The next morning as he sat at the desk across from Joe he yawned. It was a late night, what with all the extra activities he and Jade had indulged in. Her poor bed was in shambles, but it was a night he’d never forget.

Joe looked over at Zane who was staring at the screen on the computer, his eyes narrowed just like they always do when he was searching for something. He was tense, tapping his fingers on the desk. “What’s got you all worked up?”

“Were you aware that Reggie Curtis has a life insurance policy on Jade?” He looked up at his partner.

“He’s her manager, it’s probably normal.”

“For Ten Million dollars?” Zane asked.

Joe let out a whistle. “Holy shit, that’s a lot of dough.” Moving his chair sat next to Zane and started reading the screen. “It’s only good for as long as she is under contract with him, but is invalid once she’s not his client.”

“Exactly,” Zane said, banging his fist on the desk.

Joe scratched his head, his mind racing and looked at his partner. “There’s still another two weeks or so before this becomes invalid, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Joe asked him.

“Damn right, I am. If she dies before the final date on here he gets a cool Five Million, that’s a hell of a motive for murder. Let’s go have a talk with Mr. Curtis.” Though the case was closed once he told his suspicions to the Chief they were given permission to check it out, off the record.

Before they could reach Reggie’s place they were called to another job on the other end of town. It was getting late by the time they made it to Reggie’s home, parking the car they walked up the steps to the front door and rang the bell. They were surprised to see him answering the door. In a place like this, you’d expect him to have a butler.

“Officer Brown, Officer Warner, what are you two doing here?”

“Can we come in, we have some questions for you,” Zane said, letting himself in before getting an answer. They followed Reggie into the living room.

“I hope this won’t take long, I have to pack for an overnight business trip.”

“Is your wife home sir?” Joe asked, sitting down on the leather sofa.

“No, she’s at some club meeting. My wife belongs to several and is on the board so she is required to be at all the meetings. Please get to why you are here,” he said, looking at his watch.

“It’s about the life insurance policy you have on Jade, it’s quite high, isn’t that a little unusual?” Zane said, staring back at Reggie.

He placed his hands on his knees and leaned forward, facing Zane. “It’s none of your business but no, it’s not unusual to put insurance on one’s top model. What are you getting at?”

“You will get ten million dollars if Jade dies,” Zane answered.

“True, but since she will no longer be under contract the insurance ends. If you are trying to say that I want her dead you are wrong. Besides, they caught the man who was after her.”

“Kenny claims he is innocent.”

“Officer Brown, what criminal doesn’t say he’s innocent? I like Jade, she made me a lot of money so why would I hurt her now? I was the one who decided to let her go early.”

Zane and Joe stood up to leave but first, he had words for Mr. Curtis. “Yes you did, but it still gives you time to kill her. You knew she was done soon and you wouldn’t be making any more money from her so I bet ten million dollars in your pocket sounds damn good. We will be keeping a close eye on you and if even one hair on her head is harmed I’m coming for you,” Zane said, pointing a finger at him.

“See yourselves out,” Reggie snapped.

Zane looked over at Joe. “Let’s swing by Jade’s place.”

“She’s not home,” Reggie said.

“How do you know?” Zane asked.

“She and some of the models are working late, they’re in the studio.”

Zane looked at his watch. “This late? It’s almost eight.”

“With all that’s been happening Jade’s behind in her schedule, she has to make up the time.”

Getting back in the squad car he turned to Joe. “I hate that guy but I believe him. Something still feels wrong, step on it. We need to get to the studio ASAP.”

“What’s on your mind, Zane?”

“We’re missing something but I can’t put my finger on it.” As they drove Zane looked over to where a group of men was standing outside a store smoking. Something in his brain clicked and he turned to Joe. “The cigarette butt.”

“What?” Joe asked, wondering what he was talking about.

“The butt found at the scene when I got shot along with the bullet casing, what happened to it?

“It got thrown out.”

Zane cursed. “Why? We could have gotten the DNA off it.”

“It would have been impossible, it was ground into pieces.” He glanced at Zane. “Why are you asking about it now?”

“I had forgotten all about it till now when I saw those guys smoking. Knowing the brand would have been helpful. Is there a chance the officer who bagged it might know the brand?”

“Officer Hicks, he’s on duty, call him.”

Hanging up he shook his head. “He’s not sure, but he did say it looked like it had a brown tip. Damn, knowing the brand could have led us to the culprit.”


Jade was the last one to change since Mike said he needed a couple more shots, the ones he took didn’t turn out. Alone in the dressing room, everything was deathly quiet, sending a shiver through her. Grabbing her purse she walked out, no one was around, she was alone. She rooted in her purse for her phone so that she could call for a cab. Before dialing she heard a noise, she stopped to look around but didn’t see anyone.

