Two Alphas, One Mate
The Great Escape


Holden stood silently since his apology. I couldn’t respond, hell, I wasn’t sure how to reply to it. I was torn. I hated him, but at the same time, my mother always taught me to forgive, but how could I forgive the monster that practically ripped my soul in half?

It was an awkward elevator ride that felt like an eternity. Holden stood beside me, and both of us were looking forward at the plain steel door, anxiously waiting for the elevator to arrive to the main floor.

He fidgeted his hands anxiously as the numbers ticked down. “Leave the red headed bitch to me, get to Diana first,” he muttered under his breath.

I annoyingly rolled my eyes in his direction. “I think I know what I’m doing…”

He smirked, “Is that how you talk to your pack?”

“You think this is a good time to be making jokes?!”

“As my father would say, ‘a good joke goes along way before the slaughter’.”

“Wasn’t it you, doing the slaughtering? Jokes come easy when you’re the winning side.”

He scoffed and nodded his head, “Jesus, your up tight.”

“Just because you apologized doesn’t mean I’m making small chat with you like we’re buddies.”

“Says the man who literally broke into my house and kidnapped my mate.”

I peered over to Holden and let out a low growl, “Says the man who burned down her entire pack and killed her surviving family…” I was ready to punch this asshole out, but I had to contain myself. We both needed each other to make this plan work and he was making it extremely difficult.

“Oh, is that the assumption? I never had the heart to tell Diana her father tried killing me first.”

“Are we seriously bickering about this now? Besides, you’re a pathological liar, or maybe I would classify you as a crazy psychopath like your girlfriend Aria.”

“She’s my mistake, and I’ll own it. I’m just telling you the truth Damian. It’s what happened. And if Diana has to live thinking I was the one who made the strike that day when I met her family, I’ll accept it. I wouldn’t want her to remember them in a way like that.”

“She was going to leave you anyways, especially if she had to listen to your whiny little voice every single day, or maybe you were too busy cheating on her?”

Holden lightly chuckled, “Haven’t heard someone talk to me like that since father was still alive.”

“Too bad he isn’t here to see you lose his entire pack.”

“Ah, the ugly truth, there it is. Irony at its best.”

I slammed my fist in the door, “What the hell is the elevator doing, why is it taking so long!? We should have taken the stairs!”

“Why not a grand entrance Damian?” Holden pulled something from the floor behind his feet. I suppose everything had the stench of death around us and I failed to realize Holden was stashing something away. At first I thought the object was wrapped in a red blanket, but really, it was a white hospital sheet stained with blood.

I curiously looked at the object, “Is that what I think it is? I didn’t see you…”

“While you were still coming back to reality in your dazed state, I swiped the poor boy’s head… AND didn’t take much of an effort too.” He pulled the sheet off and a let out a large, crazed smile, “Isn’t that right, Aaron?”

I immediately cringed at the sight of Aaron’s disgusting head. “I’m sure Diana is going to love seeing that.”

“Oh, I’m sure they all will.”

I scoffed and turned my head away, “Typical…”

“You and I are so alike, quit denying it. I know what you did to all of those scouts I sent to your territory.”

I kept my eyes towards the steel door. If he was going to compare me to him he was greatly mistaken, because I was nothing like him. “If you’re looking for an apology, you’re not getting one.”

“If you say so, ALPHA.”

I turned to him with raised eyebrows, “Excuse me? Did you just call me Alpha?”

“So what if I did? I’m nothing now.”

“I’m done with your head games, lets do this.” I double checked the mechanisms on the rifle I had in my hands. I had one full magazine of ammo, barely enough to get us out depending on how many reinforcements were there.

“You won’t need that after I’m done with them,” he blankly stated.

“Oh yea?” I clicked off the safety and braced the rifle in my arms, “You and what army?”

Holden peeked over to me and lifted Aaron’s head to match his own, “I am the army.”

“We will see about that psycho.”

“Game on, brother.”



I took in a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, calming my racing heart from the anxiety.

The sounds of snarling wolves, men yelling at one another, and gun fire all came to a screeching halt when the elevator door opened.

Holden turned his eyes to me once more and gave an affirmative nod.

“KNOCK, KNOCK, this little pig couldn’t keep the big bad wolf out.” Holden pulled back his arm holding Aaron’s head, and in one strong motion, threw it across the lobby.

