(Annabel POV)

Chuckling, he pressed the third bead into me quickly and with a firm {pop}, it rested in my ass as the fourth was instantly pressed to my sore, stretched rim. I cried out, burying my head against my arm as my anus was stretched. Shuddering helplessly beneath him, his chuckle sent a shiver down my spine even as my ass seemed to push back for more.

My arms were sore and aching from reaching back to hold my cheeks open as I groaned helplessly, "Don't stop ... please Master!" But even as I begged, a part of me wanted this part over with ... but then again, a part of me wanted even more.

He pushed the fourth bead against me slower this time. I knew he loved to see me quake in the mixture of both helpless need and the pain of being stretched again to take the bead. With another pop, it nestled into my tight bud, pushing the others an inch and a half deeper.

"One more Baby," he encouraged me but I managed to glance back and catch the grin on his face as he added, "But you're still not done.”

Moaning deeply, I could feel a lone tear slide down my flushed cheek as I turned my head once more. Gasping for breath, I knew that he was far finished as my ass pushed back again, trembling as I begged, "Yesssss ... do it Master ... take my ass!"

I could see him grin as I began to beg lewdly with both my words and body. Pushing the fifth and final bead against my rim, he slowed it up, as if purposely making me hurt and cry. I had always heard some pain was good in order to make the pleasure more intoxicating when it came later.

As he pushed the bead past the rim with the now-familiar {pop} until only a string dangled out, I cried out, a sob ripped from my throat as I trembled uncontrollably beneath him. Tears were racing down my cheeks as I buried my face into my arm. Red marks were undoubtedly showing on my ass cheeks where I had dug my nails into my own flesh from the intensity of it. Sobs were making my entire body quake, coupled with the buzzing on my clit and the beads shoved into my stretched hole.

"Now stand up and kiss me," he commanded, taking a step back to give me some room.

Slowly releasing my cheeks, my hands moved to the desk beneath and pushed upwards, trembling uncontrollably. My legs felt like jelly as I turned to him, flushed cheeks stained with tears as I stepped closer to the man I loved, offering my lips up to his with a sob.

He leaned down and kissed me firmly, the intimacy comforting and in that moment I could feel that he was pleased. I couldn't help but moan softly as his lips claimed mine, long lashes fluttering open as I watched him pull away, turn and walk towards his chair to sit, patting his lap in invitation. "Come," he said in a soft, soothing voice.

Willing my legs to work, I moved towards him, trying to get used to the feeling of the beads shoved deep inside of my ass. Slithering into his lap, I wiggled closer as my palms pressed to his shoulders and despite the tears, I gazed at him with lust-filled eyes.

He kissed me again, deeply this time as his strong hands pulled my hips closer to press his cock firmly against the opening of my cunt in hint. I could feel the vibrator buzzing between them and I couldn't help but moan as his lips claimed mine again.

Shifting my hips over him, I could feel my entire body on fire for him as my hands began to take on a life of their own; moving to the back of his neck, fingers delving into his hair as he positioned himself against me. My moans were lost in the recesses of his mouth and I could hear him groan softly as I shifted on top of him.

Aligning myself with his hard shaft, I could feel him pressing up against me insistently. I wanted him like no other and at times like this I knew the feeling was returned tenfold. Using my hands as leverage on his shoulders, I lifted up some to feel his cock head press against my soaking slit and then pushed down, causing his cock to slowly slide easily into the hot, moist depths.

My cunt muscles clenched around him as I cried out in lust; the sensations were almost more than I could bear! "Oh Master ... Master!" I cried as my nails slid down his shoulders to grasp at his arms. He groaned softly as my hips rocked against him, fucking him for as long as he would let me. I could feel his cock stretching my pussy just like the beads were stretching my ass. Just as my body stood hinged on the edge of another orgasm, he suddenly stilled to speak firmly.

"Go lay on the bed ... face in the pillow, ass in the air.”

I bit back a frustrated groan as he left me hanging on the edge once again. I wanted ... no, NEEDED to feel him thrust deeper within me, blue eyes melded to his momentarily as he stilled.

With a soft sigh, I reluctantly pushed off of him with a needful moan. I could feel his cock slide out, my juices trickling down over his thighs as I moved away from him with a glance backwards before laying on the bed like he commanded.

Whimpering softly, I could feel him move up to kneel on the bed behind me, his strong hands grasping my hips gently as he whispered, "Play with your cunt.”

I desperately needed him to fuck me now more than ever and a soft groan lifted as I began to beg again. "Master ... please..." Unable to stop the needful lust I felt for him, my fingers moved between my body and the bed to touch and tease, pushing against my gaping cunt and the vibrator that continued to push me to the limits of my bare-thread control. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I moaned into the pillow, my fingers clenching the sheets beneath me as he leaned down to lick at my pussy, sucking the dripping juices from my petals. My hips pushed back, needful for more as he grasped the string dangling from my ass and pulled just a bit, causing my tight rosebud to clench. The fifth bead pressed against the inside of my anus, but he didn't pull it hard enough for it to come out. A searing sore pain shot through me as his actions mirrored those of pulling the beads out but instead, he alternated pulling the string with pressing a finger against my ass, sodomizing me with the beads. I could sense the tension building and knew I was quickly approaching another climax. "Beg me to fuck your ass harder," he said. I want to know when you're cumming.”

