Two Alphas, One Mate
Last Day on Earth: Part 1


I thought I was dead.

The only thing allowing me to live was my will to see her one last time. I could hear her voice, and her touch, softly caressing the wound that was plastered onto my chest.

“Hippolyta?” I whispered, hoping she could hear me and pull me out of my slumber, but I was only met with silence and a darkness that was slowly devouring my mind.

Was this the end?


“Wake up.” There was a hard tap on my shoulder. My eyes were weighed down by exhaustion, but I was breathing, and the once heavy feeling in my chest was no longer there.

I was feeling as good as ever. Was this a sick joke? Did I just survive the night?

“Loki, wake up.” There was another tap, but this time one with more force. It was enough to get my eyes to slowly open.

It was blurry at first, and I could see dark silhouettes standing near by. I was expecting to wake up in either a shallow grave or a holding cell, but fate brought me here, some where in the pack house.

“WAKE UP.” Damian’s harsh cold voice came from the bottom of the bed. His arms were crossed as he looked down to me.

“Loki, please wake up, we need to talk,” a familiar voice spoke.

I wasn’t expecting to see him here so fast, yet again, I thought I would be dead by now. I suppose Adam got my coordinates to Fenrir territory and found Damian.

The hard metallic aftertaste of dried blood still remained in my parched mouth. My throat was dry like I haven’t swallowed in days, and my wrist was on fire.

I glanced down to see why. I pulled up my hand to realized I was shackled to the makeshift metal bed frame. The silver lined chain tightly dug into my skin, and it hurt to move the slightest bit. I hissed from the pain as I placed my hand back down on the bed.

I looked up to see Damian still looking at me with the same dark expression as before. His eyes were cold and emotionless as he looked over to Adam standing next to me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Adam looked bigger than I last saw him. He was wearing Fenrir warrior gear, an odd sight to see, but it was something I was hoping for this entire time. Damian needed his help to get Diana back. It was the least I could do. Nothing would make up for my betrayals, but knowing that I helped near the end would allow me to sleep better in the after life.

“Why didn’t you kill me?” My voice was horse, I could barely get the words out from my dry mouth.

“Here, drink this.” Adam held a glass of water in front of me. I went to put my hand out, only to realize it was the hand being weighed down by my shackle. I switched arms and used my free hand to take the glass of water.

“Thanks.” I pursed my lips to the glass and let the water soak through my mouth. I’ve never appreciated water this much in my entire life. I could drink several more glasses, but the one will suffice for now. I was grateful I was even getting this type of treatment.

“Is it true Loki?” Damian blankly asked.

I gave the glass back to Adam and wiped my mouth clean of the water drips. “Is what true?”

“Did you go back on the day of the fire?”

“Yes.” I replied.


“To save them.”

“You were a rogue. I find it strange that a feral beast would entertain the idea of saving anything but itself.”

“Diana saved me from that life. I had to save them. I owed her more, but it was as much as I could do to repay her.”

“You say that, but you still betrayed her… Well, all of us. You think saving her brother will make everything ok?”

“It’s a start.”

Damian scoffed, “So then, why did you do it then? Why did you come back and bring those bastards here?”

I sat up straight from the bed, thankfully I was back to my full health minus the silver shackle still chained to my wrist. “I told you Damian. I did it for Hippolyta. We are destined mates.”

Damian’s face lit up instantly. “Destined mates?”

It was our secret that we were destined mates, and now I was telling the world. Everyone thought up until this point Damian and Diana were the only ones, but they weren’t.

Hippolyta and I were destined together since we first set eyes on one another. I was an orphaned Omega since a small child, living with a human family, keeping a relative distance from most of the pack, but up until I became a warrior and rose up within the ranks, I realized that she was here all along. I didn’t notice her until I started working closely with the higher ranked warriors.

We only kept it a secret because I was banished soon after. I couldn’t allow her pack to think that she was a traitor just as I was. I would kill myself before she became a rogue like me, or much worse. Die for being with me.

“Does Eric know?” Damian asked.


Adam looked over to Damian for a moment, his eyebrows were raised. I could tell he wanted to say something but was waiting for Damian to finish speaking.

Damian gave a small nod in response.

“Thank you, Loki, for saving me that day, and guiding me here.” Adam looked back to me and gave a small smile. The way he looked to me gave me a sense of hope, but I wasn’t sure if it was hope that I was looking for. I was worried about Damian. He wasn’t himself, and now that he was marked and Diana was gone, it was only a matter of time until he became something else. He was weakened, his mind was crumbling, and his beast was taking charge of his decisions. I couldn’t help but to relate to his circumstances. I knew what it felt like to lose a destined mate.

“It was the right thing to do.” I kept my eyes on Damian who kept blankly staring at me. I wondered what he was thinking.

“Adam has offered to take you in to his own pack of survivors,” he said.

My eyes widened as I looked to Adam, “Are you serious?”

“Yes, but... ” he looked back to Damian and sighed.

Damian looked down the floor, then looked back to me hesitantly. “We need you to run point tomorrow at the hospital.” The sound of his voice dropped, and I had a feeling this was the most dangerous part of the mission.

“Run point?”

“We need an inside man to shut off the security system, we have no other way to shut it off.” Suddenly, Eric’s voice emerged from the doorway. His arms were crossed, and he leaned against frame. “But yet again, its suicidal, and its something that I already offered to do.” Eric narrowed his eyes on Damian.

“I’m not letting you go in there. I need you to hack into the computer to find where Diana is located. You’re the most tech savvy one in the entire pack. Its our only way to get to Diana.”

“I can do both.” Eric replied.

“NO, like I said, I need you to retrieve Diana while I deal with Holden.” Damian raised his voice and straightened his body. I’m sure they already had countless discussions on the plan, and they were missing someone for this job. A typical warrior wouldn’t be able to pull it off, only me.

“I’LL DO IT.” I raised my voice enough to speak over them.

All eyes turned to me. Everyone's eyebrows were raised. They were surprised I was willing to kill myself over their cause.

“I knew you would.” Adam smiled as his face turned back to Eric and Damian.

“You know the chances of coming out alive are slim right? Once you shut off the security system, they will know exactly where you are, and there is no escaping the security room. The likely hood of coming out alive is…”

“I said I’ll do it.” I peered back to Eric who still had his arms crossed. I knew what he was thinking. He always doubted me, but at the end of the day, I understood why.

“Well, that settles it,” Damian started walking to the door. “Unlock him from the bed Eric, give him what he needs for tomorrow. We leave at dawn. Adam will brief you on the mission.”

I wanted to say thank you, but Damian already left the room before I had a chance to reply.

Eric slowly approached me with the small key grasped tightly in his hand. He unlocked the shackle and stood back, allowing me to stretch my sore wrist. The burn marks that once covered my skin healed quickly, and in no time, it was feeling the same as it always did.

“I’m surprised your helping us,” Eric muttered under his breath.

“I’m doing it for Hippolyta. She needs this pack just as much as everyone else here.”

“I didn’t know you were destined mates,” Eric's face deepened as he looked away briefly. I could tell the news of Hippolyta and I being destined mates was hitting him hard. I wish I could have been honest from the beginning, but we were already past that.

“Look,” I sighed heavily. “Just promise me you will take care of her when I’m gone. Please.”

Eric turned his face to me and we both locked eyes, and for the first time ever, I saw something in him that changed. It was like I was seeing a different side to him. Our entire relationship had only been jealousy and countless bickering, and now, it was something more. For once I was looking into the eyes of a man who cared.

He then put his hand out to help me up from the bed.

“I give you my word.”

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