laura, whose arms were seized by the security guards, was also stunned. She only went over that day to condemn her, and it was never her intention to cause her any physical harm.

The operation of our family business may be impeded if Oscar hears about this. Considering the power possessed by our family in the country, there'd be nothing we can do if the Clintons were to interfere with our company's affairs.

With that thought in mind, Laura shrieked, “It's not my fault that she doesn't know how to dodge!" “Mrs. Larson, you injured her for no reason, which constitutes an assault with intent. I've already told my secretary to call the police. Whatever it is that you have to say, say it to them,” Shane said sternly after standing up.

Wide-eyed with shock, Laura asked, “You called the police?”

“Mrs. Larson, you can explain to the police when they arrive,” he answered coldly.

Soon, the police arrived at the scene. In the end, the incident regarding Amelia's injury had also alarmed Oscar.

The man's expression turned grim the moment he saw the bump on her forehead. Despite dashing toward her in large strides, his movements were gentle when he caressed her forehead. “Who did this to you?” he asked, trying his best to quell his fury.

Amelia shied away from his hand and smiled. “Oscar, it might look serious, but it's not that painful. The person who did this has been taken away by the police.”

At that, he felt a pang of heartache and put his arm around her waist before saying to Shane, “Mr. Franklin, I'll bring Amelia back first. As for the perpetrator, I intend to press charges. No matter who that person is, nobody should be allowed to go free after assaulting someone.”

“You two should just head back, Mr. Clinton. I'll follow up on it, and I swear I won't let Amelia be taken advantage of.”

Oscar nodded in response and supported Amelia to the elevator.

When they arrived downstairs, he helped her into the car, fastened her seatbelt, and drove with a forbidding countenance.

Amelia blinked and pleaded softly, “Don’t be angry anymore, Oscar. Can you please talk to me? I feel very sad when you don't talk to me, you know?” She was hoping to lighten the atmosphere by teasing him on purpose because she was afraid he would dwell on the matter and overthink things. Although Oscar did glance at her upon hearing that, he still had a long face.

Amelia reached out to hold his arm before saying coquettishly, “Please don't be angry anymore, Oscar. When I see you being angry, my head starts to throb, and I even feel a little dizzy.”

Oscar took another glance at her. “You're feeling dizzy again?” he asked. The worry in his tone was unmistakable.

He then checked the traffic through the rearview mirror and saw there were a lot of cars around. Left with no choice, he could only head in a different direction at the next traffic light. “Hang in there. I'm bringing you to the hospital now.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Did I just shoot myself in the foot?

Amelia let out a soft sigh and said, “Oscar, I'm fine. Really. Shane had already applied some medication to my forehead, so I'm sure it'll heal in a few days. Don't worry, okay? Why don't we just head back? I have a sudden craving for Molly's honey BBQ pork ribs. Can we go back and eat that?” Oscar spared her another glance and gave in ultimately.

After sending her back to the condominium in the city, he summoned the Clintons’ family doctor to check on her forehead.

The doctor arrived shortly afterward. Upon checking the wound, he said there was nothing to worry about, even though it looked serious. At the same time, he added that the bump would subside very soon as long as it was properly taken care of.

Finally, Oscar could feel at ease.

Having kept the medication given by the doctor, he carried Amelia to the bed in their bedroom, tucked her in, and said, “Amelia, you ought to listen to me today. Rest in bed while I head downstairs and get you a glass of warm water to go with your medication.”

Amelia knew he was worried about her. Hence, she did not object, which was rare of her to do so. Oscar came to her with a glass of warm water and her medication. With a grave look on his face, he said, “Take your medication.”

Obediently, she took the medication. As she gave the glass back to him, she looked at him with a half-smile and asked, “Oscar, are you angry at me?”

Oscar placed the glass on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. Taking her small hands over and wrapping them in his, he said, “Amelia, you know I won't be angry at you. I'm just upset at myself for not being there for you when you were hurt.”

Amelia found his response amusing at first.

After that, her face darkened slightly, and she said in a serious tone, “Oscar, we both have jobs. Even if I were to be idle, you can't possibly be by my side every day. What happened today was just an accident. You can't blame yourself for that. I'm going to get angry if you pin it on yourself.”

Oscar reached out to caress her head. “Silly woman, when will you stop making me worry? How I wish I could strap you onto my belt so that you'll never leave my sight,” he said helplessly.

Amelia did not know what to say for a while. After a few seconds, she laughed. “Silly!”

Pulling the covers up around her, he exhorted, “Get some sleep, okay? I'll make something for you to eat.”

Surprisingly, she was quite cooperative, falling asleep right away under his company.

In actuality, Laura had used all her force when she threw the phone at Amelia. If her aim was any better, the latter could have gotten seriously injured by it. Thus, it was considered fortunate that Amelia only sustained a minor injury.

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