“Have a seat, Miss Edwards,” Joe said and handed Zane a file to look at.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” Jade asked. She glanced over at Zane while he read the report and noticed him frowning.

“It’s about Trevor Frost.”

“What about him?”

“He was found early this morning by his housekeeper, murdered.”

Her jaw went slack and she shook her head. “No, that’s not true. I just talked to him a couple of days ago.” She didn’t want to cry in front of them but she couldn’t help it. Taking the tissue that Joe handed her she thanked him. “Thank you,” she sobbed, wiping her eyes. “How? How did it happen?”

“He was stabbed, twice,” Joe answered.

“I find that hard to believe. Trevor is strong and has great reflexes, no way someone would be able to get the upper hand on him,” she said, sobbing.

“There was no sign of forced entry, so he had to have known his attacker and let him in. Did he and Kenny know each other?” Joe asked, taking notes.

“Only by sight, they never talked. “Why, do you think Kenny killed him?”

“We might know once the prints are checked with his. Honestly, everything points to him. I wanted to tell you before you heard it on the news. Go home and when we know for sure I’ll give you a call.” He looked up at Zane. “Stay close to her. There is a warrant out for his arrest, he is considered armed and dangerous.”

An officer knocked on the door and poking his head in and asked if he could see Joe for a minute. He turned to Zane. “I’ll just be a minute.”

Once Joe was gone Zane went over to her, kneeling down in front of her he took her hands in his. “I’m so sorry Jade. I can’t image what you are going through right now. Trevor was a big part of your life and whoever did this to him will be caught and brought to justice. I promise you that.”

She looked at Zane, her lips quivering. “You don’t think Kenny did it do you?”

“To be honest, no. I’m not sure what part he plays in all this but I don’t see him as a killer. I hope I’m right.”

Zane got to his feet when Joe walked back in, shutting the door behind him. “We got the results back on the print. It was Kenny’s print on the knife, we have our killer.”

Both Jade and Zane looked at each other.

“Are you sure it’s his print?” Zane asked.

“Yes, there’s no doubt. The handle was wiped off but he missed a spot. It won’t be long before he’s captured.” Joe opened the door. “So go home and wait till he’s in custody.”

Back at Jade’s she went right to the liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of bourbon. She poured herself a large glass and looking back at him asked. “Want one?”

“No thanks. It’s kind of early for a drink isn’t it?”

Her eyes were dull and lifeless when she stared at him. “The man I spent two years with was murdered by another man who is obsessed with me and I’m his next target. I think I deserve to have a drink,” she said, downing the bourbon and pouring another one before going and sitting down.

“I know you’re upset but getting wasted isn’t going to make you feel any better.” When he tried to take the drink from her she moved away. “Come on Jade, give it to me.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” she snapped. “You’re no different from all the other men I know, thinking you can control me. No more, I’m my own person and I’ll do whatever the hell I want to do.” Standing up she flung her glass across the room. Watching as the glass smashed she sat back down, covered her face with her hands and cried.

He went and sat down beside her and she buried her face in his chest when he put his arms around her.

“I’m sorry Zane,” she said, sobbing.

“I know sweetheart, it’s ok.” He reached for the blanket and placed it over her when he felt her shivering. It wasn’t long till she had fallen asleep, he laid her down moved to the other end of the sofa and flipped on the TV. Keeping the volume on low so as not to wake her.

A picture of Trevor and the news of his death had everyone in torment. He was a well-known wrestler and was loved by all his fans. It was followed by a picture of Kenny and they were asking the public for any information on his whereabouts. The public was informed not to approach him, but to get in touch with the police right away.

Zane took a quick glance over and saw she was awake and watching the news, so he turned it off. “I didn’t know you were awake or I wouldn’t have turned on the news.”

“I would have seen it sooner or later,” she said, sitting up. She jumped when she heard a noise at the door, her eyes wide when she looked at Zane.

Pulling his gun out he ordered her to get down and he dashed over to the door just as someone knocked. “Who’s there?” he barked, cocking his gun.

“Delivery for Miss Edwards from La Rams.” The voice on the other side of the door said.

“Letting out a sigh of relief he put his gun behind his back inside the waistband and opened the door only after looking through the peephole. Taking the dress and shoes thanked the young man and gave him a generous tip before closing the door.

Rubbing the back of her head she went over and took the outfit from him. “I’ll just go and put these away. Why don’t you order us some takeout, my treat,” she said, walking away and into her bedroom.

“What are you in the mood for?” he shouted out.

“Italian please,” she called back. Poking her head out. “I’m going to shower and put my nightgown on so when the food comes pay for it with my card, it’s on the counter.”

