Touch Me Alpha [#5]
Chapter 11

2 years later.

“Jay! Stop! It hurts” I tried to push his hands away, trying my best not to laugh

“Fuck. Okay. Sorry” he stopped tickling me and sat up properly, pulling me up, next to him.

“You know you’re the best girlfriend in the world right?” He wrapped an arm around me.

“Yep, because I make the best food. Did you know that you’re the best boyfriend in the world?” I wrapped my arm around his waist and laid my head on his chest.

“And why do you think that? Because I’m good in bed?” He smirked at me.

“You wish” I let go of him.

“I know” he pulled me on his lap.

“Baby, I have to say something” Oh.

I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I need to go to Texas.” I froze.

“Why?” I asked

“My company is moving, so I have to move with them” I nodded

Jay is a lawyer for a big company. It’s a really good job.

“You’re okay with that right? I know that you don’t want to go to Texas, because of the wolves and everything” I shrugged

“If you’re going, then I go” he wrapped his arms around me, and laid his head on my chest. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Thank you” he sighed.

Jay knows about everything that happened to me, two years go.

When I came to Florida, I met Jay on a plane. He helped me find an apartment, helped me go to school. Jay is 23 years old, and I’m 20.

He helped me with everything, and I helped him with his work.

He was every low on money, so I would help him. And, Jay thinks he needs to repay me by giving me all my money back. Which he has.

“Hailey? Are you listening to me?” I nodded

“What were you saying?” He smiled

“My company is going tomorrow. They already have the tickets booked. Shall we pack?” I nodded getting up from his lap.

“Let’s go. Wait! Promise me something first?” I stopped him from standing up.

“Anything” I smiled

“That you won’t leave me alone, with Vincent.”

“Of course baby” he stood up wrapping an arm around me

“Now let’s go” he pulled me upstairs.


I was really going now. Me and Jay had already reached Texas.

“Don’t worry, Hailey” he tightened his hand around mine, as we sat in the car.

“Where are we living?”

“I don’t know. What I do know that it’s in the forest. It’s close to the place that they bought.” I nodded

I had a suspicious.

I stayed quiet, looking out of the car, as he started driving.

After a 20 minutes, my suspicion was right.

My grandma’s house.

“Jay, this?” I asked as he parked the car.

“Yeah. It’s a nice house right?” He smiled at me but then frowned.

“What wrong baby?” He whispered

“This is my grandma’s house”

“Oh. I can call the company and get ano-” I shook my head.

“I can do it” I muttered to myself, getting out of the car.

Ever since I got the pendant, I never saw spirits again. Not even Rose. And I like it that way.

“Are you sure, Hailey?” He asked and I nodded

“It can’t be that bad” I held his hand and started pulling him inside. I bent down, and pushed the rock away, and found the key.

“How?” He was surprised

“My grandma always left it here” I picked it up,and opened the door.

Pushing the door open, I saw everything still the same.

“It’s a nice place” he whispered walking inside with me.

“I know.” I heard a bang upstairs.

“I’ll check it” Jay pulled me behind him.

“Mia! I think they’re here!” I heard Tyler’s voice. I tightened my hand on Jay’s, as Mia and Tyler ran downstairs.

“We’re so sorry. It’s just that we were told to clea-” she froze when she saw me behind Jay.

“Hailey?” Mia whispered

“Is this the werewolves?” Jay whispered to me, and I nodded

He stood in front of me, narrowing his eyes at them.

“Out” Jay pointed to the door, and Mia looked at Tyler, before laughing.

’You think we’ll follow your orders?” She smirked

“Hailey, why are you here?” Tyler asked

“Because, I’m here with Jay” he nodded staring at Jay.

“This guy over my son?” He muttered, walking out of the house.

“Hailey, this place still needs heating installed. And we thought you were coming tomorrow. You and this guy can follow us,you’ll be living in the castle” I shook my head.


“Yes” she walked out of the house.

“They don’t like me” Jay turned to me.

“So? They don’t have to. I love you” he smiled at me, and leaned down.

