Two Alphas, One Mate
A Hard Conversation


(Holden’s Voice)

Diana, you were always mine.

Diana, you will always be mine.





“No!” My eyes widened, realizing it was only a dream. My hands were gripping the moist sheets underneath me as sweat pellets dripped from my head.

“What’s wrong?!” Damian bolted up beside me as his arms grabbed onto me, searching to see what the matter was.

“Oh,” My heart was racing, I didn’t realize until now that I was breathing heavily.

“Another dream?” Damian placed his hand on my back, relieving some of the pressure, but the mounting anxiety was getting worse. My dreams were getting more vivid.

“It was about him again…” I collapsed in his warm body as I felt the tears trickling down my cheeks. I was so damn emotional this whole week and I wasn’t sure why.

“It’s just a dream Di.” Damian embraced me, and his body felt so warm, like a blanket. His bare skin on mine always relieved the pressure of any stress, but these days I found it was getting harder to contain my emotions.

“He’s getting closer. I just know it.” I sniffled lightly.

“Look,” Damian pulled me off of me so we could be eye level, and I could see the worry in his eyes. He knew I was right, but I wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t admit it. “I would never let him take you. I will kill him before that happened. Please, trust me.” He planted his soft lips on mine, and I couldn’t pull away.

“That always helps,” I said in between breaths.

“Call it a temporary cure.” Damian’s face lit up as he retracted his lips once again. HE was so damn gorgeous in the morning, while I was probably looking like a train wreck.

“You’re beautiful, even in at the crack of dawn.” He pulled my hair to the side behind my ear as he leaned in closer.

“Can you literally read my mind?” I smirked.

“Maybe.” Suddenly, he lunged on top of me, “See, I know what you are thinking right now Di.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Oh yea?” I kissed him lightly on the lips, gripping onto his strong back as he climbed over top of me. We were both nude from the endless love making from the night before, so there wasn’t much barrier to see that he was already rock solid.

“We've got training soon, but I suppose we can use this as our warm-up.” Damian sunk his mouth onto my neck, swirling his tongue around my mark as I clawed tightly to his back, pulling his waist into mine with my legs. My core was heating up, and my crevice already drenched in juices.

“You still got a lot of work to do, so we don’t want to be late.” He continued his trail, slowly making his way down to my breasts.

“That’s funny." I moaned lightly.

“Whys that?”

This was my chance to catch him off guard, I had my legs wrapped around him in the right position to twist him off of me.

The countless hours of Jiu Jitsu were paying off and it was time to put it into practice, he will never expect it.

“THIS.” It took a lot of strength, but thankfully, the law of physics allowed me to twist his huge body below mine as I lowered his hip at the right angle.

He grunted from the turn; he was obviously caught off guard. I mounted onto him; I felt a powerful dominating presence hidden deep inside me, finally coming out to play. It was something I ached for the moment I began training. The more I trained, the more dominate I wanted to become.

“Di!” He growled lightly.

“Not used to that are we?” I grinded on top of his throbbing cock. Lathering it against my moistened pedals below.

“This is new, this is...”

As I planted my lips on his I pulled his hands above his head.

“Keep your hands there.” I whispered.

“Anything for you Di.” Damian playfully smiled as he lightly moved his hips to my grinding motions.

Being on top of him was exhilarating, empowering, something I never had the confidence in doing until I met Damian. Seeing his entire body beneath me gave me a sense of power, and a sense of purpose.

We were equal, we were mates, and we were ONE.

“You’re killing me Di, PLEASE.” Damian brought his arms down to my waist, trying to position me to enter.

“NO.” I forcefully grabbed his arms again and jammed them above his head, “You listen to me now ALPHA.”

Damian chuckled and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations of my crevice sliding on top of his manhood. “As you wish my love.”

I was going to make him beg for it. I was going to tease him for a little bit longer.

I replicated the same twirling motions on his neck, using my tongue to circle around his mark.

“I’m getting tempted Di…” He moaned loudly.

His whole body tensed up, and I could see the veins starting to enlarge on his neck along with his pulsating muscles. It turned me on to see him at my mercy. To see his huge powerful body bend to my will.

I repositioned myself, ever so slowly, lowering my entrance onto him. Teasing him yet again, moving him inside my walls slightly, then moving back out again.

