
I managed to turn a few heads of some guests that surrounded us, but I could care less.

Was I being unreasonable?

Did I look insane?

Everyone seemed to be fine with Jessica but me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tears started to fill her eyes as I gripped my hand back on her arm, but I wasn’t going to hold back.

I was never going to hold back anymore; I needed to protect my family at all costs.

“Di, what the hell is this about? How do you know her?” I felt Damian’s hand go onto my shoulder. I could sense he wasn’t feeling the same threat as me, but he stood tall beside me we tried figuring out who she was.

Eric stood there wide eyed but refrained from getting in the middle of it. He knew his place, and he wouldn’t interject, but I could tell he was uneasy with the whole situation.

“I – I – I -” I couldn’t form a sentence. I was acting on a whim and I couldn’t explain myself beyond my suspicions.

What was I supposed to tell them?

It was only a gut feeling, and at the end of the day, I couldn’t see anything that would lead me to believe that she was an enemy, only this weird inner instinct that was causing me to act out.

Was I wrong?

Was this pregnancy related?

Were my emotions getting the best of me?

No Diana! You’ve made too many mistakes before and look where it got you! Don’t be a fool!

My mind was fighting over what was right or wrong, because what if I was wrong? She was human, and that’s all I knew about her. My inner beast was telling me she was bad, but what proof did I have?

“Di, are you sure?” I could feel Damian’s body tense up as he narrowed his glance at the girl. His eyes darkened, and I knew in this moment, he had my back no matter what. Whether he thought I was wrong or not, he wanted to protect me at all costs.

At this point, the girl looked like a scared lost puppy. Her eyes were watering, and her body trembled as Damian and I stood over her. She was in shock, and sweat pellets began running down her head as she stuttered her words.

“I started with Isabela last year, I – er – uh, I don’t know what else to say.”

What if I was wrong? Was I acting just like Holden would act? Impulsive and violent on just a gut feeling? What was I supposed to do…

Kill her? Torture her for information?

She was one human, and the only reasonable thing I could think of doing was sending her away, but what if I were wrong about that too? What if she was bad, or maybe she was connected to Holden?

“Luna, do you actually know her? She is only one human.” Eric remained where he stood, but there was a look of concern in his eyes as he looked to me.

Was he thinking I was going crazy?

I had no doubt he would do as I commanded, but the thought of the rest of the pack thinking of was some violent, impulsive Luna was the last thing I wanted for tonight, especially when I had to tell Damian of my news.

“Don’t be naïve, she is capable of more then you know.” I furrowed my eyebrows as I continued analyzing Jessica who was shaking nervously.

“I’ll take care of this.” Damian waved to a group of warriors on the other end of the bar. They weren’t drinking, and they were on duty to guard the place from what I can tell. They wore all-black combat suits with weapons holsters to their sides. Probably overkill for a function such as this, but Damian was paranoid just as much as I was.

“Wait.” I put my hand on his arm and looked to him, “What are you going to do?” I whispered. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I had my doubts of this woman, but was Damian going to kill her? I couldn’t have that on my conscience if I were wrong.

His eyes went blank and he looked to his warriors standing beside Jessica.

He was mind linking them.

“Yes Alpha.” They said in unison.

“Follow them,” He looked to trembling Jessica who looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown.

I hope I was right about her.

“Damian, please, where are they taking her?” I pulled on his arm once again after they started walking away.

“Don’t worry Di,” He turned to me and cupped his hand under my chin, “What, you think I’m going to kill her?”

At this point, I was an emotional wreck. I wasn’t sure if it was my hormones, or just the guilt of acting on a gut feeling. I wasn’t taking anymore chances with anyone. The old me would blindly trust and ignore complete strangers, but this time, I was going to be smarter, even if that made me look like a paranoid mental case. It was for my family, and I would protect them at all costs.

“Maybe…” I looked to the warriors escorting Jessica out the door.

She took one last look to me with eyes full of fear, like she wanted to tell me more, but she was too consumed in emotion.

