“I’m here,” I mutter into the room where all my brothers sit waiting. Shocked to see Hunter in person, I whip around and point. “How in the hell did you get here so fast? Weren’t you up the mountain?”

“Nah. I had some business to take care of down valley when Jack called.” Hunter’s face is stoic, not giving anything away. I’m about to pry him for more info on this business of his when Jack cuts in.

“Sit, brother. Our call is about to start.”

Sure enough, Jack’s computer chimes. He pushes some buttons and the TV in the corner turns on, the webcam on it pointed back toward the room making us all visible.

“Good. Everyone’s there.” Aiden, the former navy seal, is on the left side of the screen and Cárdenas is on the right. This is interesting. I thought it was just a meeting with the men of WRATH securities, but I guess it’s a family reunion too. “Cárdenas, can you hear us clearly?”

“Yes.” The one word comes out thick with accent, punctuated with a raised brow.

“Let’s get down to business, then. Gentlemen, I’ve asked for you to be here because of a new revelation Don Cárdenas has provided. As previously mentioned in other calls, this is a secure communication and cannot be traced or hacked, so feel free to say whatever it is that needs to be said.”

Cárdenas purses his lips to the side, his eyes slightly narrowing. Yeah. I’m betting he’s not too keen on sharing all of his nitty gritty with us, despite Aiden’s reassurance. “It has come to my attention that you’ve been looking for the members of Las Cruces, but you will not find them. They have been… detained and will be unavailable for the foreseeable future.”

My chest tightens at this information and the missed opportunity for revenge. “Cárdenas, with all due respect, this was my business. You had no right to detain them.”

Cárdenas’ eyes find me in the room, his nostrils flaring at my response. “Austin Crown, my condolences for your loss.”

His words have bile churning in my stomach. I should be distraught, mourning the loss of my wife, but instead my dick is coated in another woman’s juices—a woman I can’t wait to get back to. After a second, I respond with as much composure as I can muster. “Thank you. But that’s not the only wronged I was seeking justice for.”

He must see something in my eyes because the cartel boss throws his head back in a throaty chuckle. “I see our Blanca was still up to her same antics. But no worries, friend. If it’s blood you’re after, why don’t you come pay us a visit? I’ve got plenty to help you quench that thirst.”

My brows shoot up at his words. Does he have the rival cartel detained? I thought that was a euphemism for murdered. To say that it piqued my interest would be putting it mildly.

Even though we’ve both been with the same woman, I sense a sort of camaraderie with this man. Maybe it’s the fact that we’ve both seen death up front, and even caused it, though I’m sure his tally is much higher than mine, but I trust him. “I’d like that. Let me know when I could come down for a visit.”

Jack bristles behind his desk, no doubt unhappy with my travel plans, but he says nothing in opposition. “I’ll be down there within the next couple of days, Daniel. Maybe I can bring Austin with me, and we can all give the detained a visit.”

Well, well, well. It seems like my big brother might have a little blood lust himself.

Daniel Cárdenas nods, his eyes scanning the room. “Yes, that’ll be fine, but we need to make sure my daughter is protected when you’re both gone. I take it the rest of the brothers will stay behind as well as some of the WRATH team?”

Aiden cuts in. “Yes. We’re almost done with bulking up surveillance around the property, and as soon as we’ve finished, we’ll be leaving a few team members behind to help with added security.”

Good. I like the sounds of that. With Ray lurking about, I wonder if I can add a directive to keep him away from my girl. “Aiden, we’ll also need extra security around the kids and Anaya.”

Aiden nods once. “The nanny, right?”

My cheek twitches at her title. Yes, she’s the nanny. The nanny I’m fucking. But she’s so much more than just that. Instead of going into all that in front of everyone, including a cartel boss who thinks I’m still mourning my dead wife, I simply nod, unable to say more for fear of it all spilling out at once in an undying declaration of love for the much younger nanny.

“Okay. We can definitely set that up. Your cabin and the neighboring one are the last ones to get the upgraded security systems installed, but we should have it done by the time you fly out.”

God, the thought of leaving Anaya and the kids behind is sheer torture, but this is something that must be done. There’s no telling how long the rival cartel has left. Not when they’re being detained by Daniel. His men are more brutal than the Las Cruces with their decapitation.

I shudder at the rumors I’ve heard. Instead of simply severing the heads, they go with a Colombian necktie. Come to think of it, I’m not sure which is worse. Either way, they don’t have long before any chance of us getting our answers is gone. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

With a resigned sigh I get myself ready for the conversation with Anaya. I know she won’t be happy about this, but she’ll just have to understand. Just like I’m letting her have closure with Ray despite my hating it, she too will have to let me put this thing with Las Cruces to rest.

The sooner that’s all done and over with, the sooner we can move on with our lives and step toward our forever as a family.


God, why does he have to smell so good?

I roll my head to the side, pressing it into the pillow that smells of everything sinful and delicious, making it harder to get out of his bed, even though I know I have to. My phone is in my room and Ray has been waiting for a dinner visit that will never come.

Despite my not wanting to break my word, Austin is right. I can’t go into Ray’s cabin unprepared. He’s never hurt me, but the look in his eyes the last time he paid me a visit was bone chilling.

Mentally giving myself one last push, I peel the covers off and head toward Austin’s dresser, needing at least a shirt of his to cover up before heading outside.

My eyes land on the tattered dress he tore into two. Damn, that was hot. My nipples harden into points at the memory of him taking my body and making it his, the evidence of his release still dripping down my leg.

