Hailey’s p.o.v

“Layla please” I asked for the 10th time.

“You’re not going to give up, are you?” She asked dropping down on my bed.



“Tell me then” she nodded but frowned.

“Nope. You should ask Vincent, it’s his life,his choice” I groaned.

“But then he’ll think I’m interested in him” I sat next to her.

“You are interested” she smiled and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, but we can’t let him know” she squeaked

“You are? Oh you’re playing hard to get right? I said the same thing to Vincent and you know what he said, the if you run, he’ll chase” she gushed.

“You’re talking about the guy that you were going out with,you know that right?” I raised my eyebrow.

“Yeah. I know. Me and Vincent weren’t like a real couple to be honest. We were more best friends” I nodded as she shrugged

“And I’m not playing hard to get”

“Oh. I know what you should do. This will freak him out so much” she exclaimed and I covered her mouth.

“Werewolf hearing. Shush” she nodded removing my hand.

“You should tease him. Pretend to want him. He’ll be shocked”







“Yes” shit

“Good” she jumped up smirking

“That’s unfair Layla. You tricked me”

“I know. Now get changed,into something more...sexy” she walked toward my closet.

“Hm... perfect” she came out with a cream coloured mini skirt,and a black top.


“Why do you have it in your clothes then?” She smirked

“Grandma bought me it, when I dated a guy for the first time” I smiled slightly.

“Oh. Well you can wear it. You can wear stockings. I’ll go bring some for you” she ran out of the room.

She came back with a black pair of stockings. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Layl-” she shook her head.

“Nope. Come on Hailey. You need to be a little more fun” I rolled my eyes and stood up.

“Fun? How is this fun?”

“You’ll see Vincent’s reactions and BAM, you’ll want to laugh” she did have a point.

“Fine” I took the clothes off her and went to the bathroom, as she sat down on the bed.

I got changed into the clothes, and looked at myself.

I still looked like myself, but a little girly.

I walked out of the room, and Layla screamed when she saw me.

“Oh my god! Hailey! You love fabulous” she squeaked

“Thank you” she nodded just as the door opened and Vincent ran inside.

“Wha-” he froze when he saw me.

“Bella..” he whispered taking me in from top to bottom.

“I’ll be downstairs” Layla smirked closing the door behind her.

“Bella, you look beautiful” Vincent whispered his eyes changing to black and then back to brown.

“Are you okay Vincent?” I asked confused.

“Yeah” he closed his eyes.

“So..” I mumbled and he opened his eyes, smirking at me.

“May I know why you’re wearing something like this?” He asked walking closer to me, slowly.

“I-I” I stepped back, as he stepped forward.



“Be careful” he said as I hit my back on the wall.

How close was the wall?

“Tell me Bella? Why the sudden change?” He placed his hands on both sides of the wall, trapping me in place.

“Layla made me do it” he leaned down.

“Do what?”

“To tease you” I whispered, my voice hoarse. I don’t know why.

“Well, are you going too?” He placed a kiss on my neck.


“Tease me, Bella” No.

“I can’t” he chuckled looking down at me.

“Come on Bella. Tease me”

“I-I don’t know how too” he smirked

“Well, what were you going to do if I didn’t come into the room?” He asked leaning down towards my neck.

“Can you stop?”

“Do you want me to?” He whispered in my ear, biting it slowly.

“No” What?

“Ah” he chuckled placing his hands on my waist.

“Are” he ran his hand down my thigh.

“You” his hand reached my inner thigh, slowly parting them.

“Sure?” His hand was about to go higher, but I pushed him away.

“I knew it” he chuckled to himself.

“Don’t do something you can’t Bella.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

“I can do everything”

“Are you sure?” He started walking closer to me.

“Okay. Not everything” he stopped walking towards me

“Are you doing anything now?” He asked rubbing his neck slowly


“Good” he let out a breath.


“I’m taking you out. I haven’t eaten, do you like pizza?” He asked and I nodded

“I love pizza” I exclaim

“Good. Let’s go” he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

“Where are we going?” I asked following him out of the castle and towards a car.

