Touched by Darkness: (Sins of The Fallen Book 2)
Touched by Darkness: Chapter 20

“Is this really necessary?” she asks when I escort her to her next class the following day.

The perk of being me is that the crowd of students parts when I come walking.

“Daemon’s orders. You’re not allowed to be left unsupervised while there’s a stalker on the loose.”

She huffs a breath, adjusting the book she cradles to her chest. I make no secret of studying her as we turn a corner, and she does a double take.


“I’m trying to figure you out, is all. Unlike Daemon, I’m not convinced by your story or that you’re not a threat to him when the darkness has a hold on you. What’s stopping you from losing yourself completely one day and killing him?”

She stops abruptly and turns to look at me. “Is that what you think? That I’m plotting some grand scheme with Amenadiel? Or that I’ll kill Daemon?”

I simply shrug, my hands shoved deep into my jeans pockets.

Chewing on her lip, she stares up at me as if searching for something. There’s a vulnerability in her eyes that she tries to hide, and when she looks away, I find myself following her.

No, that’s not right… my body follows her as if she tugs on a lead attached to my heart.

It’s so jarring that I stumble back a step.

Her brown eyes land on me and she frowns. “Are you okay?”

“Never been fucking better.” I walk away, my skin itching with unease.

“What happened to ‘not leaving me unsupervised?’” she asks as she catches up.

I don’t look at her, choosing instead to keep my gaze locked on the doors up ahead. “You followed, didn’t you?”

She ignores the poison in my tone. “I’m not planning anything with Daemon’s uncle. What do you want me to do to prove it, Alaric? I’m at my wit’s end here. As for the darkness, I don’t have the answers.”

That last comment makes me draw to a sudden halt, and she keeps walking a few steps before realizing I’ve stopped.

She turns to me again, brows furrowed. “Alaric?”

“So you admit that you might hurt him?”

Visibly flinching, she looks away. “What do you want me to say?” Her brown eyes clash with mine, imploring me to listen. “I don’t understand my own darkness, so I’m not gonna lie and pretend otherwise.”

“Learn to control it.”

“I’m trying.”

“You’re not trying hard enough.”

Her mouth falls open, and I shoulder past her.

“Fuck you, Alaric!” she shouts. “You know nothing.”

I whirl on the spot, then storm back to her and grab her hair. The silky strands pull taut between my fingers as I drag her over to the nearest janitor’s closet and force her inside.

Her back connects with the shelf behind her, and she gasps, but before she can open her mouth to protest, I’ve shut the door, trapped her against the cleaning products, and grabbed her by the throat in an entirely possessive grip that stirs my cock. I’ll be in a shitload of trouble with Daemon if he gets wind of this. He’s the leader of our group, and we don’t act without his orders.

But that doesn’t stop me from diving down to sink my teeth into her neck. I drink from her in long pulls, and she grips my shoulders while making these breathy whimpers deep in her throat that drive me insane.

I drink and drink.

I drink to the point where I know I should stop, or I might drain her. Still, I continue drinking.

When I finally allow my throbbing incisors to retreat from her neck, her grip on my shoulders is weak. I like her like this, at my mercy, with heavy eyes and parted lips.

Palming the back of her neck, I pull her away from the shelf and slam my mouth to hers.

Our kiss is raw, delicious, and dirty.

I bite her lip until blood explodes, and she snarls.

The animal in her slowly wakes up, stretching its limbs and shaking out its fur.

The fire within her burns with mine.

I kiss her deeper and harder, tasting my own desire on her tongue. Fingers tangling in her hair, my hard cock digs into her stomach, and my groans drown out her soft, feminine moans. I should stop this and step back in line. I’m not the heir to the throne. I’m touching something that isn’t mine. Something Daemon has staked a claim on.

Maybe that’s what makes her taste so fucking mouthwatering.

I wrench away from her succubus lips, grab her chin, and drag my teeth over the curve of her jaw all the way to her ear, then whisper, “Is this part of your plan? To divide us? Tear us apart from the inside out?”

She turns to ice in my arms, and I don’t like it at all, but the poison continues to spew from my lips. “It won’t work. You’re a cheap whore, and you mean nothing to us. Daemon might be fooled by your tight pussy and soft lips, but you don’t fool me.”

Her lips peel back, and she shoves me off with surprising strength, despite the blood loss, before slapping me hard.

“How fucking dare you, Alaric? You’re nothing but a puppet. You can’t even act without Daemon’s permission. You’re nothing. You’re no one. You’re always in second plac—”

I’m on her, cutting off her airflow with my fingers around her neck. I wrench up her skirt and snap her panties straight off before shoving them in my back pocket and cupping her cunt.