He let out another loud growl as I pulled myself out.

“Do you have any control over yourself Alpha Damian?” I teasingly planted my lips on his neck as I put myself back down on his throbbing member.

“What’s that Di?” Suddenly, he pounced up to a sitting position as I continued straddling his waist. He pulled me down onto his cock as he held himself up with one arm and gripped onto me with the other.

I moaned loudly as he thrusted into me. I started swaying my hips along with his movements, creating a more intense sensation that began building up deep inside my inner walls.

“My god, you feel heavenly.” Damian kept his gaze on me as we continued our tempo.

“I’m close.” I shut my eyes, the fireworks were going off, I was ready to release myself, I was ready to let go.

“Come for me Di!” Damian’s hips began working into overdrive. His legs creating a harder rhythm, lifting me up and down until I wasn’t able to keep up anymore.

I screamed, and I leaned back as Damian held me steady. I felt like I wanted to float away. My walls tightened around him, but at the same time I could feel himself release his warm milk inside my core.

It was only for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

“How’s that for a warm-up?” I wrapped my hands around Damian’s neck as he kept his hand on my back.

“That was...” He kissed my chest, “AMAZING.”

“Eric’s probably already waiting for us.”

Damian sighed heavily, “Can’t we just do this all day?”

“Wouldn’t that be nice, I mean technically we can, but like you said, I need training.” I jumped off Damian and headed towards the bathroom.

“Whatever you say Di.” He chuckled as he collapsed back onto the bed.

I turned my head over one last time before closing the door, “Exactly, ALPHA.” I winked back.

After closing the door, I heard him chuckling to himself, “What are you doing to me Di?”

I smiled as I listened to him.

I never thought I would have a relationship like I had with Damian. It reminded me of my mother and father. It wasn’t one sided, it wasn’t the Luna serving her Alpha, it was equal. Damian lifted me up, he encouraged me to be a better version of myself, he taught me how to love, to cherish life and the small moments.

It was the moments that I will hold dearly in my mind because I knew one day it would all come to an end. I wasn’t sure how, or when, but it was always inevitable.

“Well, well, well, there are the two love birds, and only…” Eric glanced down at his watch, “47 minutes late.”

“Whos the alpha again?” Damian walked up to Eric with an open hand and a large smile.

“You got me there Mr. Alpha.” Eric laughed as they gave a hard handshake then glanced in my direction, “And you’re looking more like a Fenrir warrior as the days pass Luna.”

“Eric, just call me Diana, no formalities needed with you,” I glanced down at my black combat gear. It was more comfortable then training in my typical sports bra and shorts, and it was light enough to give me mobility.

“You remind me of my mother.” Damian’s eyes stayed focused on me. I could see his was struck with the memories of his lost mother, and it was another conversation I have yet to have with him. I wasn’t sure why we didn’t talk about it, but I had the feeling it was a hard conversation for him, and I was going to give him all the time in the world to open up to me about it.

“Ah yes, Luna Soyra. Now that you mention it, you look similar wearing that gear, she used to train all the time with the Fenrir warriors and Alpha Zeus.”

Damian scratched the back of his head and looked away. I could tell he was uncomfortable, so I changed the subject.

“So, what you up to now boy genius?” I glanced over to Eric’s other hand holding a large remote controller.

“Oh this little thing?” He held up the controller for us to see.

Damian walked over to the large drone sitting in the center of the fight ring. “Newest toy?”

“Well, if you must know, I acquired this beauty from an old friend in Japan. I call her Sexy beast.” Eric’s face lit up as he kept his eyes on the drone.

I chuckled at the ridiculous name. Eric had the brains, the courage the loyalty, but his biggest skill was making us laugh.

“Are you serious?” I giggled.

“Nah, I’m just yanking you’re tail. It’s just a new drone, and it’s perfect for reconnaissance missions. After my last one got destroyed by Alpha Hold-” He paused realizing he was referring to my ex-mate.

“It’s fine Eric. I am aware of Holden’s existence.” I sarcastically remarked.

“Well, if you want me to be honest then, that asshole destroyed my last drone, which cost a small fortune.” He rolled his eyes as he turned around, examining his drone on the ground. It was matte black with 4 propellers, squaring off the hardware in the center. Additionally, there were several micro cameras on different angles of the body.

