Chapter 568 We Should Get A Divorce

"You're just a jerk, a lunatic who doesn’t want to acknowledge your biological daughter,” Eleanor cursed while gnashing her teeth. She whirled around, wanting to go upstairs. Unexpectedly, Benjamin grasped her wrist forcefully.

She turned over and shot daggers at the man. “Let go of me.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Eleanor, if you still haven't realized what's good for you, I would rather send you to the psychiatric hospital to recuperate for some time and bring you back home after you are cured of your deliriousness. Since you're my wife, I'll do my best to help you, but I'll never allow that woman to be part of our Hutton family. Dream on.” Madness gleamed in Benjamin's eyes as he declared those words.

Seeing this side of Benjamin caused Eleanor to tremble uncontrollably. She never knew that her husband was so heartless that he would refuse to acknowledge his biological daughter.

"She's your daughter!” Eleanor cried out sorrowfully.

“No. You had that daughter with another man. It's a shame I'd never be able to erase for the rest of my life. That is why I hate her. If I had strangled her secretly back then, you wouldn't have to think about that illegitimate child for so many years!” Benjamin yelled in return.

Eleanor flung his hand away before taking a few steps back. She could barely stand up straight due to her wobbly legs.

Tears poured out of Eleanor’s eyes. She replied feebly, “Forget it. Since you consider me a promiscuous woman, we should get a divorce. We are both tired of being entangled in this marriage for over thirty years. I no longer want to clarify whether Lia is your daughter too. Even the paternity test result Amelia showed you couldn't dispel your doubts. What else can I do? I'll head upstairs first. A lawyer will drop by tomorrow to consult with you on the divorce.”

So many years had passed, but Eleanor had never felt this disappointed. Although there were times when she had thought of leaving her husband due to some struggles, her heart turned soft when she saw how well Benjamin treated her.

This entanglement then carried on for more than thirty years, and the two of them had grown old in the blink of an eye.

They were husband and wife in youth and companions in old age. There were also ordeals they faced and overcame during those thirty years. If it were not for Benjamin's hurtful words, she would certainly not have thought of getting a divorce.

She had resentment, hatred, anger, and love toward Benjamin. These complicated emotions resulted in her not knowing how she should face her husband. Hence, Eleanor always put up a cold front. Nonetheless, it was also because she loved him that she did not bear to leave his side. However, she hated him as much as she loved him, and it had completely overwhelmed her. That was why she needed to see a psychiatrist.

It was apparent that Benjamin was thoroughly incensed as he glared at his wife while panting heavily.

“A divorce? Don't even think about it. For the sake of that illegitimate child, you're willing to give up on your family? Do you even have a heart? Only heartless people would say such words!” Benjamin gritted his teeth as he spoke.

Eleanor let out a bleak, cold laugh upon hearing that.

How shameless of him to point fingers at me. This kind of person only knows how to make such remarks.

Their heated argument had alerted Amelia, who had come downstairs. Fortunately, Benjamin had sent the maids to stay in another building. Therefore, none of them knew about this dispute.

“Dad, Mom, why are you arguing?” Amelia was watching a television show when she heard the commotion. She rushed down and saw her parents glaring at each other as though they were enemies. Frightened by what she witnessed, she immediately stood in between them.

Upon seeing Amelia, Eleanor stowed away her angry expression. She let out a soft sigh and regained her composure.

"Amelia, your dad and I are getting a divorce,” Eleanor said calmly. “I can no longer hold together this sinking marriage with him. Looking at him not only reminds me of my eldest daughters past disappearance but also of the cruel comments he makes. My relationship with him will end here.” Her words stumped Amelia. She stared blankly at Eleanor and asked in a daze, “Mom, you're joking, right?”

“This entanglement has been a burden to me for decades. I'm exhausted.” Eleanor had indeed become tired after all these years.

“Stop joking, Mom. Divorcing at such an old age would only cause you and Dad to become laughingstocks. I'll ask Dad to apologize to you. Then after a good night's sleep, we will still be a happy family.” Amelia forced out a smile.

However, Eleanor shook her head. “I'm tired, so I'll head upstairs now. Regarding the divorce, I'll get a lawyer to represent me. I don't want any of the Hutton family's assets. After letting Lia down for more than twenty years, I want to fulfill my duty as a good mother to her. I can't let her suffer grievances again.”