As she left, I sighed in relief, but what was the relief of?

“Well, that’s what I get for flirting with someone.” Eric chugged the last of his drink and slammed it on the bar. I wasn’t sure if he was mad, upset, or disappointed. Or maybe he was all those things?

“Look Eric, I’m sorry-”

“She’s not my type anyway.” He chuckled lightly as he waved down the bartender. “Another double please.”

“Don’t worry about him, let’s talk.” Damian pulled my hand to the empty end of the bar.

“I’m not going to kill her, and to be honest, I’m impressed.” He playfully smiled as both of his hands went on either side of me, trapping me between him and the bar.

“Impressed?” I looked to him suspiciously.

What was he so impressed by? My paranoia? My fear?

“Usually I’m the paranoid one.” He chuckled lightly.

“Am I that bad?” I looked to the floor. He was right, but I couldn’t help myself.

“It’s not bad at all Di,” He leaned his face in closer to mine, “You’re a strong bad ass Luna who won’t take shit from anybody. Its ironic this happened.”

“Whys that?”

“Eric has been doing surveillance on Isabella and all of her employees for the past few weeks since you got here. To ensure they checked out. They seemed clean, and just your average humans.”

“Oh…-” My eyes widened at the realization. I had no idea, but how was Damian so prepared for the fact that they would be here tonight?

“But you see through people, and I’ll always have your back, no matter what.”

“This was only planned recently, how did you know the girls were going to hire Isabela?”

“She’s the only event planner that would work for werewolves around here, I assumed this was bound to happen.”


I definitely made a mistake. Was it my really my raging hormones?

“Hey,” He cupped under my chin and brought my gaze to him, “In all my years of fighting, you can never be sure who to trust. Just know that I will always protect you, and of course, trust you. You didn’t make a mistake; you were just being cautious. My mother was the same way and my father never doubted her.”

My face lit up just hearing the words. This night started out rough, but I think my anxiety and paranoia was starting to slowly dissipate. Damian was more prepared than I thought, and he was right, you can never be sure about strangers.

“Now I feel bad...”

“Don’t feel bad, you can’t feel bad for acting as our Luna. Our warriors are escorting her off our territory, and then they will follow her until the end of the night. Because if I know you, you have a knack for knowing peoples’ true intentions.”

“Thanks Hun.” I smiled and put my hand on his.

“By the way, did I tell you how sexy you look wearing this.” Damian’s hand began sliding up my bare thigh, tracing his fingers up further towards my underwear.

“You don’t want to start getting me going in a public place.” I shy fully pulled his hand away and blushed.

He whispered in my ear, “You know Di, Fenrir wolves are always open to their sexuality, no matter where they are. I mean, I could fuck you on this bar right now in front of everyone and no one will say anything.” Feeling his warm breath gave me shivers down my spine.

His arms trap me against the bar as he leaned in closer. His large bulge started to poke through his pants as he tightened the space between us. The more I felt him, the more I wanted him. His warmth, and his hard building cock grazing against me as he pinned me against the bar.

It was beginning to get unbearable.

My core was heating up and I felt my underwear oozing out of control for him. I wanted to grind up on him so bad, but I felt like there were so many eyes on us. I really didn’t want to make a scene, but it felt so damn good.

“I can smell you Di. It smells…” His tongue traced on my outer ear and down towards my neck. “Marvelous.”

I moaned in response to his touch, then he pinned himself harder against me. Feeling the weight of his powerful body turned my gears into overdrive. My heart was racing fast, and I gripped onto the nape of his neck, but just before we could continue further, I could hear someone clearing their throat behind us.

Damian turned his head around to see who it was.

“Eric, I’M BUSY.” He growled.

“The elders want to start.” Eric scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he looked the other way.

“Tell them,” Suddenly, Damian pulled my hand to towards the crowd of people in the center of the room, “After this song.”

“Whatever you say Alpha.” I could see Eric’s smile grow, but he soon disappeared into the crowd.

