Off in the distance, birds chirp, their cheery song making me want to hurl this journal at them. I’m sitting in the living room of our cabin, my head whirring with everything I’ve learned over the past couple of hours.

I mean, I knew Blanca had her secrets, but this is all too much.

Not only was she hiding the fact that Cárdenas was Penelope’s father, making her a cartel Princess if there ever was one. But she’d been stepping out on me this entire time. A mystery man she never named in her journal, but he was there nonetheless.

This entry in particular, I’ve been going over and over in my head. How did I not see it? Yes, she’d been taking frequent trips away from the kids and me, and yes, we hadn’t been intimate in ages—but I thought it was the supposed stress she was under. She blamed her mood on the responsibilities she took on as the leader of her women’s league.

What a crock of shit. My eyes scan the passage one more time. Maybe if I read it again it’ll all make sense.

A sardonic laugh breaks past my lips. Karma is real. The mother of my children never got to live her life doing who she loved—at least not on the regular.

The journal is heavy in my hand, weighing more than is humanly possible. I can’t stand it. Gathering up the festering hate I’ve manifested the past couple of hours, I do what I wanted earlier and hurl the fucking thing clear across the room. The force of it makes it whoosh through the air before it makes a loud thud, the leather and paper slamming against the wall but remaining the pile of shit that it is.

“Did that make you feel better?” A sweet voice breaks through the all-consuming rage, abating the deep ache and replacing it with peace.

“No. But hearing your voice did.” There’s no humor in my tone. I’m dead fucking serious.

Staring at her parted mouth, it seems my honesty has left her speechless.

Can’t say that I blame her. Complimentary is the last word that comes to mind when I think of how I’ve treated her all this time. But it’s because of what she stirs inside.

Even now, her parted lips have my dick going hard and my breath turning ragged. It’s like they’re an open invitation to slide inside, pumping myself in and out of that warm, wet mouth. Would she take me in deep, or would she be a shy little thing, barely licking the tip?

We’re lost in this silent stare off, both of our chests rising and falling to the same beat. There’s a heavy tension in the air and I have no doubt she feels it too. Jesus. My heart feels like it’s going to implode if I don’t touch her.

How could I not? She’s standing there in a white cotton nightgown held up by thin little straps, the fabric doing nothing to hide her nipples pebbling and begging to be sucked.

That’s the last straw, making my feet move despite the alarms going off in my head and telling me that this is all kinds of wrong. She’s so young. She’s the nanny. She’s still married. None of it matters as I inch toward her delectable body.

I’ve had enough of my guilt to serve me an eternity and it’s time I go after what I want. Fuck the memory of Blanca and the bullshit image she left behind. Fuck the wasted years, all shrouded in deceit. Taking my dead wife’s advice, I plan on living my life doing what and who I love.

Not hesitating, I tightly grip her jaw and press my hard body into hers. She’s perfect, fitting me like she was meant to be there all along.

“Austin?” Anaya’s brows furrow. She’s breathing fast and heavy as I grab her thigh and hike it up onto my hip.

Despite her question, she’s opening for me, her heat pressing against my length and making the fucker twitch against her core.

“Yes, baby?” She’s mewling and I can’t help but grind my aching cock into her. Fucking hell. Even this brief moment of friction has me threatening to spill into my slacks. My need for Anaya is unbearable. I need inside her. Now.

“What are you doing?” Her lips speak of confusion, but her actions speak of lust.

Like a horny teenager, the nanny’s pussy grinds into my weeping cock, humping me on every upward thrust.

“What we both need.” Lowering my head to the crook of her neck, I latch on and suck. Damn, she’s delicious.

Anaya hisses, but her hips never stop their movement. “You plan on leaving me high and dry again? Because if that’s the game you’re playing, I’m not interested.”

I chuckle, her words making my chest rumble as it fills with warmth. “You’re a feisty little brat, aren’t you?”

I slide a hand between us and gently slap her pussy. Heaven on earth, that’s what she is.

Never has carnal pleasure brought me to my knees, but as I stare at the soaked lace clinging to her puffy lips, I just know that this will be the Woman that changes it all.