A wicked smile finds its way to my lips when I tease her slit with a single finger. “Like I said, a cheap whore.”

Her tight pussy welcomes my fingers home like a lost sailor at sea. She’s so wet that I meet no resistance at all.

“Look at how greedy your cunt is for my fingers.” I demonstrate by curling them inside her slick heat, and a strangled, choked moan dances on her luscious lips.

I fight the urge to ravage them like a feral animal. I’m in control, and this is dominance play. I’m proving a point by fingering her pussy like it’s my own personalized toy, tailored specifically for me.

“Feels good, hmm?”

Her eyes threaten to close, so I slide my fingers out, force them into her mouth, then growl when she bites me hard enough to make my cock jump in its denim confines.

I ram my fingers back inside her cunt and yank down her dress. Her full breasts spill free, bobbing in the dim glow from the gap in the door. It’s almost painful to look at her like this in the throes of pleasure.

Her breaths come in quick bursts that fan my collarbones, and her brown eyes peer up at me as if I’m her heavenly savior.

I am a lot of things.

A savior is not one of them.

I’m the reaper who’s here to steal her soul and grab it from Daemon’s clutches so I can play with her for a while before handing her back in pieces for him to feast on.

Her tight little pussy clamps down on my fingers, and I finally give in to the urge to suck her bottom lip between my teeth.

“Say it,” I whisper. “Tell me you’re a whore.”

She pulls free from my grip on her throat and stares at the wall. The defiance in her gaze is catnip, designed to lure monsters out of the shadows. It’s a beacon calling to something far darker than the Devil.

I slide my fingers out and slap her pussy. She still doesn’t look at me, so I slap it again and again until her knees threaten to buckle. My hand disappears from beneath her skirt, and I crowd her against the shelf, then tuck her hair behind her ears. “I want to hear the words from your lips, little witch.”

Her eyes flick to mine, sparkling with tears, and she bites out, “I’m a whore.”

My smile spreads, flashing fangs. “Yeah, you are.” Palming over her back, I pull her into me so that we’re flush against each other. This way, I can feel her shaky breaths and the press of her luscious, naked tits.

I flip her hair away from her shoulder and let my fingers brush over her pulse point, where her heartbeat thunders in rhythm with mine. She’s perfection.

The perfect weapon to destroy the people I love.

And that makes her dangerous.

And for reasons unbeknownst to me, my dick likes that a little bit too much.

“How does it feel?” she breathes. “To defy the heir to the throne. Your best friend.”

I kiss her then. If for no other reason than to shut her up. That’s what I tell myself when I grab her hips, lift her up against the shelf, and drag my fingers up the outside of her smooth thighs, over the curve of her ass, until the skirt bunches around her slender waist. Her round ass molds perfectly in my hands as I grind my hard dick against her soaking cunt.

“You’re making a mess of my jeans,” I taunt, unbuttoning them one-handed and freeing my rock-hard length.

If I don’t take her now, I’ll die. I need to bury myself so deep inside her that I forget my own name.

“Alaric,” she moans as I grip the shelf behind her head. Her eyes lock with mine, and for one brief second, we breathe each other’s air. Then I impale her in one thrust, making her cry out, muffling the sound with my hand. The door isn’t locked, and the last thing we need is for someone to come in here.

I wouldn’t stop if they did.

I would fuck her and stake a claim in front of the intruder before chasing them down and cutting their throat for seeing her like this, with her eyes blown wide and her swollen tits bouncing wildly.

“Your soaking pussy is strangling my dick, little witch.”

Her intangible response vibrates against the palm of my hand, but I don’t let her speak. I don’t want her words. I want her pleasure. I want those big brown eyes to watch me fuck her like she’s my own fuck toy. And I want her to love every fucking second of it.

I lean back, grip her hip, and watch her pussy swallow my dick over and over before I pull out and slide the slick, veiny length over her swollen clit once… twice… Then I fill her up again and grit my teeth.

“You should see how greedy your cunt is, little witch. How much it loves my cock.” I bury myself to the hilt and groan deep in my chest.

She feels so fucking good.

I should stay away.

Not let her steal my sanity like this. I’m falling right into her trap, like a helpless fly awaiting the spider to devour it.

I push off the shelf, my cock leaving her tight heat. Guiding her down onto all fours, I drop to my knees and drag my fingers through her hair. “I wanna fuck that pretty mouth of yours while you stare up at me with that defiance.”

Palming my dick, I prod her lips. She tries to pull away, but I tighten my grip on her hair. My dick slides up her cheek before I try again, and this time, she reluctantly opens her mouth.

“Fuck, that’s it. Be a good girl now and choke on my cock.”