The head bounced like a bowling ball, making its way to the center of the large foyer.

There were loud gasps as it rolled across the floor, and it surprisingly rolled directly to the feet of the very person we were both hoping to catch view of first.


She was completely surrounded by Crimson warriors and shifted wolves. Her eyes were widened in shock as she lightly stepped onto Aaron’s head, but her surprised reaction soon turned to a crazed smile.

“He didn’t have it in him to be Alpha anyways, but now that I see Diana’s true potential…” She punted the head to the side like a piece of garbage, almost knocking over one of her warriors. “I want her alive, and I want those two DEAD.” She pointed to us, but her threat didn’t phase me one bit. I was only focused on finding Diana now.

I frantically tossed my eyes across the room, trying my best to figure out where they were hiding. The lobby was massive, almost reminiscent of a modern cathedral, with sky high ceilings, and a thousand places to hide.

I finally caught a glimpse of some of my warriors in the far east corner, at least one hundred feet away from Aria and her men.

“DAMIAN?!” I heard Diana’s voice screeching from across the room, and her head lightly poking above a large desk.

“Stay in cover, I’m coming for you.” I mind linked, but she stood from the cover as soon as she realized who I was standing with.

“HOLDEN?!” Her voice echoed over everything around us. She was with Loki, Adam, Eric and a few other surviving warriors that were shifted into their wolves. They were taking cover behind the main lobby desk, and by the looks of it, they were in the worst location. They were far from the main exits, which were also covered by Crimson warriors.

“What a grand reunion Di! Too bad it will be coming to another tragic ending.” Aria smirked as she reloaded her assault rifle.

“No more words will be wasted on you bitch.” Holden quickly took cover at some nearby couches, and I followed suit once we heard their guns readjusting their aims onto us.

“Oh Holden, poor boy, your vastly outnumbered, and ironically, outnumbered by your former pack.”

“She’s right. There’s at least 50 of them in this lobby…” I muttered under my breath.

Holden peeked over the couch and back to me in a huff, “How in the hell did you have time to count?!”

“Something my father taught me…”

Holden began taking his hospital gown off, “Well, if we make it out alive, you can teach me.”

“Whatever you say, you crazy bastard.”

“It’s been nice knowing you. Remember our promise, take care of them.” Holden put his hand out to shake. I could see his eyes already starting to fade out, and his teeth, shifting to their wolf canines.

I hesitated for a moment, then reached out for his hand. I hated him, but it would be my way of letting go of him.

I had to make peace with the past and let go.

We firmly shook hands for a moment, then I turned my attention back to Diana.

“Tic Tock brothers. Times a wasting,” Aria shouted out again.

Just as I turned my head back to Holden to say something, he was already gone. His wolf was fast, just as mine, but I was doubtful he would be able to take all of them all by himself.

“Eric, provide cover fire, I’m coming to you.” I mind linked and dropped my weapon to the floor. I had to be light on my feet to make it unscathed to the other side of the lobby.

“Of course!” He replied instantly, then soon after, the guns started to go off.

Smoke filled the room, and the remaining Fenrir and Crimson wolves lunged for one another.

This was my chance to make my way to Diana.

I took in one final breath, bracing my legs to bolt, then as soon as I heard a some of them reloading their weapons, I ran.

I ran as fast as I could.

Bullets whizzed past me, but it never slowed me down. One silver bullet would cost me my life if I wasn’t fast enough.

I could see Eric, Loki, and Adam’s faces through the smoke, and the scent of Diana was getting stronger.

When I neared the large desk, I slid forward on the ground, avoiding the last few bullets that were heading straight for me.

I was out of breath, but I made it. I even patted myself down to ensure I wasn’t shot.

“Damian!” Diana’s arms reached around my neck, and she wrapped herself tightly around my body like a blanket.

“Di!” There were instant sparks that touched our skin. Up until this point I had almost forgotten what it was like to have her near me. I was so far away from who I was, and she was the only one that could dig me out of the deep hole I fell into. Her warmth and touch lifted my soul, and all I wanted to do was hold her in my arms, but now wasn’t the time to bask in our emotions. We were completely surrounded with no where to run.

“How are you alive?! I thought you were dead!” She frantically patted me down for injuries.

“I’m ok,” I placed my hand on the side of her face and kissed her, “There’s no time. I’m not sure how long Holden will last out there by himself.”