I was caught of guard by Damian’s sudden burst of energy, but I was down for a dance. It’s been too long since I let loose. I think the last time I had a dance was back home. I was 16, and I remember Aaron asking to slow dance with me near the end of the night. I thought it was careless fun with an old friend, but obviously he thought it was something more then that...

“Didn’t think Fenrir warriors could dance?” Damian smirked.

I could see a whole surge of people getting to the center of the room as Damian and I started to move to the music.

He pulled me tightly into his body.

“I didn’t think you could dance.” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his body.

I looked around; the whole moment was magical. The lights dimmed, revealing white back lighting that I only now discovered, hitting all the walls surrounding the bar.

Everyone was happy, enjoying themselves with one another. The music sounded rock…but it wasn’t. It was music I’ve never listened to before, but my body could move freely to it.

The extorsion guitar was pulsing to the beat of the drums, but the vibe was upbeat. The singer was light as their voice tipped the melody chorus with hints of vibrato. It was utterly perfect, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

I looked over to see Eric playfully pulling Hippolyta’s hand as she tried to pull away, but eventually, she gave in. I could tell she wanted to from the start, and Eric just had to pull her a little more to get her moving. She was smiling and laughing as he grabbed her hand, and before I knew it, they were dancing closely with one another.

I looked to the other side and saw Phyllis and Etta dancing with one another. Everyone had smiles on their faces. No matter what rank, what age, everyone was mixed in, dancing like there was not a care in the world.

I felt like I was dreaming. Never in my life I would imagine I would be a part of a pack such as this.

The music was too loud to overhear each other speak so I continued mind linking, “This is amazing.”

“No,” Damian’s hand slowly travelled down my back as he pulled me in tightly. He leaned over and lightly placed his lips on mine, “You’re amazing.”

“I love you.” I pulled him in for another kiss.

“I love you Di, you’re my everything.” His kiss turned into more, and his tongue lightly entered my mouth. His sweet taste sent a surge of sparks through my whole body, engulfing me in a euphoric tidal wave of pure ecstasy.

That’s when I had the thought.

This was the perfect time.

I couldn’t hesitate.

I had to do it.

I just had to say it.

I pulled away lightly as our eyes locked onto each other. His eyes twinkled through the darkness, but I could see him clearly. I always could see him through the shadows because he was my light. He was my rock that would hold me steady through turmoil, he would get me through anything, and he deserved to know.

He needed to hear it now.

Not another second later.


He stopped moving, his eyes widened with expression. I told him through mind link, but it didn’t matter. This moment was too perfect to pass up.

What?” He spoke loud enough for me to hear. He was in shock by the looks of it.

Did he expect this to happen so soon?

“I’m pregnant.” I smiled and brought his hand to my stomach.

“Oh my god.” Suddenly, he picked me up and twirled me around, “YOU’RE KIDDING ME?!”

“I’m not kidding,” I chuckled lightly.

“This is unbelievable,” He picked me up again and placed his lips on mine, “This is AMAZING!”

I felt my eyes starting to water up, I couldn’t contain myself. I felt so relieved I was finally telling him, and it was well worth the wait.

This was a moment I would remember for the rest of my life.

A memory I would never forget.

I could feel the happiness and joy from all the pack surrounding us, lifting my mind and body up a little more. They were all too enthralled in their dancing to take notice of Damian and I standing in the center, but it didn’t matter now.

The timing was perfect.

I wanted to wait until after the ceremony, but I told myself if a moment like this came up, I would tell him.

“No matter what, you make me the happiest man alive, but today…” I could tell he was getting emotional. Was the big bad Alpha Damian choking up?

“You’ve filled something I didn’t realize was empty. Something I thought I would never...” He pulled a strand of hair behind my ear and looked to me; his eyes were beginning to water.

I brought my hand to his face and looked to him; it was a face I’ve never seen him make before. He was happy, emotional, shocked, but most of all, he was experiencing an emotion he never thought he would feel.

To become a father.

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