Amelia could only watch while Eleanor went up the stairs.

She let out a sorrowful wail. “Mom, I know you miss the daughter you haven't seen for over twenty years, but have you thought of me and Ivan, who have always stayed by your side? Are you not worried that we would feel upset over the divorce? Or would you rather have a daughter whom you have no idea if she would even acknowledge you as her mother?”

Eleanor paused in her tracks. Nevertheless, she continued to head upstairs in the end.

Seeing her mother’s silhouette disappear down the corridor, the corners of Amelia's eyes turned red, and there were tears in her eyes.

“What happened, Dad? Why did Mom want a divorce for no reason?” Amelia could no longer control her tears.

Benjamin clenched his fists, and his chest heaved up and down due to anger.

“Dad, I thought the both of you were getting along pretty well these days? So why are you two wanting to split up at such an old age? Have you not thought about Ivan and me?” Amelia questioned through her sobs.

“We will not get a divorce.” Benjamin went upstairs right after saying that.

Amelia held her head with both hands. Her intuition told her that the appearance of Amelia Winters had caused the Hutton family to crumble.

If I didn't meddle in that matter, my family would still be in harmony.

She sat on the couch while continuing to hold her head. Amelia raised her head after some time and saw her elder brother coming in. Her tears immediately bubbled forth once again.

“Mom wants a divorce.” Amelia cried out in aggrievement.

Ivan’s footsteps halted abruptly, but he quickly went to his sister. “Don’t cry. Tell me what happened. Why did Mom suddenly want to split up with Dad?"

Amelia narrated what just happened to her brother. Then, she said in a huff, “It's all Amelia Winters’ fault. If she hadn’t shown up, our family would not be in this state!”

“If you haven't been so nosy and conducted a paternity test for our parents with that woman and even brought Mom to Beshya, all these wouldn't have happened.” Ivan let out a sigh of lamentation. “Don’t overthink it. This matter has always been a knot in their hearts. If they don't handle it well, even if they continued to be husband and wife, they would only appear loving on the surface. Go and get some sleep. I'll speak with Dad.”

Amelia grabbed Ivan’s hand, passing on the icy-cold sensation in her fingertips to her brother. "Why is your hand so cold?” asked Ivan.

“Ivan, I'm scared that our parents will get a divorce. I don't want another female relative to stay in this house. It's too revolting.” Amelia“s voice quivered. “Our family will be incomplete if Mom is serious about splitting up with Dad.”

“Fret not. I will sort things out nicely. The divorce will not take place. You'll always be our family’s precious princess. Stop brooding over this and go upstairs to rest. Nothing bad will happen as long as I'm around.”

Amelia's expression finally softened, and she nodded in response.

“Be a good girl and go to bed. Everything will be fine when you wake up tomorrow.”

Amelia finally felt at ease and headed back to her room. On the other hand, gloominess appeared on Ivan's face.

He sat on the couch for a while before going upstairs.

Standing outside the study, he hesitated but eventually knocked on the door.

He entered the room after getting Benjamin's permission.

“Dad,” Ivan called out.

Benjamin was smoking by the window. There were cigarette butts by his feet, and the thick scent of smoke filled the room.

“Amelia told me that Mom plans to get a divorce. What's going on?”

Benjamin turned around, revealing a pair of bloodshot eyes. He spoke with a downcast face. “You're back.”

Walking over, Ivan snuck a glance at the cigarette butts by the window. “Dad, are you really going to divorce Mom?”

"Of course not. Even if I have to tie your mom up at home, I would never divorce her. In fact, in this lifetime, if I had to tie her up, I would tie her up in the same tomb with me.” Benjamin's face darkened as he clenched his teeth.

Ivan frowned upon hearing that. “Dad, doing that would only worsen your relationship with Mom. Would you be satisfied only after driving her crazy?”

“Driving her crazy?” Benjamin's lips curved up into a sinister grin. He replied coldly, “I've loved and doted on her for thirty years. But for the sake of that bastard child, she was willing to cut ties with me. In her heart, I can't even match with that daughter of hers. I should have taken that b*stard child's life at that time.”

"Dad, don't forget that she’s also your daughter,” Ivan purposely brought the topic up.

Benjamin's cold gaze fell on him.

“That woman is not my daughter but an illegitimate child. If you mention that one more time, you can forget about stepping into this house too!" Benjamin snapped as he waved his hand angrily.

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