Two Alphas, One Mate
The Adventure of Alpha & Di


Damian carried me into the house in silence.

The entire time of walking was filled with an ever-growing tension, building up the closer we got to our room. My heart was beating fast as I gripped onto him tightly.

We entered the bedroom, the moonlight poked through the opened windows, filling the darkened room with subtle hints of light. It was warm today, so the breeze that came through felt refreshing, filling the air with a fresh scent of the nearby forest.

Damian placed me down a few feet from the bed and I turned myself towards him.

“What were you saying that you wanted to show me?”

There was no response from Damian.

Only silence.

“Dami-” Just as I was about to ask him again, he slammed me against the wall, releasing himself upon me as his tongue engulfed my mouth.

He tasted so damn good.

“Fuck Di.” He sighed heavily.

“Di?” I exhaled in between our kiss.

“You like it?” He pulled my tank top above my head and threw it to the ground as he kept me pinned to the wall.

I smiled as I unlatched his belt, “Hell yea.” I could already see Damian’s growing bulge that outlined his denim pants.

My moistened pedals below were building up, my underwear was already drenched, my legs were shaking, and all I wanted was for him to devour me.

His eyes blackened and his breathing got courser, “Di, I know what you want and…-”

I unlatched the button from his pants as his hands braced the wall. His muscles were tensed as he leaned forward. He was starting to shake.

I had him where I wanted.

“You were saying?” I smirked.

Suddenly, he pushed me harder into the wall causing me to gasp in surprise. His hand gripped gently around my neck as he leaned forward, narrowing his blackened eyes onto my chest.

Seeing him like this was so exhilarating. It was a darker side that my inner wolf wanted to provoke.

“You enjoy doing this to me don’t you?” His face was so close to mine as his eyes trailed down my body. “Tread lightly little one.” In one swift motion, he tore my bra off. His warm breath hit the side of my neck as he moved his face near my mark. “Tell me the truth Di.”

His muscles poked through his thin white t-shirt that I was tempted to rip from his body, but instead, I kept my eyes on his.

“No.” I was lying, but I wanted to provoke him further.

I wanted to see his beast.

“YOU’RE LYING.” His eyes glanced down at my breasts and he breathed heavily. His hand was still latched onto my neck, not squeezing hard, but it was enough pressure get my heart pumping even more. “You like it when I’m like this.” He squeezed a little harder and planted his lips on mine aggressively, ramming his tongue down my throat.

“You want me in that pretty little mouth of yours?” He continued his aggressive lock on my mouth, not giving me the chance to respond.

My body was trembling, but it wasn’t from the fear, it was from PURE EXCTASY.

Suddenly, he released his hand from my neck and jammed it hard into the wall. I was trapped in between his large body and the wall while his arms hovered over me like a roof.

I was at his mercy.

“Take off the rest of your clothes.” He spoke in a deep tone; a tone that I’ve only heard when his beast came out to play.

Just as I was about to drop my shorts to the floor, he abruptly grabbed my neck and cupped his hand under my chin. “Are you sure this is want you want?” I knew he enjoyed dominating me (it was only natural for a wolf), but I could sense he was hesitant. He knew what I went through with Holden. I didn’t go into tons of detail, but it was a line he didn’t want to cross with me.

“Yes.” I whispered.


I lightly nodded.

“Yes what?”

I raised my eyebrows curiously. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to say.

He pinned me harder against the wall, “Yes what Di?”

“I don’t know…” I furrowed my eyebrows, not giving into his demands. I was going to poke him until he had no other option.

His breathing turned shallow as he turned my face to the side, peering at my mark. “ALPHA.”

I remained silent and kept my eyes narrowed on his perfect body.

“You know you drive me crazy when you bite your lip like that.”

I hadn’t notice I was doing it; I was only admiring him. His dominant side of his sexuality, his entire physique that was drenched in tattoos, and his eyes that gleamed with primal instinct. I wanted to let him know that it was ok to let loose with me.

It was what I wanted.

I started to take my shorts off, only to be interrupted again, “What did I say Di?” He softly ran his hands down my neck, teasing me like he was about to grab it again.

I didn’t answer back, instead I started taking my shorts off.

“You’re defying your Alpha, Di.” He grinned, then suddenly, he spun me around, too fast for me to realize what was happening. I was pinned against the wall; his body was leaning in closer to me. I could feel his bulge poking me through the denim fabric.

His one hand gripped the back of my head to hold me still. The pressure of the wall and his huge frame kept me refrained from releasing my hands. I had no choice but to hold still.