“To get pizza.” He said slowly, opening the door.

“Oh” I sat inside as he closed the door.

He ran around the car and sat inside.

“Which pizza do you like?” He asked starting the car and driving out of the driveway.

“I love margarita and donner” he smirked

“Same as me” he said and I nodded looking out the window.

“There’s this really nice place, it’s called Joe’s fast food. And they do really good pizza. Do you want to go there?” I nodded.

“Bella, what’s wrong?”

“Vincent, why do you keep asking me that? Nothing is wrong. I just want to be quiet” he nodded

“We’ll be there in a couple of minutes” he mumbled.

I stayed silent, the rest of the way. Vincent is being to nice now. It’s like he can read me, and I don’t want that. I made walls around myself for a reason. A reason I don’t want anyone to know. But every time he calls me, Bella, it seems like a crack is made on the walls.

Every time, he touches me, every time he smiles at me, the crack gets bigger and bigger. I don’t want that, but then I do.

“Bella, we’re here” he parked the car.

I nodded and got out the car with him.

“Bella wait” he walked towards me and held my hand tightly.

“This is a human place, so I don’t want anything to happen” he smiled at me slightly.

This is what’s going to break me.

I nodded and followed him inside, to the counter.

“Table for two?” The man asked lookin at Vincent.

“Yeah Joe.” Vincent nodded.

“What brings you here today, and with..” Joe walked towards a table.

“This is Bella. My girlfriend” Vincent said wrapping an arm around me.

“Oh. Girlfriend. What happened to Layla?” Joe asked as I removed his arm and sat down on the chair.

“She’s at home. We’re friends. Bella is my girlfriend” Vincent said and he nodded.

“Okay. The same?” Vincent nodded and the guy walked away.

“Bella..” he sat down infront of me.

“It’s okay Vincent. I understand” I looked up at him.

“I’m sorry” he whispered.

Sorry? For the first time?

“For?“I raised my eyebrow, crossing my arms. I have to enjoy this.

“For everything. I was fucked up. I shouldn’t have forced you. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. I’m not really like that Bella. I promise. I would never spank you” my face was heating up as he looked at me.

“Oh. Bella, do you want me to spank you?“he whispered, smirking.

“No!” I exclaim sitting up properly.


“What else are you sorry for?” He rolled his eyes.

“You’re taking advantage of this right? You know that I never say sorry, so you want me to apologise for everything. I will apologise if I’ve hurt you Bella,I didn’t mean to do it,I promise. It’s just that you get me angry sometimes, and I feel like taking you right there” he closed his eyes, groaning.

“I’m sorry for saying that” he laid his head on the table.

“Do you always talk dirty?” I had to ask.

“Not always. When I get angry, or upset. And now that you wore that, I feel like pulling you on the tabl-” he covered his mouth.

“Angry or upset?” I blushed.

“Both. It happens when I’m only with you Bella. Why?”

“Why? Do you want to talk like that with others?” I asked and he shook his head.

“Only you” he smirked, watching me as my face heated up.

“Do you like when I talk dirty to you Bella?” He whispered leaning closer.

“I-I, No”

“I think you do”


“Yes you do. Why is your face blushing, and I can smell your a-” I covered his mouth.

“Shush. Okay fine. I do,a little. But shush” I whispered just as Joe came back with pizza.

“Would you guys like a booth in the back?” He asked smirking and Vincent nodded, standing up.

“Come on Bella” he grabbed my hand and taking the pizza off Joe and walking to the back,where the light was dimmed.

“Get me some drinks joe” Vincent said and Joe nodded.

“Sit down Bella. I don’t bite, hard” he smirked.

I rolled eyes and sat down in the booth.

He sat down opposite me and opened the pizza.

“Eat” he ordered.

“I will” I took a slice and took a bite from it.

“Is this whole box for me?” I asked after I swallowed the pizza.

“Don’t get too happy Bella. We’re going to share this box. Like all couple do” he took all slice, and started eating.

“Who said we’re a couple?” I raised my eyebrow.