There was no need for him to tell us it was expensive; it looked expensive.

“You know Eric.” I walked around the large drone examining it from a few feet away. “I saw a similar drone over the lake back at Crimson pack. Were you spying on me?”

Eric scratched the back of his neck as he glanced over at Damian, “Well if you must ask, we were curious how Loki found himself in your old pack.”

Damian hit the side of Eric’s arm, and I was guessing this was a touching topic between them. I have been trying to keep my past in the back of my mind, but now that we were talking about it, I wanted to know more.

“I know who Loki is, why were you tracking him?”

“Diana, don’t worry about it.” Damian replied.

“I would like to know. I insist.” I crossed my arms and peered over to Eric, he knew he would have to answer to me.

“We were curious how he ended up with Holden. How could a Rogue get captured and sway Holden to accept him into his pack? It was a curious situation that we wanted to know more about.” Eric answered hesitantly.

“Red told me he was a Fenrir warrior, but when I met him the first time, he was feral, dying and sick, but after I healed him, he found new strength and I guess Holden accepted him.”

“What do you mean you healed Loki? Why are you calling him Red?” Damian’s voice turned cold and narrowed his gaze on me.

“Red? Well, that’s what we called him after Holden accepted him.”

“I get it Di, he’s Red. But, you healed him also? So, you are connected to him…” There was concern in Damian’s voice as he questioned me, but I had nothing to hide so I told the truth.

“When he was a rogue he attacked us. We didn’t stand a chance against his size, so I did what I only knew what was possible, I healed him. And now… I’m somehow connected to him just as I am connected with our pack and Eric.” I realized I was walking on thin ice on this topic. Red was someone who contended Damian for his Alpha position, obviously there would be some hard feelings.

“I should of killed that punk when I had the chance. He was supposed to suffer in those woods as a rogue; he was supposed to spend the rest of his days as a mere scavenger, a pest, a NOBODY.” Damian growled in that low deep voice that reminded me of our first encounter, and it gave me shivers down my spine.

“I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.” Eric added.

“If you want to know more, he betrayed me, he told Holden everything after he promised me to keep it a secret. His connection means nothing to me. NOTHING.”

Damian briefly took in what I said, but quickly turned his attention back to Eric, “Coincidence my ass, he almost killed you that day. I should have killed him… Why didn’t I KILL HIM?”

“Enough! Why does it matter now?” I stepped towards Damian to calm him down, but he was only getting worse. His eyes were blackened, and his body was tense.

“AND YOU HEALED HIM.” He growled.

“Excuse me?! WATCH YOUR TONE!” I was getting frustrated, the whole situation with Red was out of my control, we both made mistakes, but we couldn’t turn back time and change the past and Damian should realize that.

“He could have been working with Holden all along, this entire time when he was here, only to ‘coincidentally’ run into you Diana, only for YOU to heal him.”

“Even if that were true, how in the hell was I supposed to know that?!” I snapped.

Damian stood silently, his breathing turned course and shallow. I’ve seen this side of him before, the day he saw my mark. It was a side of Damian that I didn’t like, but I suppose we all had our moments.

Regardless of that, there should be no excuses, he had to control himself.

Eric went to tap his shoulder again to calm his raging temper, but he was immediately met with a strong whipping motion of his hand, pushing him out of the way.

“What the hell Damian? What’s your problem?” I ran to him to try to calm him down, but he was already stomping off.

It was pointless.

“Diana, let him go, he needs to cool off.” Eric ran to my side as I gave up pursuing Damian.

“Why is he being like this?” I felt myself getting worked up, the same emotions that I’ve been feeling all week, swirling around in my stomach like a vortex. I had to place my hand on my stomach to feel ease from the dull ache.

“There’s a lot of hard feelings with Loki, and he regrets not killing him that day.” He sighed heavily.

“What do you mean?”

“After Damian spared his life, he tried to kill me, and well, he almost succeeded.” He pointed to his scar on his face and continued, “By the time Damian came to my aid, he was already gone.”

“Why did he try to kill you?”

“Well,” Eric hesitated, “this whole thing was sparked by a little dispute over, uh-…”

“Over what Eric? What am I missing here?”

“We both were fighting for the same mate.”

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