I was trapped.

“I smell your arousal.” His warm tongue circled around my mark as he kept his body pinned against me, slowly grinding himself on my ass. “So, I’ll ask again, what do you say Di?”

I kept my mouth shut; I was too curious to see where this was going to go.

As he held me against the wall, his other hand slipped under my shorts, forcefully pulling them down to the floor along with my under wear. I was fully nude and he was fully clothed, and for some reason, I couldn’t be more turned on.

“Have it your way.” He spun me back around to face him.

My heart was racing.

I never realized something like this could be so thrilling, like a drug I can’t get enough of.

His hand latched onto my breast and he heavily exhaled, “You are mine in this bedroom, you obey your Alpha, do you understand?”

I gave a slight nod, but it obviously wasn’t enough.

“Yes…What?” He squeezed my breast tighter.

“Yes Alpha.” I hissed from the tight sensation, but I could also feel the shockwave of nerves that pulsed in between my legs.

“Good girl.” His hand cupped under my chin as his finger slightly grazed my bottom lip, “You want a taste?”

I nodded my head, “Yes Alpha.”

“Undress me.” He planted his hands against the wall, squeezing me in between his body and the wall, but there was just enough room for me to wiggle around.

Just as I placed my hand on him, he grabbed my wrist, causing me to look up into his dark eyes. “On your knees.” He let out a devious smile, it was almost like it wasn’t Damian, or maybe it was the beast that he kept hidden away.

As I bent my knees to the floor his hand came on top of my head, sifting through my hair as I gripped onto his thighs. Just like his chest, his legs were solid, hard to the touch as my fingers wrapped around them. My heart was racing in anticipation, I was scared and nervous, but it is what I wanted.

He was all that I wanted.

I breathed in heavily as I pulled down his jeans slightly.

His monstrous bulge was poking through, like nothing could contain it from the thick denim fabric. His hand kept running through my hair as I pulled down his pants to his ankles.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

I looked up at him as he kicked his pants to the side, and now, the only thing between me and his manhood was his thin black cotton boxer briefs. Damian pulled his white t shirt over his head and threw it to the side.

He leaned in closer, leaving not much space between me and his raging bulge that was in full tent. I slid my fingertips underneath the fabric that contained him, my heart was racing, and legs were trembling, but I continued.

Damian instantly reacted to my hands trailing underneath his boxers; his muscles tensed, his breathing more intensified as he was completely unsheathed. I could feel his heat emanating of his skin as his fingers ran through my hair, slowly guiding my head onto his lengthy shaft.

“Now taste.” Damian braced onto the wall with both of his hands as I took him in my mouth. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I tried my best to fit him in my small mouth, but I barely got halfway. He let out a loud moan as I slowly moved back and forth.

He tasted so damn sweet, just having him inside my mouth was making me lather up in more juices. I kept my hands onto his thigh, just using my mouth to my own tempo.

“FUCK.” He moaned loudly and I felt his leg muscles get tighter. “This feels so…” He pulled my head off his cock, forcing me to look up into his blackened eyes. “GOOD.” He let out a large smile and my heart began pumping furiously.

When he was at his most primal, he tore me up inside, speeding up the gears that were already turning at full speed. Damian’s dark side, his compassion, his love for me, all of it, I fucking loved all of him and who he was.

He spun me around, causing me to gasp from the sudden movement. “Don’t worry Di, your Alpha won’t hurt you.” He whispered in my ear as he stepped in closer, “You are mine to please.”

I was exposed in my most vulnerable position, all for him to see, to consume, and to use for his pleasure. His forearm kept me in place against the wall, and I could already feel the building void in my core, causing myself to pool in nectar, readying itself for Damian.

He jammed his foot to separate one of my legs, “And mine,” he followed suit to the other side, “TO FUCK.” His member lathered itself against my core as I remained pinned against the wall, “You’re already wet for your Alpha.” His warm tongue trailed against the outer part of my ear and I moaned loudly.

I couldn’t contain myself.

“Do you know how much it turns me on when you moan like that?”

I kept silent, focusing on the sensations of his throbbing member still sliding between my legs. I was shaking, I wanted it now, I wanted it so fucking bad.

“Answer me.” He tugged lightly on my hair, pulling my head back so he could look into my eyes.

“Yes Alpha.” I moaned.

“Good girl.” His lips planted on the side of my neck where my mark was, “You will be rewarded now.” His hand released my hair and firmly planted on the back of my neck, stabilizing my body once again. My heart was racing, my eyes were closed, my muscles were tensed as I awaited his entry.

