Two Alphas, One Mate

Trigger Warning: This chapter has scenes of sexual abuse. If you are uncomfortable with that, of course, skip over this chapter. I just wanted to give you all a heads up and thanks again for reading!


I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep for, was it all night? Was it days? I could smell familiar scents. Scents that I never wanted to inhale again, but here I was, laying back in the same bed that I left the night Damian found me.

I kept my eyes closed. I could hear him.

“I know your awake.” Holden’s voice came from the corner of the room.

I was scared to open my eyes, but I had to face him.

As I opened my eyes, I was met with light, a lot of light. Or was it the drugs that were given to me? My head was pounding. I placed my fingertips to my temples to calm the pulsating wave of pain emanating from my forehead.

“Need something for that?” He asked.

“I’m fine.” I kept my eyes down, it was helping the headache, just until I could adjust to the light.

I was sitting in the same spot where I used to sleep on our old bed. Part of my body was under the blankets; I was still wearing the same white dress from the night. I suppose not that much time has passed on.

“What did you give me? It hurts.” I hissed.

I couldn’t confront him at the moment, the pain was getting worse. My head was pounding, like someone was taking a jack hammer to my head.

“Odd, but yet again, your pregnant. Must be affecting your ability to ingest certain things.”

“You drugged me asshole.” I looked up. He was standing in the dark corner, and I could barely see him, only his dark, large silhouette, standing still as he watched me closely. I felt like I was in an interrogation room and he was questioning me.

“Quite the mouth on you.”

“So you say.” I shuffled all the way back, looking around for anything that I could use as a weapon.

“Don’t bother.” He stepped forward, but it was still too dark to make out his face. “This room has been, how should I say... Upgraded for your arrival. See those windows?” He pointed to the large windows on the opposite end of the room, “Bullet proof, wolf proof, escape proof.”

“Why can’t you let me go, why can’t you move on, I told you I don’t want you. I don’t love you.”

“That’s what my mother said to my father. Funny how ironic it is, isn’t it?”

“You are a lunatic, a pathetic sore loser that can’t let go.”

He stepped in a little closer, his feet heavier on the floor. I was obviously turning his gears, but I didn’t care anymore. I was going to tell him the same thing everyday. I was going to tell it to his face, over and over again.

“I spared him, I fucking bashed the door down, and this is how you act?”

I laughed hysterically, I couldn’t help myself, was he for real?

“You are the one who caused the fire, are you seriously going to victimize yourself and make yourself look like the good guy?”

Suddenly, more pain, it was getting worse. I couldn’t help but to put my head in my hands.

“What the hell did you give me!?”

He walked over in quick pace. I couldn’t look back up; the pain was more severe. I was dazed, I felt like I was going to vomit. I was seeing double, maybe triple of everything.

“Look at me.” His hands went on my shoulder as he looked in my eyes. “Too much this time. It was the blade, fucking humans… always making mistakes…”

I tried to push him away.

“Get away from me!”

He grabbed hold of me again. I needed Damian, only he could make this sickness and pain go away. The touch of his skin was instant relief, and now, the only thing I felt were Holden’s cold hands.

“It’s ok angel, I’ll take care of you,” Holden wrapped his arms around me. He was only wearing pants. Feeling his bare skin touch mine felt so wrong.

Everything about this felt wrong.

My head was pounding, but I wouldn’t give in. I tried to squirm free, but he held me too tight.

“Get off.” I growled.

He let go, but that’s when his quick hands spun me around, lifted me up, and jammed me against the nearby wall.

His warm breath hit the side of my ear as he whispered, “You are mine Diana, get that through your thick skull, you want me to be blunt? Or would you like to play a game? Oh, I’ll enjoy that more, and I think you’ll regret it.”

“You’re going to hurt it.” I tried my best to protect my abdomen, and maybe, if I mentioned it, he would back off.

“Me fucking your pussy won’t hurt it Diana.” His forearm pinned me against the wall.

The tears were falling down my face, but I refused to cry out and plea. I was going to stay silent.

“If you want me to be gentle,” He pushed my legs apart and wedged himself between my legs. “Obey your Alpha.”

Was he joking? Would he actually go to the extent of hurting the baby? It was all he ever wanted, but now I wasn’t sure if he was serious. He was a lunatic, and he was unpredictable.

I remained silent.

We stood there for a minute in silence. His hard erect member, still grazing my ass.

“Good girl.” He kissed the side of my face and I immediately turned away.

“Ah – Ah – Ah” He pushed me tighter against the wall with his one arm, “What did I say?”

I stayed quiet.

I couldn’t hurt this baby. I couldn’t risk it.

Tears were piling on the floor beneath me, this was so wrong, and there was nothing I could do.

“Take off your dress.” He said in a low tone.

He released me. I went to turn around, but I felt his hand come on my shoulder. “No, face the wall.”

I squeezed my eyes tight as I wiped my cheeks but still remained silent. I had to be as emotionless as possible. He wanted a reaction out of me.

It was what he always wanted.

I slowly took my dress straps off my shoulders. There wasn’t much to take off, just the dress. I wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, only a pair of cotton underwear.

“My, my, motherhood has you looking, quite…” His hand slid across my arm, but I didn’t pull away. “Ravishing.” He wanted me to resist, and I wasn’t going to give him the reaction he wanted. This is what he lived for. He wanted me to fight, to struggle.