A large roar echoed through the lobby, followed by blood curdling screams.

“What the hell is he doing?!” Loki was wide eyed as he hovered above us, aiming his iron sites across to where the warriors fought Holden off. I couldn’t bare to look now, I had to focus on finding out way out of here.

I peered back behind us to realize there was a large steel door leading downstairs. “What about the parking garage?”

“Crimson warriors are down there, there’s too many to take on,” Eric yelled out.

A few more minutes passed as I analyzed every aspect of the lobby. Each door was completely blocked off. We would have to fight our way out, but I wasn’t going to leave Diana again. She was too vulnerable to be left unprotected, let alone fight herself.

Suddenly, there was a woman’s voice that came behind us. My heart skipped a beat thinking it was Crimson, but it was rather the opposite.

Anyone looking for an exit?” The woman announced.

My eyes widened as I witnessed a few familiar faces running through the park garage door behind us.

It was Hippolyta, Etta and at least six other female warriors, dressed to the nines in tactical gear. They all took cover behind nearby pillars by the door they came through.

Shocked was an understatement. I had so many questions, but I was so damn relieved to see them here.

“H?!” Loki pulled himself from his cover and ran to her, not giving a care in the world about the bullets still whizzing past us.

“Loki!” Hippolyta ran into his arms, “Thank the Moon Goddess your alive!”

“I thought I was never going to see you again...What are you doing here? We’re trapped, there’s no way out!” Loki released her in quick pace as the fighting got louder in the background. Most of the remaining warriors surrounding us joined in the fighting as Holden and the Crimson warriors drew closer to us. It was only a matter of time until we were completely surrounded. I was ready to shift if I had to fight but running with Diana was my priority.

“Alpha, Luna, we’re glad your ok,” Hippolyta hunched down and took cover next us, “But, we don’t have much time… We cleared the parking garage, and we have to go NOW.”

“We’ll cover you guys while you make your way downstairs through the exit behind us. We have a van ready for extraction.” Etta peaked her head around the pillar as she aimed her weapon to the opposite side of the room. She was like Eric in some ways and preferred to be the brains of the operation, but today I saw a fire in her eyes that was burning brightly.

“Perfect, Diana, ready - ?” I turned my attention to Diana peeking over the desk, watching the fighting continue. By the sounds of Holden’s wolf, he was injured, but still fighting strong.

“We don’t have time…” I pulled on her hand, but she resisted.

“Why is he doing this?! Why?” Tears filled her eyes as she watched the bloody scene.

I peaked over the desk. There was so much smoke, but I was able to get a glimpse Holden’s silhouette, fighting a mixture of shifted wolves and warriors that swarmed around him.

I tugged on her hand again, “We don’t time for this! I’ll explain later!”

Her eyes turned to me. I was confused at her reaction, yet again, I couldn’t imagine how she was feeling about this entire situation. She wanted him dead, to the point she did it herself, but now, was shedding tears as he sacrificed himself for us to escape.

“Ok…” She eventually gave way and allowed me to take her in my arms.

“I’ll carry you the rest of the way, your too weak,” I turned my eyes to Adam still covering fire for Holden. “Follow us,” He took his gun off the desk and nodded.

Loki followed suit, and eventually we all turned away, only to be met with the shrieking howls of Holden’s wolf taking on an entire army by himself. To be killed by your own men was a death I couldn’t imagine. I could call it Karma, but he chose this for himself.

Hippolyta, Loki, and Eric were covering fire as we made our exit, then eventually, one by one everyone ran through behind us.

The parking garage was two floors below, and it took no time at all to reach the exit.

Just having Diana in my arms gave me the strength to keep going, because at this point I was exhausted, tired, and weak from the drugs, but everything leading up to this point was worth it, and I would do it over again if I had to.

“We’re here.” I caught view of the black armoured truck as soon as we passed through the door.

There was young Fenrir woman, ready to assist with loading in passengers. “Alpha, Luna, this way,” she opened the back door and put her hand out.

“Help her first.” I placed Diana down, but instead of going into the truck, she turned to me. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Make sure they make it.” Her eyes were watered, full of desperation. She couldn’t lose anything else after today, hell, I wasn’t sure how much more I could lose.

“I will my queen,” I whispered in her ear and lightly guided her to the truck. I could tell she didn’t want to leave me, but she understood I had to get the rest of them out.