Finally, he aggressively pushed himself into me. I screeched from the intensity. My walls tightened around him, accommodating his large size.

“FUCK.” He grunted as he thrusted forcefully into me, “You feel,” He suddenly slowed his pace and leaned into me, “HEAVENLY.” He gave one hard thrust, reaching deep into my cervix.

The intensity and all my nerves were swirling around my body, blurring my vision, and weakening my arms and legs. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand. His body was massive compared to mine as he kept me pinned against the wall, and it was only a matter of time until I completely collapsed under the pressure.

His sudden hard thrusts increased to many, and I was taking all of him in me. It wasn’t painful, but it was an intense pressure.

A pressure that was building up inside, like an impending explosion, but just when I was at the cliffs edge, he stopped.

“What’s wrong?” I tried turning my head to look at him, but his hand remained on the back of my neck.

“Don’t move.”

“Yes Alpha.”

“See Di, you’re learning fast, now CLOSE YOUR EYES.”

What the hell was he up to? The nerves, the anticipation couldn’t get any more intense, it was exciting, thrilling and I couldn’t get enough of it.

“Yes Alpha.”

Damian had something in his hand, I could hear it, like a soft fabric that he pulled through his fingers. “We are just getting started.” The warmth of the cotton fabric covered my eyes as he pulled it snug around the circumference of my head. “Don’t move.” His lips planted on my neck and suddenly, he pulled himself out of me.

I wanted him to keep going, but at the same time, my legs were shaking from the position against the wall, and I’m sure Damian could sense my weakening body.

His arms wrapped tightly around me, lifting my feet off the ground. I was over top of his shoulder as he carried me away.

“What are you doing?”


A sharp sting pierced my butt cheek, “Don’t speak until I tell you Di. Do you understand?”

Just feeling his hand connect to my skin like a crack of a whip felt oddly satisfying. It was yet another hidden desire I did not know I had hidden deep inside my subconscious.

I trusted Damian, I trusted him with my soul, and maybe this was why it felt so euphoric.

“Yes Alpha.”


Fuck that felt good. Why did I like this so much?

“Like I said Di.”


I hissed from the pleasurable sting of his hand once again.

“Only speak until I tell you.”

I was still blind folded, and my senses were intensified. The sounds, the touch of his skin as he placed me on top of the bed, the unknowing of what he was going to do next was pushing me to my breaking point.

I was laying down on my back, my hands were on top of my chest. I wasn’t sure where Damian was, and the temptation to take my blindfold was increasing.

Where was he?

Was he doing this on purpose to tease me?

“Raise you hands above your head and SPREAD YOUR LEGS.” Damian’s cold low voice came from the corner of the room, like he was watching me from afar.

I slowly raised my arms above my head and spread open my legs. I was trembling from the increasing anticipation. I felt so exposed as I laid on the bed, naked, uncovered, and at Damian’s mercy from across the room. Not being able to see him made my nerves quake more, I was unsure when he would pounce on me again, or maybe he would watch me for a while?

“Your sweet nectar is oozing out of you Di.” His voice came from a different part of the room, leaving me still exposed on the bed. My adrenaline was pumping. I was unsure where or what he was going to do, and the longer he left me, the more desire I had for him.

“So, tell me.” His voice was coming from the opposite direction again, changing positions to keep me wondering where he was.

“How bad do you want it?” His voice was so damn close it brought goosebumps to my skin.

“I want it bad… Alpha.” I whispered and moved my head to try to sense where he was.

“What did I say Di?” Suddenly, out of nowhere, his legs were position on either side of my body, hovering over my chest. He was mounted in a position where he wouldn’t be able to put himself inside my throbbing core, but instead, my mouth.

I could sense the heat coming from his member only inches away from my face. I felt myself leaking all over the bed, I was so turned on, but at the same time, I was confused why I liked this so damn much.

“Open your mouth.”

I obeyed and opened, but I was met with nothing yet again.

“I told you not to move Di.”

My mouth remained open as his fingers softly caressed my lips.

“This is your punishment.” His fingers jammed into my mouth briefly, feeling my tongue, my teeth, and the back of throat. “Your mouth is so damn pretty.” He brought his fingers out as he moistened my dry lips with saliva.

As he finished lathering lips, he leaned forward, inching his member towards my mouth. He didn’t push himself in, but instead was waiting for me to push my head forward into him.