“I love you too” he whispered into my ear, placing a kiss on my neck

“Let’s just go to castle, Hailey. It’s just for one night, and I won’t leave you alone. I promise” I nodded and he smiled.

“Let’s go” he held my hand and pulled me out of the house, towards his car, where Mia and Tyler were waiting.

“Follow us” Tyler mumbled walking into the forest.

Me and Jay followed Mia and Tyler to the castle. When Jay saw the castle, he was shocked, but didn’t say anything.

We walked inside, and I saw Layla walk down the steps. She’s really changed. She looks even more beautiful.

“Mia, have you se-” she froze, looking at me.

“I thought you said you’re never going to see me?” She smirked walking down the steps, quickly, and standing in front of me.

“I had to come”


“Because” she hugged me tightly.

“You’re not leaving now. Even if I have to lock you up in the cells” I smiled hugging her back.

She let me go and looked at Jay.

“Hi. Layla” they shook hands and he smiled.

“Jay. Hailey’s soon-to-be husband” he smirked at me.

“You wish” I nudged him and he chuckled.

“Husband?” I heard his voice.

Jay understood,and held my hand tightly, looking at me,reassuring me, that he’s here. And he won’t leave.

I turned around and looked at Vincent, who walked through the front door.

“Bella..” he whispered dropping his blazer on the floor

“Vin-” he ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

“I missed you so much” he wrapped his arms around me, picking me up a little.

“I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed you” he whispered taking a deep breath.

“Dude, hands off” Jay pulled me out of Vincent’s hold. Vincent looked at him confused,but then growled.

“Don’t. Tell. Me. What. To. Do” he growled at Jay.

“Vincent stop it” Layla said walking towards him, and holding his hand

Are they back together? I frowned

“Lay-” she shook her head at him

“We’ll be back. I just need to teach Vincent a lesson” she smiled at me and walked off with Vincent upstairs.

What the fuck? A lesson?

“Hailey? Are you okay? You’re turning red?” Jay said and I nodded looking up at him.

“I’m perfect” I muttered staring at the ground.

“I know you are” he smirked and I smiled

“Let’s go to my room” I held his hand and walked upstairs.

I opened the door to my room, and was shocked to see Layla and Vincent kissing.

She quickly stood up, staring at me.

“Oh sorry Hailey. This isn’t your room anymore. It’s mine and Vincent’s. You can go in the guest room opposite us” she said and I nodded slowly, still staring at Vincent.

“Vincent. Follow me” Layla grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathroom.

“Hailey, let’s go” Jay mumbled pulling me out of the room.

He walked towards the guest room and walked inside, sitting on the bed

“I’m sorry Hailey, but I can’t do this anymore” I froze, closing the door.

“What?” I whispered looking at him.

“I know you love him Hailey. I know. I could see it in your eyes. They way you felt, when he hugged you, the way you got angry when you saw Layla and Vincent kissing. You didn’t even realise that you were squeezing my hand” he smiled at me.

“No Jay. I love you”

“You don’t Hailey. You love the time you spend with me. You love the feeling of being loved” Oh.

“No-” he shook his head walking towards me.

“Hailey. Don’t worry about it. We’ll still be friends. Always will be” he cupped my face, leaning down towards me.

“Jay, I’m sorry. I didn’t kn-” he smiled at me.

“I know Hailey. Love happens at different times. It could happen so fast that you won’t even realise it. It’s okay. I know its not your fault.” I nodded slowly.

“Can I kiss you, for the last time?” He whispered staring at my lips.

I leaned up and placed my lips on his slowly.

“I will always love you Jay. Always” I mumbled and he chuckled, biting my lip slowly.

“I know you will. I’m lovable” he crashed his lips on mine.

Our lips moved in sync, as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling myself closer to him.

“One last time” I smirked and he chuckled,locking the door behind me.

“One last time” he turned around, laying me on the bed.

He pulled my blue shirt off,leaving me in my black lace bra.

“Fuck” he muttered taking my shorts off, leaving in my black lace panties.

“One last time” I giggled, pulling him down towards me.

“One last time” he smirked against my lips.

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