“Is someone there?” she called out. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when a figure stepped out of the shadows.

“It’s just me Jade.”

“Christ Mike, you scared the hell out of me.”

“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to.”

“Where is everyone?” Jade asked, suddenly feeling uneasy.

“They’re all gone for the night, it’s just you and me here.”

She started walking towards the door. “I’ve got to go.”

“I’ll give you a ride home,” Mike said as he walked to her.

“No, don’t bother, I’ll call for a cab.” Taking her phone she was shocked when he grabbed it from her hand

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. You have to come with me, we’re going for a little drive.” He grabbed her arm but let go when she kicked him and started running.

Before she made it to the door he grabbed her from behind, holding a knife to her throat. “Don’t make this any harder Jade.”

The steel of the blade against her skin felt cold. She put her hands on his arm, praying he wouldn’t kill her. “Why are you doing this?” she cried out. “Oh my God, it was you all along. You killed Trevor and set Kenny up.”

“That little creep made it so easy when he showed up at Trevor’s and used the main entrance where the cameras would capture him. I used the other elevator. You know which one I mean, the one you used that goes right into his apartment. Kenny made it so easy for the cops to suspect him.”

“Tell me why you are doing this, I never did anything to you.”

His mouth went close to her ear. “I hate that I have to kill you, Jade, I’ve always liked you. Maybe if you had gone out with me instead of brushing me off none of this would be happening.”

“You’re doing this because I turned you down, that’s insane.”

“That’s not the only reason, it’s also for money, a whole lot of money. Now be a good girl and stop struggling. I wouldn’t want to cut this beautiful little neck of yours now would I?”

As he dragged her she cried out. “You blew up the cottage and shot Zane.”

“Yeah sweetheart, that was all me. If only you and that cop hadn’t gone out that night this would all be over. Since your lover was always hanging around there was no way of getting you alone so he had to be taken out. I missed the pig. No problem though, I have you now. Don’t cry baby, I’ll make sure you have a quick death with little pain.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

“You’re going to take a trip over a cliff. Can you see the headlines now? Famous model, drunk falls off a cliff.”

“You’re crazy, this will never work. I’ve not been drinking and how would I get there as I don’t own a car?”

“Oh, we thought of that and rented one in your name.”

“We, who else is involved?” she asked, struggling as he tried steering her towards the door.

“Never mind that, let’s go.”

Outside the studio:

Zane and Joe parked the car and got out.

“It doesn’t look like anyone is here,” Joe said and tried the door, it was locked. “What are you looking for? he asked Zane.

He picked up a cigarette butt and looked at it, then at Joe. “It has a brown tip, I saw Mike smoking this last time I was here.”

“You think Mike is the killer?”

“Maybe, and if not he knows who is. Open the door, Joe.”

“It’s locked.”

“Joe, I know you, you can get it open.”

Joe smirked and pulled out what looked like a file. Seconds later the lock clicked open and they entered. Hearing Jade scream they pulled their weapons.

“You go around that way,” Zane said pointing. “I’ll go this way, you stay low as a backup.” His gun pointed he crept slowly down the corridor in the direction her scream came from. It tore at his heartstrings knowing someone was hurting her. He rounded the corner just as Jade came from inside one of the doors, being dragged by Mike who was holding a knife to her. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Let her go,” he yelled, pointing the gun.

“Fuck,” Mike swore. “Why are you always around? Put your gun down or I’ll slit her pretty little throat.”

“You’re not going to do that, you need her to get out of here alive.” He looked into Jade’s eyes and saw the fear in them. “Has he hurt you?”

A tear slid down her cheek. “No, but he’s not working alone,” she answered.

“Shut your fucken mouth,” Mike hissed.

“Who are you working with?” Zane asked, watching to make sure the knife wasn’t touching her skin. He had to try and stall Mike, had to find out who else was involved. “You’re a smart man, you know this isn’t going to end well for you. Let her go and I promise I’ll see they go easy on you.” He could see Mike was starting to sweat.

Just then Joe showed up, pointing his gun. “Drop it,” he shouted.

Mike looked from one cop to the other, he licked his lips nervously.

“There’s two of us, there’s no way out, so save yourself,” Joe barked.

Mike dropped the knife and let go of Jade.

Once free she ran to Zane who wrapped his arms around her, holding her as she sobbed, her tears wetting his uniform.

“I’ve got you now, you’re safe,” he said, cupping her chin and lifting her head up so that she had to look at him. He placed a kiss on her lips, not caring that it was unprofessional. She clung to him, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and relief.

Just as Joe was about to cuff Mike the sound of a woman’s voice rang out. They all turned to see her pointing a gun at them.

“Take their guns, Mike,” she ordered.

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