Ordering the food he saw her card and shook his head. He would be damned if he was going to let her pay for their dinner, but knowing her she would get mad so he decided not to tell her.

She came out with a towel around her head and wearing a gown and robe just as the food arrived and he paid for it, she hadn’t noticed it was his money he used. Grabbing some plates she brought them out into the living room and they ate on the sofa.

To avoid the news Zane found a movie to put on while they ate. Her phone rang and he got up to answer it for her, it was Reggie.

“Yeah, but she’s resting.”

“Who is it?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

“Reggie,” he answered reluctantly.

Getting up she took the phone from him walked over to the window and looked out while Zane listened in.

“No, I’m fine. No, you don’t have to come over. They found Kenny’s fingerprints on the knife. There is something you can do for me. Find out when the service for Trevor is taking place. I want to be there. Zane will be there with me so there’s no need for you to worry.” She glanced over at Zane. “Stop it, Reggie,” she snapped. “Ok goodbye, call me tomorrow.” Hanging up she went back over to Zane and picked up her plate of food and started eating.

“He upset you, what did he say to you?”

“It’s nothing really.” She wasn’t about to tell him that Reggie accused her of sleeping with him. “He doesn’t think I should go to the funeral.”

Zane made a face, one that showed his displeasure at agreeing with the man. “I hate to say it but I agree with him. You’ll be an open target, anything could happen.”

“Whoever is behind this, whether it’s Kenny or someone else wouldn’t be stupid enough to try anything with so many people around. I’m going,” she said, tucking her legs under her. She knew right off he would give her a hard time about going, so she beat him to the punch and brought the subject up. Letting him know right off the bat she was going.

“There’s no point in arguing with you is there?” he snapped.

A smile curled up on her lips. “Now you’re learning.”

He just shook his head at her.

That night he just held her though he wanted more, tonight was not the right time. It had been a very upsetting day and she needed only to be held.

For two days they stayed inside, keeping busy by playing cards, watching movies and at night making passionate love. Reggie had called to let her know when Trevor’s funeral was. So on the third day, she wore a black dress and Zane wore a dark suit. He tried to talk her out of going but it was to no avail.

They arrived at the church which was already filled and they had to sit near the back. Eyes turned to look at her and the whispering began. Jade knew many of the people there through Trevor, mostly wrestlers and of course his family. His Mother and two brothers, all of whom gave her a look of contempt.

“Why are they giving you that look?” he asked her.

“They hate me for breaking up with Trevor, blames me for his drinking and I’m guessing for his death.” She swallowed the lump in her throat when the two brothers, Robert and Trent glared angrily at her. When she was dating Trevor they were nice to her and treated her like family but since the break-up, they were hostile towards her.

Zane looked over at the brothers. Could one or both be behind Jade’s death threats? But surely not Trevor’s death. He made a mental note to tell Joe to check them out. After the service and people went up to give the family their condolences Jade and Zane made their way to them.

“Mrs. Frost, I’m so sorry about Trevor,” Jade said, her tears watered up.

“Are you?” Trevor’s mother said, her eyes were filled with hate for her. “I would have thought you’d be glad he was dead.”

“My God no, I still cared a great deal about him, you know that.”

“Is that why you dumped him, broke his heart? Because of you, his career was ruined, you used him and then when you got what you wanted you left him a broken man. You are nothing but a cold-hearted bitch,” Trent said, getting in her face only to be stopped by Zane who stepped between them.

“Back off,” Zane hissed.

“That’s not true Trent,” she cried out. “You know how he was, how he treated me near the end and his drinking got worse, way before we broke up. Just because I broke up with him doesn’t mean I didn’t still care about him.”

Robert, the older brother stepped forward. “I suggest you leave Jade, no one wants you here.”

“Robert, surely you don’t blame me for his death.” She placed her hand on his arm and looked up at him, pleading with her eyes.

“It’s your fault he’s dead. When he heard you had a stalker he kept an eye on you, followed you wherever you went. He wanted to protect you and because of that, he was murdered. Leave now before anything more is said,” he looked at Zane and back to her. “Looks like you moved on,” he said, turning he walked away. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Zane took her arm. “Let’s go.”

She watched the Frost family walk away, her heart ached for Trevor and his family. They once treated her like family and now they looked at her with so much hate it sent shivers through her body. The feel of Zane’s hand adding pressure brought her back to reality. Nodding she let him lead her to his car. Getting in she wiped her eyes and laid her head back on the seat, wishing now she had listened to Zane and stayed away. Though there were no threats on her life while she was here this felt and hurt just as much.

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