Chapter Eighty-One

"No," Eric says quietly.

Ashley's face falls.

I don't pity her. Not for her crimes. She's hurt too many people. But I was rejected once, and the pain is indescribable.

"Alpha MacPhearson," the commanding voice belongs to the other woman standing beneath the arbor. I didn't pay much attention to her before because, you know, Ashley, but she captures all of my focus


The woman appears to be sixty or seventy. Her face has a few lines around her eyes and mouth. Lines on her forehead. But her skin is very clear and her tan complexion sets off eyes that are so pale a hazel, they are nearly translucent. She wears a headdress that makes me think she is some sort of Priestess.

I don't know anything about this culture of Seers.

She steps closer to us, and I feel prickles of electricity as she draws near. This is a very powerful she-wolf. I think she must rule this pack because our guide who had been standing beside me this whole time bows her head in deference.

"You are here for a reason, Alpha," she addresses Eric. "I will remind you that a true mating is a gift of the Goddess."

I feel my mouth fill with moisture, like I'm going to be sick. I'm taken back to that fateful

day, so many years ago when my father read the mating vows for Ashley and Cameron. My father said exactly the same thing.

But why would the Goddess tangle us up like this, with so much pain and suffering. Why not let us find our way before all this hardship?

The Priestess gestures for Eric and Ashley to come closer.

Neither moves.

I take a step back because I am so out of my element, and on some instinctive level I know that whatever will transpire between has nothing to do with me.

Part of me loves Eric and always will.

The hurt I feel is for him.

He is a good man. An incredible lover.

I care so deeply about him. I don't want him to suffer.

"Your actions, Alpha MacPhearson," the Priestess says, "have set these events in motion. Just as those events that befell your life, the horrors endured by your bloodline, were a precursor to what you would do."

It's a circle.

One tragedy catalyzes the next one, on and on, in an endless cycle.

She turns to Ashley. "And your crime, Ashley, bartering away your gift of Sight as if it was of no consequence, despite being warned against such a heinous action by the very woman who gave you life and bestowed upon you that gift...for this, Ashley McNally, you will be punished."

Ashley squares her shoulders. Her hate for Eric radiates from every pore of her body.

She's either really brave or completely possessed by her need for vengeance. Why else would she come here? She had to know there would be consequences...

I think about it for a minute and I feel a wave of sympathy.

Ashley is so broken...she has nothing left to lose. She may even be trying to punish herself.

"For both of your actions," the Priestess continues. "There is only one Path that we foresee. It begins here. Now. With what we decree. You will accept the mating bond, and I will henceforth officiate the mating ceremony."

Eric doesn't mince words. "No. Fucking. Way."

She cocks her head, her expression almost taunting. "Shall I tell you of the fate that awaits if you forsake this vision? Shall I foretell the war that will erupt? It will herald not just the end of your bloodline but the destruction of our entire species..."

Her gaze cuts to Ashley. "Your mother accepted her fate-the brutal way she'd be slaughtered by her own child, because she knew her sacrifice was the only thing that would bring us together here. Today." The Priestess looks genuinely angry now. Her eyes flash to an eerie greenish-gold. Her wolf is very old. Very powerful.

"We Seers do not forgive so readily, Ashley. What you did in your quest for vengeance...bartering your gift of Sight...killing your own kin. For these crimes-and until such time as your heart is pure-you shall be severed from your wolf."

The Priestess holds her hand open and chants something.

"No!" Ashley screams.

She drops to the ground. The binding of her wolf-however the Seer manages such magic-makes Ashley contort and scream. We-myself and Eric-and the whole assembly of Seers watch.

Ashley's body bows and arches as if it is about to shift, only it stays in that interspace, convulsing and thrashing uncontrollably. It isn't quick. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

After several minutes, the Priestess finally says, "It is done." She lowers her hand.

Ashley twitches on the ground. Blood is splattered on her face and neck and dress. She's drenched in sweat and looks pitiful.

She drags in several deep breaths and then pushes herself onto her knees. She's whimpering and weak. To lose one's wolf is unheard of. A fate said to be worse than death.

Ashley shudders and moans from the pain, but she doesn't cry.

It's a long time before anyone says anything, and I take that silence to ask something that has been plaguing me.

"Why did you come here, Ashley?" I ask her.

She had to know that I would. I have many reasons for traveling to this island. Not the

least of which is to determine where my mother would want to be buried. I know nothing of her birth pack, or this sisterhood. I don't know if she'd want to be laid to rest on Healmsworth lands so she might someday be beside my father. Or if she would want her remains consecrated on this island.

I don't want to think of my mom in some freezer drawer back in Dr. Lee's ward, but that's where she is.

Ashley's eyes cut to mine. "I need to save Merilee."

"Ah." Again I feel a flash of sympathy. The spell she wove on Cam, the many years it pervaded her body, when she and Cam finally had a baby, it had an effect on her child.

One that very well might be permanent.

"There's something you should know..." I don't say it to be spiteful, but she needs to be brought up to speed. "Jace tried to infiltrate the coven's labs. The same coven that wove the spell for you and took your gift of sight... they took the afterbirth from when I delivered my babies. We were going to use those stem cells to save your daughter."

She gasps. Like she can't believe it.

"I may detest you, but my niece is innocent."

"Is she-" Ashley's eyes well with tears that leak over.

She didn't cry for herself or her wolf. But she cries for her baby.

Seeing the hope that lights up her face, it has all of us on this altar, Eric included, shifting our eyes away uncomfortably.

As a mother, it breaks my heart to deliver the truth... "The witches...they used your gift of Sight. They knew Jace's team was coming. The samples were compromised. For Merilee's sake and yours, I'm sorry." She sobs now.

Her beautiful face crumbles and I connect to her, not as my sister, but as a mother. A mother experiencing incomparable pain.

The Priestess squats in front of Ashley. "You also came here, knowing your half-sister and her former mate would come. He is drawn to your bloodline and was always destined to be your true match. You lacked faith. You wanted revenge on him. Do you admit this?"

It's a test.

Ashley slowly nods. "Yes."

She shakily pushes to her feet. She looks at Eric. "I was prepared to die. I knew coming here they might kill me for my crimes. But if it meant I could kill you too... I was ready for it. You ruined my family! Because of you, my daughter is ill! You ruined everything!"

I feel sick.

Both Eric and if I'm being fair-Ashley, are victims.

They've known loss and hardship and their actions result from the events that had befallen them.

It really is a horrible circle-of war and violence, fear and vengeance.

What did Ashley plan? To mate with Eric and then kill him at some point? It may have worked if she still had her wolf.

But as a human...

She was powerless.

"How do we end this?" I whisper. It isn't just for me, but for my children. I don't want them growing up in a world with so much violence and hate.

The Priestess nods like I'm the first person to finally ask the right question.

She holds out both of her hands, inviting the 'congregation' to rise.

As one, all of the Seers behind us stand up.

"I already told you, Mia. The Path to peace begins today. Alpha MacPhearson and Ashley McNally will be mated."

The Priestess stares hard at Eric then at Ashley.

"We have told you the calamities that will occur should you deny this mating. Choose now," she tells them. "And choose wisely..."

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