Unable to hold back any longer, I push the tiny triangle of fabric to the side, sliding a thick finger through her silky folds. “Fuck, baby. You’re soaking wet.”

Anaya moans, pushing herself into my hand. “I am. What are you going to do about it?” There it is. That fire I love so much.

“Keep sassing and find out.” With one hard tug, I rip her panties off, dropping the fabric before kicking her legs open wide and slapping her pussy hard. “Be good for Daddy. I don’t want to take it out on this sweet little thing before she’s ready.”

Anaya moans, her back arching and pressing her full tits against my chest. “The kids… they’ll be up soon. We can’t.”

“We can, and we will. It’ll have to be quick, but I’m done denying myself.” My thumb hones in on her little nub, swirling around the hard pearl over and over again until her breath and whining are at a fever pitch. “You’re mine now, baby. Mine to pleasure. Mine to protect.”

Anaya mewls, her hips bucking into my hand as heavy-lidded eyes stare back into mine, but she doesn’t answer.

“Tell me you want this, Anaya. Tell me you need your daddy.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Yes. Yes, please. I need you, Daddy.” She’s panting, using her legs around as leverage to ride my hand as much as her position allows.

That’s it, the only thread that was holding me back. Her consent. Now that I have it, not even God himself could hold me back.

She’s slick and warm as I insert three fingers at once, groaning at the tightness that surrounds them. Holy shit, she’s fucking tight. A kinder man would’ve started with one, eased her into this, but I’m not kind and she needs to get used to my girth.

I pump into her with hard, long strokes, pressing up into her inner wall and making her cry out in pleasure.

“God, Austin.” She’s digging into my shoulders so tightly, I’m sure she’s drawing blood. “More. I need more.”

Her words demolish me. She needs me, and that knowledge sends my primal instincts into overdrive.

I undo my pants with eager fingers and my throbbing cock breaks free, pulsing so hard the tip slaps against Anaya’s stomach. The action brings her eyes to my manhood, and I can’t deny that the look of awe in her eyes makes me grow even harder.

“You’re so big.”

Grabbing her by the ass, I lift her against the wall and wrap her long legs around my waist. “What’s wrong, baby? Worried it won’t fit?”

She gives me a nervous nod as the column of her delicate throat undulates, the vision filling me with nothing but filthy thoughts. God, I can’t wait to slide up in there.

“Don’t worry, baby. Daddy promises to make it feel good.” I grind my bare cock against her, letting my length glide between her folds and making her whimper.

She’s coming alive under my touch, a feral look taking her over as the fat head of my cock rubs against her clit. Oh, yes. My baby likes how we fit and I’m not even inside. I need to give her more.

Anaya gasps on an upward stroke, giving me the opening to take her mouth and taste the sweetest lips on this earth.

She’s moaning into me as I guide her toward my needy tip, her legs shaking around me as I lower her wet little hole ever so slowly onto my pulsing length.

Shit. All coherent thought leaves me as her walls hug me tight, that first moment of sliding into her instantly becoming my favorite thing in life.

Christ. You’re so tight. My sweet little thing.” I’m vibrating, my whole body trembling from the most exquisite sensation. Never in my life has any woman felt this good. Not my wife, and not anyone before her.

Who knew my nanny would be the key to unlocking unworldly pleasures? Certainly not me. But now that I do, I’m not letting go.

“Mmmmph. You feel sooo good.” Anaya writhes against me, the bottom of her feet pressing against the back of my thighs as she rises and falls on my aching cock.

“Baby girl, keep squeezing me like that and I won’t last.”

Her blue eyes fall to mine, a wicked grin spreading across her full lips. “Challenge accepted.”

Goddamn. Anaya throws herself into our fucking, arching her back on every downward stroke, only to grind her hot pussy at my base before every retreat. She’s going to kill me, right here and now.

Needing to regain control, I leverage her weight against the wall, lifting her nightgown so her gorgeous tits are exposed, the two mounds bouncing up with every upward thrust. My eyes trail down from her perky breasts down to where our bodies are joined, the sight making my knees weak. “So. Damn. Perfect.”

