“Hailey! Someones at the door for you” I heard grandma shout from downstairs.

I walked downstairs and towards the door to see Layla.

“Oh. Hi Layla.” I welcomed her inside.

“Hi Hailey. Before you ask, I got your address from Tyler. He’s my uncle” Oh.

“Was there something you needed?” She nodded

“There’s a party today at 8, and I was hoping you could come?” I shook my head

“I don’t do well with parties” she smiled

“I’ll be there with you. Don’t you want to socialise?”

“I don’t do well with socialising” she giggled.

“What do you do well with then?”

“Taking naps and eating” I said as she sat down on the sofa.

“Why don’t you come to my house, and we can hang out until the party?”

“Layla I don’t want to go-”

“Please?” She pouted

“Ugh! Fine” I groaned as she stood up

“Let’s go”

“You go wait outside. I’ll be back in two seconds” she nodded walking out and I ran to the kitchen.

“Grandma,I’m going to a friends house. But if you want I can stay” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Oh no sweetie. Go and enjoy yourself. I’ll be home anyway. I met a nice lady yesterday, and she’s coming today. I’m going to show how to cook” Grandma said and I smiled but then frowned.

“Yesterday? Did you leave the house alone? And you walked? Grandma” she shrugged looking at me.

“Don’t worry about me Hailey. Go enjoy yourself at the party”

“You know?”

“That lovely friend of yours told me” I smiled hugging her tightly.

“I promise to be back quickly. At 10. It’s 5 now, so 5 hours?” She nodded as I kissed her cheek.

“I love you”

“Love you too sweetie” I ran out of the house and to Layla who was standing next to my car.

“Are we taking my car?”

“Oh no. We’re walking it” I nodded following her into the forest.

Today all I’ve been doing is sitting down and reading books. When I woke up in the opening, I opened the curtains, and caught Vincent hiding behind a tree. When I pulled the window up, no one was standing there. Fucking stalker

“Did you listen to anything I said?” Layla smirked stopping and I bumped into her back.

“Shit. What?” I stepped back.

“My house is quite big. You could say like a castle?” She shrugged walking up a hill.

“You have to be royalty to live in a castle, Layla” she laughed

“No you don’t” I nodded knowing she was true.

“Unless your parents are rich?” She said and I nodded

As soon as we reached the top of the hill, there was a whole village in front of us.

“This is where I live” she smiled at me, looking at my shocked face.

“Are you telling the truth? What’s this place called?”

“Lockridge Falls. It’s still the same place you live in. The only difference is that everyone living in this place is family.” Fuck she has a big family.

“There’s about 50 houses here” she nodded as we walked down the hill, past a couple of trees, marked with an X.

“Layla, I want to go hom-” everyone was staring at me.

“Don’t be silly Hailey. Nobody is going to bite you” she grabbed my hand and walked down the steps towards a fucking castle.

“Were you serious?” She nodded walking inside.

“Mom, I’m home” she shouted and a couple walked out of a room.

“Layla, I told you not to shout. Who’s your friend?”

Why does everyone’s parents look like their siblings,in this town?

“Mom, dad, this is Hailey. Hailey, this is my mom, Summer, and my dad, Adam” I waved slightly.

“We’ll be in my room” she grabbed my hand and pulled me up the spiral stairs.

As soon as we reached the steps, Vincent walked out of a room, shirtless.

“Bella?” He questioned confused, but still had a small smirk on his lips

“She’s staying with me” Layla pulled me to a room. I walked inside, as she closed the door. I turned around to see a baby blue and white room. There was a bed in the middle, with two doors, on each side.

“Nice room”

“Thank you”

She pulled me to her bed and we both sat down.

“Soo?” She looked at me.


“Do you like Vincent?” I cringed

“No. I don’t like him.” She frowned


“Because” I shrugged just as the door opened and a girl walked in.

“Layla, when my mom gets here, can you tell her I’m at my friends house” she said

“Yes Alexa” she smiled and walked out.

“That’s Alexa. Vincent’s younger sister. She’s 14.” I nodded

“Why are you talking about Vincent? Oh yeah, you dated him. May I ask why he broke it off with you?” She nodded

“He found his other half” I was confused

“You believe in stuff like that? Don’t you think it’s cliché?” She smirked

“Vincent is all up for cliché. His whole family is, practically” I nodded

“Oh.” I stayed quiet.

“So who’s his other half?”

“Someone really close” Shit

“Not me right?” She froze

“How did you know?”