Gasping at his command, I could only groan and nod in answer as I drew a deep shaky breath. My whole body was tightly coiled, hinging on the next release as I began to beg in a stronger voice than I realized I had at this point. "Fuck my ass Master ... oh God, please do it ... harder, oh Master!" Apparently he was eager to do it because he began fucking me with the beads harder and a bit faster but still ... not pulling them out. Instead he just ground them into my stuffed, sore asshole. I knew he delighted in holding me suspended in those agonizing moments of pre-orgasm, prolonging them in that point of no return. They were, admittedly, delicious but not being able to cum was ripping through me!

I moaned as a shudder coursed right through me, suddenly realizing that a part of me was actually starting to enjoy this. My ass was pushing back some as if in blatant invitation for him to continue; my fingers were curling deeper into the sheets in pleasure as I moaned uncontrollably.

"Ohhhhh ... mmmmm ... please, daddy please!"

I could see him grinning at my obvious pleasure, grinding the beads right into my tight little hole and shoving them deeper with his finger. Then he would pull on them again just until the fifth bead pressed tightly, painfully against the swollen rosebud with the threat of popping out. The instant I started to spread to let it go, he would pop it back in, pushing it deep and hard.

Gasping and crying out as he teased my sore hole, I was unable to deny the pleasure erupting between my trembling thighs. When he ground the beads in deeper, my fingers thrust into my spasming cunt as I writhed before him, crying out for release.

"Ohhhhh ... fuck me ... oh daddy ... yessssss, please!"

I could feel him watching me stroke and tease myself as he tugged at the beads more insistently, making me clamp down to keep them inside. Then he shoved them back inside deep and hard, the full length of his middle finger fucking me as I began to beg more and more lewdly. I could sense the building tension in me about ready to explode.

Writhing beneath him, I began to jerk a bit more wildly, my fingers plunging into my hot, wet depths. The sensations were building, pushing me closer and closer to the edge as my ass clenched around the beads. I was hungry to feel him fill me in that way ... spread until I couldn't take any more and I cried out, the mere thought of it sending me over the edge, my whole body tensing and quaking before him.

When the first indication of my climax was apparent, he pulled the string just hard enough for one of the beads to pop out. With the second squeeze, another popped out ... each contraction releasing another bead to empty me, making me feel emptier than I had in my entire life. Screaming out with the intensity of my orgasm, I muffled my cries into his pillow as my fingers buried deep into my trembling cunt. As he slowly pulled the beads out, my ass clenched at the air almost as if it was reluctant to let them go. As my orgasm began to subside, I suddenly gave way to the intensity of our session and sobbed into the pillow, my whole body spasming and shaking.

I could feel him reach down between my legs to press the vibrator against my clit, suddenly remembering that it was there. I jerked, the movement almost breaking the position he had put me in as my head came off the pillow, crying out in surprise.

The sensation on my hyper-sensitive flesh caused my eyes to fly open only to find his gaze on me. Tears were streaming down my flushed cheeks and my eyes closed as he leaned in to kiss them away tenderly, caringly ... reassuring me once again that he would do anything for me.

His lips were affectionate against my face as he continued to sensually grind the vibrator against me. I gasped, knowing he was trying to drive me towards another orgasm. My voice was husky as I groaned, "Ohhhh God! ... Master ..."

Small little spasms continued to rocket through me, unable to stop them any more than I could have stopped a freight train with just the simple command of 'no'. I could hear him whispering soft nothings as he drove me unmercifully.

"You did so good baby ... don't stop now. You're such a good girl ... Daddy loves you." He kissed me firmly for a moment before pulling back, continuing to rock pressure on the vibrator, tilting it this way and that over my clit. It was humming violently against the super-sensitive hardened nub and surrounding petals.

My whimpers were evolving into moans that morphed into screams and then back to mews as he continued to drive me forward. My body responded to him like I had never responded to another, his words melting over me like a security blanket. He comforted me and I trusted him completely, even as my body continued to spasm almost violently.

"That's it baby ... just cum,” he reassured me, his voice strong in my ear. "Tell me when you've had enough and we'll sleep.”

His pressed the vibrator harder against my clit, causing me to cry out one more time as my whole body spasmmed and jerked. Unable to hold the position any more as I screamed, I collapsed against him as he held me, a single word brushed past my lips in a hoarse whisper, "Mercy ..."

He pulled back, instantly releasing the straps of the vibrator from around my thighs to toss it away and then wrapping me up in the safety of his arms, I could hear him murmur softly about how good I had been and that it was going to be okay.

I whimpered helplessly, my whole world trembling as I simply drifted into his arms. I felt so secure there as my cheek rested to his shoulder, small spasms still coursing through me as I moaned gently .. softly, not having the strength to hold onto him

"That's it baby ... just relax,” he said, rocking me slowly in his embrace as he spoke in slow, soothing tones.

Inhaling deeply, a sudden sob choked me again at the intensity of it as my arms finally found their strength. I clung to him like a drowning man to a life raft as my face buried into his neck, the spasms starting to lessen and subside. One arm snaked up and around his neck as I moved my face so that my mouth was by his ear, my voice shaky but somewhat clear as I whispered, "Oh God Dean... I ... I... I love you so much.”

He held me tightly to him, rubbing my back. It was comforting and gave me something tangible to focus on aside from his voice.

"I'm so proud of you girl ... you did good ... real good,” he assured me with a grin

Inhaling deeply once more, my eyes fluttered closed and then slowly opened, leaning back slowly as they focused on his face. I looked at him for a long moment before I said, "Thank you daddy, my master" a small smile flirting on trembling lips as my hand gently came up to touch his face.

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