“Well, you like me, I like you, we’re Soulmates, you aren’t going to reject me, technically we can be married.” He smirked

“How many times do you smirk per day?” I blurted out.

“I never smile, bella”

“Yes you do. You smile at me”

“That’s because you make me smile” he smiled.

“Layla did say that cliché-ness runs through you blood” I mumbled to myself and he chuckled.

“Don’t you like cliché?” I shrugged taking another pizza.

“I don’t really mind. But I don’t like it too much.” He nodded eating.

“Tell me about yourself, Bella” he said as a waiter came and handed us two coke bottle.

“One for the lovely lady” he handed me one and I smiled.

“Thank you” he smiled and walked away.

“What do yo-” I looked at Vincent and he had his eyes narrowed at the pizza. What did the pizza do?

“Vincent, are you okay?” I asked and he looked up at me, and stood up.

“Yes” he leaned down and kissed me.

“You are MINE, do you understand Bella?” He whispered planting a kiss behind my ear.

“Tell me Bella. Do you understand?” I nodded slowly.

“Good” he sat back down.

“Here” he gave me his coke bottle, and took mine.

“I’ll go get a new one. You won’t be drinking this” he stood up and walked away.

“He’s so sweet” I heard Rose’s voice, next to me.

“Not to close” I pushed myself back, on the wall.

“Hailey, I’m here to help you. You can trust me” I nodded

“I do. But just don’t come to close. Can I ask you a question?” I asked as she move back and sat in Vincent’s seat.

“Fire away” I nodded

“Can I stop demons from entering my body?” She shrugged

“I think so. I mean, if you had that pendant, then demons wouldn’t be able to come next to you, but you don’t” Vincent came back.

“What’s wrong Bella? Why are you so close to the wall?” He asked sitting down, just as rose disappeared.

“Nothing.” I sat in the middle.

“Okay.” He took a slice and started eating.

“You tell me about yourself, Vincent” I asked eating.

“What do you want to know?” I shrugged drinking my coke.

“Well, I’m not a good guy, I’m bad. I want to tell you Bella,sometimes I lose control, and I don’t know what to do. I’ll run away, I can handle problems, but commitment? I can’t. If it gets to my head, I’ll leave it. I’ll do something really stupid. I can hurt you in so many ways, Bella, that you’ll want to run away” Fuck

“Is that good enough for you?” He asked looking at me, trying to see if I was scared.


“You tell me about yourself, Bella?” I nodded

“I don’t let people to close. If they get to close, I’ll push them away. I’ll run away. I don’t like people reading me. I like to be alone, by myself. If I see someone trying to read me, trying to figure me out, I’ll close off more. I have walls around my heart, I-”

“Did you have a breakup?” He asked confused

“Nope. I haven’t officially dated anyone, except been on a few dates. Everyone knows not to come close to me, Vincent. You might not like commitment? But me, I don’t even get far to dating.”

“It’s okay Bella. I’ll still like you even if you push me away.” I shook my head.

“You don’t understand Vincent. I won’t let you in” he shrugged

“I’ll force my way in” I rolled my eyes, a smile forming on my lips.

“Really?” I finished my pizza.

“Yep. I’ll always be with you Bella, even if you don’t want me to” I nodded

“Shall we go?”

“Have you eaten?” I nodded standing up.

“Let’s pay” he nodded standing up go with me.

We walked to the counter, and there was a guy standing there.

“The pizza is on the house” he smiled at me.

Free food

“No. Here” Vincent pulled out a $50 note and placed it on the counter.

“Tell Joe, that you’re fired” he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

“That son of a bitch” he mumbled to himself

“Do you own that place?” I asked confused.

“Yeah” I nodded as he walked towards the car.

He opened the door and stared at me.

“Inside, Bella” he pointed to the car, looking behind me.

I turned around to see that guy, and Joe walking out,and towards us.

“Inside, Bella” he repeated. I walked around him and sat inside the car.

“Good girl” he kissed my cheek, closing the door, and walking towards Joe.

I watched as Vincent punched the guy, and he fell down, and Joe was staring at him.