“Taste your Alpha.” I pushed my head forward onto member. His taste, his large girth pulling my jaw apart as I slowly went back and forth was intensified. Even the sensation of his body hovering above me, trapping me with his thick muscular legs was causing me to rupture inside, leaving the void of ecstasy to crash through me like waves on a rough ocean.

“A little further Di.” I felt his legs move forward, pushing his large cock further down my throat. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to take it all. It seemed like an impossible task, but he thought otherwise. “Relax your neck, breathe through your nose.” I was willing to try, and what he said helped a little, but the pressure being put down my throat was getting intense.

His groans intensified, and the ever-growing urge to lower my arms was increasing as the tempo sped up. My jaw was beginning to numb, my neck was sore, but my perseverance to show Damian I could do it was overshadowed. It wasn’t just to please him; it was to satisfy the hunger hidden deep inside me.

“That’s enough.” He pulled himself out and I instantly collapsed my head back down. I was out of breath, but I wanted more.

“You’ve had enough for one day Di, you did good, and now, I WANT A TASTE.” I inhaled deeply when he said those words. Ever since the night he marked me he left an imprint of what our sexual connection would be. It wasn’t one sided, it wasn’t just about him, it was about pleasuring us both. My orgasm on the first night with him was the tipping point of the new chapter in my life that I would embrace and never forget.

“Am I exciting you?” He lowered himself below my waist. “You smell so good Di.” His hand came onto my breast and I let out a gasp.

His warm tongue began to circle between my thighs, teasing me enough to squeeze my legs around his head.

His hand pried them open, “DON’T MOVE.” He growled in a deep tone that brought more goosebumps to my skin.

I held my breath as his tongue moved closer to my throbbing crevice. “Alpha.” I gasped as he inched closer.

His hands remained on my legs as his tongue flickered on my outer lips, erupting my mind with a firework display.


Why was this better than the last time?

Was it going to get better each time we did this?

My whole body was shaking, my breathing was exasperated, and I was blind to the sensation of his warm tongue lightly dabbing my pedals that poured nectar onto his lips.

He was gentle with his tongue, allowing me to enjoy the subtle sensations, slowly increasing the pressure as time went on. He circled between my entrance to my clitoris, not staying in one spot too long, and just when I couldn’t moan any louder, his finger entered me.

I yelled.

I shook.

I trembled.

My arms dropped to his head that was tightly snug in between my legs.

“Come for me Di!” His hand squeezed my breast tightly.

“YES ALPHA!” My eyes squeezed tightly under the blindfold and my hands tightly fisted into balls as the pressure inside me was to its breaking point.

My legs tightened around his head as I moved my hips upwards into a state of convulsion that I couldn’t control. My inner walls expanded and poured out onto his soft lips. He lathered himself in my nectar, licking up my pedals surrounding my entrance.

I was on another planet at this point.

There were no other ways to describe it.

It was incredible.

And just when I was coming back to my senses, Damian abruptly repositioned me, flipping my entire body over. My knees were on the bed, still shaking, but I had enough strength to hold myself up.

His hand remained on my throbbing clitoris, circling itself in my nectar. His other hand guided his cock directly into my throbbing entrance, sending me into a continued trance of euphoria.

He thrusted hard, reaching the spot that I had only discovered recently. The spot that could send me over the cliffs edge once again.

“Harder!” I screamed.

Damian pulled my hair upright, angling himself into a deeper position inside me. The sounds of his balls flapping against me along with his loud moans began building up my spot to its breaking point.

“I’m coming again!” I yelled out as I arched my back to embrace him even more.

“FUCK.” His loins tightened.

We were coming simultaneously.

Both of us roared as he kept his hard tempo.

It lasted longer than ever before, it felt better, and it felt out of this fucking world.

His body relaxed and his hand slowly grazed my back, feeling the sweat slide against my skin. Just before completely collapsing to the bed, his other hand untied the fabric from my head.

Tired was an understatement.

I felt myself give way as the blind fold hit the bed. Damian wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tightly, allowing both of us to collapse at the same time in a spooning position.

I could sense his tiredness as he pulled me in tightly to his body. He kissed me on top of my head, “I love you Di.”

His breathing was beginning to calm, like his beast just fought an inner battle in his mind, and now, it was time to rest.

“I love you Damian.” I whispered softly as my eyes began to flicker close.

My core was sore, tightened, and wet, but we were both too damn tired to clean up.

“Forever.” Were his last words until he completely succumbed to exhaustion.

“Forever.” I lightly kissed his arm that was wrapped around me like a blanket. “Until the end my love.”

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