Even now, thoroughly used, I’m still hungry for more. The way he held me, the way he owned me, it was everything I never knew I needed. He’s my daddy in all the right ways, taking care of me and putting me in my place when I need to.

Yes, I’d originally been embarrassed by what I was craving from him, but the way he explained it to me while he held me to his chest—it all made sense. And if I were being truly honest with myself, it’s what I’d always been searching for. That’s why I went to Ray so willingly, forgetting the only friend I’d ever had and moving clear across the country with him. Too bad for me, he was just an imposter. Not really an alpha at all, just a damn cheater with his own set of issues.

I’m tiptoeing into the hallway, grateful as all hell that Austin’s room is soundproofed and that the kids didn’t hear all the noise we’d been making. They’d probably be scarred for life.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure my room has the same feature, so I quickly snag my phone from the dresser and head back into the living room so as not to wake the kids with my conversation. I could probably get away with texting Ray, but my guilt has me pressing the call button instead. It’s the least I could do after giving him my word and failing him. I’m not him, and going back on a promise is not something I’m used to.

Bringing a throw pillow to my chest, I clutch it for dear life as the line rings and rings before Ray finally answers. “Anaya?”

“Ray. Hi. Umm”

“Are you on your way?” He sounds irritated, not making what I’m about to say any easier.

“About that. I can’t go tonight. Austin had some family business come up, so he had to step out. I need to watch the kids so I can’t leave the cabin.”

There’s a pause before he finally answers. “So, aside from the kids, you’re alone?”

Oh, God. Why did I admit Austin isn’t here? “Yes, but technically no. The ranch hands and WRATH members are still on the property. All just a call away should I need them. You can call them too if you need to. Their number should be in the drawer under the house phone. All the cabins come with the property phonebook.”

I’m rambling and I know it’s giving my nerves away, but I just don’t care. The last thing I want him thinking is that he can come over here when Austin isn’t home.

“No, Anaya. I don’t need security. But I don’t like that you’re all alone, despite all those people being a phone call away. I’m the closest to you. Why don’t you just let me come over and keep you company until Austin gets back. That way we can have our much needed conversation and you and the kids stay safe with me. It’s a win-win.”

He’s persistent. I’ll give him that much. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ray. If they were my kids, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with another full-grown man in the house, one I hadn’t fully vetted myself. It really isn’t professional of me to do that either.”

“Fine. I can see that, but I don’t like it.” Ray blows out into the phone. “I just miss you, baby. I don’t like spending more time away from you than necessary. Any idea when you’ll be able to stop nannying for them?”

My stomach flips, unhappy with what he’s saying. “I might have a break tomorrow, but I’m not sure.

“That’s good, but not what I meant. You don’t have to work, Anaya. You’ve never had to. Our home might be modest, but I’ve always provided for you. There’s no need to do all of this, caring for other kids when you should be caring for our own.”

Straight up bile crawls up my throat. “No, Ray. You and I won’t be having children.”

“Why not? You’re not on birth control. We could get started tonight if you wanted to.”

Oh god! What have I done! I’m not on birth control and Austin and I have been having unprotected sex. This is something I should have stopped from the very first time, but now it’s been twice that he’s come inside me with nothing to prevent a pregnancy.

My chest is heaving rapidly, my breath coming out fast and shallow.

“Anaya? Are you okay? I’m coming over.” Ray’s panicked voice has me snapping the fuck out of my mini panic attack.

“No! No. I’m fine. I thought I saw a mouse. Freaked me out, but turns out it was just a shadow from the tree outside.”

“Hmm.” He doesn’t seem like he believes me, and I can’t have that.

“Honestly, I’m fine now. I should probably get going. I’ll call you tomorrow about what time to meet up.”

“Anaya, please. Please don’t shut me out just yet. I know I messed up, but I love you. I promised you forever because there’s no one in this world I’d rather live life with than you.”

His words cut me deep, inching the gap of guilt a little wider. Should I be giving him another chance? Am I hanging onto his infidelity too tightly? He said it was only one time. Just the once with that woman. God, I’m a fucking hypocrite. Here I am, still coming off the high Austin’s fingers and cock provided. I’ve slept with him twice. Doesn’t that make us even now?

“I’ll think about it, Ray. I promise.” Giving him my word, I click the line closed, needing to end the call before my mind is too far gone and I’m left a puddle of guilt and insecurities.

Unable to sleep with all the craziness going on in my head, I head to the kitchen for some late-night comfort food. Maybe some of mom’s hot chocolate will do the trick.

But just as I’m about to turn into the kitchen, a small book catches my eye, the moon illuminating its cover and calling me to it. It’s what Austin had thrown against the wall right before he took me for the very first time.

“Did that make you feel better?” I questioned.

His forest green eyes land on me, his pupils growing by the second as they travel down my body. “No. But hearing your voice did.”

It wasn’t my imagination. He liked what he saw. He liked it enough to take and let my body soothe whatever ache this book caused.

Picking it up, I open it to where a feather lies inside. Oh wow, it’s a journal. I know I probably shouldn’t be reading this, but my curiosity gets the best of me. I never said I was a saint, and I already know I’m nosy as hell.

Maybe just one little glance will take my mind off this major decision hanging over my head. I don’t want to think about giving Ray another chance. Not when I’ve just discovered bliss with another man.

Resolved to put my responsibilities aside for just a moment, I dive into this book of untold secrets, letting it drag me away from my own problems and delve into those of the irresistible cranky Crown.

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