I dropped the dress to the floor.

I stood silently. My heart was pounding hard, but I kept my composure. The tears were dried by now, and I was an emotionless zombie. I had to prepare myself because he was going to try harder.

“Take off your underwear.”

I paused, I breathed in, and grabbed the waist band and pulled it all the way down. I tossed it to the side and remained facing the wall.

“Your ass looks bigger, I like it.”

I remained silent.

“Turn around.” He commanded.

This was it, I had to keep my blank face, I wasn’t going to show him my fear, I wasn’t going to cry, I wasn’t going to give him anything that he wanted.

I slowly turned around.

“Good girl.”

I locked eyes with him. He looked like a demon. His eyes were still blackened, and veins covered his body, pulsating, but I refused to look at his obvious erection staring at me in the face.

“Miss it?” He looked down at his bulge through his pants, then looked to me.

I kept a straight face.

“Miss it?!” He stepped forward and grabbed my jaw, squeezing tightly as he lifted my face up. I didn’t wince from the pain; I didn’t show him anger or displeasure, only my cold blank eyes.

He brought his hand to my breast and slapped it, the sharp sting tingled, but it was only a light slap. It was a warning; it was only going to get harder from here.

He knew what I wanted to say, maybe even predicted I was going to deny him, but I was going to catch him off guard.

“Yes.” I replied in a cold low voice.

“Hmm,” He narrowed his eyes as he looked me up and down, “Undress me.”

I breathed in heavily, I looked to him, but again, held no expression. I looked away as I bent over and unbuckled his belt. I pulled his pants down to his ankles, followed by his boxer briefs, unsheathing his hard erect member. I kept my eyes away and stood back to the wall.

He seemed surprised of my obedience, and then suddenly, his breathing turned rapid.

“This isn’t you.”

I didn’t reply, I stood there, straight, like an emotionless zombie. He wanted more out of this, and I was not giving it to him.

“Say something god dammit!” He raised his hand and swiped it across my face. There was a hard sharp sting on my cheek, but I only slightly winced. I straightened my face and looked to him dead in the eye.

I had to stay strong.

I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction.

He slapped me again, but he was met with the same reaction.

“You want it then, do you?”

My mind was panicking when he grabbed me, but I kept to the same game plan.

He held me tightly against him, then spun me around. His grip, so tight that it was hard to breathe. He slammed me back into the wall. His legs, pushing mine apart once again, exposing all of me to him.

“Arms behind your back.” He growled.

I followed his instructions, his arm latched onto mine and he pulled me tight. “Keep them here,” he whispered.

I wanted to cry, it was too much, but I kept the straight face. I wasn’t going to give in, no matter how much it hurt.

“Don’t fucking move.” He whispered again.

I felt the warmth from his member. The anticipation couldn’t get any worse. I wanted to explode from emotion, I wanted to run away, I wanted to claw my way out of this room, all the while, I felt like collapsing from my weakness, from whatever drug he gave me that was still coursing through my veins.

There was only the sound of his hard breathing against my neck, but that’s when the unexpected happened.

He released me.

I wasn’t sure where he was, I was too scared to move. I heard his footsteps, but that was it.

There was nothing.

I kept my eyes closed. My arms were starting to hurt as more time passed on.

Was he watching me?

I was standing against this wall, exposed for anyone standing behind me. I wasn’t sure what to do.

Several minutes passed. My face was against the wall but I held my composure. I had to get through this. I wasn’t going to burst out with emotion. Not until I knew it was clear.

“I’m impressed.” Holden’s cold dark whisper came from the corner of the room as his footsteps faded away.

The door slammed shut.

I was finally alone.

I let my arms down, I grasped onto the wall, and I finally let myself go. I sunk into the ground and cried. My eyes, too watered with tears to look at anything else. I was naked, I was alone in this strange bedroom, I was so far from my pack, my mate, the father of my child, all the while, I had to endure this. I had to get through this until he came. I knew he would, but how far was Holden going to go? How long could I go on like this?

I grabbed the dress from the ground and wiped my tears from my face.

I held my stomach.

“I’m sorry.” I cried.

I struggled to get to my feet. I was a wreck, I was weak, I felt sick, and I felt dirty. I limped over to the bathroom.

Everything was the same since I left, like I haven’t missed a day here. All the same soaps, shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, the same damn toothbrush, all in place. Everything was the same.

He was never going to let me go.

He was never going to let me live free.

I walked in the shower, I turned the tap on and let the rain fall from the large nozzle overhead. This felt like a prison cell, but to anyone else, you could call this luxury.

I would rather be living in the woods with Damian then this expensive mansion Holden called home.

The warm water fell on my face, washing all the dirtiness away, but it wouldn’t wash away my anxiety. My longing for Damian.

I couldn’t believe I was showering in my old bathroom.

How could I be showering in here when Damian was out there?

I sat on the floor of the shower, and cried, allowing my tears to fall down the drain. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

How was I going to escape? How could I get away? How could I risk running or fighting back when I was pregnant? What was Holden capable of?

Was I scared that he could come back at any moment?

Of course.

But I wasn’t going to let the fear control me. No, not this time.

I was never going to give him the satisfaction.

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