“I am?” I stood up

“I don’t want to be. I don’t want to be with him. He can’-” Vincent walked inside smirking.

“I’m stealing Bella” he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. He walked towards a room, and opened the door, pulling me inside.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to talk to Vincent. The more I ignore him, the better.

I looked around the room, and it all consisted of two colours. Black and red. The walls were black and the furniture were red.

“Bella, sit down” I ignored him, standing where I was.

“Bella?” Nope.

“Bella” No

“Bella” Don’t

“Bella” Ugh.

“What?” I shouted

“Fuck” I muttered

“Why are you ignoring me?” Yep.

“Bella” No

“Fuck Bella” he pushed me against the doors. This guy has something for doors.

“I hate it when people ignore me” he whispered staring at me. I lowered my head, not looking into his dark eyes.

“Don’t look away from me Bella” he lifted my chin up.

“Vincent just leave me alone”

“It’s hard to do that” I rolled my eyes.

“What do you want from me?”

I’ll make you fall for me, baby” he nuzzles his face in between my shoulder and neck.

I freeze.

“Can you move back?” I whispered ignoring the shiver I felt, as he planted small kisses on my neck, leading towards my jaw.

“What’s the magic word, baby?” He whispered, trailing kisses towards my mouth.

“I love Vincent” he stepped back. I was scared. He had this glint in his eyes, as if he knew something I didn’t.

“Good. Now, I’ll make sure you say it, like you mean it.” He mumbled walking away from me towards his window.

“Don’t leave” he chuckled

Don’t listen to him

I turned around about to open the door, when he grabbed my hand turning me around. He had a cigarette in between his lip.

“I. Said. Don’t. Leave.” He blew smoke on my face and I pushed him away, coughing.

“Are you okay Bella?” He asked worried.

“Fuck you asshole” I shouted walking out of the room, just to see Tyler standing there, with Layla.

“What’s wrong?” Layla asked and I looked at Tyler.

“Can you tell your son to leave me alone. For good. Or I’ll leave the school” he nodded

“I need to go to the party” I muttered at Layla and she squeaked, pulling me into her room.

“Our outfits!” She exclaimed running to her closet.

“I’m okay in this” I pointed to my jeans and a tank top.

“Nope” she said walking out with a couple of dresses.

“Nope” I shook my head

“Why?” She whined

“I don’t wear dresses” she nodded

“Theses are some clothes I never got around to wearing” she said walking back inside her closet.

“But you can wear it.” She said coming out with white shorts and a grey tank top.

“It shows too much skin” she sighed.

“It will be dark outside. Nobody will see you” she handed me the clothes.


“Nope. Either this or a short, tight, black dress” I shook my head.

“Now go in the bathroom and get changed” she said pointing to a door next to her bed.

I walked in side to see big bathroom. Gold tiles, with a white outline.

I quickly got changed into the clothes, and tied my hair in a ponytail tail. I grabbed my clothes, stuffing my phone in my pocket, and walked out of the bathroom to see Layla dressed in a black dress. She looked amazing.

“Nope. Let your hair down.” She walked towards me, pulling my hair tie out.

“Perfect. Make up?” I shook my head and she nodded

“Same. I’m not wearing any as well just lipgloss” she handed me a clear lipgloss. I wore on my lips and she smiled.

“Perfect. Kylie texted me saying the party started early.”

“Where is the party?”

“In the forest. That made it sound bad. I mean it’s in the forest, still makes it sound bad” she mumbled to herself.

“Let’s go” she grabbed my hand and pulling me out of her room and downstairs.

“I’m going out dad” she shouted pulling me out of the castle. I still can’t believe she lives in a castle.

“It’s just around the corner” she said and I looked behind me to see we were further away from the castle. She must have pulled me.

“Here we are” I could hear the music loud,but it wasn’t really loud. I looked around to see people dancing, fairy lights on the trees, food on a table.

And two wolves fighting.

“Fuck” I shouted stepping back, and the music stopped, and everyone looked at me.

“Oh no! Wolves” Layla looked around, staring at the wolves.

“Move away everyone” I shouted and everyone listened standing in the corner.

“Shall we call Tyler?”

“No!” Everyone shouted as the wolves ran into into the forest.

“I’m not leaving this place alone” I grabbed Layla’s hand, as the music turned back on.

“Forget about them. They must have got scared. Let’s get drunk” she pulled me to a table with drinks on it.

“Vodka?” She asked pulling out shots glasses.

“Let me warn you. I get drunk quickly” I said and she smirked

“Let’s drink to that” she gave me a shot glass.