It was in broad daylight, and nobody was outside.

Vincent was going to kill him. He was punching, kicking him, throwing him on the floor.

I opened the door and ran towards Vincent as he picked the guy up and threw him on the floor.

“Vincent stop” I stood infront of the guy, as Vincent froze, his leg in mid-air.

“Bella, move” I shook my head as he turned around and groaning, running a hand through his hair.

“Vincent, what the fuck have you done to him? He’s practically dead” I exclaimed turning to the guy, who was laying on the floor, taking deep breaths.

“Are you okay?” I asked

“He’s okay Bella. Fuck him. Let’s go” he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the guy.

“Vincent! He needs to go to the hospital” I said,trying to pull my hand out of his.

“No Bella. He’s a werewolf. He can take this. It’s nothing” Oh.

“But stil-” he opened the door to his car.

“Inside” he stared at me, challenging me with his eyes, to say no. And I just had to.

“No. He needs to go to the hospital, Vincent. I can’t just leave him there. I’ll always feel guilty if something happens to him” he rolled his eyes.

“Joe is a doctor as well, Bella. He’ll look after him. Now inside” Oh

I turned around to see Joe picking the guy up and taking back inside the diner.

I thought this was a human place.

“Vincent, you said this is a human place”

“I lied” bastard.

I sat inside the car and he closed the door.

He sat in his seat and started driving.

“Can I ask why you nearly killed the guy, or are you going to lie, again?” I raised my eyebrow, crossing my arms

“He said something, which he wasn’t meant to say. Don’t worry, he’ll get back to his place. Cells” he mumbled pulling out of the parking lot.

“Oh,I’m not worrying” I muttered sarcastically

“Bella, please” he sighed.



“No do tell me Vincent. Tell me what he said that got you so angry that you nearly killed him”


“Tell me”



“He wanted to fuck you!” He shouted, punching the steering wheel.


“Yeah oh! If you hadn’t come, he would have been dead”

“You can’t just kill people Vincent.”

“I can,if they say fucked up things” he parked outside the palace, taking deep breaths.

“Vincent, calm down”

“I can’t Bella. I just want to go and rip his fucking head off” he whispered, closing his eyes and laying back.

“Vincent, don’t. Has no one ever said to you that, they want to fuck you? So many people have, I bet. Just remove his words from your mind” I said

“Bella, I can’t” he grabbed my hand tightly.

“Vincent, stop that” he squeezed it harder.

“Vincent stop. It hurts” I tried to pull my hand back.

“I can’t. I need t-”

“Ouch! Vincent stop” I shouted as he stared at me, his eyes red.

“No” he growled

“Vincent!” I screamed as he squeezed my hand more. Fuck this asshole.

“Let go!” I shouted just as my door was opened, and someone pulled me out.

I turned around to see Jason.

“Go inside Hailey” I nodded looking at Vincent,who was growling at me.

I looked at my hand and it was red,bright red

I ran inside just as Emily walked out of the kitchen.

“I was waiti-” she stopped when she saw tears running down my face.

“Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?” She asked walking towards me.

“Vincent. He-” I showed her my hand.

“Fuck” she muttered rubbing it slowly.

“Was his eyes red?” I nodded just as we heard a bang on the door outside.

“Hailey, you go upstairs, to your room” she smiled at me.

I nodded and ran upstairs to my room, closing the door behind me.

Fuck Vincent. My hand is fucking hurting.

“Bell!” I heard his voice outside. It was deep, and husky.

I walked to the window, and opened it.

Vincent was on the floor, with Tyler on top of him, trying to make him sit. An older man came forward with Emily. I remember Vincent telling me that was his grandad, Alec.

Vincent looked up at me, and growled.

His growl, didn’t sound angry. It was desperate.

Alec held Vincent’s hands down as Emily injected him with something.

Mia was crying, so was Alexa. I never see Alexa. Layla says she’s always at her friends house.

Vincent whispered something, looking at me, before his head fell down.

Tyler looked at me, so did everyone.

I don’t know anything about these people. Nothing at all. God knows what they are hiding.

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