Twisted Mate
Chapter Forty-Four

His End Part Two

Jerry grabbed Eric by his throat with a tight hold “why do you open your mouth just to say stupidity’s” he sneered at eric.

Eric laughs at Jerry “if you think I'm afraid of you stupid tiger, you are crazier than me. You will not get a word out of me about the location of my labs I invested too much time and money on them to let them be destroyed.”

“I just let you live a little bit more because Kevin didn’t let me kill you there, but we actually don’t need you. You see my friends here are excellent trackers. One being a bear, another a dragon and a vampire. We can search land and air it will take us a day or two but eventually will find each one of them.” Jerry finished informing Eric with a smirk on his face.

Eric paled at the realization that in fact they had him, and his labs will be burned down his eyes went wide with mortification but like every alpha his arrogance and pride made him compose himself with a grin he spoke again. “ you may have stopped me and be able to destroy my work but hear my words. there are many more like me out there or even worse than me and you wont be able to stop them all.”

“you might be right Alpha Eric but for each vile person like you that are out there. There will always be people like us to stop them.” Luis said with confidence.

Jerry released eric from his hold and was going to punch him in the gut when he saw that eric opened his mouth to talk again but before he said a word Jerry grabbed his jaw. “ instead of ripping off your arm I should’ve ripped your jaw off you talk to much trash.” With that he twisted erics jaw dislocating it making it hang loosely on his face.

Erics eyes bulged at the pain, he tried to fix it with his only had with no avail. Jerry was going to end eric when Danny came running in to stop him.

“Jerry wait don’t send him to hell just yet, let me have a turn with this sick bastard. This piece of shit had omegas down here to be tortured by his men and one of the young omegas is my mate she is in pretty bad shape and when she saw me getting close to her, she started screaming like a mad woman I can only imagine what she has gone through down here and how long she has been here” Danny said with anger and sadness for his mate.

Eric had a glint of malice in his eyes although he was in pain he was happy in running another life.

“He is all yours man have fun, but remember he is mine to finish” jerry said to Danny, with that said Danny started with some punches here and there but got bored he then started to make small fire balls and burned erics jewels with one of them when he was satisfied he asked the other friends if they wanted to have a turn but they declined they said that him and jerry had more motives than them.

When Danny finished with eric he didn’t look like his former self, his body had many burned parts blood was oozing out of the wounds that Danny inflicted he was barely beathing. Sony whistle at the sight “this man surely has resistance even without his wolf.”

“Not for long” said Jerry moving close to Erics body and with one swift movement he crushed erics head with his foot.

“One scumbag less, let's get out of here and start to prepare for the search of the rest of the rogues and the labs” Luis said. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“We can do that tomorrow right now I want to go and take a shower and spend some time with my mate” Jerry said he couldn’t wait to be with his mate to get to know her and claim her as his.

“Ok lover boy will start tomorrow go and enjoy your mate for the remaining of the night” Sony said.

Nataly and her mother were still catching up on how their life's turned out to be when they heard the front door of the pack house open and in came Jerry with fast strides towards his mate.

“The hour is up mate; you will have more time with your mother tomorrow while I go out with the boys to search for the remaining rogues and the labs.” Nataly pouted at Jerry's words but also felt excited to finally be with her mate.

“Mom, I have to go with my mate but will continue tomorrow. I love you” she said to her mother but before they left her mother wanted to aske Jerry a question. “Silver strips what happened to Eric” she knew what her son in law was going to respond but she wanted to be sure.

“He won't be running anyone's life's anymore.” With that she knew that Eric was gone forever she let out a breath of satisfaction “good have a great night both of you I love you baby I will see you tomorrow.” was her response.

Jerry grabbed Nataly's had and asked her to lead that way to her room. Once they were there, he kissed her lips with intensity he wanted to take her right there. Silas was urging him to make her his, but Jerry scolded his tiger 'Silas first we need a shower then once we are clean, we can talk with our mate and then make sweet love to our mate.’

He pulled away from Nataly and took her face in his hands. “my sweet mate you have no idea how hard it is for me to stop from claiming you right now. But I want us to enjoy our first time together first I have to remove all this grim I have on my body then we can have each other.”

Nataly blushed at the thought of having sex with her mate. Then she realized he was right he had to get cleaned up first. She looked at his body covered in blood and dirt and grimaced.

“There is a bathroom attached to my room you can freshen up there. It is that door that is close to my vanity.” She said pointing to a white door.

Jerry moved quickly to the door he didn’t want to waste more time. Once he finished washing off all the grim of his body. He grabbed a fluffy white towel that was there to dry himself up. He went to the room but found it empty Silas started to panic. ‘Where is mate, you took too much time washing your body that somebody might have come in and took her.’ He said pacing in Jerry's head. ‘Relax Silas she is around here her scent is fresh, she probably went for a drink or something’ but Silas was still pacing.

Jerry wrapped the towel around his waist and was going to head out of the room when Nataly came in with a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses on the other.

“I went to get us something to drink, before we start our first night together” Nataly said nervously biting her lower lip.

Jerry smiled at her grabbing her waist. “This will be our first night together but there will be more to come my mate.”

They spent two hours talking about each other and drinking wine when they finished their second bottle things got more heated. Jerry kissed Nataly's neck giving it little nibbles, his fangs scraping her tender skin she moans at his action making him more aroused.

The whole nigh the made slow sweet love to his mate he did his best to be tender to her he didn’t want to hurt her. It was her first time and he wanted to be perfect it was his first time too, but his dick didn’t stretch out like her small flower would with his penis inside her.

The next day Nataly woke up a little sore but happy. Her mate was sleeping besides her with a grin on his face, she couldn’t stop but staring at him he was gorgeous and all hers last night while they made love they marked each other.

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