Once I knew she was settled in the truck, I turned my attention back to the stairwell door. My heart was racing as I heard the quick footsteps climbing down the stairs.

They all came out. First it was Etta, then Hippolyta, Loki, and Eric. I assumed the six warriors that arrived with Etta and Hippolyta stayed back to fight off the rest of the Crimson warriors.

“Where is Adam!?” My eyes widened at the closed door.

No, no, no, this couldn’t be.

Panic surged through me as I realized there was no one else coming through the door.

Eric was still catching his breath as he looked back at the door, “He was right behind me, he must of went back...”

“WHERE?” I started to run towards the stairwell. I couldn’t leave him behind, I couldn’t let anything happen to him again.

“ADAM?” I shouted up the stairwell and there was no response.

I climbed up a flight of stars and shouted out again, “ADAM?!”

I was ready to go back in to fight, I couldn’t leave him behind, not this time.

I paused for a moment. Guns were still going off, and the fighting was getting louder. My hands gripped onto the steel rails as I ran scenarios in my head.

Why would he stay behind? Was he injured and not tell us?

My heart was beating fast. We were running out of time. Would I have to shift to save him?

“Adam?!” I shouted out again but was met with no response.


There was only silence.


I felt my eyes start to fade out as I allowed my beast to come forward. If this is what it would take to save him I had to do it for Diana.

I wasn’t leaving him behind.

Just as I took another step, his voice called out to me.

“Damian!?” He ran through the door and was already heading down the stairs towards me.

My adrenaline was still coursing through my body as I watched him, “What the hell happened!? You ok?” I analyzed him up and down, ensuring he wasn’t injured, and much to my relief, he was fine. No silver bullets, not even a scratch on him.

“I tried to save them, I tried to get as many as I could out, but I couldn’t…” His blood shot eyes dropped to the floor as he regained his breath.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and put out my hand, “Don’t let them die for nothing, they chose to come, they chose to save us.”

“Thanks.” He latched on my hand for a moment and squeezed tightly “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

We both headed down the flight of stairs.

I came through the exit first where Diana was already waiting outside the truck.

“Adam?! Where is Adam?!” Her tear-filled eyes poured down her cheeks as she frantically looked in my direction.

Just as she neared me, the door from the stair well opened, and Adam came running through.

“Diana!” He ran directly for her with open arms, “I’m sorry…I couldn’t save them… Their all dead…”

“It will be ok Adam…I’m just so glad you made it.” She sighed heavily and wiped the tears from her face.

“We must go,” I signaled to the driver in the rear-view mirror that we were almost ready.

She nodded and revved the engine.

We all climbed in and settled down in the cab of the truck. Once the vehicle started moving, some of us sighed with relief, but we weren’t out of the woods yet. The city was unpredictable, enemies could lurk around any corner, and it was hard to distinguish our surroundings. The smells, the noises all distorted our senses when we came here, that was why the city was no place for a wolf.

After a few more minutes, we came through the parking garage exit. The further we got the more relaxed everyone became. There were no windows in the back of the cab, but I could tell the streets were still deserted. It was quiet, early morning, and as much as the peaceful quietness of the drive caused most of us to pass out, my adrenaline was still coursing through me.

I held Diana in my arms as she slowly passed out from the exhaustion. It was a long ride home, but I wouldn’t be able to sleep until I was in my own bed. I couldn’t let my family go unwatched while we were still exposed. No matter how safe we were in this truck, I refused to let my guard down until we were on Fenrir territory.

I glanced around the cab at the remaining survivors from the mission. Everyone was passed out from sheer exhaustion. Hippolyta leaned on Loki’s shoulder, Eric had his head back and mouth open against the wall of the truck, and Etta and Adam unknowingly leaned against each other like pillows.

I was fucking exhausted. I had no words to how tired I was. I envied their sleep, hell, I wish for a few seconds I could rest my eyes, but I was never going to let my guard down after today.

I looked down at Diana and pulled a strand of tangled hair away from her face. She was breathing heavily, like she was in a deep sleep. Her eyes, her lips, the way her skin felt as I grazed my hand against her cheek made the urge to sleep a little stronger. I hadn’t slept a solid night since the day she was taken, and now that we were back together, I felt as though I could sleep for an eternity.

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