My knuckles turn white, buried in her hair as I thrust my hips, hitting that sweet spot at the back of her throat over and over. “Do you wish Ronan or Daemon was here to fuck that needy pussy while I take your mouth? Your holes are mine to play with. And once I’m done with your mouth, I’m gonna stuff your cunt full of my cum.”

My chest heaves as I fuck her mouth mercilessly, chasing whatever magic she possesses at the tip of her tongue. She’s a damn drug—the worst kind.

The kind that will see me crawling to her for more.

It doesn’t matter how much I degrade her; seeing her gag on my cock with her ass in the air only intensifies my need for her.

I don’t trust her. I even want to hate her.

But I can’t.

Three more punishing, deep thrusts before I pull out and maneuver her around as though she’s nothing more than a rag doll for me to play with.

I slap her right ass cheek and offer the same sweet treatment to her left. I’m not happy until they sport matching handprints.

Leaning down, I bite them too, branding her with my teeth marks. Then I trail a path of bites up her back before brushing her hair away from her shoulder and sinking my fangs into her neck.

Her blood seeps into my mouth, and I grip her hair fiercely as I slam my hips home.

“This. Damn. Pussy,” I grunt, releasing her neck.

Blood drips from my incisors while I whisper filth in her ear. I fuck her like an animal because that’s what she reduces me to.

I’m nothing more than a frenzied predator.

I fuck her until her panting breaths turn into pleading whimpers. My hand slides through the sweat on her bare back as I trace my fingers over each vertebra, then encircle the back of her neck. “Say my name.”

When she slams her lips shut, I dig my fingers in.

“Say my fucking name.”

“I’m nothing but a whore, so why would I say your name?” she grits out before another sharp moan rips from her supple lips.

“Don’t pretend you don’t love it.”

Her wings flutter but soon snap shut when I trace my thumb through her juices and circle the pad over her puckered hole.

She knows I’ll fuck her ass if she spreads them.

And now I want to claim that too.

“Say my name.” I inch my finger inside. “Moan it like a whore.”

She bites down on her lip but stays silent, so I shove my thumb all the way inside while wrenching her hair back.

I push farther up on my knees and ride her pussy as her ass grips my thumb. “Last chance. Say it, or I’ll make you regret it.”

“Fuck you!” she hisses, making my cock throb.

“Such a naughty girl,” I tut as I lean over her with my hand planted on the floor, my hips pumping savagely. “Guess what? I don’t let naughty brats come. You wanna come? Then you better moan my name like a seasoned whore.”

I grab her neck, forcing her face down on the cold floor, and proceed to pump her cunt full of my cum. The release goes on and on until I feel like she’s wrung me dry.

She stays on the floor in a ruined heap as I push up to my feet and tuck my dick away. I like seeing my cum drip from her pink pussy. I like it so much, in fact, it should worry me.

“I’ll leave you to finish yourself off.”

Rolling over onto her back, she makes no move to cover herself up. A sheen of sweat has her dark hair sticking to her forehead. Her tits are decorated with my marks, and the inside of her thighs are sticky with my seed. She looks like the most beautiful and tempting seductress, an apex predator who hunts angels.

Screw weak, mortal humans. The little witch feasts on angel hearts, and she’s holding mine in the palm of her hand. As I watch, she sinks her nails into it. “You’re only one of many boys here, Alaric. You’re nothing special. I don’t have to finish myself off when I can ask the first angel I see to help me out. Do you think they would, Alaric? Do you think they’d make me scream their name with their tongue and fingers?”

My lips spread into a humorless smile. I drop to my knees in front of her and spread her damp thighs. Her puffy slit glistens deliciously.

“Do you have a death wish, little witch?” I lean down and nuzzle her cunt, then suck her pussy lips between my teeth. “Or maybe just an insatiable blood thirst? Trust me”—I drag my tongue over her pussy, tasting myself on her—“I will slaughter anyone who sees you like this.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Even Daemon?”

I bite the inside of her thigh hard, eliciting a sharp shriek from her lips. “I knew you wanted to come between us.”

Her back arches off the floor as I eat her out like it’s my personal mission to bring her to her knees, like she brings me to mine.

“You’ve already made up your mind,” she breathes out, fisting my hair and bucking her hips. “I might just as well live up to your beliefs about me.”

I don’t like her attitude, so I steal her breath with my hand around her throat and let my tongue do all the talking.

Who needs words when you can simply dominate a woman by bringing her to the brink of orgasm and then keep her suspended over the abyss until you’re satisfied she’s pliant and won’t behave like a fucking brat?

I let her circle the bait until I know for a damn fact that she’s a whore for the worm that dangles on the hook just out of reach.

Only then, when she’s ready to sell her soul to the Devil, do I remove my hand from her throat and graze her clit with my teeth.

She falls.



And then she takes the bait.


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