“Cheers” we gulped down the bitter drink.


“And we’re going to be dancing all night!” I sang throwing my hands up in the air.

“Whoop whoop!” Layla twirled me around.

My favourite song came out. Love Me Like You Do.

“Yay!!” Layla and I shouted just as she was pulled by Kylie to the side.

Someone wrapped their arms around me, and pulled me back towards them.

“How you doing baby?” He whispered running a hand down my thigh.

“Leave me alone” I mumbled feeling dizzy.

“I’m going fuck you so hard tonight, you’ll be screaming my name” he whispered and I turned around and pushed him away.

“You bitch” he shouted about to hit me, but someone grabbed his hand. Vincent.

“You fucking bastard” he punched him

“Jason, take this asshole to the cells” Vincent said and the boys took him away.

“Party’s over” Vincent shouted over the music, and the music died down.

“Oh. My favourite song” I whispered under my breath as Vincent lifted my chin up, his eyes full of concern.

“Are you okay Bella?” I nodded looking around for Layla

“Where did Layla go? She’s going to take me home” I muttered walking around him, and looking around.

“Layla has gone. I’ll take you home” he grabbed my hand,turning me around.

“But I-” he shook his head walking through the forest with me behind him.

“Do you like me getting angry?” He asked


“I won’t ask again Bella”

“I haven’t gotten you angry”

“Yes you did. Telling my dad to not let me come near you? Why? And you were dancing, like nobody was watching. Everyone was watching you, Bella. Everyone. And plus you wear this? Do you want me to kill everyone?” He shouted as we neared my house.

“You don’t own me” he chuckled darkly, turning around to look at me.

“Oh Bella. I do” he whispered staring into my eyes.

“No” I whispered

“Yes I do. I get what I want. And I want you”

“You can’t have me”

“Yes I can. You only belong to me”

“No I don’t.” I muttered leaving his hand and walking inside my house. The lights were all off. I turned the lights on seeing a blood trail on the floor leading to the kitchen. I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen.

Opening the door, I was shocked to see grandma on the floor, laying in a pool of blood.

“Grandma” I screamed running towards her.

Writing in the blood was: I did it Bella.

“Wake up. Please” I whispered pulling out my phone to call an ambulance.

“Bella? Fuck” I heard Vincent’s voice behind me.

“Don’t! Don’t come near me!” I shouted looking at grandma. She was cold, and not breathing. The ambulance said that they’ll be here in an hour. That’s too long.

“Please” I whispered touching her cheek, tears running down my face.

“Please don’t leave me” I whispered holding her hand, and sitting close to her. I had blood all over me. My grandma’s blood.

“No!” I shouted hoping she would wake up.


“I said don’t! Leave me alone, or I’ll kill you Vincent” I shouted tears running down my eyes, just as the back door opened and Tyler ran inside with the woman, Vincent claimed to be his mom.

“Tyler, she’s not waking up” I looked at him, hoping he would do something.

“It’s okay Hailey. I’m here” he sat down next to grandma, feeling her hand, her neck and her forehead before taking a deep breath.

“I’m sorry Hailey, but Susan’s gone” Susan is my grandma. She can’t be gone.

“No. The ambulance is going to come and make her better. She was fine, before I left. She was going to cook with someone” the woman stepped forward.

“She was perfectly okay, when she was teaching how to bake.”

“I told grandma I didn’t like this place. It’s filled with creppy people. And now? Now I have no one” I whispered sitting in the corner, pulling my knees up and laying my head on them.

“You have me Bella”

“No! This is all your fault Vincent

What did my grandma do to you! If you want me, you have me! But grandma? Really?” I shouted staring at him, as tears rolled down my face.

“Why her?” I whispered staring at her dead body.

“What do you mean?” Tyler asked me and I pointed to the message on the wall

No one had see it yet.

It was written in blood. Grandma’s blood.


“No mom!” Vincent shouted walking towards me, and getting down on his knees.

“I promise Bella. I didn’t do anything” he whispered lifting my chin up.

“Don’t touch me.”

I stood up and ran upstairs to my room.

“Why!” I screamed crying, throwing things on the floor.

“Bella?” Vincent walked into the room

“Don’t.” He walked towards me, and pulled me to him, hugging me.

“Leave me alone” I shouted but to no use.

I punched him in the chest, bit he still didn’t move.

“Why Vincent? Why” I whispered feeling tired.

“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t do it, Bella?”

“No” I blanked out.

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