Seeing us connected like this—my hard, pulsating length coated in her sweetness as it disappears into her soft pink folds—it’s my everything. She’s my everything.

With a guttural roar, I pound into her soft flesh, bringing a hand to a bouncing tit before slapping it, making the pale flesh turn pink. I growl through gritted teeth. “Mine. Every fucking inch of you is mine.”

Anaya says nothing, just stares at me through hooded eyes, her mouth hanging open and panting.

“Say it, Anaya. Say you’re mine and I’ll give you what you need.” Letting my hand drop to her heat, I hover my thumb over her clit.

With a moan and a snarl, my sweet girl slaps me clear across the face, her pussy strangling me as she grinds down. “Yours. I’m fucking yours, you asshole.”

I bite back a grin, loving the fire she unleashes. “It’s okay, baby. Because I’m yours too. I’m your fucking Daddy, and don’t you forget it.”

I push into her hard, groaning as I take her clit and pinch, the one action sending us both tumbling over the edge. It’s like one continuous cascade of pleasure. With every squeeze of my nanny’s magical pussy, rope after rope of cum fills her womb.

That thought alone sucks out what little air I have left, making me dizzy. But do I pull out? Fuck no. I meant it when I said she was mine, my actions now only solidifying that further.

I’m claiming her. Marking her in the most primal way.

As I spill into her, I can’t help but cradle her against me, reveling in the feeling of my seed dripping out of her tight little hole.

“Mine. All mine.” I’m murmuring against the crown of her head when we hear a door creek open.

We have about two minutes tops to get her covered up before one of the kids comes barreling in. Ripping off my shirt, I swipe up her leg and remove the traces of our mating as she tucks me back in. She’s just buttoned up my pants when the pitter patter of feet enters the room.

Apa?” Alex’s groggy eyes assess the situation, and even though he’s only ten, I know he can put two and two together if he looks closely enough.

Crumpling up my shirt and shoving it out of sight, I head toward the laundry room. “Yeah, son?”

“Where’s your shirt?” I can’t see him now, but I can definitely hear the wheels turning in his head.

“Got something on it. Putting it in the laundry.” I need to dispose of the cum rag, keeping it as far away from his innocent eyes as possible. Thankfully, Anaya comes to the rescue.

“Hey, bud. Why don’t you go wake up your sister and ask her if she wants to help make some muffins with me?”

“Yes!” Alex’s tone is cheerful as I hear his steps carrying him away from the living room and down the hall.

I’m walking back toward Anaya when her shy smile stops me in my tracks. She’s breathtaking with her mussed hair and flushed skin. I’d give anything to make her look like this every damn day.

Leaning in, I press my lips to her neck, dragging them slowly up the column of flesh before stopping at the shell of her ear. “Thanks, baby.”

I feel her body tense before her hands are at my chest, pushing me away. “For what?”

“For giving yourself to me. I promise I won’t take you for granted.”

She scoffs, her eyes narrowing into tiny slits. “I did no such thing.” She points back and forth between us. “If anything, what we have is purely physical. You’re an asshole, Austin. And you might be blessed between those thick thighs, but there’s no way I’m trusting you with my heart.”

Pain cuts right through my chest, cracking it right where I stand. But who am I kidding? I deserve it. What have I shown her thus far? Nothing but a cranky Crown.

She’s given me her back, so I sidle up behind her, pressing myself into her tight ass. “It’s okay, baby. No matter what you say, I know I’m your daddy.” I cup her mound and squeeze. “She knows it,” I release my hold and slide my hand up between her breasts, pressing it into her heart, “but I’ll work until she knows it too.”

“Austin.” Something akin to a choked sob falls from her lips, her body sagging into mine.

“Shhh. Baby. I got you. Daddy’s got you.”

I stand there soothing her for as long as possible, only stopping when tiny feet let us know of the kids’ impending arrival.

With a herculean strength, I pry myself from Anaya just as the children come tumbling in.

“Muffin time!” Amanda is doing a little dance as her beaming smile hits me square in the chest. Happy. My little girl is happy. This is what Anaya does to our family. Injects joy where there was none to be had.

She’s definitely our sunshine after the storm, and I intend on capturing every ray.

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